W,if4rWV'tF rf a - v UK's"-' EIGHT PAGES PAGE SSVETI DAILY EAST OREGQNIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1917. mm Daily Chats With the Housewife Chick Fo I li!feJ4 t I r. mi zu i fx, i m h HimYrTfir' .111:1 r hi m,m m. j w m m 1 arNi. -wr 9 a The best insurance for the baby chicks Its not what you hatch Its what you raise Laying Tonics, Lice Killers, Etc. E3: Colesworthy's 1 Baled Hay, Oats, Rolled, Barley ' Etc. E2 m 3 CHOP MILL Alta and Cottonwood Phone 134 state of Ohio, Cltj of Toledo, . I.iiru ?ountv. SB. Prank J. Cheney makes oath that ho kt eeatur partner of tne ririn or v. j. uenn, A ir doini bnilnw In th City of Toledo 1 otinry ana huh sinresnia, iub m.i firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDKKl lim,L,AIU for sacs ann every , terrk that cannot bo enred by the uss ol HAI.I8 CATABKU CliKK. VUHKH I Hwnm to before ma and subscribed la B, presence, tola ".in day of December, A I Meal) Notary I'oblle. liall'a Catarrh Cure- la taken Internally and arU throiiKb the Blood on the Mucoue Karfares of the System. Send for teetl siaolsla. frea. . , K J. CHBNBT CO., Toledo, O. Hold by all druamleta. Tie. ; tlsll's Family lHls for constipation. NOTICK OP PAYMENT Of MTV OP l'KSDI-ETON niPUOVKMET liONIK Notice ia hereby ijiven that City f Pendleton Improvement Bond No. 1J Series K. will be paid upon presenta tion thereof to the umlcrelmud at The Amrrlrnn National Bank. Pendleton. Umatilla t'ounty. Oregon. Interest on mud Hond ceases April 1. lee MOonHornr. Trons.. City of Pendleton. Hy W'm. Mlckclsen. Deputy. The Best Place in Town to Get CANDY la at the atore "what has" the "WHITMAN'S-1 sltn. Nobody In America makes candy Ilka "WHITMAN'S." Othera have tried, ara atlll trylnir. but they can't do It WHITMAN'S" atanda for the best, A bolt of "WHITMAN'S" CAN DIM ara revelation to peopl who don't know thalr goodness. T&llman & Co. Leadta-Druihrti HIGH SCHOOL NEWS The first night of track season saw fifteen men out on the turf, among them some very promising; materia, for the hlKh school team this year. Olen Huey, veteran track man. and one of the team's best ptfint winners is rapidly recovering1 from his 1 cent 11 tiles and It Is hoped he will be able to take part In the bin meet to be held here this year. An a KhoelUngr example the old, un lapiented conra should prove of materia! assistance to the new con. gross. TRY IT AND SEE! Lift your corns or calluses off wlthflnsersl Doesn't hurt a bit! A noted K Cincinnati chemist dlacov- ered a new ether compound and calf ed It freesone and it now can be had In tiny bottles as here shown for a few cents from any -drug store. You simply apply a few drops of- freesone upon h tender corn or painful callus and Instantly the soreness disappears, then shortly you will find the corn or callus so looee that you- can just lift 1; oft with the fingers. 11 No pain, not a bit of soreness, either when ap plying freesone or after ward and It doesn't eevn JrriTnte the ?kfn. Hard com, soft coma, or corns be tween the toes, also uniKhened cmI- I uhom Just shrivel ut and lift off i easy.. It is wonderful! Seem magical. It works like a charm, Genuine free- sons' has a yellow label. Don't accept any except with the yellow label. if CHICHESTER S PILLS y &f As " Vranli . 111 la In He-si ftod iloM MrtAlluA I fclC. amiH Willi Bit RitabuB. Sj Vv 1 Tfc mm mr- Hut tTiN T IAMH It KAN It IMLL-A.fr SA SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVLRYWW.RC it fS r ARE YOU UP-TO-DATE OR DO YOU STILL USE THE OLD FASHIONED BROOM IN YOUR HOUSE CLEANING? BE UP-TO-DATE and un An DectriG Vacuum leaner NO DUST NO ODOR SANITARY HEALTHFUL COSTS LESS THAN ,c AN HOUR Your Electrical Dealer or Pacific Power & Light Company PHONE 40 TLTtNIP PATTHiS. Orw quart maahed turnlpa, 1 pint maahed potatoea, 2 beaten egg yolks, 1 teaspoon eugar, t rounding table apoona butter, pepper and aalt to taste. Put through a aieve and mix well. Form Into flattened pattlea. roll in cracker or bread crumoa, dip In beaten egg, then crumb again, and fry in a hot, buttered apider. Serve on hot platter, garnlehed with bit of celery. The turnips' must be dry after mashing.' This is quickly and thor. oug-hly dwne by making; a hole down the center, of the kettle and laying in a cleancloth to absorb the watec TOASTKD SAJUnVICHKS. For a filling for white bread sand wiches, use equal proportions of but ter and Underwood's deviled ham, creamed together.- Remove the crusts, cut the sandwichee diagonally, and when ready to serve toast on both aides. Serve hot. niJfJfBB ESf CARSEROW5. lfne the bottom of a casserole or bake dish with I 1-2 pounds rouni steak, cut in pieces. Cover with a layer of sliced onions, about 1-2 box of boiled macaroni, and a layer of po- , tatoes peeled1 and quartered. Sprin i kle salt, pepper and flour on top ot i each layer. Cover all with 1 quart : of strained tomatoes. Bake 1 1-2 hours. Keep covered during first hour, then remove cover and brown. , This will serve 6 persons. - ' via whip. Steam 4 large figs until soft, then cut into small pieces. Beat the whites of 3 eggs until dry, then beat In alternately 1-3 cup powdered su gar, a pinchi of salt and figs, with 1 tablespoon lemon Juice. Pour into buttered ramekins and "bake until firm. recorate with small pieces of uncooked figs. May be served with cream and sugar. RJSSOL-Efi OP FISH. Mix 2 cups cooked fish with l-l cup white sauce, 1 teaspoon choppeo parsley, 3 tablespoons grated cheese, 1-2 teaspoon salt and 1-4 teaspoon pepper. . Roll out pastry, cut into large rounds with a cutter. Place a portion of the mixture in the center of each, wet the edges with water and fold over the pastry. Brush over with beaten egg, roll In bread crumbs and fry in deep hog fat- Drain and serve, garnished with parsley. s S3 11 II fey f: i ; -- if t4 . v mi 2 ..'a- H 'J - i 4 i I , 4 , ah 1 1 1 1 1; v.rv 11 iSthnrn ..j .. .' ... " . - . . vK TmnifftmTTTTTtTtTl FTTtTlf VALE5KA SURATT-&rrhorI William FOX. IIM'KAHIXti TODAY IN "T1IR NKW VOl'.K PE-COtTC.'' PASTIME. HOG SHORTAGE GREAT; POIiTUXB, March 15. With the sreutest ehortHKe in the run of hogs at American livestock centers, and with the greatest demand for pork roducvs, packing interests of the country are today faclns a condition rnpamllrled in the hist-iry of the in dustry. Jlcrc in the I'acific coaft. that few years aao was a luer of several million dollars worth of provisions from the eaet each year, the east is yinu with the coast buyer for the aupplies of packers. Hillte soles of pork products to the eastern states have been made not only by Portland but other Pncific coast packers of late, and a continuation of the de-. mand Is generally cxiiected for an extended period. The country Is facing its Breatest famine ill hoc uroducts. and packet-t are today unable to fill the demand promptly. Withdrawals fr-nn stor- ace are the heaviest In the history of the Industry; the surplus now lieins: nominal. l!o;i Si ll at HI I.3.V There was really just one load of top.. quality hoits on tne .ortn i-on-!nn.d nen market for the day. al ihoiiKh some Willamette valley stock came forward on iranteed prices. Robert MeOrow - i;oldendale had In the good stuff, and It was quickly ai-apped up by packers at SI 4.3",. the former eltreme prli-e here. Trend of the entire hog trade t North Portland is extremely strong. and full prices are continued. Hulk of the recent sales of ordinary qual ity have been around tl414.HI. (ienersl hog ran: Heavy packing !4.2i. 14... Best light 14.1I4I 14.15 Hough heavy 1S.i I J.5 Plga !5.7S 11 en 8t.x-kera ll.0 ll.sa I'Mllr Situation Sti-ady. dituallon In the cattle trade l steady, with a small run reported in the North Portland yard over nlKht. Demand for cattle Is best in medi um quality stuff. There Is no real weakness for any offerings, although killers are less keen atamt taking hold of extremely select stuff -r very poor quality. 0nernl cattle market mnse: Prime hesrv beef steers. . Prime light- be.f steers. .& ts fhotce bef cows T."5Sr S.ss Best heifers f0 "rdlnnry to o.-d row... S 7.TS Prime heavy butcher hulls .;S I J". 1.1 !ht bulls r..i ".a f'alvcs 7.ii la.-6 Kl.M t,er-fe-Ml r ste, rs . T".. St... I., r-f.--.l- r c.e. .... r..o Mw-i't Hon l Vimiinsl. OiU a li'lv m.mtit.l r in of si.h- Was phw!i In the luutt.-ll ttil..n ta ttle North Portland yards over night, j Trend of the trade continues to .Khow a firm tone, with former values j nominally continued. There was ; nothing available .to test the trade , during the day. j Ooneral mutton and lamb market: j Best east of mountain ! lambs 113. 0(Hl 13.25 'Pest valley lambs 1 2.4t 1 3.00 Wethers 11. ;5t 12.00 ! Ewos 9.001 8.75 i lion's 4.25W 4.50 i Wednesday I.lveMtJM'k shipiMYS. Hous Koltert McCrow. Ooldendale. ; Wash.. 1 load; O. 1-. Hembree, Mon ' mouth. 1 luad. t'attle It. Kmmett. Hillsboro, I load. i ' Cattle and calves J. M. McFad- den. tVirwIlis. I load. i i Exposure and Wet reet go hand in hand with the cold germ. . They're a couple of cold spreaders. When they get you, it's sniffle, sneeze, sore, raw throat, tight chest and you feel afl stuffed up-you know. Get busy! Don t wait tall you get flat on your back and lose several days from your work, its expensive and dangerous. Go right into the first drug store you come across and ask the man behind the counter for a bottle or Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs and colds. He'll know ; chances are he has sold it ever since the day he opened up. ; " Dr. Kings New Discovery has been recommended and sold by .druggists for nearly half a century-that s some record ! ' But the satisfaction it gives is what makes it so popular and you'll like it too. Dr. Kings New Discovery eases yourcough soothes your tired throat and bronchial tubes, checks the cold and makes you feel like yourself agam. 1 ry it to-day. Mixed stuff W. S. Jones, Washou gal. Wash., 1 load cattle, calves and hogs; F. B. pecker. Silverton, 1 .load cattle, calves and hogs; A. S. McFee. Ceres. Wash.. 1 load cattle and sheep. Gum Shoe Bill i evidently the Stone that the builders of national policy ought! to have rejected but did not. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Telia How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! HOT WATER THE BEST LIVER AND BOWEL MEDICINE HWH iSS OF HOT WATnt'HK MUK liltKAKFAr WASHfrK IHISXS t'ltOM hYTKM. 1 ' h ymcwnii t h world over rwim mend Ihw inside bath, cisJmlnir this I of vsstly more Importance than outside deanllntw. because the akin imrs do not iaorte Impurities Into the blood, ciuftlnfr 111 tiealth. whih the Mree in the ten yard of bowel do. v Men snd women are tinted 'to drink each muminfC. beore breakfast a irliuw of hot -rater with a teanpoon ful of limestone phaphatr In It. as a harmlew means of heltn to wash from the wtonmch. liver, kidneys snd bnwelM the reious dar's lndls:eatihle mnterinl, pl)ms, anur bile and to Ins ; Ihu elf a nsi nit. swaeteni na and purtfyina the entire slimenturx r-n nal before putt inn more food Into th rtmnsrh. Jm tk and hot water cleanse and freehen the akin, no hot water nnd limvt!iie phoephnte act on the diminutive nnmna. Thowr who wake ap with bad hrenth. routed ton rue, nanv tte or he n dull. arhln hesd aatlnw rm. ptfKfon. add stimarh; othera who aT itert to tnliHi MtttckA ir eoni pHtton. ehould ttHmln a quarter pound of I i m tout one phoahate at the druc Min Thl ii ct ver littl- rut i PtiffM ittM to d nioivFTrnte the vslue f itit1 ltithn Trw who continin It r t h rpfim are pord of rr nttimt.i r-tii(. tT in rttrd t" Health and apearsnce. n one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will flear and you can breathe fraely. No more hawklnfr. snuffling, blowing. headache, dryness. No strupTPlinK for breath at niRht; your cold or catarrh will be (tone. Get a small bottle of Ely's cream Halm from your drutfjiis now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, heatfnt? cream in your nostrils. II penetrates througrh every air pas a&tro of the head, soothes the inflam ed or swollen mucous memtorune and relief comes Instantly. Its Just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh Re lief comes so quickly. KiihiKciiaes Are iHsned1. Fubpoenaes were being given b District Attorney Keator yesterday t-i the sheriff for service. They are Co summon witnesses before the jrraiil jury which will meet on March 23- Uarmth and Economy go hand in hand with those who use our ROCK SPRINGS COAL Lump or Nut Dry Wood of All Kinds B. L. BURROUGHS Telephone S 1 ' ' sssasssssss ft CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y i ATTORNEYS. AT r W BAILEY. ATTORNEY Law. Rooms I, t. . Despaln Bid. GRORGB W. OOtTTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Room IT. Schmidt block. CARTER sV SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Offlos In rear of American National Bank bulldlnc FEB A FEB. ATTORHNTS AT LAW. unice ia Assspajai uu.miu.. JOHN W. RUFF. ATTORNET-AT-lw. Room I. Asaertou Natloei al Bank baDdlBC. R t K BATOR. ATTORKET AT Law. Room l. Bsatth-Oawfor Bui I dins. S. A. RgWBIWltT. ATTORNET AT Law. Bmttk-Oawfora Hal mis PETERSO? BtSHOF. ATTOR neva at law; rooms I and 4. Bmtth Crawfoni build In. JAMKS R. PERRY. ATTORNEW AT Uw. Offln over Taylor Hardware company. RALKY RALKY. ATTORKXT9 AT law. Office n Amertcaa National l uk Bulldlnc FUFDERIOK FTF1WER. ATTOR ney at law. Office in Smith-Craw ford bulldinc & A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY A-Nl counsellor at Uw. Office la Ie spaln bulldinc. ' TVSSHAIi DIRECTORS. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORI Funeral director and licensed east balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morrue and funeral cars. Caji responded to day or nlcht. Comas Mala and Water streets, Telephoa JOHN a BAKER. FUNERAL Dl rector and Heeaaed embalmer. Ofj nMtt. uwfArnm. Fn at satIat two funeral oars. Calls responded U oajr or aisrnt. s-koims a. MONTANA FARM LAND. NORTHERN PACIFIC RA1TWA1 Landa la vest era Montana at ts.tt te (It per acre. Suitable for tannine or sraatBaT. Easy tanaa, For rafor snatlon write or as W. K. HoK. MUat Cltr. Mnataask tNSVRA.NCE AXI LAND BCSIXXSV BENTLEY MONTOOMERY, SEaIi mate, fire, life and accident Insur ance stents, tit Main street. Phone ft. AUCTIONEERS. COL, W. F. YOHVKA, AUCTION eer. makes a spdattr of farmers, stark and machinery salea. 'Th saaa thai seas ron the meaer. Teaia orders at East Orearoalaa office. ARCHITBCT. RAYMOND W. HATCH. ARUeM- tact. Deepala Butldtnc. ?tt. Peadletoa. Oratoa. fKAX.D HAND DLMtHRA IN NEVB V. eTROHLE. DEALER aad second hand paid for all tad-haad roods. j est place te bur household cooes. xa B. Court, ( hose J71W. m i9CiaxAiraxrs. WANTED OLD FALSE TEBDTH. Don't matter If broken. 1 pay tl. to It per set. Mall to L. Muer. JS7 S. rtfth Street. Philadelphia, Pa Will send cash by return mail. DOCTORS. DR. S A. HOK. PRACT1CM LIMIT. I ted to the ere. ear, boss) aad throat. Charity patients l.t and ird Hatardaa moraines, tl Judd Hullajns. MIM H.1A lot n. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT DC LEOAL BLANKS Or EVERT tW rr ptloa for county court, circuit sceptics for county court. drca .xnn. Justice court, reel ena-e. stc court. lustLe court, real estate, e tor sale at Eat Orecuolaa orftca. ! for sale at East Orefaaiaa efflea.