TEN PAGES PACE EIGHT DAILY BAST ORRGON1AN. PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1917. ACTED AS ESCORT TO VICE-PRES. MARSHALL QOEOOO TIIEATHE FRIDAY, Mar. You may he famous for SELWYN'S GALE OF LAUGHTER A Farce of Temperament and Temperature ' your cooking, or just a "beginner In Either Case if. 1 now ZL YEAR IN Prices 50c. Seals oa Sale Thond.;, Marvti 8 IK, A Usual Selwyn Cast and Production Hong Kong Cat o aK SOODIJ. PAMORa Noodles AND Chop Suey mith Tray (Men a Bpectetty. Boxes for ladles aad geoti.mon. OPBN DAT AND ALL. NIGHT Meal TVoksta. 91 Meaia for M M aanlal Ctalekaa Dinner Bendaye. 548 Main Street Mast . O. BM. Phone ARMAND'S The only NEW face powder in tf past 50 years Oh r?e., there are man v. many kn.d of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Hare It. The Best Place in Town to Get CANDY Is at the store "what has" the -WHIT.MIVS" sign. Nobody In America makes candy like "WIIITM ASPS." Others have tried, are still trying. Iut they can't do It- IIITMAVS" sisada for the best A bos of "WHITMA.V8" CAMMH are revelations to pr-ople wbe doa't knew their goodness. Tollman & Co. 11.00. 11.50 to A. Delta Candjr Store. GiRIS! THICKEN AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AND STOP DANDRUFF TUT THIS! VOHl HAIR CHTS WAVY. (i)HS- AXD ABI NT- ' " ANT AT ONCE. , . - To b possessed of a head of hears-, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fMTfr, wavy and free from dandruff la sura, ly a matter of lining a little Daater ine. r ' It is easy and Inexpensive to aav nice, soft hair and lou of It. Jas get a 2 6 -cent bottle or Knowlton'a Daa derine now all drug stores recant -mend it apply a little aa directed aad within ten minutes there will sVu appearance of abundance, freshness, fluffiness and an incomparable class and lustre, and try as you wtti-yea can not find a trace of dandratr or falling- hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeka ase, when you will see new hair fine and downy at first yes but reatlr new nair sprouting- out all over rear scalp Danderine la we believe, tin only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy acale and It never fails to stop falling' hajij a once. . If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is mo stem a. cloth with a little Danderln and care-, fully draw it through your nalrtaa: ing one small strand at a time. Tour hair win be soft, glossy and toeasrttrul in Just a few moments a deUghtful surprise awaits everyone who this. S-i!ie people half 1 "n epeaklne terms consciences. 'he time SI with their not own i i A man never knows how many fool I ideas he ha until after he baltds a house according to his own plans. 4 , True happine In a re fleet loa, of the happmes you have given to oth- "Kie-Yie-Yie! Get ' Me 'Gets-It' Quick" X lmpr Make Cora F-.II" OtT! ' I Joints tlv VfTfr Anil rdu Vwr arain !ll I n anj.ilitaa; far ra but "i'rr -1 1 " I'm 2 drop- of 'Jeta-1 1" on. and from that ; md t in com terla to xhrif-H. lBtd of w fifing up Ilk a lit- I aw "'.aria-It" a-Bad II W a arr: ! f ! whit? tpnnc The It Uromum trmm yw tsa- mn4. ri'MT b!lfti)ah! tf car r mm ntt mm (lxGKb w d a slat cff , jir hjuid : Vaa. ";ra If t th con dtf .iwrf k th a M'r -ta If U w4d tor mmmf : liDM I ha a aajr otltr mrra rt-jjr aa aa ' U ?. Try It aud II ksw tt ra and it lrre at - Tdat'a all. lM't am nriaaft - f !'- 1 1 ri "r irocf aallUaaw attd rva it - I "fia It" la mM Trjrtjrfcar, 2V a tl. or aat r--lit ' prk by B. faw- i tt .4 1- i'rtisH,Hi' fwmiTTv-rVd M th arrarM' bst -sra ra-ady Uf Taliaaaa at 1 w , atd I'endictoa Juroj;. f i R il I I '4i: 'f : - A s-uiivj-e owick Horesc trooper a Th Black Hone Troop of the Cul ver Military Academy, Culver, Ind., acted as guard of honor to . Vice President Marshall at, the Inaugura tion ceremonies at Washington on County Library NEWS NOTES BOSKS 10:00 tl 5:30 liC&T. 7 tl 9. -Sl'RDAYS 2 tl S There were thirteen meetings held in the library during February with a total attendance of SIS. The. larg est slnftla.attendance was on Febru ary -nth when the children of the first fotar grades of the 'Hawthorne. Unoeln and Washington schools gav. a'very eaarming Lincoln day program with its present. Many extra chairs sad benches were brought tn to ac commodate the children. Two beautiful flags have been loan ed to the library by Miss Frasier and tr. Schaefer and have fceen placed above the loan deBk In such a po sition that they may be seen from the walk outside the entrance doors where they are especially effective under the electrio lights. Lsbrarj Meetings. In order to make clear the oppor tunities offered at the County Library for public meetings and social gath erings, of various sorts, the County Court Issues the following statement: "IJbrary Hall, the club room and committee .room of the County library-shall be free to clubs and socie ties or committees having for their object the advancement of cotinty, city or national welfare, or whose purposes sa for the study of litera ture, art, philosophy, economics, sci ence or history- Public debate will be especiaUy encouraged. "If Ubrary Hall or the club room are used muni, a uhhips.- cost of lighting only will be made 01 rents snd 50 cents 'respectively. "HAWK" H0LKE IN ACTION V' 'HAWK' HOtKE HV' Holke, the Giants' yo'in, irt lhirtntn, who will be d?iet!-J up to fill Fred Merkl.'s sh-ei. araai saiiaa. viims March 6. This picture shows a type of the Culver Black Horse troopsr. The Culver cadets are considered by military men second only to the boys of West Point in ape-narance and effi ciency. "Paid entertainments will be al lowed at the discretion of the Librari an but rental of $5.00 for either cluh room or Library Hal will be charged in such canes. Library Hall will accommodate 2S0, the club room 70. and the committee room IS. Application for the use of any room should be made of the County Librarian In plenty of time to Insure a free date.' Monthly Report. Statistics for February, 1917. Book accessions . . : 80 Recfrtratloa or Header. Central, adult '. 59 Central, Juvenile IS 71 Branches 10S Total ; 174 Circulation. Central, adult .'.-.-. . . .-. .191 Central, Juvenile 7A8 2779 Branches, adult 2057 Branches, Juvenile 666 Rural .School 169 289S Total . 567l' Books sent .to rural schools.... 51 Books sent to branches 58 Catalog and shelf list cards made 70 Meetings. 18. total attendance... 916 Fines Colle1Ml Bit!, on hand Feb. 1. 1 917 .... 1 1 4.6 Receipts from fines . . 13.85, , . S8.60 Kxponse 13.46 Bal. on hand Mnr. V ISli Itrntnl t olkxtlon. Pill, on hand Feb. 1, 1H17. Monthly recelptH .15.0I . .11.1. sr. 2.H6 Y"' 7-, (iymmntvill I wh'i-h he did so capably last fall af'er i Merkle was traded to the Dodgers for list, h-r Misrty. The plrture-show. ll.(.Kr lu action at Marlin, Texas. w Expenses 7.40 l!ul. on hand Mar. 1. 1917 I 51 Branch Circulation. Milton 589 Athens '. (60 Weston 498 Freewater 4.3 1 Hermiston 194 Echo 1S9 Adums 88 Stanfield 86 Helix 1 Ferndale 66 Pilot Rock 1 L'mapine . . Total . -. .270J "WASTE NO FOOD," MAYOR ASKS RICH Extravagant New York Target for Appeal to Bring Down High Coat of Living. NEW YORK. March . An appeal ( 'to the rich and well-to-do of New Tork city" to "buy carefully, to eal moderately and not ta waste sny food at all" was Issued tonight by Mayor Mltchel's food supply committee Ir the hope, it was announced, of reduc ing the prices to consumers The committee, of which George W. Perkins is chairman, called atten. tion to the needs of "the thousands of people in this city who are working on dairy wages or salaries or who have small fixed Incomes." "These people," the appeal said "are not actually starving, but be cause of the very high prices of fooj they In most cases are unable to se cure as much food as they really neea They do not want charity, but they do want an opportunity to buy a suffi cient amount of good, wholesome food at reasonable prices." It was asserted that In many homes, hotels, restaurants and clubs a large amount of food la not only wasted, "but In countless ease more food Is eaten thnn Is necessary by people who have ample funds." COUNT ZEPPELIN IS DEAD OF LUNG FEVER tsONTK)NT, March 9. Count Zeppelin is dead, according; to a 4 dispatch from Herlin recelvid ty Reutpr's TeleRram comflny. Ac- d cordtnir to a Berlin telegram transmitted by Renter's A muter- d dam corre-pondi-rtt, fount Zep- Pl(n died yesterday aftemo(n.iit Charlottenbunr, near lierlin, or d inflammation of the ping. WOMAN NOW IN PERFECTHEALTH What Came From Reading a Pinkham Adver tisement. Paterson. N. i.- "-1 thank yoo for the Lydia E. Pinkham remi dies as they 1 huve made me well and healthy. Some time spfo felt so run dovn, had paina in my back and side, was very Irregular, iirci, nervous, had 8u h bad dreams, did rut feel like eat in? end had short brerth. I n od jour advertisement in the newspapers and r 1 1 . 1 1 : - v-: dncided to try a bottle of Lyuia E. Pink ham' Vegetable Compound. It worked from the first bottle, so I took a second and a third, also a bottle of Lydia E. Hnkham's Blood Pcrilier, and bow I am just s' T.C: ti any other woman. I ad vise cvr-7 wt.:. an, single or married, whaU troublud r. iiii any of t'ie afore. aaid ailments, to try yoor wonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and I am sure they will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did me." Mrs. Elsie J. Van ikr Sands, 86 No. York ,SL, Paterson, N. J. Write the I.ydis K Tinkhsm Medicine rVv Icunfidi.ntjsl I Ivdil Masa if oa 'need siecisl tiiwice. - EC Baking Powder will help you. Its goodness recommends FARMERS IN FINN DISTRICT GET READY FOR THE SPRING WORK Some Retveedinc Will Hare to Be Done on Account of Late Fall. (Fast Oregontan Ppeolal.) There has been about Trur Inches of snow on the ground and the young folks have been enjoying sleigh rid ing but now It looks like spring la coming. The people In the neighborhood are getting ready for their spring work. There will have to toe some reseenlnj done on account of the late fall. Mrs. John Korwola and children of Long Valley, 'Idaho, are visiting their Most Effective Remedy Mother Had Ever Used DR. 'AIJWFU.'8 6YRFP PRP8IN iu-:urvi HABY WIIK.V OTHKM M KIICI'K FAUJCIX There is nothing so necessary to a child's health and comfort as regir larity of the bowels All children are especially susceptible to stomach trou ble and any overstrain or the sensi tive organs has a tendency to obstruct elimination. This condition la respon sible fsr much or the illness of child hood. To relieve constipation a mild lax ative should be employed. Cathartics and purgatives are violent In 'their action and should be avoided. Mra, AlfredDu Bols. Mt. Holly, N. J., save Dr Oildwell's Syrup Pepsin Is with out doubt the most effective remedy for constipation she has ever' nsed nnd that it is the only remedy she could find for her baby. IJttle Earl was badly constipated during his first yead and nothing she tried seemed to help him until she got a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Fepsln Now he Is a fins, strong, healthy boy, and she thanks Dr. Caldwell for It. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup pepsin Is a combination of simple laxative herlu with pepsin, free from opiates or nar cotic drugs; it arts gently ithout griping or other discomfort, and ap- ATTENTION to tho details of our customers' needs is a pleasure to th officers of this institution. Wo are prepared to complete trans actions in any part of the world. For eign remittance are promptly execut ed by mail, cable or wireless. Travelers cheques. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Resources Three and a Half Millions PENDLETON SECURITY ?iriiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHitiiiiiiui'- I koopCes, chop SUEY. CIIiriA DISHES I I GOEY'S uiiiuiirrmniriiiiiiiuiiuiuiiiiuiiMiiiuiniiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiititiiiiiiuiinittiiuiinuS PPP7 WW Ml mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Darts and John Hants la visit ing relatives and friend. Iroin Long Valley, Idaho. Mrs. John Planting la very sick with rheumatism. Klmer HenddrldnMn haJ just fin ished banding hie- new barn. Ben Hendrlckson la retting ready to build a new barn oa his ranch. Arthur Harala from Pendleton, has been visiting his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Pern Davis. Government toy complications Is the king the professional politicians pre fer. If a girl works hard to obtain a husband that la no sign sha will work tor him afterward. peals to children because of Its pleas ant taste. Druggtsta everywhere sell It for fifty cents a bottle, and every mother should have it la the bouse for us whsnevar occasion artsea,' To avoid Imitations and Ineffective substitutes, always be sure to ask for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Bee that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell' sig nature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton In which the bottle is packed. A trial bottle, rree of charge. I can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 466 Washington St., I Montlcsllo, Ullnola. iwV, jiy1:;:! '!i'!'!!i KWONG HONG LOW llW-4 Alts St.. UMtaln. Phoes aU