EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1917. PAGE EIGHT iaiiiMiii mniiiiiiiiHiiiHiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiininiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiK Seed Potatoes early six weeks american wonder burbanks COLD COIN EARLY ROSE BLUE EARLY OHIO EARLY NORTHERN REMEMBER US FOR YOUR SEED POTATOES COMPLETE LINE OF SEEDS AND ONION SETS GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28 823 Main St. itWRUIIHIIIIHIIIII lllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllUIIIIIUlllllllllllll Illllllln LADIES! Your tiit it is here, at the price you want to pay; the style will be right. 'm and fabric as good as money -. ill buy. No store in Pendleton (the' best city of its size in America) will give you better values nor ' a wider range' of styles than this, the best "little store" in, , the northwest: We have the "Big Stock" of Ready-tjWearl Will you let us show you. " . ! The "Poiret" Store " storage battery! Service Sta Hon Five Great Navies Have Endorsed GOULD BATTERIES Tht-re in a Gould for your enr that you rely on. not merely liecau.-e it i made by buildt-rs of Batteries for baltici-hips and sub marintM. but lxrau -r the rt-li.'.i.ility is a gen eration old, i harn f ri.-ti'- ol Gould Batteries. rKKPA RL'UXESS U the keynote of our ser vice. We can furnish rer:oual part." for any battery or a fiew Guld Battery for any car. Drive' around here today and let us take a look at your battery ten minutes and no t harge. Pendleton Auto Co. Only One SYra ist Month. There was only one tiro in Pendle ton last month, according to Chief Kingold'a monthly report, the lo be ing about 160. Bight hundred feet of hose wm laid. Sells neppier Papa1. Word has been received from George !. Pearce, formerly of this city, that ha has sold the Heppner Herald te U. A. Pattison of Castle Rode ua that he Intend going to Madras te negotiate for the Pioneer. Oilct SayM Clean t'lK "Now that the snow is gone It la p. good time to clean up your premises .ays Fir Ohler Ringold. He Is par ticularly Interested In the removal ot all debris of a combustible nature as such material Is often responsible for fires. Who she Um Mule? ' Someone killed a mule and hauled the careaaa on to the city property adjoining the cemetery, according to Councilman II. J. Taylor, and at his sjutanoe the poUce have been In structed t Investigate to learn who was responsible. It Is the intention to prosecute the guilty person. Several funding Permit. Two permits have been issued for changes in the Association Building, one for the putting In or a new front and one for a partition change on the second flood. "A permit has been Is sued for putting In a glasa Partition In the Bklund shoe store . A permit has also been issued to Birdie Oliver to construct a small stone building on Maple street. Bain or Snow Promised. The following special stockmen a Mthr forecast waj received this morning from Portland by Supervisor Cryder of the Umatilla forest: "Con tinued unsettled weather with rain or enow Indicated today. Friday and Saturday without much change in temperature or very high winds. Should conditions become more threatening will advise later. Opens Tailor Shop. Jacob Brand, who for the past five lyeera has been connected with the tailor shop of John JMepert, wiu open a shop of his own at 11 East Court tree In the location Just va cated by the Matlook-Laata Invest ment Oo. Mr. Branai, wno nas oera In business for himself before, will do a general tailoring buslnes as well as cleaning and pressing. Adding MsrhliM Takes Fire. There was a llttie flurry of excite ment In the First National Bank last evening when the celluloid keys caught ire from some unknown cause K was after banking hours but the clerical force was still working. It Is Relieved ahat a coal from the initnr-H nine fell on the Inflam mable keys. In a minute the whole top of the machine was anre, me flames shooting up four feet The rire was easily extinguished. Recorder's Monthly Report. During the month of February JJ ,m.ii...- umit. vm irsued. accord ing to the monthly report of Recorder Fits Gerald. The value of the Im provements Is approximately 117.610 Four hundred lineal feet of sidewalk was laid. 14 plumbing permits Issued and six burial permits. There were IS cases In police court, ten resulting fn fines, five In forfeited ball, five In lari sentences, one suspended sentenre and one continued. The fines for the month totaled 1317. Haw Kvulcnces of congestion. In returning tnrougn '' . , uta ,Hu r tn Texas Roy Buchanan, head of the dry goods de partment of tne i-eop:e i"- aw evidences of the tie-up of freight traffic which Is .making it difTxntlt to secure anything from tne east isear Montpelier. Idaho, he declares there Is about ten miles of freight waiting to be moved. Blockades have so tied up the roads that It Is elmost Impos- Istbte to move the freight. Kfcfe May filiate on Walk. Children on roller skate may skate on the sidewalks but they must keep off the pavement. This was the sen. timent of the city council last even ing. The matter of preparing an or d' nance to keep the children off the treets was brought up hut evening by OMincilmsn Phelpa With so many autos on the streets, rhlldres tm skatee are always in danger If thev wm the pavement for s rink. It waJ contended. Cert am objections to sk-itlne on the walks developed thst the elilldnn have some warm friends in the council. Councilman Murpht making it particularly ml'luu that he would not be a pnny to barring the 'tlds" from the walk a. llMiH-m rroan llliiew. Mrs. Spencer Bentley has recovered f;om an illness that kept her con fined to her home for some time past Apiiointed Administratrix.- Clara K. Clemons has been .ap pointed administrator of the estate ol her husband, the late B. I. Clemona The estate-1 valued at about ftSOO. 1lvurce is Granted, A divorce was grunted yesterday b5 Judge Phelps to the plaintiff in tht case .of Edna Mcl'herrin Bell vs. 1. A. Bell and she was given the custo dy of her child. - ' Series of Special Meeting- : I . ,1 1 . LJ. . .. .1 i- 1 , T V- neeiuuiug lie, in.uu. . - . . u. Snyder ot the Presbyterian church win conauct a series oi m-e-i.-ings every evening for a period of ten eveninga , KM) Empties In l-a (irando. There were 100 empty boxcars on the sidetracks at La tsraude yester day, according to E. B. Wood, chlet special agent of the O-W. ' The cars are for distribution among tho ship pers' of Oregon. Rarttman to preach. ' ' Rev. Vernal Backman, former Pen dleton high school student and who has been attending tne Divinity sen at Kugene, Is to preach Sunday morn ing at the Christian church in lieu ot Rev. H. H. Hubbell. .At the church last evening three new members were baptised by the Rev. Hubbell. Building a Foundry. Work on the construction of the foundry building for the Blewett Har vester Co. is how well underway and the structure will soon be completed. The building is located southwest of the company's -main building. The foundry will permit the company to do its own foundry work. " whereas last season owing to the late start had by the company K was necessary to hare the foundry work done else where. ' '-, - f ' I.ED SVFr-RACISTS. . 4 The United States Army pUcing order, now for 500,000 army .hoe. and the ame amount again in 30 d-ys, making 1 000,000 in all. Thi. i. not many, but with .uch a arc.ty t will mean quite a hole in the market. The .hoe. for next fall that are being .hown by the man. ufacturer are advanced in price anywhere from 60c to $1.50 wholeeale on a ..ngle pair over last year', market. Do you realize what you will have to Py for the familie. .hoe. next winter? A word to the wise is sufficient. The Golden Rule have not advanced their .hoe. to any great degree this year,' a. the other merchants have done. If you have the where-with-all, to do it, come in now and stock up at the present prices. Look these over. Men's iun Metal Drew Shoos 2.tlH to S5.R0 Men's Black Kiutllsh .Shoe - S5.R0 Men's White Sole Kiucllsh Sfl.R0 Men's Tan Kmtllxh shoe R-o Mcu's Hk Harvest Rime $3.SS Men's Mule Harvest Shoe. 1.7 Men's Cow Hide Work Shoe S2. to S5.2R Men's Hbro Sole llnrvext .HIlM S2.BH ! Klk Harvest Slme, 13 to 14 9l. Hoys' rlk Harvest Slim St4 to e..N. . - YOF CA.N DO BETTER AT Indies Blnx'k DreKH Shoo $. Idles' Plain Rid, 8 inch top . to M.ta Ijulies' latent, Button and I jut. . S3.R0 to S.5 Ijulh-a Patent, Cuban Heel IjmIU-m' White Top, black kid vamp. ...... SS.Se ldlra' Brown Vamp, doth Top 4.t Isidlee All-White Kid 7. MIhscm' rtwi Khoen 1.H to S.S tilrls' lmw Shoes tl.-IS to !!. Boys' School SIum-h !. Ut ., WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW Son Is Born. rn at St. -uTng at . E hospital this morning at 5 o ciock to Mr. and Jlrs. Tom KlUott of Nye. . . Contractor Retiovers. Fred Marsh, well known contrac tor who has been ill for some time, is able to be on the streets again. Committed to Hospital. Ben F. White of Athenu was to day exumlned and committed to the Kastern Oregon State Hospital. He was brought down last evening by W. K. Taylor. . " New District Meets. .School district No. 44. the newly created district on the reservation, vesterday held its first election and chose the following to serve untirthe annual meeting: Directors. Charles Cmbarger, Earl Klrkpatrlck and Charles fcterrell; clerk, Roy Foltx. The directors are now considering several sites for a school building and expect to build soon. . T manv cases are aetuallv owned or controlled 'by liquor Interests, the as sociation's committee report shows that police have no conception of their duty at dance halls; many po licemen are found drinking; fights are common; Indecent dancing pre vails after about 11 o'clock, although until they become Intoxicated, the dancers are usually orderly; minors, and often small ahlldren are permit ted to ibecome intoxicated, while par ents laugh at their drunken antics. At one dance, given by a church, as a "benefit affair, many little chil dren were found "outrageously drunk,' according to Mrs. Bomn'i report, and intoxicated women threat ended to mob a policeman who closed it gambling device being operated there. "Men and women become intoxi cated," says the report, "and dance indecently such dances as Wasklng the Dog.' "On the pussy's Tall,' "Bbak Ing the Shimmy," The Stationary Wiggle' and 'the Dip.' "At 106 of the ill halls Investigat ed, liquor was sold, and at Its of these minors were1 present." , lku;S jk . f V 1 - i , i N " ' . . liru-on Men Out for Track. Although track season In the high school does not formally begin until Monday, ten to fifteen men are turn ing Cut every evening. Judging from the amount of "pep" shown the cross country race to be held March 23 will be a lively affair. Manager Reed has secured three good medals for first, second and third places tn hls race. Abovu. fifteen men are expected to try for these medals. ' rpe, You Don't Know THAT "PEACOCK" COAL IS THE BEST on the market unless you have tried it out and Compared it with the coal you have been using as many of our firmly Convinced customers have done. Anyway, the winter styles have ac customed the world to the promised short Hklrted bathing suits. CHILDREN FOUND DRUNK IN CHICAGO DANCE HALL Even Church Affairs Sell quor and Permit Gambling. Yours for I WWEPMUD0F Quality Quantity Service CHICAGO, March . The Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago is fathering a bill In the legislature, pro hibiting the sale of liquor in danre halls, and providing a 1200 penalty I for violation. Charging that the ma jority of the dance halls are operated primarily for the sale of liquor, and In rpf LonerganCo 9. rtZFZrr.j - v- Mlss Henlah Anddon. Miss Beulah Amldon. the young .. v. I , u i-Mr chanued her ouiHan- from her home In North Dakota to California in oruer to . vote, was selected as tne stan dard bearer of the women or tne . Congressional I'nion, w ho marched on j the White House on the afternoon of March 4 to show the president the J strength of the demand for suffraue , on the day of his Inauguration. She I i.. sniH Vm the nrettVst girl In the I ranks.f the suffragists In Washing- . ton. ' Ta Conquer An Unruly Stomach TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters 'it Helps Nature Wonderfully. 'AcHieswin 01 ln-l"oacock" Phone 178j I Vmurn itUaaard la l aioa Co. ? almoxt like a trip from Iilrs Tor to eouthem Csif-rnla to tome frrm i n on county to f-ndletnn these days, aocor-lng to K. K. Cleaver who ret-imd last night from a trip ft Kti usyrlw and If. (irintl He weti'. over Hatorday and attempted to get te lnterps-i Hon-lay morning How ever, the snowplow was broken In iMiofcing 'ie snow bks-kade near 1m bler and he was forced o return to Im. Grande where a res-uiar biuarl raged during the day. All of the cots on the Joseph line were filled with SHsr, he va mifrni - were stranded In many pls' nd ! were msr .- drifts .r.fii to I" dew Kv ii last night wti'le In I.S Orande IhrVe h-er. he sys two nc half In. h-w of freh snow fell. It hole i-nunT has been nnfler snow ' conlinuoojity since November he f stalea. Cm ng s k te Peedisx.e h ' foand bot fw traces of snow and th '.mm shining wrm and tirghl'y M HOLDS EVERY WORTH WHILE RECORD T HE real thrill of spring's actual arrival will best .be realized by stepping Into our store arid trying on one of those beautiful new spring suits of , Bond Clothes SlStottS Edwin Clapp Shoes Knox, Strtson and Knapp Kelt Hat Keiser nd Cheney Neckwear Bond Bros. Mew's Os ss piste Officers Prndlrna-a lading tVt birrs. 2 ( s 5 There are no important -world's records which refer to a stock car that the Hudson Super-Six hasn't won. The best former records are too easy for the Super-Six. The events are too easily won. For instance, in the 24-hour recordi 1819 miles, it exceeded the best former record by 52$ . And the Super-Six made the best time in the world's greatest hill-climb up Pike's Peak. The best time for 100 miles. The greatest distance covered in one hour and the fastest time for a stock chassis at the rate 102 ' miles an hour. ' Here we prove again that the Hudson Super-Six has more endurance than we have ever claimed for it. What can be more convincing than that round trip across the continent made with a Hudson Super-Six light weight 7-passenger Phaeton? previous records were made with roadsters and stripped cars, but the Hudson at all times carried three, and sometimes four passengers, and with its baggage weighed in excess of 5,000 pounds. Remember that the Super-Six is a Hudson in vention controlled by Hudson patents. A hundred cars have motors of like cylinder capacity. Many cars have more cylinders. But in the Super-Six vibration has been reduced to almost nothing. Thiit adds 80', to efficiency. Cars here for immediate delivery. . Ak for demonstration. Oregon Motor Garage Incorporated. 3 117. II. 1X1. IU West Coert St. TelephesM 4es ?.ioti,"'''mMii"e',"i'"'"l,H',iff,"'",',fM'fMMmi'"stinMMS!i-stvtn'f!HiHiHsn"Himwnts-v5 l.iiiUiiiiUuiuitHuhiiiUitiiiiiimiilliiliiimHiiiiuli'.iitiuim 1 4