DAILY EVth'jSinO. wrTHry t Tonight and Thursday y Wealiwr Ihtfa. Harlmum 52; minimum 31: rnin lall .03; wfnd, went, IlKht; weather, partly cloudy. DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS The Eftit Oregon Inn hu the largest bona fide aiKl'tfunrunteod paid circulation of any paper In Oregon, ant of Portland and by far the largest circulation la Pendleton of any newspaper. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 29 DAILY EAST O REG ONI AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1917. NO. 9063 WILSON HAS POWER TO ARM MERCHANTMEN V CUBAN REVOLT RECEIVED AID FROM TEUTONS Direct Evidence of German Implication in Uprising is Secured by Police. LEADERS UNDER ARREST Piwilamatlon containing Statement, Uermanjr Promised Aid." la 1H- HAVANA, March 7. The police here claim to be In possession of di rect evidence, of Germany's Implicit, tlon In the Cuban uprising following the unet ot Dr. Luis octavlo Divino, a liberal leader, and two Cuban con gressmen. The police found a revo lutionary leaders' proclamation, con. tainlng the statement "Germany promked aid." Cuban officials have been actlvoly hunting- for German conspiracies here following the Zimmerman letter ea osure. They located an organisation railed the "Iron Cross." The revolu tion has collapsed. Rebel Leader Pe dro DolportAl surrendered. The pres ident declared the Santiago rebels must surrender d be "driven Into the PLANS ARE HADE TO ORGANIZE NATIONAL HONOR GUARD HERE Girl of Pendleton Will Re ceive Training in Red Croee Work and Other Essential, i SHOW MUCH ENTHUSIASM Flans are now underway to organ is a chapter of the National Honor tiuard In th city. Pendleton girls axe patriotic ji the way they have taken up this work proven. Information ' will 4e received from the slate chair. man, Mjss Lucille Ihtnforth of pin land. Mmetiine this wek. The dnw 1 are very email. Besidvs the tralnin;; rm elved In red cro-sa work, "wigwag- , King" and the other departinents. j there is also enjoyment in the worn Hikes will he taken and In the sum-, mer If possible a mountain camp will J he (stulnshed. All girls from seven- teen up are welcome. 'A thousand ' iimw rru-nilH-ni for Oregon" Is the mot to of the state chapters. Those wh-i axe especially Interestd In the' work and who will be instrumental In start ing the local chapters are Evelyn and Sydney HommervUIe, Ardis Calllson and Helen Can dish. "We want you." says Miss Mommervllle, "If you are willing to work and give us your spar time.' Anyone wishing any In. formation may call or see any of the ivhove. A meeting will probably he held sometime In the next two weeka, FIGHT TO OUST STONE UNDERWAY I'JJ'nUUNn March 7 N'rwspa IMirs have started the fight to ouxt Bmator Htone fr,nn the chalrmannhip of the forelan relations committee as a "prepMrerlne- meamire." The Plain Tealer ralli-d the flllbusterers "Ihe kauif-ra diuwi." It called none un trustworthy and not entitled to re The Vrrrm called 8lon" t' e "KaJner'a friend.' ani puhllnhcd pic tures of the rwelve fllllii!tercr-i with lt-Tiedlct Arnolds wT. I.oriH, Mr,h 7. Dftuocratlc Ward prKnnisatlons patAed a r,lu t on cnllirr Ptone s trnltor The T'Vt pat.-h demandda8tone's rMH:na Hon and raid If Htone did not rean the patriotic majority ahonlj -kick him est" t X0MM TtWft M NK IV nmo: dath im nrrtMiT ItBIU IW. Msrrl 7. VI Say. vtltwvt Ttnc fn-ll pr-r-w bnrr-ae snjjcd that anhmarlne re. pnru ISMlh-Blr-d that stilp tntaa. Iimt two bandn-l lho-aml tom were tmnk brt-asn Mnn-li fu a ad third. HOW THE BRITISH ARE r . -ft "Mo hi. r i v. .""AbJ "S if .HILL. V it " General Maude. British commander In Mesopotamia and conqueror of Kut-el-Amara. predicts the retreating Turks will reach Bagdnd only aa a disorderly mub. Driven from (a) . TJ Vs-S' Vv : 1 COMMERCIAL CLUB ENDORSES $6,000,000 ROAD BOND ISSUE The six million issue, to be voted dollar road bond upon by the peo pie of the state In June, was given an endorsement last evening; by the Pen-, die tn Commercial association at Its regular meeting;. There was no dis senting voices when the motion wui I'Ut. The endorsement wum secured with out any argument. He preventative K. W. Kitner presented the matter and asked for the endoiaement. He explained briefly the provisions of the measure and declared it would be the iH'Mt measure for. eastern Oregon that the people would perhaps ever have nn iiniuirlllnllv In vnla nimn 14a ol. mt ll.,r(,(, fLAf th f,., ,Ha. t... dl(,ton ha a representative upon the highway commission will be a factor WHOLE NATION AROUSED AGAINST FILIB US TERERS WKSST VIlUilMA TIIHKATKNS WHKEajNO. March 7 A hundred 'OUeineHs men wired Senator 1a Pol lens condemning the filibuster. La Pollens Is scheduled to lecture here. West Virginians threatened violence agulnat La Follette. OKLAHOMA KKN lS 8ITPOHT TO WILSON IN OtlSl.S tfKLAHOMA CITT. March t. Th legiHlature resoluted conlemning the iiuu-ier and telegraphed resolutions to President Wilson and the Oklaho ma congressmen. I-ATKIOTIO I-KAGt'lC MMIOLDS KKrl'HAlu OF 1IOHP1TAI.ITY ST. PAl'L. March 7. The Patriot if leuicue reeoluted confrratulatlng the Wheeling ctlxens for dmiying IvmiiI t.illty to La Pollete. vasimn";tox papkii chiiiifs KTICIKINta I'ltTl ltF. OK 8T.NK WASH1NOTON. March 7. The Titiife riin a picture of Senator Stone, over a picture of the printed conti tut ion's clauen prohibiting giving aid or comfort to the enemy. Under-n-attt the picture were 8tone's re marks during the debate. Including the revelation of the navy depart ment' plttne to use armed submarine chners in the war sone. KWSAS I.rHilMI.ATI'R'R RAYS I1I.1IH KIKItKltN TIl-UTtmS ToPI'JCA. Murrh 7. The Kansas Icciflnture favra a concurrent re? lution tf-hlHrinr the senate filibuster trcuj.on.ible. Thf rce,lutMn declares ADVANCING TOWARD BAGDAD i rv - - - , je.- VVO X j, 7, Ranna-i-Tat and (b) Kut-el-Amara. They were last reported at (c), thirty miles up the Tigris from Kut. The arrows Indicate the direction of the continuing British attack. it: protecting the interests of this county and of eastern Oregon. President Tallman declared that he WOUld UnriprlR Ita tn rarrv nn m a m paign for the measure through the various commercial clubs of eastern Oregon. He plans to have the com mlttee on roads and highways of which Representative Rltner in to be a member, to make plans for th campaign. Representative Rltner. who is pres ident of the Umatilla County Auto Club, announced that he had called a meeting for Friday of this week for ! the organization still wishes to con tinue Its existence. If it does, he will ask it to get back of the good roads j measure and if not he will ask that j it turn over its funds to finance the Commercial association campaign. j that the twelve senolora have placed the L'nited States In a false position before foreign nations and gave com ion ana asntstanos to Germany. They called the kaiser an "open, tnveuerate and barbaric enemy of this republic." HOMER WATTS IS RECHOSEN MAYOR AT1IKNA. Ore., March 7 (Spec ial, i uy a vote of 110 aa against vote of 7 for his opponent, w. R. Scott. Homer I Watts was re-elected as msyor of Athena yesterday. At the same time K. A. Miller. M. L Watts and B. R. Zerba were chosen as coiincllmen. B c. Zerba as treas urer and B. B. Richards, recorder. In the race for councilman the vot ing stood as follows: N. A. Miller. 1SK: M. I Watts. IS5; H. R. Zerba. 14; tieorge Bannister, 49; Mrs. Mor. ton. z9; O. T. Smith. 11, and R. A. Thompson. S3. For treasurer Zrha received 1-1 votes and for recorder, Richards ;he ennie number exactly. UNCLE SAM SEEKING MATERIAL FOR OFFICERS WASHINOTON. March r. The war department instl'lcte-1 torder regimental poinma..ders to submit a list of sixty caen from each regiment capable of being made officers and train ing recruits. It la a prx-autio.i ary step In event additional of ficers are needed to handle nn i -u . I army of half a milllvi voun- . j. trfc j tograph. Ths sits of the monument. ion Txokout Iffountain. Denver Moun- T Plotters Against David Lloyd- George Alleged to Have Planned His Death by Means of Poison Shot From Air Gun ON TRIAL IN OLD BAILEY lii-H-lor Wnm 8xKland Yard Who I'titvd m Pullow IKrtM-r IToven Val uable WltncKH. U)XDO.V. March 7. The trial of Alice Wheeldon, her two daughters, and Arthur Mason on a charge of conspiring to poison Lloyd tteorge find Arthur Henderson has started in old ail?y. Crown exprrta testified tht the plotter planned to shoot atrychnine hydrochlorate poisoned darts from air guns. The poiaoni- wero exhibited In court. lr. Kernard Henry HpUlsbury tes tified that half a grain of strychnine hydrochlorate was sufficient to cause death. The Crown declared Mrs. Wheeldon boasted that the poisoned darta would cause Lloyd-George's death within twenty minutes. In flpector Booth of the Scotland yard, was the principal Crown witness. He gained the conspirators confidences when he posed as m fellow plotter. WHEAT IS DOWN THREE CTS TOD AY CHICAGO, March 7. (Special to the Kant Oregonian) Itange of heat prices today was as follows: Open. HtRh. Low. Close. I1.87H $1.67 Spe $1.8. May July 1.91 H 1 82 I1.S7 $1.60 S1.0 $1.67 Portland PORTLAND. Ore.. March ' ciall Club $1 I; bluestnm LOCAL FLOUR GOES TO CUBA IN SACKS WEIGHING 2Q3 LBS. Pa4cd in 203 pound heavy drilled sacks a shipment of 6000 sacks of flour Is being sent out today from the Pendleton Roller Mills to Cut) a. The unusual fea ture of the transaction Is that the flour should he shipped in such unusual sacks. The aai-ks are called iVneber-g- sacks and hT. of f material sufficient in weight to do for clothing;. It is said such material is used with the end in view of making the flour sacks into clothing after the con tents have been used by Cuban purchasers. However the mill people here say they have no knowledge of any such Intentions. The Pendleton Holler Mill exports much flour and hope to find a good market In Cuba. T v a sti r-rrAT t v--n The national monument to wiUlara Cody (Buffalo BIU will be mod- ik. rtmr. shown in this eho. WOULD SHOO PREMIER WITH POISON DARTS - r -zzs, H f-vmi I ipitt nry ni trn i x-v nil r l!i ,te wltsin Park, upon which the figure COURT ASKED TO FORFEIT O. & C. LANDS WASHINGTON, March 7. The government today filed a petition In the supreme court asking that two million three hundred thousand acres of Ore- gon lands worth thirty millions be forfeited' to the government because the Oregon -California railroad failed to comply w'th w grant conditions. PRESIDENT UPHELD im DENOUNCED CommciTial Club IaMe negotiation Kmphaticadly Condeaiuiiiur Ktnd by Senator l4.no; MeNracm Sent to Wajddngum Lawt Xljrtit Follovtiiig Action. 4- As predicted yesterday the Pendle ton Commercial association last night took a stand squarely behind Presi dent Wilson in his plans for placing the nation on a basis of armed neu trality during the present crisis with Germany. Kmphatic approval was expressed of his course and equally emphatic disapproval was expressed of the action of Senator Harry Lane In failing to support the president. At the request of President Tall man. rr. I, 17. Temple brought the matter to the attention of the asso ciation and upon his motion a com mittee was appointed to draft resolti- tbms erprpwfre - frf" tfre seTitlmerTt of) tne community. The committee ail pointed consisted of Dr. Temple, Rev. J. E. Snyder. Leon Cohen. Roy Ha ley and E. B. Aldrich. Their report later in the evening was accepteo without a dissenting vote and their resolutions were sent to President Wilson and Senator Lane in the fol lowing telegrams: Pendleton. Ore.. March . 1917. To Woodrow Wilson. President. Washington. D. C. Pendleton Commercial Association. representing this community, endors es your action asking support of con rreas for protection of American life, liberty and property at sea and en dorses your program. We feel you Fhould have united support of con gress and nation and we strongly dis approve action of senators who op pose. These are our unanimous sen timents. C. K. CHAXSTAX. Fee, rendition. Or., March . 1 !M To Harry lUine. I". S. Senator, Washiiiiunn, D. C. FVndleltm Commercial Austria t Ion. represent in it this community, believe t N merit as te-tt Ti rit" They regarded president ouht to have united sup- j t hf filibuster as proper, that it "halt port of congress and nation in pmtect- j ed President Wilton's unreasoning im; lives, liberty and property of Am- Jsnih tion and voiced the sober senti- erica n citizens and stroncly disap- ! proves your action in participating In l-a Follette filibuster. Your action ' does not represent sentiment of yout constituents. C. K. CUAXSTON. Sc j stands, has been dedicated for thaT purpose by the city of Denver. The mounted f'gur of Colonel Cody is a reiHTuvdnrt mn from the Pppsun. pthntin etecute1 h the nottM Ital- in artist, hnh o!.-ii--l Cody prt-fer- j j , j . nii j vi impiv i ill ki hat ii rsfi.f. " "v ' U DANIELS WILL TO PROVIDE VESSELS WI1N FEW HOURS Legal Department Decides That President Has Authority; Boston, Philadelphia and San Francisco Yards Will Receive ' Orders Immediately for All Available Guns. SENATE RULES COMMITTEE LA GRANDE WILL TRY FOR NORMAL SENATOR PIERCE PREDICTS vviov ooorrr towjt has LEAD IS RACE FOR SCHOOL. LA GRANDE. March 7. (Special.) La Grande is considered as having a good chance for securing the East ern Oregon State Normal school, pro. vided the bill submitted by the legis lature is upheld by the people at the election In 117. The selection of a location tor the school is left to the board of regents and In a talk at a businessmen's luncheon Tuesday Sen ator Walter 1C Pierce predicted suc cess for La Grande. Senator pierce told of his work for the normal school for eastern Oregon, which will he submitted to. ths voters Rt"tbe next general election. He said Hunt La Grande, had a good chance to win t-he normsT school, stucei it' geographically located as the center of Eastern Oregon, and was the city that had the educational snd moral atmosphere needed to surround such a school. He said that La Grande could put up a winning fight and should do so. "I would rather have the normal school located here than to have a penitentiary or an asylum,' he de clared. FILIBUSTERFRS ARE PRAISED BY GERMANY lil-'olUtif and Stone lauded As "Krpn-M'tiiiithr of America's B Spirit": Inaugural Sttrerh Attackcvi AMSTKItDAM. March 7. German i w pi i p e r j ca 1 1 ed Sen a t o rs la Fo 1 -iette and Stone "representative of mem of the American people who r not wanting to Join In the war." The, Lokal Anx-ie-rer bitterly attack. e,i the inaugural speech. It charged line addres decorated the capitoi and called the presient a mefrlomanlac. '-yW ff T!S1 8gjl ef-veyi star i rMl even to the can vs. painte,! h j Unmm. Honheur. I m-f it hn-)i him l. an.nr frard ln the saddle w th j true "cowtnj.v aval " The w te on ! I ipokottr Mountain is rrt't fes-t h gher j t!ian ftner uml the ttue J rtoin tiii citv B-a - - ! BE INSTRUCTED FOR ALL AGREES ON CLOTURE RULE WASHXXGTON', Man -fa . Prondens Wilson la expected to Instruct laniels to arm anrxen anunent within a rew hoars. It is teamed on tne highest au thority that the legal ilefiartnient decided the president ss em powered to act. Daniela wtO or. der the coniniandants at Boston, Philadelphia and San Francisco ' yards to Issue all available guns. CLOTVRE RULE AGREED OJf. The senate roles committee this afternoon agreed to a cloture rale providing that two thirds vote ran limit the debate to one hoar for each Wilson approves. It win ented today. Wilson consulted democratic senators regarding the ctotarr. The democrat have started a campaign to prevent Stone's rr etertlon to the chairmanship nf the foreign relations eosnmltaee! Stone refsMed all Into r lamia a. The republican eliminated Senators and (Mnoa frssn the mmmhttee beranaw they partioi pated In the flHbuster. Walsh opened the floor debate on the antifllibnstrr nRe. He sua: Traitors might deter the senate while the enemy thundered at our gates. It In not tnonaorsvahte ths traitnroua sentiments might actuate fllln MARE ISAXD NAVY VmRJ READY TO BWil.N ARMTVO j SAN FRANCISCO. March 7. It la j reported the Mare Island navy yard has already made preparations to arm merchantmen. It is understood that when Wilson issues the arming order, the department will rush iifftructiona to furnish deck guns on any vessels de-siring to use them. Mounting the guns will require considerable repair work. All will be done at the navy Sard. DEFICIT IN LYCEUM COURSE FUND CAUSE Of LONG DISCUSSION IXmunercisi A.xnrteUon Finally un Matter on Table for Later- Con-ad. oration. Ways and means of Dulllnsr Sunt A. T. Pitrk out of the hole Into which winter lyreum course has put -"sswasvaa w sa-t, tusj V. UilUliri - 'clad asssjocisbtion meeting last evenine; i at much length and with much worH ; bat with little results save that it n : made clear that no one wtshea th-. st : pertntetident to shoulder the burden of the dept. ; Supr. Park personally signed thd g tiara n tee t brine the lyreuin courH j here. He rWiel upon the support f ; the people of Pen diet on t i ravs ht-i trm ny ftnancinJ emTrrasrnerit, I However, all number of the course ! s far have heen prlv patront-ieif . f ne ntimter, J. Adam Hede. brought tCon:nutl i n ,ac 4. ) BRITISH ALMOST WITHIN RANGE OF CITY OF BAGDAD lilMMtX, Mart. 7 The fe- PNiltieSl OTfrClal st fstld the Hrtie-t almsi wiinJa) raaun- of Itjucdad. i-Usvh ratvajry tommht lite TuraUh rear srird wknl M IsSll. nine m4lea imttn-nt nt tXaM.4-osu UN