East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Special box $1.15
Apple Syrup, Gallon $1.50
Cider, Quart 25c
Apple Butter, 2 pounds 25c
Dried Apples, pound 15c
Two Phones, 28
S23 Main St.
Scaks at High School. I
Dr. Cunklin of tne University of
Oregon, apoke to the students on
"Habit and Attention." It was one of
the moat interesting talks heard by
the students this year.
1 . '
Mercury Down to Above.
l-ast night was the coldest Pendle
ton has experienced for several
weeks, the thermometer registered
six above lero. As a result quite (a
number of water pipes were frozen
I 'Iks Klect Tonight.
The annual election of officers of
Pendleton lodge No. 28, B. P.' O. K..
will be held this evening. A large at
tendance is expected and an ' oyster
aupper will be served following th
IV. A. SI. confers Degrees.
Pendleton chapter, Royal Arch
Masons, met last evening and confer
red the past master and most excel
lent master degrees upon Dr. R. E.
Farnsworthi Mum Carson, Hans pahl,
and Guy Wyrick of this city and H
9. Deniaon of Freewater.
and remember that every Gar
ment shown by us will be from
our own stock. This exhibi
, tion, however, will show but a .
small percentage of our elegant
lines of Ladies' Ready to Wear
and that, too, at the Price You
want to pay.
Would Design SentJc Tank
As yet fto -bids have been received
by the city for the designing1 of
septic tank but 'Recorder Pits Gerald
has received a letter from John O.
Kelly of Portland, an engineer, stat
ing his qualifications for the wont
and asking to be considered.
Proctor Recovering nc 1th.
Word has been received by pendle
ton friends of A. Phimlster Proctor,
the sculptor, who has been at Mayo
Bros, insttlute at Rochester. Minn.,
the past two weeks, that he la much
Improved In health and will soon be
able to leave the hospital.
Tcarlnjc Out Old Building.
Work was begun today on tearing
out the old frame building1 on Court
street formerly occupied by G. I. Gad
wa. This property was recently pur
chased by the Pendleton Auto Co.
which Is to build a new garage at
that location.
Mother Claims Son's Body.
Mrs. C. Johnson of Portland arriv
ed this morning to claim the remains
of her son. Phillip Millen. who met
his death at Kamela several days ago
under the wheels of No. 5. The re
mains were Identified beyond question
and she left with them on No. 17 to
day for Portland.
Petidlctonlans in Leslie's.
In the current issue of LeaHe'i
Weekly appears a picture of the Pen
dleton delegation at the St. Paul win
ter carnival. The picture is of the
parade amd shows clearly a number of
the Pendletoninns riding with Presl
dent I. W. Hill of the Great North
Two Appendicitis Operations.
Mrs, Vivian Linsner of Pilot Rock,
formerly Miss Vivian Sturtevant, un
derwent an operation for appendicitis
this morning at St. Anthony's hos
pltal. Marion O'Harra, son of Dr.
O'Harra of Weston, underwent an op
eration Monday night for an acute at
tack of appendicitis, and is now i
Cttebrated Birthday,
At the Presbyterian mission today.
Rev. and Mrs. William Wheeler enter.
tained 40 men said women and thefr
children in honor of the first birth
day of one year old Phillip Wheeler,
son of the Indian minister end hi
wife. A very pleasant time was hai
and various talks wore given, one be
ing by Rev. J. M. Comelison
2-1 ton Ifpt'h Truck with ntuk
or xprefw bdy. Jut The thing for a
Urtn T" inTaMtJt or every day hand
w:ion." I-TF- with top. curtains and
compute f. o. i. Pendleton.
1 Ton
Truk ith utak or expr
'.' t. . h. rendition.
IS T-.n Fr-iM Tr-ick 115
f. o. b. l'-fijl-tjn.
2 Ton Ti j k 1
(4-- the Tr j' .
Ali.th-r i:ArU,u'l r
), .?, 1" 75 f. ti.
:t o;r K:r;ir.
Three !
the lVniNt
ll I c Trucks s-.Id
n . i'r. "Itil .-'ho
I jl us ihiiW y..'
' hisr trurki and
i th conniructlon
rttcur m-itb yoa.
Pendleton Auto Co.
Peletual Care" for Orsve.
The city council is considering fix
ing' a fee for the perpetual care of
graves at OIney cemetery by the sei
ton A request came from Julius Le
vy asking what the charges would
be for caring; for the grave of the
late Ben Selling for all time and this
led to a discussion. Recorder Fits
Gerald states that several such re
quests have been received. In manj
cities such care is provided for.
Tliore will be a Cranford tea given
by the ladies of the Civic club Tues
day afternoon, March 6, at the home
of Mrs. j. p. Robinson. A cordial in
vi tat Ion is extended to all.
L. F. Evans of Salem is at the St.
William Mills of Helix was her
William A. Dalzeil. state factory In
spector, spent yesterday here. '
Paul W. RobWns of Pilot Rock wa
an over night visitor in the city.
lr. E. a Conklln of the University
of Oregon is registered at the Pendle
ton. Stanley G. Jewett of the biological
survey, ha. returned from a trip int
the Interior.
Wayne Chapman, who has been in
Arizona for several months, has re- j
turned to Pendleton.
H. S. Denial n of Freewater was
down last evening to attend the meet
ing of Royal Arch Masons.
O. J. Ferrians of Kennewick atu1
H. I Ferrians' of Wallula, govern
ment hunters, are here today.
Weston Lake, who has been In Spo
kane the past tw-o months, hus return
ed and resumed his position at The
JUAREZ, March 1. It is learned
the German consulate here was rob
bed last night. All of Colonel Max
Weber government papers were
stolen. Authentic information ot
Villa's whereabouts is unobtainable.
It is reported General Murxia arrest
ed Doctor Cchroeder of Parral, un
der a charge of hiding Villa. It ii
believed Villa was wounded shortly
before his disappearance.
Quentin Roosevelt Says studies pre
vent Mint Joining Harvard Corps.
Cambridge, Mass,, March i.
Quentin Roosevelt, youngest son of
the colonel, is not a member of the
unit of the reserve officers' training
corps Just established at Harvard.
Eleven hundred undergraduates hav?
I cannot find time to drill said
Quentin "you ree, I plan to take my
degree in three years time and in or
der to do this I have to take six
courses this semester. Naturally. I
cannot give the necessary hours to
drill" '"'"''
Roosevelt has served two summers
at Plattsburg and says he Is studying
military sclence In a private class in
The Style Show
Is upon us, and everyone is prepared to see the most beautiful and authentic styles
ever shown to the American public. Nineteen Seventeen is 'to be one of the years
that is truly American, as the war on the other side of the waters and disturbances
throughout Europe will prevent a great many of the French ideas in fashion from
finding a birth in United States. i ' (
The Golden Rule has a splendid line of elegent Crepe de Chine and Taffeta Silk
Dresses in all the very newest and up-to-the minute styles and colors such as must
ards, apple greens, champagnes, etc. Also a splendid assortment of beautiful suits
and coats, both fairly bubbling over with class and individuality. We would consider
it a great pleasure to show you the above styles and let you judge for yourself as te
whether or not our Ladies' Ready to Wear garments do not excel or equal any shown
in the finer shops throughout the country.
New fcM- IX- I'IiIih- DrwBM. , . 1 1.25 to SI9.50
Xew Taffeta silk lrtfwe SI 4.73
ory Sniurt and Nifty Hulls $11.00 to S26.50
The 1-atcHt simile In Spring Coats 97.90 to $19.00
New strlixw In Turrets Klllc, yard $!.
tieorjtette t'mpei, yard Sl.stt
t'repe le I'Mne, yard $1.25. $!.
New SultingM, yard 40e to $1.89
New Shipment Silk IH-etleoats. . . $1.98 to $1.M
you CAN
J C Penney Co. Mc. J
'rowm" Cornet . . . i S9e to S2.SS
Kleeant I'reiw Waists $$.
. New Silk WalNts !.. $$.$$
Ilomlolr CaM sfto, 49o
New MlddleH Hn Ut $I.SH
Nice Une or Klmonax 9 Ho to $9.9$
Silk KlmoiuM $S.9tt ui $a.BO
LwlleH' Kitnberx Ue to 7So
Men's Rubbers 89c
R Advertising in Brief
Per Hoe first Insertion lor
Per line, additional loMrtlas K
Per line, per uoutb (1.0
No lucala taken for leas tbfta 'J&c.
Coant S ordinary word, to line.
Local will not be taken orar tb
telephone except from East Oregon
lai paid-np sulMcrlbera.
Housekeeping: rooran, (08 Willow.
Dr. Proebstel. cblropodiat. Tel. in.
For sale- Drauhtaman' outfit. 669
Main street. Pbona 604. '
For aale Five room modern bun-
calow. Fhom 444. r
For aale Fresh milch cowfl. T. J
Cheney'. Box 12J City.
For rent Light housekeeping
rooms. Call at (19 Johnson.
FA- sale 5 -room furnished house.
A barfain If taken at once Phone 664.
D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phone
S4M. Stand. Charles Co.. Phone 7.
I haul your sarbag-e and trash.
Phone 663M. 1403 W. Railroad St.
For sale Federal truck and trans
fer business. D. B. Waffla, Pendle
ton, Oregon.
Large furnished 1 room apartment.
Mrs. Mae Friedley, 10 Water Street.
Episcopal Parish Aid dinner Satur
day, March 3, in Eagle-Woodman
Hall. Everybody come.
Call Penland Bros, van to move your
household goods. Telephone 319. Also
.baggage transferring and heavy haul
ing. Prompt automobile taxi service,
day and night Funerals to cemetery
only $3.69. Phone 461. Book Cigar
Store. Carney Taxi Co.
Rooming house for sale. Main
street, in center of business district.
Doing good business. Inquire of Pan
land Bros.
Mattress making, furniture repair
ing, upholstering, called tor and deliv
ered. cit or country. La Dow Bros..
219 Beauregard. Phone 227J.
When you want to sell beef, pork,
veal, mutton or poultry, call I. C.
Rains. He will call and get them.
Phone 420. Sanitary Meat Market.
For rent- Nicely furnished 2-room
apartment. Phone 06M or 603 Water.
Board and room with bath for two
gentlemen or man and wife. 727 Gar
den. Phone S14W.
For gale Ford touring car in good
condition, $225. Inquire 1815 Webb
street, corner Sycamore.
Wanted Girl for general house
work in family of two. Must be good
cook. Phone 473.
Church of .Redeemer ..Sanctuary
Chapter will have aale of potted daf
fodils and hyacinths Saturday in Eagle-Woodman
The plain hair dress la taboo. Buy
a switch now before the price ad
vances. Pendleton Hairdreasing &
Manicure Parlors. Phone 46.
Ladles, do you know the Pendleton
Hulrdresaing Parlors carries the cele
brated "Mrs: Gervaiae GrasWin" toi
let preparations? Samples free.
Dinner and flower sale by ladles of
Episcopal church at noon Saturday ln
Eagle-Woodman Hall.
Xuuee to Public.
1 will not be responsible for any
bills contracted by any person except
myself after this data.
Dated February J8, 117.
SuimrriiKHM Hair Removed.
Superfluous hair on the faos is s
misfortune but It need not be s
lasting one. Free consultation to all
ladles by an expert electrolysis oper
ator at the Pendleton Halrdreaslng
and Manicure Parlors. Phone 46
Adv. , ,
Alfalfa Hay.
Order your baled hay for spring de
livery now. No. 1 quality. Save ad
vance In price. E. c Burllngmme.
Walls Walla, Wash.
Do Yoa Know
That according to the test sy the
V. 8. Government 1000 pounds) of
Kemmerer Coal is equal ts 137
pounds of Rock Springs Coal We
handJe both Rock Springs and Kem
merer .Cost Oregon Lumber Yard.
Phone t Adv.
A Great Bargain.
120 acres, 200 tillable, balance good
bunch egress pasture. 30 acres seeded
to winter barley, near school, f miles
north of Helix. Price le sold before
March 10th,. only lis per acre, f-i
cash. Inquire Room ,19, Senate Hotsl.
IX Tou Know
That according to teat by the U. 8.
government 1000 pounds or Kem
merer cost la equal to 2179 pounds of
Koeiyn foal? We sell Kemmerer
coal. Oregon Lumber Yard, phone .
Io Ton Know
That according to tet made bj
the U. 8- government, 2000 pound
of Kemmerer Coal is equal to 2972
pounds of "Carney coal? Call Oregon
Lumber Yard for Kemmerer coal.
You Don't Know I
market unless you have tried it out and Compared it
with the coal you have been using: as many of our
firmly Convinced customers have done.
Yours for
Auto Stage.
For Adams. Athena and Weston,
leaves Allen-Ward Co.. at 10 a. m
and 1:30 p. m. each dny. Phone 409
for reservations Ralph Shaffer, prop.
Do You Know
That aconrdlng to teftts made bv
the U. S. government. 2000 pounds of
Kemmerer Coal 1b eqii:tl to 2.160
pounds of Owl Creek coal ? For Kem
merer coal, call up Oregon Lumber
Yard. Phone 8 Adv.
To Build WarvjhoiMe.
A -permit was Issued to G. I. La
Dow this morning to build the new
wsrehouse of H. (1. Blydenstetn it Co..
to face upon Ash street The build
ing will be on the Northern PaefTIr
f'o.'s ground. , It will cost In th..
neighborhood of 11000. Thl Is one
of the improvement which will be
made ty Mr. Blydensteln for the
manufacture of his food products m
.in extensive scale.
f t ilvo IVoihIh for Permits.
Hereafter the city of Pendleton
will enforce that provision of the e:tt
bnildln ordinance requiring pernn
liking out permits to ue. streets or
sidewaltc during a period of con
atmction to give surety bonds for th
protection of the city In the event ot
liablllf'es for damage caused by mich
ue Th'a was the recommendation
made last evening by the elty attor.
See our beautiful
Styles for Spring
i-cTJ .... 'TsZr
Quality Quantity
"AUte.Vinof Ili-P.-n.irk
nan Co
Phone I78
!!a..n fall l:omr rratal.
corr! f nt to " rf " fy 1 rMrr Th W
normal in S M lrifh-m up to March 1 '4
7. Th Ffltnmry T-rrf ipltattnn wn
liront up to normal. It waji 1.41
( find th normal in 1.47. Th h.Kht
tm prHiir of th month wan on th
5th whrn the mercury row to . Th
lowi-Nt rhi on ihr 2th hn It fell
to 1 4. Th?re wan e!H nhs of
mow rfurlnr th front r "(.. .r. wr
trht d.iyn on ' t 'v
ctr At: . i !rht :irtl ;1 ?
I-Xj FMK Mmn-H . Thirty
Ut'wMin1 ralmr nd m lillinwii
rr qttarant'nd on "ofu of
prnMHrnm-at fllF..
I m urn
Our Model in the popularity contest, is
Miss Lucia Calli.son. Your vote for her
will be appreciated by us.
Bend Bros.
Mra'a OolssjJcte
Pendleton I i i
E 3
r 3
With its wonderful valve-in-head motor will solve
the problem.
No matter if its
Climbing; hills,
Hough roads,
Ixw upkeep,
Operating economy,
Beautiful lines,
BUICK has met and stood all these tesU. Tint's
why BUICK is popular. Ask the man who owns
Oregon Motor Garage
I ncorpor td.
117. m. U3 WH Court SI. Tkephoo46i