1 EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONI AN, 'PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1917. PAGE THREE The Dean Tatom Co. , . PHONE 688 ' IT WILL PAY YOU TO PAY CASH AT A CASH STORE. Heinz Chow, Sweet and Sour Pickles in bulk. Honey in Glass 20f , 35 and 50 , Comb Honey 15 Gallon Peaches, Blackberries, -Pumpkin, Blueberries and Apricots 50 Bob White Soap, 6 for 25 Pimento Cheese 10 Green Chili , 10 Li m burger 20 Cream .' : 20 ' Cascade Butter 45 FIRST, ESTIMATE OF LUMBER CUT IN 191 Incomplete Reports Indicate a Probable Increase of 11.2 Per Cent. PORTLAND, Teb. . Incomplete report received from the taw mi 11a of the country Indicate a probable lum ber production In the United State approximately lis per cent greater in lllf than in 115. according to an announcement made today by the forest HervU'e This estimate la baa ed on preliminary ; flKurea compiled In connection with the collection of sawmill statist la In cooperation with the National Lumber Manufaturers" Asportation. About 32.0U0 sawmills are on the mailing Hit of the Wash ington office of the Service and sev eral thouaund more on the lists of the six dlHtrlcta in the western states. Ol the mills In the eastern part of the country.- approximately 5 per cent had reported up to February IB. For the United States as a whole the increase in production as shvn la 11. J per cent. For the eastern states alone the Increase was 7. per cent, and for the other states shown the Increase was 14.7 per cent. Taking- the estimated total produc tion of 38 billion feet in 1915 and ap r lying the computed per cent of in crease to the output for 1916 the cut for the year becomes 41 1-3 billion feet of within I 3-4 billion feet of tht record production of 46 billion fee! In 107. - I Terribieltcliing Pimples On Hands Spreading to shoulders. Turned to rash. Itching un bearable. Felt could tear hands pff. - Used one and a half cakes Cutkura Soap and two boxes Ointment and was healed in two weeks. From signed statement of Mrs. Nora O'Hare, 1209 W. Silver St- Butte, Mont., daVd Sept.. 14, 1916. If Cuticura did no more than soothe and heal eczemas, rashes, hchinrs and burning, briiixirijf s)ecdy comfort to tortured, disfigured men, women and children, h would he entitled to the highest praise. But H docs more. ' By using the Soap exclusively for toilet purposes,allm'ing no other snaptotouch . your sKin, wtiii toiicncs oi t-uticura oint ment now and then to soothe and heal the first sijjn ol f kin troubles, you will in many cases prevent these distressing experiences. Unlike strongly medicated soaps which are coarse and harsh, Cuti cura Soap is ideal for the comilexion because so mild, so delicate and so creamy. For Free Sample Each by Return Hail addri-sa post-cartl: "Cuticura, Dept. R, Boatou." Sold everywhere. REPARATION OF AIL WROSGSIS GFRMANY PEACE , C0ND1T JOIIX I. JK. TO TOTK UVS. NEW YOUK, Feb. 28. Judae Nott the court of general sessions to day granted to John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a permit to curry a revolver, valid hroughout New York state for one 'ar. The permit una obtained follow-In he expiration of one inaued to Air Kockefller by Ulstric-t Attorney Swann in 191 S when .Ir. Hwann ua judge of 'general sessions. In hin application Mr. Kockefller ay a that in traveliiiK to I'ooHntieo Hi I la la often nocessar.v for him to I folium VtldrpMKv ReMista I U: view ing Ktentfl of lat heverai Months; "Fight to Gain Utury" I WaU-ft-word. BEKLIX. Feb. 28. (via Hayv.lle)- Chancellor Hollweg told the Reichs tag that Germany's peace conditions were based upon "reparation for all wrongs suffered and guarantees for the existence of a strong Germany." He aald: "While our soldiers stand the trench drumfire, our death defying- submarines hasten through the seas. The stay at homes must pro duce cannons, ammunition and food. One necessity dominates all question. It is fight to gain victory.' He aJd the Ke-ihestug vote grant ing new war credit Indicated (ier mfuty'f) determination to fight until the. allies are ready for peace. He refund to make promises and said predictions were precarious and un productive. lfni4 Barred Zone. He discussed the barred zone and said neutrals would eventually thank Germany for establishing the freedom of the seas. He declared the United States. "bruHuely broke relations after receiving the German note. "The authentic communication about the I'nited States reasons never reached me. This manner of break ing relations between great nations Is probably unprecedented." Compares Attf todea. Hollweg compared Wilson's Ger man attitude and his Mexican atti tude. He dilated upon the "count less" war materials the United State had shipped the allies and criticised Gerard' abrupt recall. He declared Gerard only verbally hrokr relations. Hollweg repeated the unofficial version of Wilson's ad dress to congress and intimated that Wilson was Inconsistent. He said the DRiYE AYAY HEMCI.I Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temple 4 A headache remedy-without the dan gers oi -neaoacne medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from " o' congestion. na it acts at once I Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can affect stomach and heart, as some in ternal medicines do. ' Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck asthma, neuralgia, con gestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, all pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, cold of the chest (it often prevent pneumoma i preniaeiii eniuareoea snipinentff pass lonesome roads where there is I arms to bofh Hollweg; mentioned the United States' Insistence upon American's rights to travel in France and Eng land. He declared the "same right of Americans to travel in central powers seems unworthy of protec tion." Hollweg discussed the domestic policy. He recalled German peace proposals. Regarding the allies ans wer he said: "The reply was more rude and presumptlou than any sen sible person could Imagine. This barbarian jeering - document produced an effect manifest throughout the world. , "Our alliances and battle fronts stand firmer. Germany is more unt ted." u possibility of his beinu held up. (later removed the embargo. WORMS MAKE rTHILDRE! FRET POT. If your child cries out In sleep. Is nervous, pony and listless he may be a victim of worms. Begin treatment at once with Klckapoo Worm Killer. This candy laxative in tablet form kills the work and removes It quick ly and easily. Don't permit your child's development to be retarded of by the continued draining of his vi- Mexican factions and tallry by worms. Get Klckapoo Worm i Killer at your druggist. 15 c- Adv. In the niatter( o wa law America 1 aJ,J-?-,A for right first and for safety as a f" part of right. I jwaaawaawaiaamMiaMuaaaMaaa,aUMtaB I .iiltn an iir nni , i ii aa ai mi , 9 a is i i m -m ksV m i f t - M am'sfWK n I .'.1'.'.'"-' ' ,s win I V ' . ' 4 Starting On The Road To Health with BaraaVa ressedy S. S. S. It errs vital ity to iaapovartahed blood, asaklag It easier to rasiat the geraas of eUseaee. aafl straagtb to drive eat diaamao If It gate a foothold la your ayatea. If yam get sick yoai kavo a better chaaeo for rocovory If your blood is aoro tkaa if It 1 ras dowm. It is isaportaal to kaap yessr blood osnro at all satieas II mi arm sugar! wit Rlnaaa.tlaaa ar Catarrh, as ti.i.ia. tr MaUrta, ar IUi Inslkaa. take taaai aa iWiini af Jurliru l..a aaa (at a vaaaa oorUW Sa drive ant tao amaartll.a. . a. a. I (assl paiilr vaaataala. aaal la iinajiny as4 sai'llr vaaataala. aaaf la aa a Maaa sarliar aad aamaral Ca4 5. 5. S. at aay drag Peal accept sstotttarta. J - - a, g M ...aaBai - WfaTS swjsr WaXan sassl Wwa-Ssajl fastfaBBWsasarTaw sbbbbsss sasrsnnBBagsssj AaViaa, waaik la laaall.ia wllaaart sarn. AaOraaal i Madml Dept. 1, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA, OA. m tT io a a- A TTENTION to the deUil of our customers' noeds is a pleasure to the officers of this institution. Wo are p repair od to complete trans, action in any part of too world. ' For. eig-rj remittances are promptly execut ed by mail, cablo or wireless. Traveler cheques. THE FIRST NATIONAL BAfJK Resources Three and a Half Million PENDLETON SECURITY" j J : - i- ' 1 Jf t connuiJiTv - SHOW STYLE WITH ALL ITS SPLENDOR AND ATTRACTIVENESS Open Thursday and Friday Evenings AT TEMPLE THEATRE, ALSO. SPECIAL MATINEE FRIDAY AFTERNOON FOR LADIES ONLY. Window Will be Unveiled Promptly at 6:30 Thursday. SEE BIG AD IN STYLE SECTION. ALEXANDERS WOMAN. 100, AND MAN. 98, CUNG TO HERMIT HUT Police, by Force, Will Oust Re cluses From Shack. NEW YORK. Feb. 28. Two aged reculses, sister and brother, 109 and respectively, will be removed by fore if neceesary from the broken down shack to which they are cling ing near Roeedale, I I., It was de- fded today by the Jamaica police They are Mrs. Catherine Ooetx and Knats Karisch. The fhanty has been wrecked by recent gnles. one end of it being torn entirely away. There was no food In the place nor any water when the Jamaica police went there. The aged man was attempting to keep a fire alive in a small stove with some twigs. Mrs. GoeU lay on a cot, apparently weak from hunger and suffering from the cold. ; To the police captain's suggestion that Mr. G-ets go to the hospital she said: "I'll go to no hospital nor to any other institution. I'll stay right here. I'm TOO years old and J guesa I ought to know what I want. In IW'd to Keep Warm. ''Moreover. I'm not 111. I'm stay--ing In bed to keep warm and. besides, It's my hunband's business to take care of me." Police Captain Waldnn then sought cut Anthony oets. 2, the woman's husband. lctx showed a big bundle of receipts to prove that he had been Paying for hie wife's support for twenty-five years. He said: I married her twenty-six year ago when she had money. together fnr a year and then she kicked me hut. For the last twenty five years I've sent ber fit a month and here's every receipt for the whole 50n tnnnthl T T-f im t rlr. rtr mnva I because she won't live with me. o cold? msm IB KOSE S1MD "PAPK-8 COU COMPOUND" EJTDS OOUW A-Vl qrippe r A TEW HOt llS. Taks "Papa's Cold Oompooxtd" ev ery two hourar nntl yon have taken tnres tos then all grlpps misery goes and your cold will be brokan. it promptly opens your clogged. up noa tiiis and that air passages of the bead; stops nasty discharge or nose ran. ning; relieves the headache, dullness. reverishnesBV sore throat, sneesing. soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-on. Quit blow ing and snuffling. Ease your throb. blng head nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief ss Tape's Cold Compound." which costs only J5 cents at any drug store. It acta with out assistance, tastes nice, and caus es no Inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Panama Canal's Blggnot Month. WASHINGTON. Feb. t. The Pa nama canal did its biggest month's business in January. According to figures available today. 1T vessels with a tonnage of S57.S3S passed through the waterway. The previous record was in July. uis. when 17 ships of 547.370 tonnage passed through the canal. Up to Dec. 31, lust, exactly the same number of ships. Ui. passed through We lived I 'n eacn direction, although the cargo lomiHKe .oouna toward the Pacific was 1.(8 times greater than the re turn traffic Set-no in Tlie Xk-it-do-WHI,'' Coming to the Tlla Tliureday ami Friday. The charities department has taken j my in state government, up the cane today. lanything once. Illinois Is prepared to adopt econo- It will try TON"T speak slight- ingly of your friend, the nickel. A nickel buys the OWL, And that's a good, big, enjoyable smoke to get for any price. II TKe Million j LJ VpY',- Dollar Cigar Rtf E2SS" IWCORPORATED X. OUCH! LUMBAGO! RUB PAINS FROM SORE, LAME BACK IUH BACKACHE AWAY WITH tv.IALJj TltlAb lvOTTl.H OF OJaD, P KS KX llATl N ti ST. H Oil.- Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains. sharp aches and twinges? Now lis ten! -That's lumbago, sciatica or may be from a strain, and you'll vet retle.' the moment you rub your back with soothing, penetrating "St, Jacobs oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lame ness and stiffness so quit kly. You simply rub It on your back and out on.es the pain. It 4s harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Umber up! Don't suffer! Get u small trial bottle of old, honest "8t. Jacob oil" from any drug store, anJ after using It Just once, you'll for get that you ever had backache, lum bago or sciatica, because your back III never hurt or cause any morv misery It never dlKHppotnt and ha -t tn-en recommend for HQ e.tT. i m a ( as i i SMAitT SlMtlN'O CHATS. j. rr 1 1 11 tv II I S- i vi : ' ! 1 PRICESt I i. ! "i I I Runabout $345. Tourinsr Car $360 I . 1' I III I pelet $505. Town Car $595. Sedan . u f.o.b. L .:,J - I I 709 i i tne Tuims i sills I I - Huge patch porketa being held In w.th narrow banda anl buttons add a Jaunty tuuclt to new spring coats. justlt ins; their ex tnca by uwulnva as a-11 a4 baut... THE UNIVERSAL CAR 320,817 Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since Aurust 1, 1916. These fig-urea 320,817 represent the actual number of cars manufac tured by us since August 1st, 1916, and delivered by our agents to retail buyers. This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes it necessary for us to confine the distribution of cars only to those agents who have orders for immediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to per mit any agent to stock cars in anticipation of later spring sales. We are issuing this notice to intending- buyers that they may protect themselves against delay or disappointment in securing Ford cars. If. therefore, you are planning to purchase a Ford car, we advise you to place your order and take delivery now. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. Delay in bujing at this time may cause you to wait several months. Enter your order today for immedate delivery with our authorized Ford agent listed below and don't be disappointed later on. Detroit. Cou-$645. FORD MOTOR COMPANY. SIMPSON AUTO COMPANY Bompson St. Telepk 408