PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONiXn, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1917. EIGHT PAGES SA Y MEAT, HOW DOES THIS BILL STRIKE YOU? astir loily HtKH'm, Yansi-1 and Ros- , r of -Hiii Bridal NtRht." a Mr tirerot farx-o, consider Mary 4ea'a $5000 lingerie bill, recently naentnd n In the New York Masai, aa "not so much." "As there ar two of u. our lin- trfll last yr was llO.OHo in an money," my the charmlm? Nascent. In proof thereof, the aaatera exhibit t he following statement of account which like the carte du jour in amaxt restaurants, to lint nothing ana vulvar as prices, only the anm to- w.. list. 11. MADAM JOU1B et OIK. IS Aveoue de 1,'lpera, raria To TT Mttatea Yansci and Rnzsifca Dolly. Wjaklorf Astira Hotnl. New York City, U. a. A. Dr. VHfty Thousand Franca ISIO.HOO). mm pp.r the following itemized state- 3 Negilsoe. of orchid ohepe de kaue lined with salmon pink crepe eV rMna. II 7emiw of lipht blue crepe de eanw, white tuile frills, and hand snMaset va-lonciennes. as made for her simrtal majesty, the Czarina of Ru- 11 rrnch flannel rest robes (with am i arth finish), collar and sleeves anted with novelty silk braiding mI Band embroidery. II folk knickers. 1 Satin underbodices. I XI Si crrfw de chins envelops I Silk rm de chine one-piece 12 Creie de chine nightgowns tail ored sleevelcsa model, hemstitched and xnl-rred amund Empire waist. 1 1 Silk petticoat in flesh, ribbon ruffled on chiffon flounce over ac-codion-pleated chiffon underlar. 12 Satin ribbon bodie. S rased front, double shoulder straps sf rib bon, flower trimmed. 13 Envelope chemise of fins ba tiste, hand made with hand rasa's em broidery. 12 Crene de chine envelope on em. tse. Short empire bodice or carded crepe de chine. Garniture sf A-enoh. rosebuds. 11 Cmpire gown of crape de chine, with edgings of vaJeacteaaua lace. ribbon and dm be&din. j 12 Batiste gown with fine tor-king front and back, vsJencteaaas' lace edging, flat ribbon bows. IS Envelops chemises to 'match above. 12 Boudoir gowns of crepe de chine. 11 Boudoir slip-on of crane dfl chine straight line model, lace trim med. 12 Taffetd petticoat dees flounce finished with plattlngs and mffle. 12 Moire ribbon caps in sink com bined with Princess lace, flsraJ wreath trimming. 12 Peignoirs, crepe de cttlae with long coat of Indestructible stlac net and shadow lace, trimmed wtut wide bands of shell-pink satin ribnsn. 12 Boudoir Jackets, trimmed with filet lace and hand-embroideree Geor gette crefpe. 12 Envelope chemise white nain sook with lace motif and Valenciennes Insertion. 12 Camisole of fresh color wash able satin, back and front trimmed I with" deep .band of 'fine torchon lace and wide Fatin ribbon finished with bow. . .12 Boudoir cap of shadow l;ice trimmed with ribbons Hnd tiny bud-. 12 Negitgcei of cree de chine two piece' empire .model with acco" dion pleated skirt trimmed with luce, coatee of lace. 12 'Blouse of CJeorgette crape trimmed with dainty filet lace medal lions and pearl buttons. 12 tarabtnation "onset cover and drawer. 12 ffieeveleax nlgbtrobe of batiste. 11 Corset covers of nainsook, laos trimmed THK 1-OPtl.AJt HI -OUTS nl'IT SHOOT SKIRTS MKAN BtOOtat MEAT W1AA ' PHILADKLPHIA, Feb. 2. Short skirts mean bigger butcher's (not to speak of doctor's) bills, says Mlsa Jane Newcomb, a state college exten sion lecturer. She told this disco. ery to a gathering or Quakers here. Kiss Newcomb also finds: Short skirts and silk stockings make a girl eat so much she be comes bad tempered. An Inch from the skirt means a pound of beefsteak inside. Highly colored dresses ttre very dangerous and make a girl irritable. A calico dress is tetter than imita tion silk. A woman's first duty is to make herself as beautiful as she can. USES FOR SANDPAPER. Always keep a piece of finest sand paper in the kincben. If your cake or bread should brown a bit too much you can rub it off more smoothly than If a grater is used, if anything sticks or burns on pans the fine andpapr cleans more easily than anything else. Iort suits, the ever popular tuid ever becoming, fill a long ft want in milady's wardrobe. Fur patch pockets lend' distinction to this clv- er little model. 4 SUMMER COATS ARE CHIC SAYS SHOPPER (By S. TV. 8.) Are you one who thinks you do not care for coats in summer? I am sure you would linger and gaie and change .your mind if you could see all the chic creations I have viewed this morning. Also I talked with the head buyer, just arrived from New York with Ideas still warm, so to speak, from the; fashion center. She tells me that the foundation for milady's toilette for the summer should be first, a blue suit, and then plunge right infb the sport clothe. And of course, this means a, sport coat, for all collars are on sport lines High colors predominate and sport materials are used even In the Ions coats, ' . Now Material. Ixiupine is a new material used In the creation of some of the summer coats, and greatly resembles the wool ionge, only somewhat coarser in weave. One exceedingly smart model displayed In this cloth has all the latest style features combined In it, having first, the striking combina tion of two colors seren so much this season. The body of the coat is olive green, but colliir. cufrs ancl deep flange Is In liirht tan. It hits the olg enveloping shawl collar. and the deep pockets are made by cutting the flange higher on each side, forming the top of the pocket, which is fas tened by a large button. The very deep fliinge presents you .with the new bnrrel effect, which has rolled In on us from across the seas and Is call ed by our French neighbors the ton nenu effect. The narrow belt looped in front makes the finishing touch. And the things they do with belts these days They have them wind and wvlst and loop, and- fold, go through a buttonhole here and behind a button there until your poor brain is adiiled In trying to follow them. Many start from under a large but ton on the pocket, but most of them from the side seams As to where they will end is the Chinese puule for you to solve for yourself. . Khaki Kool. Another sport material holding great favor this season Is the khaki kool which Is Just as nice us it sounds, for It was just created to flutter gaily, in the cool breeaea on a sun shiny day. The coats of this mate rial are generally brilliantly striped, some with purple stripes on" a gray background, also the new 'Kentucky greentuihed, down by the smoke gray its a background. Bilk tricollne, some times called silk sublime. Is a cool looking sports material, while In the coarser weaves are the gunny burl the burella cloth, the wool velours, and the iphilds and checks. One smart model In the black and white check that would be appropriate to' street or automobile has the deep hem, the sailor collar finished with streamers of black in the front, while the new touch is given by having the fullness in the back slit up to the waistline. A new name for an old color that promises to be popular the coming season Is the minuet, which is no mors or less than burgundy. A new coat in this color has heavy silk stitching in whllte on collars and cuffs, thus adding the necessary sum mer touch. IJnlngs. Not to be overlooked are the fancy tilling! seen in all the new coats. The pussy willow silk seems to be em ployed the most, all In Japanese and Chinese figures, and In "exceptionally bright colors. "Linings, according to our friend, the buyer from New York, are going to play an Important part In my lady's wardrrolve. one serv iceable, light weight coat for sum mer motoring la in solid gray, season ed by a fancy lining of gold, with Japanese birds and trellises scattered picturesquely about on It. "Uirgei pock ets and narrow belt finish, this model, l'lcats. Pleats are seen in the sport ooats. One model "de luxe" Is In solid white Malison cloth in the meadow-brook battern, which la sort of a trellis work design. A deep yoke Is on bade and front, from which hangs ?ull pleats held In by a long narrow belt. For the rest there are buttons of tbe material and two pockets patched on flat . tv LINGERIE DRESSES . Lovely new lingerie dresses hare or gandie collars and cuffs, prettily trim med with hand embroidery la whits or colors ' i ' HERE GERMLETS IS . ' 1 THE CHANCE OF A LIFE "The skirts or evening gowns lengthen Into little points which drag seven inches on the floor' "Fads and Fashions" CHIEF TRAFFIC MANAGING GERM "HI, fellers! The or- rhestra's startln' a fox'-trot! Oooo, lokeyl Here ernes ne ' them evening gowns with little. points which drag seven . inches on the floor! Here's you chance for a ride, boys! Stand up and be ready when she sweeps by! Look out her foot don't slip- and squash you! Hi, tthnre standi back from the track and don't crowd! Plenty of room for everybody! Please move up front! Remember this is a no stop skirt, so you'll have to get on as she moves! Here she Is! now. altogether! all aboard!" aboard!" AND COMMUNITY STYLE SHOW THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MARCH 1st and 2nd DONT FORGET THURSDAY. Store Windows Will be Unveiled Promptly at Six Thirty P. M. j DON'T FORGET THURSDAY. I R Style Show, Door Open at Temple Theater Promptly at Seven P. M. I Special Matinee Friday Afternoon. Ladies Only. A Community Style Show Put on by Pendleton merchants and backed up with that good old Pendleton Spirit. This is an event that is entirely and new promises to be a gorgeous af fair. The general sentiment of Pendleton people is highly in favor. This is an opportunity for Pendleton folks to tee styles exactly as they are displayed in any great style center of the country. . r Local models, chosen from Pendleton's most popular and graceful young women will represent the firms and display the Charming New SP ,r,t. .Kawino- the combinations, blend in etc.. best suited for your own individuality. Our enthusiasm ts behind every move ei T . .- . and interesting Spring Opening and Community Style Show. Also in addition to the local talent employed there will be two professional from New York. They, no doubt, will create an interest worthy of your attention. models direct 4 i he '5v?JeL'(. Our Clothing Dep't. As a center for the newest there is in Men's Wear, is un excelled. With the coming of Spring and all its splendor, we invite men to visit our Cloth ing section and inspect the new things that are arriving daily. New Spring Shoes From our well selected stock. You can be assured of every correctness there is in Shoes as to style, quality and fit. ' Our specialty is to please most particular people. Note the exceptional charming Shoes from our Shoe Dept., as they are displayed on models at the Community Style Show. w-w -re 1 We have arranged an elaborate display for your convenience all ot our splendid new Coats, Suits, Dresses, Etc. To be open for inspection and selection FRIDAY MORN ING, as your attention will probably be cailed to the STYLE SHOW MATINEE in the afternoon and Saturday is usualy always a busy day. ADDED TO OUR ALREADY EDABORATE SHOW ING of the season's most popular and winning garments, we have received a large showing of SUITS, COATS, DRESSES and LINGERIE, direct from the most popular and efficient makers and designers of high grade Ready-to-Wear. Therefore the showing of our garments will carry with them that high standard of Quality First. IN ADDITION TO THE COMMUNITY STYLE SHOW we wish to mention the fact that our Dry Goods Department Is showing the newest and most elaborate stock in the history of our store. OUR DRY GOODS DEPT. is showing an abundance of new things in piece goods, such as Spring Silks. Woolens and Wash Materials, stamper v. I.!: that high standard of quality. QUALITY FIRST ALEXANDERS QUALITY FIRST