PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1917. EIGHT PAGES BEST SERVICE AND THE BEST MERCHANDISE IS THE MOTTO AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE i High Grade Products of High Grade Manufacturers Displayed To Best Advantage. Our country's kt-u tst and muei st-oceaaful merchant onoe mid: 'Therm to but one course to follow for the suoeasful merchant follow the -urje of best service and heat mer fhwidlm" This treat principle hu bif It up and made the suck e-w of one of Pendleton's great stores, the Peo plea Warehoum. The principle of Improved aervice and a -still greater Improvement on that service is the watchword. They have virtually made It their duty to which all patrons aire emftled. to lighten their shopping burden and give the beet that can be had. But he principle which we might ray haa lent Its effects greatest to ward the success of this great store has been the principle of always giv SAYRES SECURES THE AGENCY FOR THE FAMOUS PAULPOIRET MODELS Although Smallest City ia America to Secure Distinction, Agency is Awarded Because of Pendleton's Wideawakeness. Pendleton haa the distinction of be ing the smallest city in America in which there ia a Paul Poiret store, and it's ail because Pendleton "si known as 4the biggest little city in the world" that she has this distinc tion. When R D. Sayres. head of the Hayrea exclusive ladies' ' store, applied for the privilege of representing the famous Paris designer in this city, the officials or Poiret, Inc. were at first astonished at tha presumption. However, the reputation which has made Pendleton betted , known mar tha country than are mbtat cit ies five and IS times her else and Mr. ttayrea' greatest aid. The company finally wrote that, though it was con trary to all precedent and custom to enter a city of 7500, they had taken into consideration tha fame of Pen dleton as a "dressy" as well aa a live i-lty and had granted Use application. It means something to the followers of fashion to have a Poiret store fn their aaidK It means that they may ing highest quality merchandise, the beat that It is pusaibe for money to buy. Mich famous lines as these mean quality: - Hart. Schufner and Marx Clothed for Men. Ia System Clothes for Toung Men who like class. Kensington Hats at 1 3 60. John B. Stetson Hats. H. & Li Block Make Oloves. farhurt Overalls. Manhattan Shirts. lwis Underwear for Men. Dent's Gloves for Women. Kavser Underwear. Phoenix Hosiery. Oak Serges. select skirts, dresses, suits and coats designed by the master hand of Eu rope's most noted designer of milady'; styles. .Such a service Is to be given to Pendleton ladies through the en ergy and progresBiveneaw of Hayres, and well may the ladies of other small cities envy the ladiea of 'Pen dleton. One thousand Poiret albums, show, ing with beautiful affect all of the various Poiret fashions, have been se cured by aayres for distribution am ong their patrona Through these al bums any Pendleton lady can secure any Poiret design Just as easily as though she lived in New York where the famed Parisian has opened a large branch since the war began. Pendleton has a reputation of get ting what she goes after and the mer cvhanm are showing that this same spirit manifests itself in their pri vate business. The bringing of Potret to Pendleton Is a tribute to the fame of this city such a any lady can readily appreciate. A Person is Known by the Com pany They Keep, so are They Known by the Jewelry they Wear A well jeweled man or a well jeweled woman is a mark of admiration Jewelry reflects character Individuality is expressed by jewelry Seek your hobby in jewelry and play it to the utmost A well jeweled woman carries with her an air of refinment and culture A well jeweled man, moreover a well jeweled business man carries with him a distinction and a prestage Individualize yourself by wearing jew elry of character Study the fashion displays and our windows and see what is what in jewelry. "Printaess" Coats and Suits for distinction In dress. Uosard. Bon Ton and Kuyal Wor cester Corsets. These lines of merchandise mean quality in every item where there la quality it iwys to trade. . With all their strife for improved services and quality the price has been given Its due attention and this greatest store offers superior goods that are in many cases less than other stores ask for "take-a-chance" goods. Pendleton's greatest and best de partment store, the Peoples Ware house, offers these services: Free city delivery, a most perfect mail order department, special deliv eries for emergency cases, rest -room and other conveniences In the big store, postofftce sub-station, where you may mall your letters and par cels post packages unseen, mail, buy stamps and money orders And a most efficient organization of experienced and courteous sales people, all of which have given Pen dleton one of her greatest and best department stores. A. I. SCHAEFER FROM FAMILY JNEWaflB Prominent Local Dealer Has Been Watchmaker Since He was 14 Years Old; Grand father Was Jewler in Eu rope. Coming from a family of jewelers and watchmakers and having person ally followed the business since he was 14 years of age, A. 1 Schaefer is no novice in the business he follows in Pendleton. Uia grandparents on both sides of his family were jewel ers in Kurope and hla own father was a jeweler in St. Louis during the boy hood of the Pendleton merchant. It was in at. Louis at the age of It that Mr. ttchaefer began learning the watchmakers' art and he has follow ed the trade in one manner or an other ever since. He has been in business in Pendleton for tha last nine years and previous to that time was in the business in Walla Walla for many years. Reliability as a watch dealer la one of the strong points in the Schaefer business. Mr, Schaefer Is inspector for the O.-Wi It. N. Co., and has been such for the past nine years For this purpose he has a time ticket in his store, the exact time being se cured by ticket service from the lick Observatory in California. At stated periods the watches of all O--W. R. IT employes must be examined by Mr, .Schaefer. Among other things, the embattled tenants might demand the privilege of keeping milch goats In their premises and so squelch the dairy trust. Royal M. Sawtelle HATS THAT LOOK LIKE A CHINESE PAGODAARE CHIC All Sorts of Oriental Beads and Coins Are Absolutely Mod ish Says Mrs. Rose Campbell. HIGH CROWN MODELS ALSO FASHION'S EDICT If you see a Pendleton lady gliding down the main thoroughfure with her "tresses surmounted 'by a something that resembles a Chinese pagoda mora than it does a hat, mere man should have a care not to expose his ignor ance of things fashiomuble by some fooheh remark. For, be it known, a lady thus crowned Is in the height of style. At least so says Mrs. Rose Campbell of Campbell's millinery and she certainly ought to be one au thority on ladles hats whose dictum should be accepted locally as gospel truth. Tha orient ia dictating th'is season s fashions in milady's headgear Just an surely aa though some almond-eyed goddess had usurped the throne of fashion. Any real style book in mil linery will support Mrs. Campbell s word, for they show all sorts of Chi nese and Japanese designs, some of them even being deoorated with ori ental beads and coins There are Mandate-,- Pekings, Bagdads and o- ouls, and, to be absolutely modish, mi lady should havs a handbag and swag ger stick to match. However. It is not absolutely em-en- tial that a lady resemble a mandarin's wife to be in vogue this season. There are any number or other styles just as fashionable as the oriental stuff. The big hats for dress occasions have the droopy crown effect which has been popular in other seasons. Some of larger streets hats have the same droopy crowns but the most modish new spring designs have high crowns with an accent on the high. High col ors are also the general rule with a toning effect of black. Marie Antoinettes, Empress Joseph ines, Coronations. Premier umpires and Bonapartos are alt being worn this spring and. If you want some thing very chic in a sport hat, a Mi lan with Khakl-Kool cannot be sur passed. Military hats worn wnn high collars are also to be vogue. Mrs. Campbell has a -ery attractive line of all of .the latest fashions In spring hats from orientals to sport hats. I R.M.SAWTELLE FIRST TO JOIN HALLMARK PLAN Pendleton Jeweler Associated With 1000 Jewelers With Millions in Resources; Head quarters in New York. Koyal M, Sawtelle, owner of one of Pendleton's oldest jewelry hotiaes, has the distinction of having1 been th5 first dealer in Oregon to be Invited to unite with the United Jeweton In their famous Hallmark organization. The average person may not fully un derstand the meaning of this state ment but the honor is one that means much to a jewel en. The organisation comprises 1000 succeesfu jewelers throughout the United Statea, headquarters being maintained in New York City. The organization has millions available for purchases and consequently 1a able to buy on a very favorable basl In explanation of Hallmark and Its mending, Mr. Sawtelle said: "Only one jeweler in any commu nity Is eligible to membership and hla standards must be of the highest. The members of this association do an anual aggregate business In exceas of twenty million dollars, and they cooperatively own and control the product of a number of great facto ries, thus virtually making each member his own manufacturer. In this way the cost of manufacturing and selling our goods is reduced to a minimum, and we are able to produce a higher quality of merchandise at i lower price" than Is possible under other conditions And of course, we have direct supervision over the Qual ity, design'ing and workmanship of our goods, maintaining always the high standards and exclusive designs of all Hallmark productions. "This explains why our customers are able to secure Hallmark goods at a lower price in nearly every case, than Is charged elsewhere) for goods of equal value. "Our direct-from-factory buying makes it possible for us to product better and larger assortments of new, fresh merchandise In the latest styles and designs at the lowest cost with out the necessity of taking large quantities of any one article into stock. "If you will look at our offerings from any point of view vahie, style, workmanship, quality or distinctive ness, you will fjnd them more inter esting than any others that you have ever considered." Another strategic move for driving back Invaders from ourhores might be to mass the popular song writers at the seaboard with their pianos. By careful observation you will no tice that wealth brings happiness as often as poverty. ' j First Display of the WyS'I Jfl New. Spring Styles Inspect our beautiful dinp!ay '00 K Campbell Millinery f )wk ill 822 Main Street "V, BOND BROS. HAVE BUILT UP SOLID BUSINESS ON POLICY OF GIVING VALUE AND SERVICE About fifteen years ago a very smull store wua established by two young men with a firm resolve to build a bodiless upon a foundation of value and service, and upon this foundation has grown steadily on of the largest men's and young men'r establishments In the northwest. Bond Brothers have, for many years, served the, men's trade of thia section with the same resolution In mind, that of value to the men and young men. The standard of mer chandise, has at all times, been strictly adhered to and today this store is In a position to serve all the men and young men of this commu nity better than ever before with n fine a stock of wearing apiwiel aa U manufactured The spring of 1817 off en iui un usual opportunity for buyers 'ft this store, as the entire stock Is new and the styles are more varied than In many years. jn buying the stock for 1817 the Interests of the customer hav& been tuken care of more cloaely than ever. They have purchased no merchandise but that which would come up to this store's high standard of quality, and with this stock or clothing, hats, shoes and furnishing goods, not to toe excelled In the Unit ed states from a style, value or ser. vice standpoint, they are In readi ness to care for the wants of the men and young men of this section. PATRON FIRST IS STORE. IDEA WITH HANSCOM Animating; Spirit at Local Es tablishment is to Civ Custo mer the Service He Wants; 1917 a Diamond Year. "The Customer First" In thuso three words are contained the sum to tal of the bug i nam policy at the Han. scom Jewelry Store. " 'The Customer First' represents more to us than a mere catchy phrase or Just so many words. "We take it to heart we try seri ously to think of the customer first In every transaction with every cus tomer, at all times, under any and every condition or circumstance," says William SV Hanscom, who hai owned the business for the last eight years "We think "Customer First' from the proprietor down to the last em ploye. "It Is the Idea of considering the customer first. In all things, which la necessary on our part to maintain the prenttge and good will from the peo The styles for sprlpg 1(17 fare beautiful. The trend pt spring style in men's and young men's garments are; V '.'.!v-- ? Coats are slightly leniter with - ev ery detail centered about emphasis ing the high waist Ime effect with many pinch baok models showing for young men while tha older men will wear garments of more conservative cut but with slightly narrowed lines. The woolens In the' spring' suits have never been so good t rem a standpoint of quality and oolorihgs. Colorings for spring are, grey, green, blue, tan and mixtures of fahfios thai have beauty far exceeding the mix tures of fabrics of former seasons The dyes are all Imported that enter Into the woolens and are fast colors. The men's shirts and neckwear are mostly highly colored this season and embody the products of the world's most fumoas makers. Bhoa have been a most Important part of their buying for this season and the styles are bordering on the KngliHh and French lasts but the stock contaJna every shape known to modem shoe making. All the new models of men's wear ing apparel will be shown by this store at the Commmunlty Rtyle Show ou Thursday uml Friday, March 1st and 2nd. ple at large that we now enjoy. "So does this little business motto aptly voice the keynote of our ideal In service giving. "It la the animating spirit of our entire business the 'something about our atore service which makes It dif ferent from the ordinary. " The Customer First1 to us means that we must remember to practice courtesy, atncajrtty and truthftilnas In every transaction with the custom er. "It is the ever-present thought which reminds us In every Instance to apply the 'Golden Rule.' "To treat the customer aa If we were the customer. "To let our desires be first to serve; then to sell, and "To make exchanges for unsatis factory purchases or refund money therefore, just aa pleasantly aa we accepted it when the sale was first made." A Diamond Year. "The year 117 is going to fie a diamond year, berause of the great prosperity of the country, and we are ready to supply your want We have one of the largest diamond tocks In eastern Oregon and are able to price our roods low. You will find that we can give you joni valuaVe attswestlons as to your nnrehseas.