i BIGHT PAGES PAGE SEVEW DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1917. NEXT time you buy an OWL just notice how fresh and well - conditioned it is. That is part of our service to smokers. We try to deliver to each retail dealer only as many OWLS as he can safely sell in fresh condition. The factory does its part and we do ours to make sure that you will get a full smoker's satisfaction every time you smoke an OWL. THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGAR M. A.GUNSTC&CO K3W Is flic Tie to Sell Your Junk While she Prior are High. All kind of bottle. Old cut and wrought Iron. Hides, Pelts, and fun of all kinds, slso Rg. We pay (ha highest price for second hand furniture. Cspper Wire, light copper. lc Yellow Brass lto Light Bras 19c Aluminum Itc Pewter He Tin Kotl 22 He Kino i Lead 4W kreen Hide . . . .". IH sry RM ' tie Rubber Tires 4 He tnser Tubea .... 10 He 121 W. Railroad St., Pendleton. M. HOMIU; Prop. R m. Phea 74rt-J Bus Phone Ml MING Carload of high-grade native u w Big- boned; broken and unbroken; three to five years old; weight 1100 to 1S00 lbs. Perfectly ac ' climated and extra choice stock. LIU I 11IY WILL EE ON SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 AND 27, AT THE Peiieton Hotse & Mule Met JorfN H. LUCK a K. FEED YARD, PENDLETON. 621 Aura Straw TJephoo Sl CLOKiat rlXAMTJVATIOW OV I'RKIIKKJCK V1H 6TAKTS HAUFA.X. Feb. 21. The Freder ick Eighth was towed alongside the railroad pier. The British have start ed a closer examination of the cargo. The pier is closely guarded. Ttdmy nmtmbtr to order a supply of Sun kist Oranf from your dtiltr. Sunkist are the uniformly good Orang. Sunkist Uniformly Good Oranges ' '.kkmait OAPTAI.V aotki fhom uy.nus. ) BU8TON, Feb. m. , Captain ,. lack, of the interned German liner Kronprinzessin Cecllfe, in a statement given on the witness stand of ' th United Ktatee court here, aairi he ha.il damagt-d the engines of the liner un der orders from Berlin. TAI-T KICKS STATK I'KKIU OlijM-tM to one fju?r w'hliif on Ah- othc-r in If 'y Jjiw. BALT1MOHE, Aid.. Feb. 24. Wil liam U. Taft, upeaklnff today at the commemorating exercUfea of Johns Hopkin university, condemned the bone dry prohibition law just paaet-i! by congrewi as an encroachment upon a nffhU of atatea. He aaid he Was not against local option principle, nor thoae of child labor leaiIation. but objected to aut h legislation when through ft one state could encroafli on the right of another. NO "KVN'-HOS-AY". IN ILLINOIS. 8PRI NO FIELD, III., Feb. 24. In compliance- with the requent of the c!tlsena of Han Jose, III., that the name of the town be pronounced by the trainmen aa It la spelled In KngUtth and not the 8pantnh pronunciation of "San Ho -ay." Preaident Heird of the Alton today Issued an order to the trainmen to pronounoe the name ac cording to the Kngliah spelling. Look! Resinol has cleared that awful skin-eruption away The moment that Rcsinnl Oint ment touches ftchint skin the itch inr usually stops and healing be? ins. That is why dctors have described it so successfully fir over 2) years in even the sevcrert rayes of ecze ma, rinwormy rashes, and many thcr torment ine, ilislijrurinjr skin discaf.es. Aided hy warm Kitlis with Kcsinnl Sn:ip, Kcsinol Ointment makes s sick skin or scalp healthy, ftiickly, c isily and at little ost. KrwrH't Ointment ami Reino1 Snap a ! Itrt-fcilf Win t( rlrar away ftmplr t4 dan. tirnff. S.srirViIllrur. Mrnwitlttcbiittt IsKaa wwlcimmc hri Sltavinc StVk. The Best Place in Town to Get Is at the store "what has" the "WHITMAN'S" slga. Nebedy la America makes eaayfy Ilk "HHITMAKCS." Others have tried, are still irvhnr. btrt tbey can't da it. WHITMAN'S" staads far th A kex ef "WHIT.M.WS" CVJfOrHS are revelations to lle wae ds't kaow their geedaeaa. Tjvllman & Co. Le)f'DniaMls I : ' y ( p' J f mm f4 CANDY l mm ims mm HE CASES KMTKTHHY WKATHKK DOHft NOT 1II.MKII FARMK'KK KROM Hl'RI.Vti UOItK. After- One More Mneting on March a Win literary Sotiecy will Suspend rntM After the Busy Season. 1 (Kant Oregonlan Special.) NOUN. Feb, 4. Nolin has had its ffhare of blustery weather during the veek, but not bad enough to hinder the farmers from their work. Thomas Kerr moved back to his Nolin ranch last week after spending several months upon his son's ranch near Holdman. After one. more meeting, which will be March Srd, the literary society will Hunnend until after the busy season. Thn next program will constat of a mock trial In which R. S. Bixby, prin cipal of the Nolin school will be tried for bootlegging, a few fusical number), and the Tantalize r, the so ciety paper edited by O. F. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams re turned lant week from a visit to their formes' home In southwest Missouri. There are several cases of meaea in this community, T. B. Williams be ing the worst sufferer reported thus far. The Slunher caterpillar and a string of plows were pulled out to commence fttinimer fallowing last Tuesday. Mrs. IT. G. Khipley returned last Monday after spending three tweeks with relatives In Pasco. Mw. C. P. Connor of Htanfield vis ited Mr. and Mrs. IT. O. Shipley in our burg Wednesday. Mrs. David Shumway returned from a vtit ,t Troutdale Tuesday. Mrs. R. 8. Austin and Mrs. M. D. Kimball were Pendleton shoppers Tuesday. t Mr. and Mrs. Dale Slusher were lo cal passengers to the county seat Wednesday evening. Miss Opal Khlpley vifdted in Htan field Tuesday night with her sinter Mrs. C. D. Connor. Mr. and Mrs. I L. Fix of Alkali. Hpent last Sunday with Mrs. Fix's parents Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Steele. It. B. "Happy Wolford is In Pen iileton this week taking a courne in gas engineering given at the high html by the Holt Manufacturing Co. Mine Ida Wells, who is attending the P. H. S. spent Saturday and Sun day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Wells. 8afttitng Good. Those who hate nasty medicine should try chamberlain's Tablet for constipation. They are pleasant to take and their affect tk so agreeable and so natural that yon win not real ize that tt haa bean produced By medicine. Obtainable everywhere.. Adv. Omaha Has I7.ie.0oe Fire. OMAHA. Feb. 24. The Continental bliK'k burned. The loss Is estimated at three quarters of a million dollars. A high wind threatened to spread the flames to taj(e in the entire business district THE DAILY FASHION HINT I -Tea steal, see th! beats e - and asosidsr surer sc mecber mt pearl paikattes shUBBMr ssat shite ander even tag tUasstna- tioa wbea I sane.- says taatra. Tx-a aard Ss say vbsthar the rest a arr draas hi wkita Inscadid tal- ' reca ae aK sac. Bat ary sasa of .aaUe grras a ameat yonthfld sad Idtapaasowa air a taa whois gowa." x. a. Swai N ITIONAl! RANKS KHOW UVIttiK ;lti WUM.MW WAHHINOTON. Feb. 4 Comptroller Williams announc ed the national banks last year ahowed the largest net earn- Inge since the national bank sys- tem was established. The gT"SS O earning Increased thirteen per 4 cent over nineteen fifteen. tmM ir 1 BES T BEEF STEERS AT POKTIaAND, Ore., Feb. 2. From a shipper's or seller's standpoint, the market for livestock at North Port land during the last week left little to desired. On the other hand, buy ers were confronted not only wltn inadequate supplies, but extreme pri ces which created a further decrease in the volume that, consumers could poeslbly afford. It was a very firm tone that ap peared even at the start of the week in the swine trade at North Portland. Killers quickly snapped up extreme tops as high aa 1 12.04. The stock that brought this price at the start of the week was well worth a premium of 15c to 25c above what la generally called toppy quality. Nevertheless later In the week there were sales of light weights of quality around $12 59. yhlch really means at least $12. SO for top heavies.. This small class of stuff sold generally at the start of the week around $12.25. General hog range: Heavy packing Best light Rough heavy Figs Ktockers ' . .$!2.3Gi:.0 . . 12.3512.40 . . 11. 600112. 00 . . 10.25felO.7S .50010.00 Quality of rattle Desired. At the start of the week there were some fair offerings of top quality cat tle and it did not take killers long to recognize this fact, kales of top qual ity steers were made at 16.90 in the Daily Chats With the Housewife MEXICAN OMFIvKT. Put a small piece of butter or salt pork in spider; cut up two or three, onions and cook with butter until ten der; pour can of tomatoes In this mix ture; then add 1 or 2 beaten eggs. StraMon with salt and pepper. Serve on crackers or toast very hot. This makes an inexpensive ajipper dish. CARROT Pt'DDrXG. One cup of chopped carrots, raw: 1 cup of chopped potatoes, raw; 1 cup of flour, 1 cup or raisins, 1-2 cup of suet, 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. 1 teaspoon cloves. 1 tea spoon of nutmeg, salt. Steam three hours. Serve with whipped cream. PORK CAKE. Half-pound fat salt pork, chopped ADVANCED POSITION TAKEN. BERLJN, FVb. 24. CVift fiayvllle ) The official tatement: "In the Somme sector the Brttiah occupied some parts of an advanced position. The trenches were already abandon ed and willed with mud." r. , . - rtnAte r. it , On December first I had a very, severe cold or attack of the grip sa t may k.. aT.d was nearly don rick ; Is aefl. wntea O. I. esetcair. weaui- (ray. Me. "I bought two bottles ot JhamberlahV. Cough Remedy and It was only a few days until I was com- J sletely restored to health. I (Irmly believe that Chamberlain's Cough nemedy is one of the very best medi cines and will know what to do when I have another cold." Obtainable everywhere. Adv. BMlIrT COSTS Kin UlrOOY WIKK Sft ijt DIVOKCK NO. S -VrTW YORK Feb. 24. "Mr. Mc Coy in a good fellow, but he is not the kind of a man who should ever marry. He belongs to the puNic," said Kid McCoy's wife today. "No, 1 don't mind being a man's sixth wif". I don't think It makes any difference to a woman, if she loves a man, how CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY i ATTORNEYS. S. A. IX) WE LI ATTORNEY ANT DOCTORS. ... counsellor at law. Office la D. . . .,. ,. , , - D W. BAILBT, ATTOR.VKT AT ,pain building. OR- 8 A. ROE. PRACTICB LIMIT. "Law. Rooms 7. t. . DefPaln Bldg. Ited to the eye. ear, ace and throat. ' -ry1T,v-t TXTSKRAli DIRbJT-aOrW. Charity patients 1st and Jrd Faturdmv OROROa W. T?:TS """' 1 Jdd Bsildln.. at law. Koom 17. Schm.dt block. j, T. BROWN'S FTTR?4TTtTRB? STORI CARTER BWTTHK. ATTORNBT8 f"oral director aad licensed earn H1MTXLAN EX3CS. CARTER . -- balmer. Moat modera roneral par N.1, o'- BanT buHdr '"7 T .c M BLANTts 0T tVXRT t,t responded to day or night. Corset eerlpUoa for eoonty eoart. el reset FEE FEB. ATTORHVT8 AT LAW. " Telepho io.rt. . rU .Mate. Office ha Daspala building. to, aaie at East Oregoalaa efOea John w mrrr. attor-Nict-at- ,0f A,KIR- FTNrreAL ti insirance .d uxd Bt srxsnv Law. Room a. Axoerlca. N.tloe 'OT Urn embalmer. Op . al Bank kail ding. fi. runeral aartor BENTLET a MONTf?OMERT. RI..L fuaersl ears. Call, resaoaded tt estate, fire, life and accident Inaur- R L E BATOR. ATTORNTtT AT day or sight. Pheoe Te. asee agents, lit Mala street. Pboaa law Room 14. Smith-Crawford "Z - . MUMTAMA r.AHJf LANDd. COL. W. r. TOHVKA. AUCTION- S. A. NstWBERRT. A ' '""KT eer. makes a spctaKy of farmers NORTHERN PAt'IFtC ItAITWAT Law. Smith-Crawford Building ,ack and machinery sales. The Lands la eastern Montana at II maa that gets you the money." Leave to tit per acre, mutable foe farm I ass PETERSON BISHOP. ATTOR- orders at East Oregon taa ofSee. or graaiac. Easy terms For tafor- aeys at taw; rooms t and 4. Smith- matloa write or see W. K. Holt, Miles, Crawford building. MlSCKI-LAJTIOOCa. Mootaaa. -, . .. a JAMES B. P'ERRT, ATTOR NEW AT LEOAi. BLANKS OW EVERT DsV SMXD HI.U ItU-KA. law. Office over Taylor Hardware script! om ear oouaty eoart. ctrcaU . i company cart, lastlee eoart. real errata, .to. v- 8TROBLE. LBALER IN NEW tor sal at asast Orsaosias erne. a" second hand seeds Cass. - said for all sd hand geada Caeae- RALBT R ALBT. ATTOREJrTS AT POtJLTRT FOR aAUB. est place te buy IwwImM seees. IIS law. OffVes ta Aaierteaa National - -, - , Court, psoas I71W. Bask BuUdlng. HlI'sj LROHORN CHTCKS. batrS- . lag asata, l asilei taring strata ef - ARCltlTaXT. erthwust. Hardy, raaurs mind year. . - ... .. - .-,....-e FREDERICK BTKlWaTR. ATTOR I tag heaa, etgorowa. Hoaaataed cevfc. RAYMOND W. HATCH, A Mrau- aey at law. OlTtce la Smith-Craw areas Aaad far eataaegua arrerla tort. IMpals B tit Id I eg. Paea ford euiMta. laxg FVrm. Tbe Bav'lss, oregea. 11. p.sdletea. Oraeoa. $9.60 North Portland yards at the start of the week, and there was a very good demand. Later in the week there were no arrivals of tiptop quality, and ex treme values were not tested, but Tne- Idlum quality stuff sold about a dime higher at the close than at the open ing of the week's trading. General cattle market range: Best heavy beef steers. . t.25 0 .0 Best light beef steers... .75H . Best beef cows 7.75 .00 Pest heifers .0 Crdonary to good cows. 7.25 7. SO Best butcher bulls .50W 7.00 Light bulls S.00 XJ Calves 7.00 10.50 htocker-feeder steers.... S.7S& 50 Stocker-feeder cows S.ui s on 8heep Continue Nominal. Nominal tone la about the best that could be said or tne aneep ana mmo division of the North Portland mar ket. This la no fault of the demand. for there Is plenty of Inquiry for 11-e-stock. The trouble with the trade is the almost general lack of offering on the open market. Extreme prices are still available for top quality to test these figures during the week. General mutton and Iamb market: Best east of mountain lambs 12 75 U.no Best valley lambs 1 2.25 12.50 Wethers . 10.50 10.75 Ewes .00a .75 Goats 4.25' 4.60 fine; 1 cup molasses, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup milk. 2 eggs. I teaspoonful soda, 1 tablespoonful allspice, 1-2 pound chopped raisins. 1-2 pound currants, 1-4 pound citron. 5 cups flour. I have used this recipe 40 years and it never failed. spicKn riMMiKimiEs. Five quarts cranberries, 4 pminds sugar, 1 pint vinegar, 2 tablespoons cinnamon and allspice. 1 of cloves. Make a syrup; add berries; cook slow ly two hours, until berries are soft. Nlce with cold meat. ONE EGG CT'STARD PIE. Beat well together until smooth 1 egg. 1 tablespoon milk, 1 heaping tablespoon flour and 2-3 cup sugar. Add 1 pint milk, a little salt and any flavoring desired. Bake in one crust. many times he's been married be fore. Edna Valentine Selby, daughter of Washington 8. Valentine and sixtc wife? of Norman Selby. today won divonoe decree. She produced evidence r " " . " in the Mpnm. court that the one- ST. J.T " rLl Jf "a" Coy.' had visited s hotel December -1 - " - ' - " PP . hi lf' application Her - re , a concise "J: "V record In the matrimontal ring: 1S94 Married Lottie Piehler. 185 Divorced. i 18J7 Married Julia Woodruff ' Crosse man three times, divorced I three times. j 1S7 Married charlotte Smith. I 1897 ehe divorced him. j 1904 Married Ondtanola Arnold. I 1904 .Divorced by her. ! 1(05 Married Mrs. Rstelle Rarle ; Ellis 1910 Divorced by her. 1911 Married Mrs. Edra Valen tine Heln. 191T Divorced by her. "What Mexico needs Is more evo lution and less revolution. DRESS WARM AND . KEEP FEET DRY TKI Jx IMIKI l Tlsi xt frt:itm;S TO T.IRK ALT AMI tihTt Hit OF I'BIO Al'llr. Rheumatism I no respecter of i C color or rank. If not the dangerous of human afflictions It r one of the most painful. Those sob- ject to rheumatism should eat tee meat, dress aa warmly as posthle.l avoid any undue exposure and, akhevsj all, drink lote of pure water. It he u mat Ism is cawed by uric actl which is generated in the bowels and absorbed into the blood. Tt Is tn function of the kidneys to filter hi acid from the blood and cat it ost In the urine; the pore of the skin are also a means of freeing the blooj of this impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the skin pores are clos ed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and) sluggish and fait to eliminate th. uric acid which keeps accumulative and circulating in the Joints ana ;m cles causing stlffnees, soreness aadU pain ailed rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheun rfcT get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a rstoie spoon in a glass of water anJ drink; before breakfast each morning for m week. This Is said to eliminate or n acid by stimulating the kidn y if normal action, thus ridding the Mo-mI of these Impurities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless) and la made from the acid of r-m and lemon Juice, combined with fUh ia and is used with excellent rseiila !) thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here you haw pleasant, effervescent lithii-wuter drink, which overcomes ric acii'so is beneficial to ihe kidneys as w FEW FOLKS HAVE -GRAY HAIR NOV lllll ..IftfT-AV5r TLAD1E8 AltE UH. l&U RECIPE tA.E TEA AND SlU'UtK. Hair that loses its color and lutr or when it fades, turns gray, dull unl (jfeleas, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother mada up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulph-..r to keep her locks dark and tiesuiUi'vt. and thousands of women and isvaa who value that even color, that beau tiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive, uee only this old-time rt- c'pe. Nowadays we get this Camous mix ture improved by the addition of Hti- er ingredients by aaking at any druc store for a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeta' Sage and Sulphur Compound, wnicav darkens the hair so naturally, so ev enly, that nobody can possibly tell it.. has been applied. You just daoirem av sponge or soft brush with tt and dra jr. this through your hair. By morornf tne gray hair disappears; but what aaOllarhtal tha taalliaMB m.ltk U.' vs. V. ' kMiaa. , SulpnIlr compound, i. .tot. b.- ana suipnur Compound, is tint. L,d beauufully darkening the f- apP.U.tiona, it also b. har . brinjsi - back the gloss tnd lustre and gives it an appearance of abundance. j Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Om ; pound . deIi-ntfu toil j. i to impart color and yout hf ut a,p- , paaranee to the hair. It Is not n- i tended for the cure, mitigation or pro- venUon of auww. " $100 Reward. SICK? The reeaers of this hm will b aim f to learn tbat there is at least on. dreaitov I dlMse that srteere has ben sole te cwrs Is sll Its stagM. sad tbst Is rstarra. Ca I tarrh being Kreatly lnflueaed by rnastlla tkmal eoaUition. requires couet itatftoa. : treatawt. Hall's Catarrh ("nr. la take ; tatrroally and acts thru the Blood oa j arose-Sarfa.-ea of the 0J steal tbareby as treyiag the fouadstloa of tbe dltwaa., giv ing the patient atmuith by building sp tke coortlrmton and SMtftlng nstnre la aw . Its worlf- Tbe proprit.jrs bav. sn staca fallb la tbe roratlv. powers of Hall's Ca , tarrh Cur. Uut by ott.r One Husdnd to4 ! Isrs for any raee that It falls to cur, lai ' for lt.t of testimonials Address: K J. t'HKNRT a Co.. TollOat Oblo. Hold by ail Druggleta. 73e. u