PAGE ETGI1T DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1917. TEN PAGES UNCLE SAM S CONTRIBUTION TO BRITISH NAVAL EFFECTIVENESS jLj SMOOTHEST. j umrrup TYr Ar-w-i F you paid for things accord in, to the pleas ure they gave, tobacco an' books would cost a lot mo' than diamonds. JUST fill a pipe with VELVET draw in the cool, mild smoke that's so fragrant and rich that But what's the use trying to describe a Am? Take our word for VELVET long enough to try a pipeful. You won't need to take anybody's word after that. "...sw.'flu..-.t -J I V Lingering Crucifixion. I know that county of Schuylkill, FVnn. 1 lived there as a. boy. A .pvmngjXer there has two chances to Corns Peel Right Off With "Gets-It" 4 tmw, and Um Corn Is a wGoncr! Hkn you've rt to walk oa tbe aide of .war hu to get my from those mwfal raPlD, Ibere's only ott rommoa-twnse tlttac to do. 1'ct 2 or 3 drops of its-It" work down in the ground where it is almost criminal to send a child, or in ins breakers where I worked as a boy. it Is not living to work in those Breakers: it is a. slow lingering cruci fixion. Talk of the mothers! Good uod! Hasn't the state of Fewnsyl- vania heart enough to provide for these mothers without depriving the children of their chance in the world.' Representative Lewis of Maryland, chairman of the labor committee, in a speech in the house of repre sentatives. I10IJS ARMY BILL- . IS SHORT OS OWNS . G-lti "War Cora Wat Stwfll tm Uater. H1Se. TWj'll . hrU IMci mm OS! aa the cora ripht away. Pain and Inflam autlon Kill di)44tHxar. the corn wHl be$m a ahrivrl frnn cUat tnrtant then It Imw and falls richt off. There'a no othr corn-rem ore r In the wwM lUat arm like "freta-lt." No w abi-oTy has been made la ctm-removera iace "livt-it" wan bora, Ion't. forset ih.t fart. "tiXw-It" doe away foreTr with ths war of kiiI vex that Irritate, bandasea that amake a boodle of yonr toe. planter, tltat at if do the work, knivt and sclsttora that ttw blood. I'm "ireu It"- no more dtg iX or -utt1ng. tts-!t" in ald everywhere. 2Tr a bot le, r wot on rerelpt of price by E. Law wu - t'nicaa-o. III. - Hum In Pendleton and reentnniended as be warld'a bent corn remedy by Tall man a C-., and I'endleton Drug. WASHINGTON', Feb. 22. General debate on the S247.000.000 armv an- proprzation bill continued in the house majiy members giving their views on national defense problem. Representative Shallenberger, ef Nebraska, a, democratic member of the military committee, attacked the war department and the general staff. declaring that if proposed plans of the staff were carried out the army would cost a billion dollars a year. He said the department had failed to provide sufficient rifles and artillery for suc cess in case of war. Representative , Olney of Massacus etts. advocated universal military training and Representative Caldwell of New; York, gave notice that he would offer an amendment to pro vide for it. Representative McKenzie. of III. oas. declared he believed the people of this country were drifting to nat versal training and compulsory ser vice and urged that earnest attention be Kixen the subject between now and the assembling of the next congress. ARM AMDS The only NEW face powder in tbe past SO years Oh yes. there are mahy, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Have It. MIF.K IX KFW YORK Willi BE SOLD BY CITY FOR 8 CMVTS NEW YORK. Feb. 22. New York going1 into the milk business Om- i misgioner of rood and Markets Dillon announced today that the municipal- ity would be selling milk at 8 cents a j quart by April 1. Dillon's plan Is to buy milk from farmers and dairymen, eliminating middlemen and taeir I profits. I f !" "ft ? r a -&&ttt;M wMsrm i i m iin i ,jMLMnmi& 1 f TEie Hoe CObuo S-10-15 AND UP la now opposite THE COSY and PASTIME THEATRES. i WEVSRI3ISH 5U8MVR1NE CHASERS! Above is a photograph of the new submarine chasers designed and built in the United States for the British navy by the Submarine Boat Corpor ation. The boats were designed and as sembled at the rate of. one a day and already 650 have been placed in ac tive service. These remarkable submarine chasers are 80 feet Inns. 12 foot beam and draw but 4H feet of water, thereby making torpedo attack inef fective. With 600 horsepower in their motors they attain a speed of 22 miles an hour and can turn in -their own length. The Intensive, quick, "stab bing" attack of these boats, mount-, ing 3 Inch rapid fire kuus (13-pound-ers pn their forward decks, has been the dominant factor of the anti-submarine Their cruising radi us Is 700 miles at 22 miles per hour and 1,500 miles at 14 miles per hour, manned by 10 officers and men. Their sea-keeping qualities are such as to allow for a sea patrol of 10 days duration. The submarine chasers are literally the birds of prey that follow the wake of the underseas boat. They work In conjunction with an aviator, who. from a height of 2,000 or 3.000 feet.; can look into the sea to an estimated depth of forty feet. The aviator on i sighting the submarine riding under I the waves, drops from his position in the clouds a smoke bomb; this falls In close proximity to where the subma rine has been located. The commanding officers of the submarine ; chasers are watching for this and Immediately they see the streak of smoke, with full speed on, they rush towards the position given by the aviator. Immediately the sub marine shows her periscope the S-inch rapid fire guns of the submarine chasers are let loose, with the natural result that another submarine goes to Davy Jones's locker forever and a day. The submarine chasers shown in the photograph were assembled "somewhere on the St. Lsawrence niver." QUEKX FXEANORE OF BCt- GAK1A. Sftrcngth comes from well digested and thoroughly assimilated food. 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla tones the diges j tiv organ and thus builds up tbe 'strength. If you are getting "run down." begin taking Hood's at once. ' It gives nerve, mental and digestive I strength. Adv. '. . & iyl& -'J- : : - "' "- ; ". 1! u 1 1 j v. t t Va ' . Daily Chats With '' the Housewife ' QUEEN ESANOJRE. LONDON. Feb. 22. dispatches from Amsterdam state that the Queer: of Bulgaria m cerlously 111 and her physicians hold little hope for her recovery. i I liFAC'IIFII IS FATALLY SHOT j HHF.V .OI.G TO YOM."8 AIJ The Best Place in Town to Get CANDY Is at the tore "what hss" the -WHITMANS'' -i'n Nbod in A t-ii--! maVea rmi.dy l:ke -W MII M AN S." Others hare rje-J, are attll trlrt. bwt they -a:"t do it. -WHITMAN S" aiands for the best. & if f w ii rrvi ws CAMIIJi sre rmlatmn- to gNMile who goodness. Tollman & Co. Leadanft'-Oruttatts One Woman Killed and Two Others Uonmted In Mysterious Affair at Atlanta. ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 22. The Rev. (3. R. Buford of the Moore Memorial Presbyterian chffrch here, and for ! merly of Uouisvill-, Ky was shot (and killed here when he entered a residence in answer to a woman s screams. Maude Allison also was killed, a woman known as Mrs, Zahn was dan gerously wounded, and a Miss Cahn was wounded, but not seriously. The police failed td learn who did the shooting. OO.VC.RI-3SS MAS WOMK.V lAHOIt Itll.Ii LAKK CHIKI LAllOIl LAW Would Prevent Inters at Shipment of Oouds Made By Women Work ing r or 8 I loan. WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. Senator Robinson of Arkansas and Represen tative Keating of (Vdorado today in troduced identical bills to prohibit In. terstate shipment of goods made in whole or in part by women employed more than eiffht hours a day or more than six days a week. The bills, drawn on lines of the federal child labor law, would nation alize conditions for working women which now- prevail in the District of Columbia, Arizona, California, Colora do and Washington. Keating intro duced into the house the child labor law now on the statute books. Relieves Serious Case of Chronic Constipation l-AIMMKK ( IIH KKN K.N t WSSE ROLK. Dress two chickens and cut them up for sejrvfng; brush over with melted butter and sprinkle with salt and pep per. Cook l-y3 cup of butter with, fine ly chopped. .Bermuda onion for 10 minutes, jyttrrlng constantly (do not allow the onion to brown). Add the chicken (except the backs, which are kept for stock, with the pinions and giblets) "and dredge with 1-3 cup of flour mixed and sifted with 1 tea spoon of paprika and 1-2 tablespoon of salt. Pour 2 cups of the prepared chicken stock over the chicken and cover closely,, Heat to the boiling; point, Iftt simmer a half hour; add more stock If necessary. Remove to a hot casserole, arrange the pieces neatly, cover and cook until tender. Xse the stock for making a rich sauce. F.VKXIN. ;OWNS l "SAND" HTF Crepe meteor, crepe de chine and the nw tissue gaxe cire are all chle. The latter recalls oiled chiffon. We have been running on these lines in some of the millinery effects, which are after the order if an oilskin sou wester. . , " Navy blue and black, embroidered In colors, appeal to the well dressed matron.' and brown is worn in much darker tunes than of yore, says the Queen. Some of the bodices to panne Kowns are formed entirely of metal thread embroidery, iridescent and singularly beautiful, but not cheap. Shades that are known as "sand" in various tones, such as we see it wet on the strand or dry on the desert. Is the keynote of , much dress color. They mix well with gray, especially the sand shades represented with ei ther sun or moonlight upon it. There 1- an even greater variety In gray tones, from pearl to smoke or (Ton Pray, RICK GKMN. ne-half cupful boiled rice, one cup ful flour, one egg, one teaspoonful I'aklng powder, one large cupful milk, or enough to make a thin batter, half a tablespoon melted butter, a pinch of salt. Heat the eirg separately. Hake in buttered pans 15 minutes in Utt l; oven. TltlPK A ,A KltKOI.K. One pound honeycomb triiw. witsh ed and cut In small faeces. Chop two led peppers, after removing the seed cone, and one onion, add a teaspoon chopped parsley and a teaspoonful chopped chives. Place all with the tripe In a casserole dish. Add half a "CASCAREIS" FOR A COLD, BAD BREATH OR SICK HEADACHE II1CST VOO, WVKR ANI MOWHIA van luiJOusNKss, som STOMA n I AMI CON STIPATION. Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, Indlgea Jion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches com from a torpid liver and dosa-ed bowsla, which cause your stomach to becoms filled with undi gested food, which sours and . fer ments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery Indigestion, foul gases, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cas caret tonltfht wit lglve your con stipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for months. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach, liver and bowels regulated, and never know a miserable moment. Don't forget tho children their Uttle Insldes need a good, gentle, cleansing, too. j cupful melted butter, half a cupful cream, a trttilesponnful bread crumbs und one beaten efCK. Mix all together add hulf a teuspoonful salt, cover Rnd conk in covered dlfh 45 minutes. Now Is the Time to Sell Your Junk W hile the Prices are High. All kinds of bottles. Old cast and wrought Iron. Hides, Pelts, and furs of all kinds, also Rags, Ws pay the highest price for second hand furniture. Copper Wire, light copper. le Tellow Brass tie Light Brass 1SQ Aluminum fie Pewter Ho Tin Foil 21 Vie Zinc ge He Green Hides HVie Dry Hides tTo Rubber Tires 4 He Inner Tubes 10 He TlicE3S(cni c&JdiCo. lit W. Railroad St., Pendleton. M. GOKFKLK, Prop. Res. Phone 729-J Bus. Phons ((1 (is i jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiu Every Yomanlliink seriously over the question of motherhood It used to mean auch agony and sacrifice, that one could easily overlook the pleasure and honor of children In the home but "Mother's Friend" has changed the view of thousands of women from that of distress to a pleasant anticipation of the happiness of being a mother. By external application "Mother's Friend" .Mitt, tmture In tha won derful transformation of the phyalrnl yiitera In eM and comfort. Ort "Mother' Friend" at anr dmaaixt. An imenfteiir inierearina Dooa Motherhood will be mailed free ail exoertMit mother... Addr. Toe Urmllleld Hraulator Co- Aiiaoca. ui ssn r-s lsa. LSsW A corsage bouquet of violets In jj a red heart box delivered S PniCK Sl.eO AND CP. . 5 VIOLETTS 0e A BUNCH E Carnations. roses. daffodil la. S tulips. s HOOKER'S PIION B HI. nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrl BIG GUNS AND RUINED VILLAGE ON SOMME I IMS. 'ALIW"EUS S-HCP PCTMJf CtllUtfXTH Of!rtITION TlUT ' HOTEL. After suffering from chronic oo rtlatlon until she was so run down fhe was unable to do any kind of wrk. MU-a H. A. Frees. 20 Adams .t.. Iaton. Ohio, obtained a bottle of Irr. Caldwell's Hyrup Pepn and useJ it with such great gratifying results that he has continued the treatment and hu writen to W. Caldwell that her r-r.nd.tltjn Is again normal, an hat the want to retoms.end Sxup I'epi.n to everyone who suffers wltn conat;uat!on. j Ur Cmldwtir Byrup Pepsin Is a , combination of simple laxative herha with pepsin, arentls In its action and free from griping or other pain or discomfort. It contains no oplste er narcotic drug, arid, while acttn readily on the most ajt'Jbborn case of Inactive tx-wela, la sbsotutrly safe for the tln!t babe. jo that it Is the Ideal 'smlly laxative and ahould be kept en hand In every household for ass when nee-Ha. IJr faldweirs Fyrup Pepsin cowts only fifty cents a bottle and ta sold la diug atores verjwhere. To avoid i 1AissH.A.Frggs ir rir-- F f'- L OK THE .y- 'I FKOX T I 1 jt-1- ' ; '-XiM - 1 Imitations and Ineffective substitute, be sure you get Dr. Caldwell's Syruu Peps n. that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton In which the bottle Is packed. A tfial bottle, free of -charge, can be obtained b, writing to Dr. w. B. Caldwell. 4r.'i Washington St, Monticello, Illinois. i i" ji... 3i. -w i 1 1 The Guaranteed Destroys Stuirrls.t3ophar. PriiriDod.Rats.Mlc. Crows and all Pst ReytiHi - or or Money iTacH TALLHAN& CO. Peadletiin. Oregon Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES cr HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON CARNE SPANISH . STxXB LUNCHES COFFEE vary thing clean and up-to-date. FIRST CLASS BKRVICal TEA 5c Packaxe Under State Hotel Cor. Week and Cottonwood Sta. Phone HT. Pendleton. Ore. I C0 1 ir anigaiaHMisjiurf JiVnnaiw .inaii miisl Alnive Is a picture f ne of the Note the houae. ruined by ahell Ida French suns that haa been boom- inif out Km anng of d-ath to the iler- fire and the If-nKth of harrel of the una who attempted to rempture th- nrnind lost on the .omme. (heavy field rifle. MARLEY IVi IN. DEVON IH IN. ARROW COLLARS 1 8 eta. esoh, lor 00 eta. ' ' eioEff, srsseeT a e . tsc. asmst IIongKongGafo eJVD NOODLB PARLORa Noodles AND Chop Suey Oatstae Tray Orders a BpeciaJty. Boxes for ladles and gentlemen. OPEN DAT AND ALL NIGHT Meal Tickets, SI Meals for M-eO SpselaJ Chicken Dinner Snndaya. 548 Main Street Nest to . O. Blsg. Phone ft ?irillllllllllllMIIIIHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllHIIIIIIIIIHIIirAUt RQQDUES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES KWONG HONG LOW 116 Wast Aha St.. Upstaart. Phone 431 a GOEY'S eHiiiMirrnrtiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiJ