DBT BAST OMSGONIAN. jQRSOOM. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY gl, TEN PAGE F6VM United States penammmtiWmm Pimmt In Pur F.Mtrl rtA Drum Lti.lt.an Fa thr nf Rural FrM DJivrv Svttm 1 ' ' ' ? t HELD AT WEST ON ; Takes Nuxated Iron PACE EIGHT to obtain renewed strength, power and endurance, after the hardest fought political campaign f his life in which he was elected Congressmani from the State of Illinois. The results he ob tained from taking Nuxated Iron were so surprising that v SENAT6R MASON NOW SAYS Nuxated Iron should be made known to every nervous, run down, anaemic man, woman and child. Opinion of Doctor Howard James, late of United States Public Health Service who has pre scribed and thoroughly tested Nuxated Iron in hi own private practice. WHAT SRN'ATOU MASON' SAYS: "J have often iid I would never mtimrmnd medicine of any kind. I tartlt-vc thnt the doctor's place. How ever, a-ft.-r the hardest political cam paign f my life, without a chance for a vacation. 1 had been starting to conn, every morning with that hor rible tird feelinjr one cannot de cnV. 1 was advised to try Nuxated Iron. As a pioneer in the pure food and drujc legislation. I was at first loath to try an advertised remedy, but rter advising with one of my medi ml frienda I Kve It a test. The re ailts have been so beneficial in my own csLse T made up my mind to let mv frieni know about it, and you art at liberty to publish this state ment if you so desire. I am . now rtrty-five years of aire, and I fed that m remedy which will hulld up the frtretucth and lmvea.se the power of ewlnnsHe of a man of my aiee stwuuld te known to every nervous, run-down anm man. woman and child. tenatcr Mason's statement in re fpard to Nuxated Iron was shown to vw-vrral iliysicians who were request ed to rive their opinions thereon. Dr. Howard -lames, late of the l"n! ted States Public Health Service, said: "Senator Mason Is to be commended on hand in it out this statement on -Nutated Iron for public print. There are thousands of men and women "w ho neel a strensrth and blood-builder, but iio not know wti?'t to take. There i nothinr like orranic ii-on nxated Imn- to ttivp increased strenirth, snap, visor nd stnvine 1-ower. It enriches the blood. 1 Tines tvm- to ?he cheeks of women and is 1 an Mnfjiiltnir source of renew,, vital ity, endurance and power for men who nirn un too rapidly their nervous enerry in the strenuous strain of the srmat business, competition of the Ir. Kinr. a New York physician wnd author said: "T heart ilv indorse 5eitJtnr Mason's statement in regard t Kuitated Iron. There can be no vigorous iron men without iron. Pal Vr means anemia. Anemia means Iron deficiency. The skin of anemic men and women Is pale: the flesh flabby: the muscles lack tone; the 'rm.in fRs. and the memory fails, and often they become weak, nervous, irri tabia. despondent and melancholy. ln the most common foods of Am erica, the starches, auvars. table myr Ts, candies, polished rice. white rea. soda crackers, biscuits, maca roni. frpaKhetti, tapioca, sago, farina, i-rerminated corn meal, no longer is ron to be found. Refining processes riav removed the iron of Mother -arth from these impoverished foods. nd silly methods of home cookery. ly throwing down the waste pipe the w"ter in which our vegetables are erked. are responsible for another vsrrave iron loss. "Therefore, if you wish to preserve n"r youihfnl vim and vieor to a ripe old ie. you must supply the iron de fl einoy in your food b- usinr some -form of organic iron Vuxated Iron - Ausf a you would ue salt when yur food has not enotiirh sj-I. Tr K. Saur. a Poton physician wh h;is Flu 'lied ahrad in Great Kn ronean md!ca! intt iitions. said: '?-? t.r Mffon in riant. As I havs n hcndrd times ovr. orcanic irvm T the greatest of all strength niilf r. "St lone ago a man came to me who was nearly half a century old and asked me to (five him a preliminary examination for life insurance. I was asfennisht-H to find him with fha htood prfW2re of a boy of twenty and as run of tignr. vim and vitality as a ' - " : 7 , The ec-rt. he said, was taking or- rmaic ir-jn Nuxated Hon had filled tm with renewed life. At thirty he Are rndnearl, aM In.' Vow ma fifty, after taking- Nuxated Iron. a miracle of vitality and hi. face exwminr with the buoyancy of youth t,c',rc;nBood,ona. mt tissue. Without It. no matter rww much or what you eat. your food tw-reiv passes through you without lng you anv aood. Tou don't ret vh strength out of It. and as a con- Mqnence you become weaX. pale and wtcaly looking. Just like a plant trying K-. ft. TO LIST AJfi T.trHTfl . , ANB Unnim tXK WAR KEW YORK, Feb. 19. The naval r.n" asaociatjoa announced here PAIN GONE! RUB SORE, RHEUMATIC ACHING JOINTS Kl B PAHJ AWAY WITH A SM AI.L TRIAL, lUrTTIJC O' OLD. I'KN CTKATIKu -lT. JACOB'S Oil. Mtop "donc' Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in flf tr requires interna! treatment. Rub M4hin. penetrmtlnc " W Jacobs Oti" risht on tbe tender poC and by the tun yuu say Jack Robinson eu ojsm. th. rheumatic pain and siriis. ' tK. Jacobs Oil" Is a barm ess rbnnusm liniment slu ) nsvsr JMMppo.nts and desn't burn th. as ! It takss pain, sor-ene. and MitYneHS rritm ahlns Joints. mus-Urf At. J hN: etMis iNtKa. Iumu,i. Wrluche and aeuraiiria. J UtrabrY up! a smsll trial bot W mt oil tune, honest Jacobs . rotn may drug More and in a msmlU you'll b free from paint. ir and sttffnss. l a t surfer! Crb rheuniitbm sway. to grow in a soil deficient in iron. If you are not strong or well, you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See haw long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next, take two five-grain tab lets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. T have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while double their strength and en durance and en tirely rid them selves of all symp toms of dispepsin. Hver and other troubles in from farattr ten to rourteen days time simply bv taftinc iron in th proper form. And this, after they had in some caes hen doctor! tie for month-' without eh tnininr any bpne'it. Put don't take the member old forms of re duced iron. iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to five a fw cents. The iron demanded bv Mother Nature for the red eoloHnr matter in the blood of her children s. alss! not nt kind of iron. You must t-Ve Iron n a fom that can be easily absorbed nnd as similated to do vou snv rood. other wise It my prove worse than w'w Mny an athlete and prixe-fighter has won the day simolv because he knew the secret of rrest strength ed ndtirane and filled ' his Mood with Iron be 'ore he went Into the af frav: while many another has rone down In Inrlorious defeat" simoly for the lack of iron." Dr. Schuvler C. Jaques. Visit ing Surgeon of St. Elizabeth's H o s -pitat New York City: said: "I have never before given out any medical in formation or advice for publication, as T ordinarily do not believe in It. But in the case of Nux ated Tron T fel I would be remiss in mv duty not to mention it. T have ; taken It myself and given It to my patients with most aur- prising and satisfactory results. And meir sxi-engin, power ana endurance . , , . IU flnd " most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy." NOTE Nuxated Iron which is pre- scnDea ana recommended above by physician in such a (treat variety of cases. Is not a patent medicine nor u known to druggists and whose iron constituents are widely prescribed bf eminent physician both In Europe fr"Bn Physician wm in a.urop n. An,"nc1, LnUM oiar "tur" anlc Iron product tt la easily aassmi- lated. doe dot Injure the teeth, ma, it had been reqaested by the navy sleV partment- to urge all applicants for membership In the naval coast de fense reserve to present themselvaev and details of such yachts and nsstor boats as they own, to the nearest ds--trict naval oommandes for enroOi meat, It also was announced that present international cruris would not interfere with plans of the association for continuing- Its naval trsinisiff tamp for civilians next summer. . The government ststion at Xeir as well ss the naval aeronautical sts- j tion at JensacolB. Fla., probably miH be opened to the civilian with the understandlnr it wa said, that all who undertake th course of training will (j led re themselves 'to enroll for active service" snd also that they "stand ready to respond when called to duty." hemedyformeu AT Y0UH 0"UCBIST. I. Stotts SmHr Wm. E. Mmtmn, rmti? 9ltt4 j v. 3. aaru frmm iltimms, FVom the Congressional Directory, published by the Vnited States Government. "Wm. E. Mason. Sena tor from Illinois was elected to the HOth Congress in 1887, to the 51st Congress In 1891 defeated for the f2nd Congress 1892 Elected Senator to the SSth Congress 1S97 to 1903." . Senator Maaon is now Congressman from the state of Illinois. Senator Mason's championship of Pure Food and Drugs legislation, his fight for the rural free delivery system, and bis strong advocacy of all bilbj favoring labor and the rights, of the masses as against trusts and combines, made him a national figure at Wash ington and endeared him to the hearts of the working man and the great masses of people throughout the United States. Senator Mason has the distinction of being one of the really big men of the nation. His strong endorsement of Nuxated Iron must convince any intelligent thinking reader that It must be a pre paration of very great merit and one which the Sen ator feels bj bo and to be of great value to the masses of people everywhere, otherwise he could not afford to lend hta name to ft. especially after his strong ad vocacy of pure food and drugs legislation. Since Nuxated Iron has obtained such an enormous sale over three million people using it annually other iron preparations are often recommended as a substitute for IC The reader should remember that there is a vast difference between ordinary metallic Iron and the organic iron contained In Nuxated Iron, therefore always insist on having Nuxated Iron as recommended by Dr. Howard James, late of the Uni ted States Public Health Service; Ir. Schuyler C. Jaques. Visiting Surgeon of St. Elizabeth's Hospital. New York, and other physicians. In this connection Dr. Howard James ays: '"-Iron to be of the slightest value to the human sys tem must be In a combination which may be easily assimilated. In . the caje of metallic salts of iron, iron acetate, etc.. it is very doubtful if sufficient ac tual iron can be takn up and incorporated into the bloor"" to be of any service, especially in view of the disadvantages entailed by its corrosive action upon theetoniaoh and the damaging effect upon the dent.tl enamel. When, however, we aVal with lrn in or gmo combination, such for instance an albuminate or. better still. Nuxated Iron, a far different Hory is told. We wilMibserve no destructive action upon the tetb; no corrosive effect upon the stomach. Tie iron is readily assimilated into the Mood and ciuickl' makes its presence felt in Increased vigor, snap and staying power." them black, nor upse( the stomach; on the contrary, it is a most potent reme- as-well as for nervous, run.down con ditions. The manufacturers have such treat confidence In nuxated Iron that they offer to forfeit 1100.0 to any charitable institution if they cannot tk any man or woman under (0 who lacks iron, and Increase their strength "r cr.orKov': ,n ,oor wrk,r time provided they have bo serious organic trouble. They also offer to yur money If It doea not at doube your strength and endur- ance In ten day time. It Is dUpensed n this city by A. C. Koeppen t Bros., and all good druggist. -- - - OfllCIALe HUKRV IVK . - COUKTTOM VOX BUlNtfrOKrY Wsmss1ale1 , v'K ll-i-t7:'V--" I - -V S" -.S. U . , ill :5 ; M " w i r' r,, s I Jl coLomssvot BtajT032r : ' t ,r ? .. . IA1 IKIK GIRI.8 AUK HOOTESA KS XK UNIQUH FJVKNT 'MVUAKY 14. Charhv liuirlwii ieavm fat- lo An. Beta on BuslnenH Trip; M-'A Annk'e ltarnra Vi-U PwenUi (Bant Oroftonian Special.) WESTON. Feb. 2u. Cupid" held a frolic at the Masonic hall Wednesday iiikmc, rwuary 14, witn tna Bacneior I Girls as hoatesHes. Th hall u .!nl.. loratply deoorated with red paper anit j rel hearts. I Various mimes !n keeping with the ;oK.asion were played and refresh. , nientK were served. Those present were the. Miases Alene Noieen. Kuby Iien-e. Lucila ; Cog well. Lottie Brandt. Mamie Hnrnes. Odessa Kirkpatrlck. Ruth Ut-ad. Iola Duncan. Oladya Smith. I.ois Portej-. Zella Oould, Josie Lav ender. Thelma Anderson and the Mesar. Klmer Tucker, Lincoln Hof ner. Carl nrandt. Virgil Llndell, Prank f?mith. Lowell Duncan. Alfred Sempiirt. Hay O'Harra. Joe Read. Hulan Smith. James Kirkpatrlck and Mr. and Mrs. James Reamer. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin -McFaddeai of Athena. Charles Rulfinch left last Thursday ! moming for I.oa Angele where he '' will t ran ax-1 some business. Mr'. Elmira Hicks and son Carl of Milton visited friends In Weston Wed nesday. Misa Ida Kilgore. who has, been spending the winter in Pendleton, ia back to Weston as the guest or Mri. Charles Plnkerton. Mr. Tudor, a student of Columbia College, vis'-ted frienda at t Weston Wednesday. Miss Onmpton, an accomplished 1 musician from Columbia College, ha beefli helping in -the song service a the Methodist church during the past week. Mrs. Mmnie Walker of Helix spent the weekend near Weston visiting relatives. Miss Gladys Smith vf-sitcd friend in Athena during the week. Robert Michael ha gone to Spo kane to take charge of a fruit ranch. His family will go alvout the first of March. Prof. Will Howard of Stanfield whs n the city Friday greeting old friende. Mrs. Margaret WheeJer. who ha been very ill during the past twi wek. ia reported better. Cecil Hicks of Milton, hna accepted a position as farmhand with Scott Bann'ster. Monroe Turner, -a former Weston boy. is here from Spokane. Miss Ann ice Parnes, teacher In the Stanfield school, apent Sunday in Weston with her parent a WKITI.OfK OOXTIXTK8 IlKI.iIAN RKfsTEF WORK UNIUNTKltRO ,13 BRIAN,. Feb. l.r-fThe official , pras bureau announced that Brand Whitlock. American minister to Brus sels. Is continuing the Belgian relief work unhindered. STIFF, SORE M1TSxrCS UKIJEVFM Cramped muscles or soreness fol lowing a cold or case of grippe are eaed and relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. Does not ataic the skin or clog the pores like mussy ointments or plasters and penetrates quickly without rubbHiar. Limber up vour muscles after exercise, drive out 'he pains and aches of rheumatism 1 neuralgia, lumbago, strains, sprain and brnrse with Sloan' Liniment, net a bottle today. At all Druggists. 2 Sc. TWO .VMKJCH -AXH KKM'I Kl) - Or" SWK1H.SII IMVKIl VKTMI LONIXJN. Feb. 20. The Norwe gian embassy announced that Frank Wood -and John Ouerra, Americans survived the submarining of the Nor. wegian steamer Dalbeattie. They were en route to Oibraltar from Glasgow. The submarine .ahelled the stejumer while the crew were entering the lire boats. Th sailors floated, tor thir teen hours. All wer savsd. . They suffered greatly from exposure in th open boat. FRKJMTH RAID WORTH OK rURAY, WKXT WATKRVUJK PARIS, Feb. II. It la announced th French raided north of PI I ray and west of Water-trill. Many were made prisoners. There was consid erable artillarying In th Oise and Alan, regions... ; , - $100 Reward. $100 The eesdeis sf this str s-lll mm learn that tbere Is St taut on. oidf. mat mrumxm ess seea t cart I ia ail lis nan, sod tkar at rsrserh. rs. tsrrb being srestty Isfldencsd sy ceosttta Moea I roedlUens- rputrm reostttotloasj' trvtMesw . Halt's -raktsrra Uwm Is xskes latfvselly -sad sets tin the tMeod oa tb. Mqcees.Herf.cM of the Bretem tbereb. Mrsytag the fnnodaftoa mi th. Aimmmm, gl. i is. pstesi srmg sy esneiag up t ' .frr h.mti a"r t AW caatlnttlea asd ssahulDg aslsr la dotsFEE FEE. ATTORKNTS AT UW. it. wsrk. Tb. prnorleurs bsve se macb Offte la Dee pain building. fsltb la the earative pwrers of Hell's Cs J . tsrrb Core that they of fw One Himdred fel. .CARTER BMTTHE. ATTORNEYS 7.7 :Z '.r77: J ' V I chkibt a C, Task Held bf ail Uranlsts. 7Se. I TV m JM. , , 1 ' I I 20 for 10c Con Dnng Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES HOT TABLES CHILLI CON CARNE LUNCHES COFFEE vsrythlng claa and up-to-dat. FIRST CUAS9 SERVfCsT TEA 5c Packase Under State Hotel Cor. Weob gndl Cottos wood Sts. Phon IIT. Pendlatoo. Or CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y ATTORJTKVS. JOHN W. HUPP. ATTORNsTT-AT-Ls. Room s. AaMricaa Nation al Rank bnH : .- t' yrr- RALJIT RAUeT. ATTORKVTS At law. Offles rs Amarlena National Raak Bulldtsg. OEOROl W. COUTTB. ATTORN ET at law. Estates settled, will, deeds. mortgage and contracts drawn. Clleetloaa mad. . Room 17. Schmidt I at law. Offlo la rear f Anwrioaa kumsu tssi Btunnng. IjiilRD R PBBBT ATTORNRW AT law. Office ver Taylor Hardi company. PETERSOl BISHOP, ATTOR aey at law: room t aad . Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practle la all state and federal courts. Room. 7, I aad Deapala building FREDERICK BTEIWER. ATTOR ay at law. Offlo la Smltk-Csaw ford buUdlng. R. 1. K BATOR. Law. Room 14, BUldlng. ATTORNEY Al mltb-Crawforv xTsiat ino ether cfgarctta hsia crcr dena fcr them befora ..; .; they satisfy end yet they're MILD ARMAND'S The only NEW face powder ia the past 50 year Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents ' KOEPPEISPS 'Hare It.' . A. UOWELU ATTORNEY AN1 ' counsellor at law. Offlo la D ipaln bulldrac. - " PCMRRAIi DIRBCsORS. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 8TOR1 PunaraJ director and Hcenssd mm baimar. Moat modern funeral 'nss lor. morgue and funeral oars.- -Calk raspondsd te day or night- Corn Mala aad. Water scrsets. TUpaoa t.. JOHN B. BAKER, FUNERAL Dt rector and Hrsnssd embalmer. Of posit postorao. . PnnarsA . parka m funeral sars. Call responded k day or night,- Phon ft. AUCTIOXFERS. JOU W. P. TOHNICA, AUCTION . er. mske a spdalty of farmer, tock and machinery ssiea. "T"h naa that gets yon tbe money." Lav order at East Oregon Laa offlo. MjnCKUANEua, LKOAL, BLANKS OP IVIRT DM sen p tion for county Co art, etrenji oosrt, jostle eoart, real atrtata at ter sal St last Oraaonlaa afflea. POULTRY POH gAIJ!. WHITB LEGHORN CHICKS, hatch ing gga, premier laying strain of northwest. Hardy, rang raised year ling hens, vigorous, Mosmnlssd cock, rets Send for catalogue. Bvsrlav Keg Perm, Th Dalle, Oregon. V r&UtLz A' TlJl ' I and yd they're MED IlonsIaCngCafo WD NoortLK PaRLORa Noodles AND ' Chop Suey Outside Tray Orders apeeteltf . Roxiss for Uvlls and gentleman. OPW DAT AND ALL NIOHT Meal Tlcketa, XI Meals tor M M special Chtckn Dtnnsr Inndaya. 543 Main Street Next to m. O. BM Phon tt rOOTORS, OR. A. ROM, PRAenCM UMIT Hd to th ey, ar, was nd throat Chanty patients 1st and ird Saturday mornings. ,i jodd Building. tmKXlAJkHmWm. , . WANTMIV OLD . PAUKS tmu Don't matter if broken. I par II to l per set. Ka ta u Maxer, r a ptfttit mass. cPhilaaMpBla, pa, WU bp return mall. IMSCRANCB 4VD LAND MVStNBSM.' BBNTLET MONTOOMERY. REAL - sstat. fir, life and sod dent Insur- " nee agent, (it Maia street. Pboa MONTANA PAliM LAXDaV NORTHERN - PACIPIC ' RAITWAY Lands la eastern Montana at 11 te 111 per aer. .Suitable for farm las trash;. Easy terms. For tafor-. matlon writ or see W. a Holt. Ml lee r'lty. Montana. SKCOND HAMD DEALKRa. P. 0TROBLE, DEALER IN Vkrw and second hand reoda paid for all Ind-haad goods. Cheap. ptac te bay household good its Court. Phon 71W. ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH. ARCsHN Phon tect. Deeps In Bulldins. Tl. PendletoB. Orecoa.