TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AN, PENDLETON, OREGON,' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ?1, 1917. PAGE SEVEN ' IBB" I Jjjj 9mm. tt J Nr Mia , 3 TK 7T3JOf CO TU1L uww iskYoupikirffor Keep The Blood Stream Pure Ym are store mterastse1 la swr ewe health tkea anybady 1m. If kest vor r. ..J toroa yo are much less pt tract disssss but tb blood asest M key Mri ad para to oo iU work. Rkeamstlim, Catarrh, Ecsema, Scrsfola ara all sixes disordered blood, aad yoe should heed the first warniaa they giro. la looking for a blood madlckaa. gat a vegetable praparatioa of andoahted merit. Wa recommend 3. 5. S, which ia gaaraa Ised pursiy vegetable, and wa kaow It baa purified tlia blood of thousand la Ha fifty years liilmea. Cat S. 3. S. at any drag store. g ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE j Ba aura and gat tha result S. S. S. Write our Medical Department freely end without charge. df SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Dept. IS, ATLANTA, GA. KV AI.ASKAX I'IKI.lm OI'R.NKD. InUrr-tliur IMw-Ihsure Made by Kxpe- anion la the Yukon-Korugug Reason, i .VKW toilK, ,Feh. 10. That part f central Alaska lying between the lower,, Koyukuk river and the Yukon until recently only little known. In H1I fly waa explored by H. M. 1 akin, and hla result are presented In a report entitled "The Yukon-Ko- vukuk rexlon" recently issued by the TTnlted Plates geological survey, de partment of the Interior, aa Bulletin 31. The region is essentially a roll' ing npiana anove which rise some higher mountain masaee reaching al titude of 6.000 to (.000 feet. This upland la broken by broad valleya and lowlands. ' The mountain slope are clothed with spruce trees up to alti tudes of 1.000 feet. Rprude and birch also rover the lowlanda. Above tim ber line tha veejrtatlon ia chiefly moss. The timbered areas, notably In the lowlnnds, are broken by meadows covered with a luxuriant arowth of grass. Moose, caribou and bear still roam over much of thla region, which Is seldom visited by white men. No Important mineral resources have 1-een found In the Tukon-Koyukuk rexlon. but many of the stream travels carry some fine colors of gold. This gold seems to have been derived from the contact xonea of granite In trusive rocka. which are abundant in the region. That some of these de posits are of commercial Importance is shown by the fact that placers of the Indian river dlstrlt, which lie In the Youkon Koyukuk region, have for several years been mined on a small scale. It la not Improbable that other commercial placer may be found In the region, but the prospect ing thus far done does not Indicate the presence of any very rich deposits. WORMS KAS1I.Y REMOVKD. Mother, if your child whines, fretful and cries out In sleep, be probably suffering from worms. These parasites drain his vitality and make him more susceptible to serious dis eases. Quickly and aafaly kill an i remove the worm from your child's system with Kickapoo Worm Killer. This pleasant candy laxative In tablet form quickly relieves the trouble and your child brightens up. Oct Kicka poo Worm Killer at your Druggist, tee. HTRADIIY RISING MARJU?r PRKDIOnSD BY GRAIJTMKN NEW. YORK, Feb. 2t. Submarin ing has greatly reduced the allies' shipments. Skippers ara afraid to venture Into the sons. Freight car congestion ia worse. Pood prices are soaring. Transcontinental linea are nuv holding up tha western cities' shipments, attempting to clear the eastern yards. Several Chicago grain elevators ara remaining closed up. Oraln men predict a steadily rising market. A Reliable Remedy for Kidneys and Bladder Foley Kidney Pill. Also Do Remarkable Work Where There Are Urinary Irregularities Irregular, painful Madder action Is aaother convincing evidence of kidney trouble. Tbe urine becomes concentrated, ranslng great Irrita bility of the Madder. There Is a de sire to pass water freaiicutly with painful tmming sensation. This Ir regularity becomes a serious nuisance at night, causing loss of rest and sleep to one already .weakened by kidney trouble. Thnra la also tbe added danger of chilling tbe body, a condition to be very rarefullyavoided at such, a time. Foley Kidney 1111s control this situation promptly and effectively. The? cause a normal, healthy flow. relieTlug tbe concentrated condition that produced tbe Irritability and homing sensation. Tbe blsdder ac tios la regulated to avoid the too fmiuent calls, and easy restful nights, without pain or backache, without bias of sleep or bad druniux, ia a quick result. TAIdJMAW W Mr. J. M. Hayee of ftprinr Plnee, Ga.. R. r. D. No, 1, wrltra u: "1 nuf-fer-ed with a trrribl harkarh in ih email of my back, and urinattna- waa iii-iuiar nu raCCMiv in QUA rift TV. It waa vwy red and I uirra t.-r. rlbla atlnlnc and burning- wmut ton. I could hardly stoop over and ft in terfered with my work. 1 fcejran tak Itiir Foley Kldnev Pill, and after awhile my urina bocame rea-ular. tha Uinffln and burning - topped, and my backache diaappaarad entirely' Foley Klrln.j nils are -told vrr- " in 60c and II 00 ats-a. Tha 11.00 else la tha more conomtcul but. aa it rnta.aa t time aa many aa the 60c aisa. SPRING WORK IS STARTED AT HELIX WARM WKATKHR MAUH FARM. JKKS K1AKT FLOW I NO BUT ' tIJ KNAP KXIKD IT. Special Meeunga at the Batstist fliiircn (Soatid Sunday Night; VaH ona Fraternal OrganlzatioBW Make tialn in Members. (Bust Oregonlan Special.) . HBIAX, Fab. 21. Farmers have been busy arranging for spring work and a few bad begun plowing when the cold snap ended It, Special meeting at tha Baptist church closed Sunday night with J7 additions. The different fraternal orders of Helix have made a material gain In membership during the winter monthe. J. 8. Anderxon left Tuesday to at tend the lumbermen's convention a; Walla Walla. Mrs. Anderson accom panied him. The dance given by Emil Timmer man Friday evening in his new ban was much enjoyed. Miss Vewta Morrison, Juniper teacher, visited over. Sunday here. Mlssei Iva McKlnney and Ethel Brown returned from st. Anthony's ho.pitAl Saturday. Jeaoe Smith was a Saturday visitor from Athena. James Klngle was here from I A. crowe Saturday. Mrs D. Kendall vialled her daugh ter. Mra. H. B. Richmond, at Walla Walla, last week. Mr. and Mra Fred Morrison and sin Douglas, are here from Drummond, Idaho. Claude Morrison and James Oris wold motored to Pendleton for "The Pride of the Clan." Sunday. Mrs. Ira Scott Is visiting her sister Mrs. Tom Hutcneann, at Lacrosse. Mr. and Mr. Clarence Zr-rba were Sunday visitors from Athena. Andrew Lyslnger Is here from Wal. la Walla. ' Arthur Oarret returned Monday from Pendleton. IMMJ ;kts fXIQIK OtTI'; A MIGHTY good doctor my to mm . cMS SSf!Sf one "WU it can, to curin' hOu, Natun u thm raa M. D.rm omt, nW&pQX htr mmnttrnt." That'tthmway tf)ffle " I tool mbct cum' tobacco. 40? 4 T"- Scat! I'm saving this far VELVET! MOTHER NATURE Protect. Your Tobacco IF You Smoke VELVET .'IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIillllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIItlllltll Listen! Our Prices are Talking Extension Curtain Rod 10c Extension Curtain Rod 15c Extension Sash Curtain Rods 5c Wire Coat Hanger 5c Wood Coat Hanger 5c Cloth Hooka, dozen 15c 12 inch FUe 25c Screw Driver 15c Plier 15c Towel Roller :. 15c She sees to it that Velvet' mellowness and aroma are not created by artificial methods, but by her very own. That is A complete natural curing for two years, during which time the tobacco remains, untouched, in its original wooden hogsheads. At the end of two years it is made into Velvet and n as smooth as its name implies. ' I II I fc. Case II In . -r? "si i ii r : ' ' i: ,: & i 111 S. 4'Slai'-.MS.ISj, u,t.. V.. S 1 i wi .iieseassiia-srsii im- I -, 111 - -. ' r IK r. i 1 -Jj?. ..,7 -J f rem Men have tried and will try to beat this method by quick curing or arti ficial processes, but Mother Nature's way the Velvet way remains the very best. It costs us more money to prtpart Velvet in this way it will cost you only 10 cents to prxrue Velvet, at the first store you come to! . lleppner this morninfr. The ooun ; are Malheur, Union, Wheeler. j Wajmo, Klamath. CVook an4 Ds t huterf a number are Mnpl(!--td In wentera Oregon and on jptarti work next we-k In Columbia, oaunty. Tbe worx of these agents la under the ffenerml direction of the extension arvice of the, Oreiron Airrlcultuml College and the V. S. department agriculture. One half the salary, travellnic and office expfniM are pai J by the fftata provided the county pay the other Tialf. (bounty arrtcultural rounrlia com i poeed of ona or two representatives from eastern farmers onranimatlon-i. ' the cotuity court and member at lunte ara an important part of the j ayMem. These eounrfta decide upon ; the Itnea of work to which tbey be lieve the county arent should devote ; mot of his time and assist him to ac compluib result a In all counties of the state where j these ajtenta are located they are aid Inn the farmers In many ways, espe dally aJonff the following line: Cooperative marketing, seed aeler tiin and testins, better rota ti ona drainajre, control of pests and dleeas. es. fertllirer and crop variety, field demonstrations. bo-a' and birls' In diuctrial club work. These agents are only placed rountieH where a large number of farmers want them. Mr. Fvarw ex pe.-ts to return in a few weeks to a certain tha amount of Interest in this conntv in securing a man to start work next year. In NTMtTR FTKP TO Pl'R- II ASK WAR RAM.OOXS Corner Main and Court Streets. 1XS ttRA.JieCEJJ Above is a photuftraph or Mix t'lara Juf-Krr. of MontrUlr. N. J.r iih her toy xnanlrl In her hnd)e. Miss Jaeitt-r takes the minute animal out for an alrinjr in this manner everyday and the doc makes nu attempt to escape. SrTVKN KAST OUR COfNTl f-"S I1AVR AilllniiTtIIA. ,V;KXTl " . - .Ml .IIH'TI 1 1 V I Oium y Acrlcaitarai (Mnii ll County aarlcultursl uents are ui ploysd by seven eastern oreawi roun llea, acrordlnit to M. . Rnnv aHsist ant county axejil leader, who left f-r MARLEY Itj IN. DEVON lVt IN. ARROW COLLARS 1 S eta. each, toe OO eta. ciutTT. rtisesT co . lae. tst T ,' n. -sir- k Mr A' s MRS CHAS .YAK RXK5 5 EiA LR NKW YORK. Feb. It. Mrs. Oiarles A. Van KenxsrUer. a ho ia perhaps tha nm enthusiastic wom an advorata of aerial defsnce, has started a fund to purchase for ths Coeemment ths military obasrvatinn Trt Pan-American Aeronautic Ex position, The amount which It is proposed to raise is (10,000, which she expects tf secure by popular subscription tmonf her friends, each to contribute JS-H until the desired sum is secured. hints ri'BMr onrras ARE RICH IN "1VORV Profemar AsHPits Gettiaur of tliTic larorsnrtnits IUa problem or the Dar. NEW YORK, Feb. 10 How to get rid of "inexpert elected officials- is one of tha most Important tasks con fronting the American public Dr. Howard Law MrBaJn. associate prof ea . aor of municipal science and admin istration at Columbia university, de clared today before members of the university alumni. 'The ataajrerina; margin of the un achieved In' government of cities is sppatling." he said. "It is a prob. lem of educating public opinion and enlightening them that they must not tolerate extravagant government un der the auplne leadership of shallow minded reformers and demagogues." Professor John JBrsklne of tha Eng lish department, another speaker, as serted the youth entering collesre to- nav was better prepared than th youth of bis tirns. gtiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHiiiiiintita- I BUY FARM LAND IN FERTILE fMlNA I 1C RKASKI INCOME OF MONTANA FARMERS Val. of crop Val. of crop Montana ranks first In the United States In averuce per S acre production. Montana jcraius won the hieheet award . at the San Francisco Expo- sit ion. and snore medals wera -a warded the farmers of Moa tana than any other state. For further particulars sea D. F. Dupuis 1 Phone CI Pendleton, Ore. ZZ HtHiHiHMiiiiiMmMtHiitnmnnmiiuinHtiMiiiMtiiTiiHiMiiiinninritnHMiiMHwn TJnenln wns never a dollar chaser or anything- like that. SYMPTOMS OF HER DISEASE Bckadie,Sideacie,Nervou- neu, Dizziness, Fain tn ess, all Disappeared After the Woman's Medi cine was Taken. Kingfisher. Oil la. "For two mn I suffered with s severe female trouble. was nervous, and had backache and a pain in my side most of the time. I had dixzy spells and was often so faint 1 could not walk across ths floor. The doctor said I would have to have an operation. A friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pintcham's Vege table Compound. km, ,X- ' -y.'a-t..- t inpl K. ns ana stronir. have no more nsin. hark arhs or diixy spells. Everyone tell me ! now well 1 look and I tell then l.vrfia b. Pinkham's Vefretshle Compound did IV .U.'m N,NA Soithwitk. R. r. D. No. 4, box SS, Kina-tisher, Ok la. Eery woman who suffers from fennels troubles, nervousness, backache or the btoea should try Lydis . Pink ham egeiacia compound as Mrs. South- K-k did. or tf the Deed free iHcin re irani to anv annovins- avmnfenm write- to I.vdia i Pinkk.n. ufi in 1(00 in 114 Wheat.. $1,177,277 Sl.704.00 Corn ... 14.142 1.0S4 000 H Oats ... 1.07S.SO 7.134 000 Barley .. M.733 1.132.000 11 Rye 3 147.000 Potatoes J3.S47 J 315.000 Hay 5.138.755 15 2IS.0OO , rms s.viz.wvv 1 t7.I0S.OX S47.I93.000 : : II Travelers cheques. BETTRR AN n SOFTER MGHT la assured by the use ef seme of these beautiful fixtures et eura. They slve a light that illuminates tha room perfectly, but that does net tire or strain the eyes. They are not axpsa stve considerins their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN ATTENTION to the details of our custom-' steeds is pleetsure to the officers of this institution. We are prepared to complete trans actions in any part of the world. For tstrn remittances are promptly execut ed by mail, cable or wire-laas. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Resources Three and a Half M:!l ions PENDLETON SECURITY vTllllHIIUMUtUIHIHIIIItlHIIIIIIUIINIIIHIMIHHIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIHItMllllllllllllllllllinili: , Balloon sxhibited at tha show of ths Co. (coehdenbal). Lynn, Maaa.