PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1917. All IKUKIT.NOKVT NEWSPAFK rUr n4 M wl et Pea- dieron. Oregoa. by the OKW.USIAN l'l HklSHlKO CO. City Official Paper. County Official Paper. Member United Press . Association. t the noetofftoe at TVudleton, M eer-mid class mail matter. ON SALE IX OTI1KR CIT1KS ftamrial Hotel News Stand. l"onlml. (mmi Nctvh I'o, Portland, Oregon. O.N KII.R AT encmf.y n.iri-an. !Hl Surlr Building Valittirt.m, D. r. Bureau, -501 Four Slreet, w 81 BS0HIITIOX RATES l IN APVANCKt Dally, sue Tear, ttv mall . Mlly , ih iniwthfk br amll ttaity. three month!, by mall Ball, eae mmiti lT mll Dairy, ewe v.-er. by carrier , tllv. ! month, by carrier. Tnilhv. three months, by carrier Dally, ooe montn. ny cBm ...5.00 2 50 1 25 IF CONGRESS SHOULD OBJECT? a- k i . An. wMr. hv mall Weekly! li iiwwiha. by eaU . Weekly, fonr taontha by mall- tffp HE legislature having ad joumed the next step is to assess the damages, It is difficult to thoroughly do so at this time but some of the misdeeds stand out plainly, The Bean bill playing into the hands of the railroad company with reference to taxing the forfeited grant ands is one such measure. Already one prominent member of the pub lic land committee in congress, Lenroot. is out with a predic tion of penalty for Oregon if this state goes too far in its im position upon the federal government. It will be remembered in this connection that under the Chamberlain bill congress grants this state 50 per cent of rx i the proceeds . from the grant t so i lands when sold. It virtually li constitutes a gift of $20,000,- ,?5i000 from the federal govern " i -1 - , mem to ine state, a legacy worth while .T5 MOTHKRHOOD. "H lot is on you." woman's lot she meant. The sinner who sane sweetly long aro; And rose and r and tender myrtle blent. To crown the harp that rang to love -and woe. Awake. O poetess, and vow one strain To Ring of motherhood, its Joy, Hfl pain. us. this This legislation . , 4 was enacted by congress on the assumption the land, is ex empt from state taxation while held by the United States. Hav ing agreed to dispose of the grant lands on a basis favor able to this state congress might naturally expect our state government to show a spirit of cooperation. But not so. The Bean "bill is a step in the other direction and the ac tion will be used against the general government in its case. Supposing congress should decide that since Oregon, as represented by its legislature, is fighting itself with reference to the grarit lands, that .there Whal doe it clve to mother-love In vene and tale and legend elorified. Chosen hv lips divine as type ! . -i A I AiiV'ther passions? Men have ! is no necessity for federal help 'and should accordingly repeal itfiA law (rii-inor ik Kft nor r'Arifr? lived and died Kor .-isters- maiden queens, and cherished wives. Tet. stesled hv Cod. the chief love survives. Tet what is it It cives us? Shrinking dread. Peril, and- pain, and agony foraot. P-e?ause we hold the ray of gladness shed By' the first cry from lips that - know us not Worth all tVit has been 1 paid, la yet to pay. Kor the new worship, born and crowned that day. . Author Unknown. Could we blame them? HOW TO LIVE LONG HAT it is safer to be mar ried than single is the substance of a report made by Professor Wilcox of Cornell after a close analysis of census figures with refer ence to New York City. The following is his table giving the percentages with reference to single, married f-nd divorced people: -Male. ' " ' : .. Widowed and Age '- Single -Married Divorced ts-J f.C 4.3 11.0 t-l U. , 61 14. t 4-4t 1.S .t 17. S et-t 28.7 17.0 SO. 5 00- 61.0 ' 31. 4S.t T0-7I 101.4 72.7 96.0 0- 204.2 205.1 315.7 Widowed and Age. Single Married Divorced 0-t 4.7 , ST . JS- 7.4 (.3 9.3 40-4 10.0 - t.t IS. I tO-tt 19. ,14.5 ' 18. l0- 37.1 . 28.1 38. 70-70 333 ' 1.4- 87.3 80- 370.3 194.8 388 3 The showing seems conclu sive and as it is based on cens us figures the argument is not open to the objection that mar ried life merely seems longer. DEBTS AND DEBTS ANY people have a holy horror of debt, no mat ter how or why it is in curred. They see little differ ence between a debt incurred upon an investment and debt resulting from failure to meet current expenses. In the current Farm and Fireside we read of occasions when it is advisable to incur debt. i Going into debt fora piece of property or an article of value and then gradually pay ing it off," says the writer, "gives you the use of the pro perty in the meantime, and is an excellent means of saving money. "Let us try to overcome the fear of debt and the prejudice against it, for when not allow ed to become master it is an ex cellent servant. Working side by side with personal industry, it helps us to get happiness, comforts, and many other things in life worth while." The advice is not bad and furthermore it represents a policy generally followed by businessmen, large as well as small. Virtually all large en terprises, railroad building in cluded, is financed through use of borrowed money. If such a line of action is safe when used by such companies it is equally safe when used by pri vate individuals provided equ al care is taken to ascertain the safety and reliability of the in vestment. Giving the president power to use-the army and navy for protection of American rights in action short of war sounds good; protection of our rights without war is what the coun try desires and should have. Having won- the world's buckaroo championship and having been sculped by one of the world's famous sculptors, Jackson Sundown can afford to rest on hia laurels. The weather department is giving us a flurry to keep the world from budding out too soon. DO YOU KNOW- f MIUHIMIlNllHIU.IiliUIHUt)IUilHIlllllittiliiMi i 3 liiiKllliiUUaililiiiiliiilHilllllilllllH imHIHIIKH.m.,,.,n..., J LET US DO YOUR WASHING E E S m em 3 m That Senator Steiwer Oregonian? That John M Bentlev was-the flint man ever initiated into Damon lodge, 3 Knights of Pythias? That tha main road through these part used to cross tha river by for-J about 100 yards below the present Main street bridge? That 4ha police court haa been id e for over & week how?" AND EVERYONE AT YOUR HOME WILL BE HAPPY That B. school for ty? Lp. Smith once taught a livelihood In this coun- We call for and deliver. Satisfaction guaranteed. TELEPHONE 179 Ei3 That 18S years axo tomorrow George Washington waa born? 28 Years Ago Today ( From the Oaily Ka-st Oregonian, Feb.. 21. 1889.) Engine No. 65 was buried in a snowslfde In Pyle's canyon today and it became nececutary to send a rotary snow plow to the rescue. O. I. Ladow has made his apear ance the streets after a long siege of mumps. " Through the earnest efforts of Manager Fletcher a date has been secured for the Lydia Thompson burle-vque opera company, that worlu famous musical organization which a p pear here March 6. Dr. W. A. Egbert is over from Wal la Walla on professional business. . A drunken Individual was incon tinently bounced from the Vlllard House last evening aiW was after wards run in by officer Chapman. Careful laundering or Ladles' and Gentlemen's bundles a specialty Troy Laundry Co. "We Wash Everything But the Baby" liiiiiiBiia Mayor Matlock and Recorder Carter heing ahaant. Marshall French offi ciated and gave the culprit a moder ate dose. John P. Adams, farmer and stock man whose name Is a synonym or prosperity Is in town today. The Walla Walla' city council ha paKSed an ordinance prohibiting va riety shows. REALTY TRANSFERS Germany will not greatly miss Am bassador Gerard, so long as it ha Hindenburg. Warranty Deed. O. L. Dunning, et ui, to Frank N'udo, 11.00, lota II and 14, block g, ' Sianfleld. Sianfleld Nurseries to Q. t- Dun ning. 11.00, W 1-1 NB 1-4. 8W 1-4. section 11, township 4 north, range I. Anna E. Walter, et vir, to W. I Weir, 1200, not t, block 4, Milton. NO MONET ORDKItS fUlt KKHI-XS. Sdrrtce notwem United Stale an I Cuba, Kxccpt Havanna, Ih BuxpeiHled. WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. Suspen sion of money order service between the United Btatea and all pontoffices In Cuba except the city or Havana was' announced by Ioit master-General Burleson, at tha request of tho Cuban government. The effect of this order will e to prevent Cuban revolutionists from having financial intercourse with the United States through the malts. You've Called It Bake E rea d Isn't It a Revelation T 66 11 11 v TO) gfe to Find Its a 99 WMF rad 1 EAT A' DECORATION FOR YOUR DINNER TABLE THAT SATISFIES. DELICIOUS BECAUSE OF THE PURE MATERIALS THAT GO INTO IT. WHOLESOME BECAUSE OF THE NOURISHMENT IT CONTAINS. SAT ISFYING BECAUSE IT IS ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST FOOD FOR VIGOROUS, HEALTHY HUMAN BE INGS. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR WHEN YOU BUY "MITY NICE" BREAD, AS WE GUARANTEE 1 HAT WE USE THE FOLLOWING PURE FOOD INGREDIENTS. PURE SUGAR, PURE LARD, PURE WATER, FRESH MILK, COMPRESSED YEAST AND PATENT AND HARD WHEAT FLOUR. Made Clean 221 East Court St. You Will Like It Baked Clean HOMACH'S BAECERY Sold Clean 221 East Court St. S"