TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON', WEDNESDAYFEBRUARY21. 1917, j. lj. j i j,, . , i .j i; PAGE FIVE 1 'h; - i I in , mi. in I.. I. ,farv...!if'!" M'Klfr. . ' She is Here But for Only One More Day LOVELY MARY MILES MINTER Entrancing, demure, captivating, winsome, in 4 role of ex quisite appeal, displaying.this star's wonderful versatile talent. THE PLAY THAT MAKES DIMPLES TO CATCH THE TEARS. It's called tS6 FAITH 99 Ax the? OTNPKTUET 6 ACTS 6 In addition HELEN HOLMES in "THE MAIN LINE WRECK." From the Sensational Lass of the Lumberland Play. ADULTS 15c CHILDREN 5c, PASTIME TODAY Auto Stage. Tor Adams, Athena and Weston, leaven. Alten-Ward Co., at 10 a. m and I: SO p. m. each day. Phone 409 for reservation Ralph Shaffer, prop. Adv. Notice to Members of Daphne Circle, No. J, W. O. W. The social for Fob. 2 will be post poned to March 8th, when grand of ficers will be present. By order of G. Adv. IT. "Faith." Foaturintf Mary Mike Mint r at Pastime Today, "And now little children, grown up children, remember and think of your mother at all timed, If eome-of your mothers have passed to their home above, think of them always and It will make better men and women of you. If they are. with you, c her tan them and love them, for mothers are the most wonderful beings in all the world." This beautiful sentiment, which bring to a conclusion th powerful dramatic offering "Faith In which the famous little star, Mary Miles Minter, scores the greatest suceeaw of her remarkable career, adds the fin ishing touch to what Is per hap the most absorbing heart-interest story ever presented in motion pictures. Written around the. screen's young est and mot beautiful actress, this fascinating drama selves Mary Miles Mint of a rare opportunity to portray an intensely interest Ing character: 'Faith.' a itweet, little golden haired gir forced by ffrkle fortune to work ; for her livelihood in the family of a wealthy society man. Peculiar circum. stances cause her to be suspected of crime really committed by the mil lionaire's step-dautfhter. a beautiful woman under th influence of a hand- some adventurer. The action of the story movesTJtpidly through a series of gripping situations, to a monster courtroom scene where "Faith;' is de fended by a poor lawyer who has los his practice through drink find has been befriended hv his little client. A powerful climax is reached when he woman who committed the crime for which "Faith" Is befng tried, dirt- covers that the beautiful girl In her own long lost daughter, and "Faith finds herself in th arms of the moth er for whom she has prayed day and nltrht since her earliest recollections. Faith" fs a beautifully mounted production staged by the great direc tor. amr Kirk wood, and presented by company of well known plavers. in cluding I:sjette' Khome. Margaret Shelby. Gertrude Hrand. Josephine TViylor. Clarence l.urtnn. and Perrv Banks. In addition Helen Holmes ln ''The Main Une Wreck." from the sensat tlonal "lass of the Lumberlyands play. slons is the cross of the Belgian Le gion of Honor that was presented to him by King Albert. rr. Morrow will tell of his experiences In succoring the wounded, of the wonderful work done by the American surgeons and of adventures he experienced while in the trenches. His lecture gives an intimate and exact picture of the life mowt of the men in the Old World are leading today and la virtually a Ytge torn out of the modern history thai is being made on the shell-torn battlefields. Mm innnmnufffl I COS Y TH iimmifi'm!MS'WHt!i!iimuMm!'H'!s!n; liiofaiiiiiiliilMliiiiliwIw EATRE LAST TIME TODAY Desmond Emulate Fairbanks. It is not so eay to scramble over the high Iron fence surrounding the j Triangle-Kay Bee Culver city studios. ; William Demond knows Just how difficult It is because he row done 1 five or six times before the camera. The fence is eight feet high, of or nate iron, with spikes In the effect of spear pointing upward, and cross bars extending horizontally every two i feet Desmond, who has the leading role J In "The Iced Bullet1 Is supposed to j bp a poor scanario writer who en deavored to sell his manuscript to Thos. H. Ince. and who. In order to get on the "lot," i obliged to escape the watchful eye and 3f0 pound bulk ' 5sa of the guardian at the gate. j In ordep to do this. Desmond leaps ' p; over the Iron fence, and thfs heliad I to do a number of times before he j pj cou'd finally trust himself before the . j camera. Although he Is an excep- 5rS tlonaily powerful athlete Iefmond j had never made a specialty of high jumping, and it took a lot of practice before he could turn the trick. w ! KTSK1XO on?K FDK TH- ! VOJiCE. SAYS SAX I "HAN- rsor jriMK. e e eewesesesej PASTIME Coming Thursday and Friday WILLIAM FOX Present VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE BITTER TRUTH" 6 ACTS 6 ALSO .... Foxfilm Comedy HANK MAN in "A TICKLISH JOB." 2 Thousand Feet of Laughs and Thrills. Foxfilm Corned ie Beat Them AIL Vrfyinia IHnrnou !n startling Feature, llUtc Truth. At the Pastime tomorrow and Fri day the new William Fox photoplay with the drmnat.c actress . Virginia Pearson in "The Bitter Truth.'" wlH have Us fir.-"t presentation to a Pen -diet on audience. This remarkable photoplay ran a whole week at the Majestic theater Ir Portland, as well as a whole week at the Clemer. Seattle. A .full review and the synopsis ' will appear in this column tomorrow. In additlo to "The Bitter Truth will be shown another Foxfilm com edy acknowledged to be the superior of any comedies now on the market. This one is called "His Ticklish .Tob." end features the old f.ivonte. Hank Man. ,- , Hi 8 Reels 8 fighting for Love A romantic adventure of two cowboy. A come djr drama of humor and patho well blended. Pearl White IN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY CHAPTER NO. 8 OF "Pearl of the Army" MORE DARING THAN EVER. 5: i ALSO A m TRIP TO PALESTINE mm uniinni! .Iliiillllll, wmm llllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 liiiiiuiimiiuiuuuii HlHHunilHH!llMinMI!!l'Ml!'HHHIirMIHli!l!ll!imi!!l!l!Hllll!'!M!!mm!!' tniaiiUtiHuiuunuiiUiUituiaiUtaimiiiamiitiiuuiuuiuutftuiUiiuuiiuiij ,miimnir::i!iitm'h';a YES, BUSINESS IS GOOD. THERE IS A REASON. Standard Corn and Peas Can 1 Cg Krlnkle Corn Flakes, 3 for 25f Van Camp Pork and Beans, No. 1 tins 10 Van Camps Pork and Beans. No. 2 tins 15 Italian Prunes, 3 pounds 25 Best Pineapple, No. 2't tins 20 Pineapple, Tall Cans, 2 for 25 Peaches, Apricots and Plums, can.. lO Grape Juice pints 20; quart 40 Sauer Kraut, No. 3 tins 15 Folders Golden Gate Bakinp; Powder, 1 lb. 10 ; 2Vk iH); 5 lbs. 1.75. Folders. Coffee, Best on the Market, Ensign package 25 Shasta ... 1 lb. 35; 3 lbs. f 1.00; 5 lbs. 91.50 Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 ib. box 40 Shredded Wheat. 2 for 25. Oysters, 4 oz.t can 10 "Fighting for Lve," the charming romance of a queen and a cowlwv. wh'eh come to the Vosy theater on Tuesday and Wedneeday, featuring Jack Mulhall and directed by Hay mnnd Well, fa one of the moat aat infylng lied Feather releasea )eei In mnnv a day. according to the unam- ntw verdict of critic. It ha to do with love and war. Western valor and custom ay a queen hall marry only n king. he overcome thte obstae'e and t&- an unvriipulou kin- suitor keeps the spectator Kpeltbound In hi seat from stitrt to finish. The strone cast supprt;ng Mulhall Includes Ruth Stonehouv. Noble Johnon. J. F. Bri.coe. Jenn Herhoit nd Ruhy Marshall. "Take two heaping fpoonfuU ot dvcniure, a large dah ot peril. ;i vootlly portion of mHter , flavor with romance, Hiid there," said Mis: pa' l White, heroine of llithe a ''I'eart of the Army' the eighth epiMide uf which Uf booked at the Cosy theater today, "you have a genuine ulixtr of youth." I "You will notice,' added Mijs White, smilingly "that 1 hav made Sarah Hern hard L's whole recipe lve Jiuh a minor portion of wine. I aay a flavur of romance, and I think 1 speak advisedly bwcauae th.Te is nothing so cloy.ng tut so-called love when ou get too much of it- U it not ao?' W httn it com eg t o ad venture and mystery, ai h White ia. of course, an authority. HtT exploits in the , . y. .r.,.,- J 4' If i - hi right of local option or self-govern ment as far as road building1 Is coo cemed to the communities. The insurance code, irrigation code. and other big measures, are to lengthy to. permit anything- like complete analysis at thia time. They are all pronounced to be the beat measures of the kind ever put on the statute books and were pawed by the - f " mu. . a aim a. p, i . ucai tf ! thoiie-htful rnnfllr1ftrntinn IUDOE TH05. F. t,AMAM . i After Superior Judse Thomas F UiaJjum of Sa,n Krttncujco succeeded In reconciling John tfehuier and the wife, who had sued him for divorce, he mailed th.a poem lo the husband: PKKSS ASSOCIATION IS HACK OF THE II5KSDEN1 CHIOAOO, Feb. 21. Resolution en d..rMUg the policy of Presides t W'il n in the International crisis and de ciding for preparedness lor se f-de-U nse was adopted Jit the annual ru-ting of the Inland Dally Press as s cihtion hff today. K. P. -whaler of I'ii venport. Irwa, was elected preni- d.'nt. :..wa. and V. secreta W. Tufford of Clinton. When your wife and you fall out. Don't airut about and about: How , Don't growl at her, or acowi at he or hUis her. Vou Will find it doesn't pay; Try your luck another way Ju--. take her in your arnw and gently kias her. When your wife and you must fight. Make her think ah' m the righi. Don't rush off to your ciub where you will miae her: , Should a f.ght with wifey start, Vou will play the big man's part If you take her in your arnw an 1 gently kia her. So successful has the judge been in patching domestic troubles he has come to be known as the "great re conciler. NKW ROAD tDK. t Continued from Page l. on grouse is not chanired on dueks and geee changed to conform to the j federal law. The trout limit Is re ' duced from 75 to 50 per day. the deer limit from three to two bucks,' and films t n Important change Is the clos n have thrilled million of movie fans or tn winter fishing for trout. This since she ran the whole gamut of i was accomplished throujih raising the pern as "Pauline'' In "The Perils of j ,lmit frm 10 inche to is tches This Pauline.'' In "Pearl of the Armv wi" Prm:t fishermen t0 f h for she Is given full opportunity to di- j teelhad only. play all thoee talents which have Ciattd Mortjrugv Ijsw. made her foremost in the field of se Ther are two migrator) chattel rial heroine. mortgage laws. One pertains to au- "You may laud peace, quiet and j torn o hi lee. This provides that when the simple life all you please said mortgaRe ts given on an automobile M as White, "but m-h-n I am menta!- I the recorder of conveyances sends a ly fnfrged and inclined to think like a ; certificate to the state treasurer and drab j thereafter the chattel mortgage 4s ef. levttve in any county m the Mate, The Pictures taken on the battlefields other migratory chattel mortgage law LOCALS (Paid Advertisement. for rent 2 furnished houekoepin; room. Phone J07R. woman with small child wants work, rrefer place with no family. SOT Aura. Wanted 1 or more men to cut oot- tonwood on shares, close tn. Inquire of Miles Kemler, Pendleton, Oreftun. When you want to sell beef, pork, veal, mutton or poultry, call I. C. Rains. He will call and tret them Phone 420. Sanitary Meat Market. Lost On the Pendleton road five miles beiow pilot Rck, about 4 pm. Sunday a 32 by 3 1-2 tire on de mountable rim. Finder return to Bond Bros. Curare. Pilot Hook, or East Orogonian office. Keward. Bis Dance at Rleth. On Washington's birthday. Febru ary 22. Good mus e, good floor. All invited. Adv. Baiage Transicrred. C. E. Williamson, headquarters Henning Cigar Store. Phone f S0SJ. Adv. ' Alfalfa Hay. Order your baled bay for spring de livery- now. No. 1 quality. Save ad vance In price. E. c Burlingame. Walla Walla, Wash. 1 UNDER ATHE CAPITOL M DOMX. public Dance Thursday evening at Moose Halt Sawyer s Or chestra. Admission 50c. ladie free Adv. I " HP. ..n in- I ! ' ? . , bill, said to have teea drafted by tb department of justice, to "define and punish espionage." The bill pro vides a fine of ft 0.000 and two years imprisonment tor these offenswa. Approaching;, going upon or flylm over any institution or Instrument of the national defense. For taking photograph, making; blueprints or sketches of anything; connected with the national defeats.. For obtaining or attempting; to oh--tain possession of signals or code, used in the national defense. For sending through the mail, com muarcat ions written In "Invisible ink." Many applicants for service in fft-A navy have failed because of defective . teeth. That is a fact worth chew" tot, on. V. S. Senator Overman. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 1 .Senator Overman, chairman of the senate ru lee com mittee. Introd uced the ".' BAD ERMTH v Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. KdwardV Olive "ablt, the sn6--stitute Jor calomel, act gently on the- ooweis ana positively do the work. People afflicted with, bad breath nmt quick relief through Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. The pleasant, smrar coated tablets are taken for bad br calls by all who know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act (rea lly bat firmly on the bowels and liver. stimulating theni to natural actionv clearing the blood and gmily purifying the entire system. They J that which dangerous calomel Joes without any of .ire imu airer cnecis. 'All the benefits of nasty, ' 5iclceninir. RTittang cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Ta'ik-ts wnh. ut grip, mg, pain or any disagreeaMc effects. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowe and liver complaint with' the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwards' Olive TaMets are pure y. vegetable compound mixed w.ih olive oil; yon will know them by theft olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and n'te i!.r effect 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. of Belgium .luring actual fighting be tween the armies of the slliea'and the central itowt'W will le shown on the screen at the Alta theater on Thursday, matinee and evening, when Ir. F-arl Morrow del'VOrs a lecture on the work of the American lt. Cross In the Flander. sector. Or. Xtorrow whs for a year and a hnlf in chsnre of the work of sj doctors and I held jun over 400 nurse, and nv some of th. ! bonds In moat terrific encounter of the we.i ern front. Py srT.! porminslon of Kins: Albert, of Helfrium. he ws rennltted to take p'etures fmm the flrM Tn. trem-hos. and t Is these pic tureo tht he uses to Illustrate his lert'ire. For th. scTx-fee. thnt he renders! the WfomrlKl. rw Morrow was made la int.ndd to n rote I the mortteae-. of livw-tm-k it provides that when the ownor of the mortgaged property desires to move the chattel out of the county he must give the owner of the mortgage ten days notice Of course, every one is fimiiiar with the road hon,l bill, which will he voted on at the special election . It rrovid.-s for failing th. sum of $t OnO.OOA for tho purpose of building state high way.. . Snpilr. AhollJlrrt. The new road code doe. away with the present system of mad supervis ors. jila,-es the rosd wrk of the coun tv In charge of . a nsd master who must le an enginer. permits district, to be formed for the purpose of levy- a ihcaller of the order of Ijeopolrt. ling road liv and building their own and one of hl most i hert-hed posM- roads, etc It. intent is to give th. Temple LAST TIME TODAY HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE Theatre ; TODAY 2-BIG ACTS-2 HAWLEY A BELLAIRE Siging, Talking Comedy Skit "333. MYSTERY- ELLIS & ELLSWORTH Variety Entertainers. ir t 1 j -ii iuu iiuuiu a aeici'llvp i rami that ... .. : . i. . : n n.t i,..t. ..t! e " -"i i-1 nair-ra "u vuum luu tu irii;e Miuutiuni, see i.-iiijC William Desmond m 'Hk Iced Bullet" RICH WITH SURPRISES. Triangle-Kay Be. GRIPPING WITH SUSPENSE. A REAL THRILLER.