PAGE FOUR " o o o o o o o o ; ,..,. xjii casi uKtiUUMAHt t'ENDLiETON. OREGON. -WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 21-, 1917. , - - TEN PAGE3,... "l""""""-",",Mi . i - ''"-- .- p u.,'..,,.,,..,,,,,. .. :, , ; ' '' LJL p 2k DR. EARL V. MORROW Chief Surgeon the American Red Cross Bel gian units, will, show for the first time in America his wonderful BATTLE LINE PICTURES Taken by special Royal permission King Albert of Belgium. Shown at flt hand actual trench life Presenting all sides of the conflict that mow devastating; Europe. Emphasizing the need of some world-wide movement to assure a lasting and universal peace. till v UAnJ: -rim IPS' 1 T OF 8 5? I .Jik n7n nn nrpnn U Kl IHJ l U D f3J Iff The Love Story of a Girl Spy Harold LocKwocd and May Allison in COMEDIANS Singing Talking Dancing ST. CLAIRE c LE ROY Those Black Face Comedians St ill: . JI: ft r," 3 .A 7Z1 it. 1 A MRS. VERNON CASTLE Comedy HE MEANT WELL in "WINGED MILLIONS" o o o o o o o oeoooooeoGooGoooeooooo9eooeoeGoeoo9oodooooeo9eeeooooGeeoooo o