TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 117. PAGE THRJ5JS r 5 Now is the Time to BUY SHOES With winter breaking up it jvill solve the problem of dry feet and good health, besides, you will be the leader in stepping: out 'n the new spring styles. Our lines are now complete in Edwin Clapp and Just-Wright Shoes. Also best values in workingmens shoes. They go hand-in-hand with Bond Clothes. Bond Bros. Men's Complete Outfitter Pendleton's Leading Clothiers. 1 I 5 SCHEDULE OF THE TELEGRAPHIC GUN SHOOTTOiUT 1'endkKm Will lit) MaUbrd Aealnxt Uie Wallace Tram Sett Sunday In the snooiid Kiiuot of coutest. WOMEN TO WORK I.V AR8KNAI. WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. Women operators will be employed In tho 1'nlted mates arsenals for ths first MINERS SUCCUMB TO CONSUMPTION Jreaii beraose the sadden change frost warm nines to cold winds lowers vitality and the blood is weakened from lack of fresh air. Scetf Emmlmion is a miner's test beio to enrich and enliven the Mood, crests body-warmth and build strength to resist pneumonia, rheumatism and tang troubles. Takm SCOTT S after auafa fmr one month ems? see er yomrlf fee knafidai eracta. XerWse JeeAofie oseftferee time as the result of an emergency call made y the war department 01 the employment bureaus of the de partment of In bur for 1000 skilled workers to rush preparation of army supplies. The war department's re quest calls for wonvn as well as men. The women will be uxed as machine operator nt wafte of from 11.84 to f 2.24 a day. The 1000 additional skilled workers Just called for will be employed In the Philadelphia arsenal and In the Plcatlnny arsenal at Dover, N. J. Ol S AT HONOIIXU DISABLED. HONflLllA'. Feb. SI The 14 Inch gun at Fort Derassy has be?!, found disabled, it was learned t KiY. ani will be out of commiss.on. ac cordinr to uno'lfc!nl but reliable In formation, for about three mo?iths. It Is ald the ireani wtra ktrlpi td either during1 or since the maneuv ers held February 8. Col. Alfred Hunter, Oiat artillery, admitted today that th. sun war lm aired but refused to make uny fuo.her stntement. The rspo..lbll 'y for the dam.se, it wu "aid, had not been placed. Pendleton "scatter gun" enthua'- sets will shoot against the Wallace team next Bunday in the second match of the telegraphic tournament. ' The Wallace "high five" broke 10 out of 126 last Sunday but this scoro was good enough to win. Pendleton, I breaking 112, dropped her match. The following is the completo schedule as prepared by the Spokex- ' man-Review which Is staging the . tournament: , . , ' , 1'cbruary g. Bunnyslde versus Kpokane. Potlatch versus Wallace. Pendleton versus Kellogg. Palouse versus Lewlston. Garfield versus Wenatchee. Kallspell versus Pomeroy. February 25. Runn.vside versus Potlatch. Apokane versus Pomeroy. Palouse versa Wallace, Palouse versus Kellogg. Garfield versus Lewlston. Kalispell verxus Wenatchee. March 4. unny-lde versus Pendleton. Hpokane versus Potlatch. . Palouse versus Wallace. Oarfleld versus Kellogg. Kallspell versus Lewiston. Wenatchee versus Pomeroy. March 11. Bunnyslde versus Palouse. Spokane versus Pendleton. Potlatch versus Pomeroy. Oarfleld versus Kellogg- Wenatchee versus Lewuton. March 18. Bunnyslde ver-us Oarfleld. Spokane versus Palouse. Potlatch versus Pendleton. Kallspell versus Wallace. Wenatchee versus Kellpgff. LewWon versus Pomeroy. March 15. Punnyslde versus Kallspell. Spokane versus Oarfleld. Potlntch versus Palouse. Pendleton versus Pomeroy. Wenatchee versus Wallace. Lewiston versus Kellogg. April I. Sunnyslde versos Wenatchee. Ppokane versus Katisoell. Potlatch versus Oarfleld. Pendleton versus Palouse. Kellogg versus Pomeroy. Lewiaton versus Wallace. April a. " SunnyKide versus Lewlston. Spokane versus Wenatchee. Potlatch versus Kal'spell. Pendleton versus Oarfleld. Palouse versus Pomeroy. KelloKC versus Wallace. April IS. . SunnystdS versus Ksllocg. Spokane versus Lewiston. Spokane versus Lewiston. Potlatch versus Wenatchee. Pendleton versus Kalispell Palouse versus Oarfleld. Wallace versus pomeroy, April 22, Bunnyslde versus Wallace. Hpokaue versus Kellogg. Potlatch versus Lewlston. Pendleton versus Wenatchee. Palouse versus Kalispell. Garfield versus Pomeroy. April 19. Sunnyside versus Pomeroy. Spokane versus Wallace. Potlatch versus Kellogg. Pendleton versus Lewlston. Palouse versus Wenatchee. Garfield versus Kalispell. ma raw k tn cloth mm hair, mm its em siiiiiiHiiiiimiiiiiiiiniiniiiiniiiiiiHiiiiiniiiiniiimiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiniiniinimmmr I TltV TIIIH: HAIlt iKTt ,MMvY, AVV A.Mi IlkAl . Til 11, AT ONt l.. TIIK'K, 1 r " iOOODSI ItKTV THOIHAXI II.MI;IU.NTS AltK API (All) TO SAIL. . NEW YORK, Feb. 20. Steamship ' tine agents admitted that submarln i ing had already halted forty thou sand .mmlKrantu. They planned to work in farnriH and factories, but are afrkid to MiiL Steamship lined ob tained puitltlons and made the book i mga after conidpraile adveuineS in neutral port. Immediate? Yen! Certain ? that's the Joy of it. Your hair becon.c light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap peant as soft, luatrou and beautiful as a young1 ftirl's after a Danderine I hair cleane. Just trv thl moisten a cloth with a little. IMnderine and carefully draw It through your hair, : taking one small strand at a time This will cleanse the hair of dus;, dirt or excessive oil, - and in just a j few momenta you have doubled the ' beauty of your hair. A delightfui surprise awaita thoe whose hair has been neglected or is acraggy, faded S dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautf- 5 fying the hair, Dundenne dissolves IE every particle of dandruff; cleanse, j IE purifies and Invigorates the scalp, ; H hair but what win pieasa you most ; 5 Never before have we shown a more complete line of 5 The new Spring Cloths are arriving daily and the pat EE terns and colorings are most beautiful. Colors being of first quality dyes, assuring fast colors. ' For those new Dresses, Skirts, Etc., we are nhowing a very pretty array of FRENCH GINGHAMS, KIDDIE CLOTH, JAPANESE CREPES, ETC. Come in the sport stripes, plaids and plain colors. Silks for Spring win be after a few weeks' use when 1 Beautiful Silks, Dresses hTe a ery " prominent place you will see new hair fine and 1 2 ins nnns wsarins snntrel. See our showinir of 2 first yes biA really new 1 rnv irncru va-t-ks r rAFrrnrAe .i.a nllM uhi.I) vrAAs lf-71'll-s downv at , w rSlltltt-Ji;K TO IVAIjL. St. halr Vrowlntr all over th scaln rf J,l-f JLI KLKJ 1 n, jancy inrrctw, JTlT'" ZZ ( w.BU,,7T. fth 1 TAFFETAS, SILK POPLINS, MEAUNsES and PON- jot. of it aurejy get 25-cent bottw : ULL in plain ana pretty 5rUK 1 31RiriO, lao laiicy uc- stmtaUve Undbergh told the htue nf nn(,lnn. fA,m V... finrl c;Tl,a .11 mAHDrotlv nnrprl judiciary committee thHt Secretary Kedfield. Comptroller Williams, Mor gan and many bankers throughout the country could tell the details of the alleged federal reserve board con s piracy to surrender financial inter ests to Wall street. drug store or toilet counter and Just try it. Why call them cold waves when everything is frozn solid? Implies motion. itwitrrrixfi. UPGES MOBILIZATION OF YOUNG MEN ON FARMS ..NE WYORK, Feb. 21. Mrs. Jul'an Heath, head of the Na- ttonal Hou-ewives' league, urg- i ed the mobilization of young men (Editorial in the Chicago Journal.) Whatever the merits or demerits of A wave our l,r,lwnt military system, this na tion owes a vote of thanks to its re cruiting officers. Whether they get 5 the men needed when we began the reserve Is doubtful in the extreme, but up to date their success is remark able. They have gone out into the labor market and gained recruits when every Industry is clamoring for more ALHAN !n A orkf ' r ha ve orkers. The ranks of the caalry been filled a little beyond the She suggested m iking Central ( number authorized by concress. The Park a huge truck garden. She j artillery, engineers and medical corps declared it was a patriotic duty are nearly full. The Infantry Is 10, to make every effort to meet , OftO short of the increase authorized, the prevailing food conditions, ibut has till June 30 to make good, "Every youth seeking summer and expects to do so. TTnder the clr employment should go to the ! cumstances. this is a remarkable rec- farm as a matter of patrlotim. the same ax enlisting in the m!- litia. I am preparing an appeal to colleges, urging students es- peclally to volunteer for farm- ing. One cau-e of the food shortage and high prices is a la- bnr famine. The production b subnormal. The govemmejnt should furn sh transportation facilities and insure reasonable marketing service." ord. To be sure, our recruiting officers have Fomefhing to offer prospective soldiers. The new law attended to that. Men can go up from the ranks no more read II v than ever before, and they are doing It by the scores. West Point furnishes onl a fraction rtf the officers needed: the rest must be ar pointed from civil life or pro moted from the ranks, and these are given the preference. There are first ' lieutenant In the army now who v-re sergeants leas than a year ago QUALITY FIRST QUALITY FIRST a iiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiffiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiittiiiiiiiitftiiiiiiiHjiiiifffiiiiiitiitiiiffm Then there is the chance for men who make good to be "sent to the mi litary academy, and if anyone can barn the soldiers trade well enough in that time, he may be furloughed to the reserve at the end of one year. Rut these advantages would count fr little If thev were not exploited hj as keen an advertising campaign as ever was conducted for private gain. The young officers In charge of this fork cannot be enamored of It. T4ke all men who have given thought to the matter, they believe that military service should be a matter of duty, not of Personal whim But the coun try has given them a task to do. and thev are buckling to It like soldiers. Good for them. It Is a pity that ''safe conduct on the. part of ambassadors cannot be guaranteed as can their passage from place to placet. GOSSIP CTIORKS RCirAi, WlTtFfl. iflrtMp-aint Made That Colorado Far mers can't Tratvaart Boaine). DENVER. Colo.. Feb. M. Rural gossiping over th telephone, th country woman's means of satisfying her hunger for companionship, has been brought to the attention of the state publte utilities commission, which was asked to prevent women in southern Colorado from monopolis ing rural telephone lines with neigh borhood conversation. D. A. Strong of Mead. Colo., testi fying before the commission la the investigation of the rate end services of the Mountain States Telephone end Telegraph Co, said the farmer mrm unable to transact businea over the telephone because of the burden of goearp on the wires. wmmiimtOTWBHHfflwiw IlilllimliullimilluliimmiiUiuiuiM MID iWlttasiUsltitMUMettli1 im at ucmt 3 111 If 3 II i 3 11 E-a 1 I i t I ti f 5 f i I! I I W H O L E S A L E P R I C E S Pure Holly U.S. inspected U.S. In spected Pork and Pork Products Here in a chance for you to buy Lard and Cured Meats before the raise which is sure to come on account of the hifch prices of hogs. We bought 20,000 pounds and are going: to give you the benefit; we belong to no combine bound together to keep prices up. - We carry a larger stock of smoked meats and lard than any store in Pendleton; buying in large quantities enables us to give you wholesale prices. BUY A WHOLE HAM v Swifts Premium Hams 27e Swifts Empire Hams 25c Morris & -Co. Supram Hams 26e Morris A Co. Matchless Hams 25c Hollr Brand Hams 25c Morris A Co. Baco 2c Shesf Bscoo - 30c No. 3, 55c Eo. 5, 90c Wo. 10, si. SO This Lard is guaranteed by Downey's Market to be pureoHolly ard. You fur nish empty pail and save 15c on a No. 3. 25c on a No. 5 and 40c on a No. 10. , 3- It is not our policy to do any unnecessary talk ing. We count on Price, Quality and Set-rice , that we give to our customers meaning more to them than all the talk we could possibly make. 1 If you are not already trading with us Give i Us a Trial for a Month. We are satisfied that i it will take something more than talk to shake i you loose. It is the policy of this shop to look ! after their customers in every detail as carefully as we know how and this know how includes i Price, Quality and Service. TWO PHONES 188 AND 187 . Our prices are a little cheaper. Our Meats are a little better. Our Shop is a little cleaner. We invite you to come in, you will see something you want. L Call 6&8 for Better Groceries for Less. The Dean Tatora Co. BUY A BIG PIECE OF DRY SALT Before the raise, it will keep. U. S. Inspected Dry Salt Side. 20c U. S. Inspected Dry Salt Back 18c U. S. Inspected Sweet Pickle Back 22c U. S. Inspected Smoked Back 23c Morris A Co. Picnics ISc Morris & Co. Cottage Rolls 21c We have the exclusive sale in Pendleton of Straights Corned Beef. 12t to 18c pound. u fi II ti 1 1 i N S P E C T E D M E A T S 1 1 14 -3 3 II F 4 r 3 ? i II E 3 i i II r i r i I !! I i 5 N i i i! fwtwiippitmwiwrmr!'T t reiptffesff jj it L i!.M " ..i(i:l...(J! itti. .ItiUU.U.l.tttihiMttiHl'iil.llUiiiitUMiUllhHiU-rii iHi't.l! UuiUi'Ui liUliiilieiiiUi.: kll.xi H tsMs. . tit ii4tHitltttiU.tiil(llil.; WMMfirs.entTTWtfTTMmrftf'"t'Wffrt' MfiH.H.U:iW4..tisb.ittiii U! 4iM.:i i frUHtttlWfnrtHM