TEN PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1917. MtattuSallSaaBfl m 131 L ST im i. Bar IP Women's Neur Spring Suits at $25.00 We hve just received a new lot of beautiful new spring suits. New model in Norfolk, sport effects. Box pleated from yoke with half bait, also coats having flare hip skirts gathered or pleated. Many most attrac tive styles are included at this price. The materials are gabardine, serge, poplin and fancy mixtures; all are de sirable colors. It will be to your advantage to see these new suits at $25.00. SPECIAL NOTICE Watch our ads for Special Sale. It will be a "hummer." Silk USE OUR POST OFFICE We have sub-station No. 1 of U. special benefit. m oi it. New Arrivals In Our Shoe Department Women's Plum Kid 8-in. Boot New est shade. Price $6.50 Women's White Washable Kid 8-in. Lace Boot With French heel; very nifty .. ?9.00 Women's White Kid 9-in. Lace Boot with white Ivory leather soles and heel. Trice .." : ?S.50 Women's Negro Brown Vamp and heel foxing with Ivory kid top; lace boot, the very latest S8.5G Women's Ivory Kid Top and Black Kid Vamp, Louis Cuban heel $7.50 Women's Crusia Grey Kid, French heel, lace boot S6.SO 'Women's 8-in. Black Kid lace boot. Price $6.00 Women's Black Kid Cloth Top, we!t sole, plain toe button shoes $5.00 Women's Black Kid Plain Toe, lace welt sole, French heel shoe $-1.5U Women's Black Kid Cloth Top staff last, Cuban heel button shoe S4.0O 50 Pair Women's Patent Leather Kid and cloth top shoes, broken lines, $4.00 and $5.00 value $2.45 Women's Black English Last with white fibre soles and R. heels . . 83.00 HOME SEWERS and DRESSMAKERS SUPPLIES THREADS Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton 5f Clark's O. N. T. Lustre Cotton 5 Carlson-Currier Spool Silk lOf Carlson-Currier Button Hole Twist 5 Barbour's Linen Thread. 2 for 25 King's Basting Cotton 5 THIMBLES Celluloid Thimbles, white and colors 5 White Metal Thimbles 5 Sterling Silver Thimbles 25 Tape Measures, 60-in. 5 Skirt Markers, each 20 Tailors Chalk, each.... If PINS AND NEEDLES Milward's Needles, all sizes, paper 5f Yarn and Cotton Darners package 5 Beading Needles, pkg. 5f Good Brass Pins, paper 5 and 10 Cube Pins, black and white, cube 5f Belt Pins, black and white, paper 5 OMO AND KLEIN ERT DRESS SHIELDS Sizes 2 to 5 regular, also "out of sight." "detach able," "Juno" and "Jene" Zouave shields, sizes 2, 34, 5. SANITARY SPECIALTIES Sanitary Aprons 25, 50 75. $1.00. Sanitary Belts.. 25. 35 Sanitary Napkins, box of six 19 Ganitary Stork Pants 35. ' 33. 65. Eanitary Stork Sheeting, yard 50, 85, $1.00, $1.50. FEATHERBONE AND DRESS BINDINGS Cotton Twill Covered Fea- therbone, yard 10 Cosite Bone distender for producing hoop skirt effect, yard 5 Horse Hair Stiffening, yd. 5, lO. 15. Taffeta Seam Binding, 8 yd. bolt 20 Bias Seam Tape, white and colors 5, 10, 12i2, 15, 20. Princess Gelting, white and black 1 Vi to 3-in.. yard 10 Warren's Curved Bone Girdelen, yd. 15 to 25. Dutch Linen Tape, all sizes 5 Cotton Tape, 2 for...... 5 HOOKS AND EYES Windsor, Efemco and Coronation Hooks and Eyes 5 Peets, Maceys and Wilson hooks and eyes 10 Hook and Eye Tape, yard 15 and 25. Snaps, Acorn, Teuco and De Longs, dozen.. IO Snap Tape, black or white the yard . 25 FOR BABY WEAR White Flannel, a big line of both plain end em broidered in part wool, all wool and silk and wool. The yard 50 to $2.00. Fine Nainsook for dresses.... 35 and 40 Fine Mercerized Batiste yard 40 "Lyklinen," embroiders beautifully. The yard 35 and 40f. FEATHER PILLOWS You'll sleep better on dne of our soft down pil lows. The pair $1.50, $2.50, $3.00. $5.0O, 87.5Q, $8 and $10 THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Eastern Oregon's Most Economical Shopping Place. Our clean up department, where we send our odds and ends of the best merchandise and close them out at Bargain prices. It will pay you to visit the Bargain Basement. T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP 3 MAIN PHONES ALL IS CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE "STORE NEWS" Fancy White Cauliflower, Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Rad ishes, Green Onions, Head and Hot House Lettuce, Celery, Artichokes, New Cali fornia Cabbage, New California Turnips, Beet and Carrots and Rhubard. Use the "Ti Cleanliness and Quality count for anything with you in your food, you'll have to acknowledge that this is the ONE place in Pendleton to trade. If you're not al-T-ariv nno nf nr MiUtn,i-a vmt will hp iust as soon as vou come and look through our nure fonrl ahnr. and fnmnare it with other food stores. You like clean "eats" this is the place to get them. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES in can and glass jars. Sweet Con Peas, Fancy Maine Corn, Fancy Stringiest Beans, 3 cans.... 50 Extra Sifted teas, the can 25 Sweet W rink fed Pess, the can 30 Grewn Lima Beans, Fancy Small Round Beans, Fancy Wax Beans, Fancy Baby Beets, can 25 Golden Bantam Corn, can 20 Country Gentleman Sweet Corn, Succo tash and Baby Beets, in glass, jar 35 Stringless Beans and Fancy Melting Peas, jar 40 Asparagus and Asparagus Tips Fancy Creen. can 25: Fancy White, can 35; Colossal White, can 40. Solid Pack Tomatoes As near all toma toes as it is possible to pack : not full of juice, cans ....10, 12Va and 15 Asparagus Tips No. 1 round cans, 3 cans 50 Peaches, Pears, Apricots, Plums, Cher ries and Berries The extra fancy rrade. Can 35; 3 for $1.00 SP1NNACH Thoroughly cooked and cleaned. Can 20 Sweet Potatoes, Fancy Eastern Pack Pumpkin Can 20 Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple Full of tropic sunshine and sweetness, very choice, large can 25; No. 2 can, 6 cans 95. Imported Mnied Vegetables, for salads, etc., try them once and you'll always use them, can 25 Fancy Sliced Peaches, No. 1 cans.. 20 The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. HI - sir- 8 ' LOCALS S& Advertising in Brief HATES. Per Itn first lnrfrUon lor l'r lias, addir Usual .ssertlea. . . . V Per llua, per siotiih 91 .vM No local takes for leas I baa 0e. Count f wruiosry words to Use. Locals will auc be taken over tb telephone titpt from Kaat Orva-o is paid-up subacrlbsf. Furnished apartment. 717 UHeth. Moslem seven room hous for rent, inquire John Vert. For sale Five room modern bun talow Phone 444. ' Furniture and two large rugs for ale. Phone 784 W. For sale Freeh milch cows. T. J Cheney- Bom 1S3 CJty. Pendleton Hair rreain Parlors, Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 46. For sale S room furnished house. A. fcarsaln If taken at once. Phone1 Ie. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phon. 284M. Stand, Charles Co., Phone 7. I haul your car bar a and trash. Phone 6fi3M. 1403 W. Railroad st. Wanted Woman to work In the country. Address X this office.. Man and wife want place to work on ranch. - Apply iQ8 Pout. For sale cheap Ford touring "car. Fraiier at Gertson Auto Shop. For rent Furnished apartment. Also extra sleeping room. 118 Orange. For sale Federal truck and trans fer business. D- B. Waffle, Pendle ton, Oregon. ('all feniand Bros, van to move yotiri Household goods Telephone 339. Also' ftBKguge transferrin,' and heaty haul j rue. ! Prompt automobile taxi service. Jay and siKht Funerals to cemetery only (3.50 Phone 461. Book Cgtr Store. Carney Taxi Co. For rent Nicely furnished front apartment with glass enclosed sleep Ing porch. , Phone 205M or call 60 Water. For rent Suite of two rooms, with or without board, Mrs. W. B Mays, j 227 Water street. Experienced gas engineer wan'J work with caterpillar. Add rets "L." this office. Wanted Scrap cast Iron, aluminum and brass. Blewelt Harvester Co., Pendleton, Oregon. , Wanted Competent glr for gen eral housework, colored preferred. Apply 111 8. Main or phone 461 Man and wife, with no children, wish work In country- Address "A this office. For rent Garage, well equipped, in good location. Address Box 67J City, or phone 307. Wanted Girl for general house work. References d eared. Phone E63 mornings. , We buy all kinds of scrap Iron, cast steel, wrought Iron and horse shoes. Pendleton Hide Junk Co., 210 W. Webb. Phone 862. Rooming house for sale. Main street. In center of business dlxtrict. Doing good business. Inquire of Po land Bros. Mattress making, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for and deliv- ered. city or country. La. Dow Bros., 219 Beauregard. Phone 227J. . Today Is the beginning of Lent and the cLoak of quietness that that peni tential period throws about the socl life of a community Is already bving manifest. Almost all of thei larger card vluba have suspended session. and formal dancing parties and recep. tions are supposed to be taboo. Mom and more busy hostesses are welcom ing the 40 days of quiet even thougn unmoved y any church teachings, for after a gay and merry winter there must be a season of relaxation for rest and refreshment In order that one may take up with renewed eager neas the whirl of spring and summer. Of course there will be many small gatherings and even large ones, but the furious pace) of the last several t months Is considerably slowed down' and matrons and maids alike are join ing In the welcome rest. The Jolly Neighbors' Club met yes terday fur its last meeting before Lent, with Mrs. William M. Hord as hostess. A particularly delightful afternoon was enjoyed, the high score trophy being captured by Mrs. 1 jji Rogers. Guests other than club mem bers included Mrs. Mary ZMnoffway and Mm. George Clarke. Mrs. Frank Hayes, Mrs. West- hrooke Dickson and Mrs. Richard Mayberry were delightful hastes ( last evening to a large number --r their friends, entertaining them with ' card party at the home of Mrs Hayes. Nine tables-were arranged for play, the hish wnr honors bo ng cap- i tured by Mrs. WUlar, B"nd and W. I Thompsnn. A profusion of spring flower innde the rooms very attrae. tlve. Mis Lou' Cahill left yeterdav for Twin Falls. Ida., where th will enter training na a nur-e. VaJve-ln-llead Motor ffI Cantilever Springs SO00 Mllm to Bel of Tiro 95 Miles ta Gallon of Gas We are the only authorized agents for Umatilla County Service station and repair shop. Full line of purt always on hand. NOTE THE NEW SPECIFICATIONS All the new models have four doors. OH rtKht on dah. Canti lever spring, front and rear. New cowl dash and wind shield. Noa skld J l- inch tires. Large cellular radiator and better upholster. Inn. Kplash and pump oiling system. Thermo-syphon coollna; aya tem. Three speeds forward and reverse. Foot acceleration. Elec tric starter anil lights with dimmer. Electric horn. Mohair top. $635 IN PENDLETON, Now here for immediate delivery at Simpson Auto Co. 709 Thompson Street. Telephone 403 Mr. nnd Mrs. W. r. E. Prultt arriv ed home this -morning from Rulem where thev hjive heen iluring the ee- R'on of the legt'afure. The children, who had been thre ! in a headlong fall from a third story days on the Journey, were warmly I window of the Republic house to ; welcomed by the Kranco-Dutch com- cement pavement at S o'clocn thw mittee. Their ag-s ranged from six . morning. to 14 years. They presented a most rihe will be operated on tonight. 8h distressing xpecLacle. bearing evident has a fractured skull, lacerated aca.l. of having suffered want and ; fractured arm and Internal Injuries. signs hardships, and all told rad stories of scarcity of food and lack of m;lk. bread and meet. ' After they had eaten a good meal he children were divided into groups n.f wltt H dlu. r-thtitH In m-n-ti n Kwr. v,rtt of i.a orande. wan Ir . where tney w,u remain llnti the end erterday. 1 - tU r , Notice of Him" Meeting. A regular meeting of Pendleton Lodge No. . II. P. O. Elks will be held at their lodge room on February IS. 117, at 1:30 o'clock p. m. There will be initiation of candidate, and nomination of officers fo the snsu' ing term. All members are requeste.j to be present. - By order of the exalted ruler. (Adv. ) THOS. riTZ QERAI.D. S-o IXsHOlutlon Notice. Notice la hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween B. P. Marshall and John lilankensblp has been dissolved by mutum consent, E P. Marshall hav ing bought all of the Interests of said Illankenship In and to all partnership property. All persons owing said partnership are hereby' notified to pay the same to Y. P. Marshall, snd alK persons ar herby notified that B. P. Marshall I will pay all debts of the partnership heretofore contracted. Dated this 17th day of February, I17. E. P. MARSHALL. (Adv) .T. F Ct the city yerterd TSd Rnvburn has accepted a poelt'oM at the Hotel St. George. Tute Templeton of Echo spent Monday evening in the city. Mrs. George Kennedy of La Grand.; is upending a few days In Pendleton. Mrs ftuthers and daughter Irene of Hells have been Pendleton visitors today. Mr. and Mrs. Km!! -Tlmmerman were in from their home at Hell last night. Grover Gerking of Bend was regis tered at the Hotel St. George last night. Phil M. Smith and F. J. Smith are Fossil visitors who passed last night In the city. Mrs. Ruthers and Miss Irene Ruth-ei- came In from Helix this morning to spend the day. Mm. Lulu Lorens Weeks, formerly of this city, waa here, today en route from I'nlon county to Portland. Mrs. Katherine Hands, who ha sper.t the piist two months In .Port land snd t'lillfnrnla. has returned to Pt-itdleton. J. T. irinkle, Hermiston attorney was here yesterday. He was the de fendantln a case tried Jn the circuit court yesterday. Kdgar w. Smith, atate manager of the Equitable Life Assurance Com pany, returned to Portland today aft er passing a few days In the city. John Anderson, manager of the Tum'-a-lum Lumber Company, of Helix, was here today accompanied by Mrs Anderson. They are en route to Walla Walla. of the war. The arrival of S500 more children N expected shortly. POI.ICK KI'T TlfRRFMrrORT FAL LOP CIIVHI'S Glltf. MAV riT Mich, Feb. 20. Jennie Bruce. 30. a chorus girl member of Hilly Malone's Review, playing a local theater, is In a critical condition at Mercy hospital, from Injuries suffered Her hUKOfind, Louts Itruce, of Detroit, arrived late this afternoon and has boon at hla wife's bedside s nce. Mr. Bruce came here for a two week en gagement and was occupying a room with Belle Marcelle. After the per formance last night there waa a little party in the room and at its end Mis Marcelle went to bed. Sidney Daw son, electrician at a theater here, waa passing the room and saw Mrs. Bruce on the window sill of the open win dow. He heard her fall and gave the alarm. Police do not believe the window had been kept wide open with 10-below sero weather prevailing, but have no evidence of either suicide or fool play. Illg nsnet at German Hall. Saturday night. Feb.' 14. Ooo-l floorgood muetc and a good time as sured to all. Don't miss It Adv. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 250 CHILD WAR VICTIMS MAKE WAY INTO HOLLAND Fre-m-h Tots ftemr FXtdtlve of WMt; Ted of SraroRjr of Food In Ootupied Tem tor r. RON'HENDAI-U Holftrnd. Feb. 11. The first psrty of children from the ocmpfed portion of France, number ing '2hQ, arrived her today. They came chiefly from Lille and !en. anil the homes of eoms of them wers n"t far from the fighting line. tTMt GOOD JUOGI Ui A HOfl ON TWO ttGv WHY MAN. THAT ) A WAiTfc Or 1 GOOO TOSACCO. Cl W-S 14 StCH TOBACCO AMO A SMALL CMtW I IHOUtN CO I AH V MAM, C. don't mav eroeu CAkUNfc) JUDOI , rntni s Tm( StOsIrT TOBACCO HO OH IARTH. ALWAvT A4KIMC FOR A CrllW Of W- CUT AMD PUTS HAL A POOCH IN Ht S J FACt THtH 5AVS IT'S TOO fJ t'WONw.p: ' w 1 .nA SOME call these facc-stuflcrs hogs, tome call them gophers. But they arcgcttingscarccrandscarccrsince gentlemen found out about W-ll CUT Chewing. There it no excuse for man making a monkey of himself today. The fine rich tobacco flavor was put into W-B by nature, the touch of salt brings it out nice and tranquil like, without your worrying your jaw around continually. W-B is getting to be pretty nearly as popular as sun shine these happy tlas. Msat ky WETMAN-BRUTOR COMPANY, 50 U Isisa Sessw, New Yerk Otj ilOlilSIS The night cIssa in domestic sc.- j ejirs will meet !omlay eventng st 7 I o'clock- The work will be on frozen and seiatine desAeris. The clnssen in bread bnklnjr made rolls at home 8a C uritfy for their mothers to olieerve snd send any critic nm to the Irmtruc lur. ThtB seems to be the be Way to vecure rettultn In corjkins'. Ths s1vftncd c!ai ftrj w-ll plan buy. cook and s-re mt home, without help, hji their monthly test. ffn this Vr ,he irirls learn to spp'v thetr .srn.r.c in pr.urtical way a h'-rne. Mlsssa Hl-n Thompson, Plunehe j Fornlfh and 0rmnia Flet hfr j sill pl.tn. bay snr! prepare their "twntv-five rent" lunehe-n FMsv n sis auts The uets sre uetisliy th mothers. ' j Tf domestic science In our publl; rhool has been criticlid it has made j the running of a home a prlri'ere ami Is fist raiwfnc our ideals of hone- j keptnc. Kvery rear the work is mad to fit mors Into ths horn It ; la the purpose of our rhools to bring; j the whtMil .nd home together. I It's Easy to Banlsn Pimplss Smear Hi With Coticnra Ointsunt Hei BadwWui Cub'cura Scap Follow this treatment on rising and retiriiifr for a few day and watch yourrjtin improve. There is absolutely nothing better for the complexion, han-ls, and hair than these frajrrjni.super creamy emollients, if I -sea for everydar toilet purposes, Fer Trial' ."Vee by rn Mail sdHrrss r.rnl: "Caticwra, Kept. 171 , Beeta." tlir-Mi7rHit the worid. fl mm ran i COMING 53 "Willian Fox Feature if De Luxe William Farnum in The Price of Silence 1 1 E3 6-AGTS-6 II SATURDAY AND SUNDAY l ITtiilliUliliUilliisIlikiiUUiUiiuUiiiiUiiiiiiuiiuuiiUiiUiiiluihstuiUlisik 5-10-15 AND UP It now opposita THE COSY and PASTIME THEATRES. V