PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1917. EIGHT PAGES I m 3 1 3 U Women's Neu; . Spring Suits at $25.00 We haws just received a new lot of beautiful spring suits. New models in Norfolk, sport effects. - t Box pleated from yoke with half belt, also coats having flare hip skirts gathered or pleated. Many most attrac tive styles are included at this price. The materials ire "gabardine, serge, poplin and fancy mixtures; all are de sirable colors. It will be to your advantage to see the.e pew suits at ?2o.OO. x SPECIAL NOTICE Watch our ads for Special " Silk Sale. It will be a "hummer." USE OUR POST OFFICE We have sub-station No. 1 of U. S. post office here in our store for your special benefit. Use it. SPRING WASH GOODS The wash goods department will from now on be one of the most interesting sections. The new-spring wash materi als are being opened up rapidly and put on display, where all may have an op portunity to admire the dainty new weaves, patterns and colors. New Ginghams, in exquisite colorings and patterns, yard 12ii. 15 and 25 Devonshire Cloth, in new spring pat terns. The yard 25 New Percales in great variety of pat terns, 36-in. wide; yard.... 12V, 15 New Marquisettes and Voiles in a great assortment of dainty pattern's for waists and dresses. Yard.... 25 to 85 LACES You will need quantities of val laces for trimming your summer dresses and underwear. Why not buy them by the bolt? They're much cheaper; 12 yard bolts 49 and 69 bolt. , THE BARGAIN BASEMENT TO YOU WHO WISH TO SAVE Wesuggest that during your downtown shop ping you call in this busy bargain department where you will probably find exactly the items you desire. And if it is your wish to ay the low price, what a pleasure and satisfaction it is to receive merchandise of duality, merchandise that will give you the wear and service to which you are entitled. CLEAN UP LOTS AT CLEAN UP PRICES -'' $17.50 MEN'S SUITS $11.95 - One big lot of single suits, one of a kind and all of styles that will not go out within a year or so. These and other suits at bargain prices.. WOMEN'S DRESS KID 5 HOES The offered you. All kid. Ugh heel, plain toe, wide lasts, button, la the best shoe yoo ever bought at Boys' Underwear 49 , Wool Middies Men's Underwear .. 97 Outing Gowns ." -- 59 House Dresses . 79 $5.00 DRESS SKIRTS $3.98 Here's mighty good "money's worth" for you. $6.00 skirts sacrificed because they are all single skirts. We invite you to look over these bargains. best women's shoe bargain we have ever Children's Stockings &t Men's Fancy Sox lO Turkish Towels 10 Percale &Vi Apron Gingham, yard 5 You will say that this ?1.9S 2.69 98 ... 19 7 Boys Wool Pants 50c Silk Handkerchiefs Heavy Wool Yarn, skein Wool Challies. yard .. 49 Children's Underwaists 15 P. N. Corsets 97 N. H. Corsets 67 If It's in the Bargain Basement It's Sure a Bargain, - 99 "T. 3 MAIN PHONES ALL 15 If you haven't paid our PURE FOOD SHOP a visit, you haven's seen the cleanest, best grocery in Eastern Oregon, and if you are not buying your groceries here you P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE are not getting the most for your money. tents the highest standard or quality. Fancy Hood River Spitzenberg Apples, box - 1.50 Hood River Jonathan Apples Small size, special, box 60 Fancy Sunkist Oranges Sweet and juicy, dozen 15 Box of 22 to 24 dozen $ 3.0O By Express Today, Kippered Salmon. Kraft Cheese Sanitary cans, no waste. Roquefort fans 25 Camerbert Cans 25 Umburrer Can 25 Creamed Chicken A La King, ready to .-wrve on toast or patty shells, cans 25 and 50. Every article an our immense stock repre- Horseradisb Freshly grated, jars 30s Dinner-ware A new pattern- just un packed, "white and gold" in v-open stock. Cups and Saucers Set of 6 91.45 Dinner-plates Set of 6 91.20 A complete stock of this pattern. - Sweet Apple Cider Bottle 25, gallon jug 90. . . . Salted Almonds and Pecans fresh by ex press today. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables by express daily. . PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. PENDLETON LOSES SHOOT TO KELLOGG MV'Ai-. TRIM OITSUOT Al.I, BUT rXH'B OK TWKIA'E TEAMS KJMTKILKD IN KATltU. . ..; Other Vmsm Wars Spokane, Wfei. lacs PaloiM. (jarfleM and Kalia- peil- Itmdleton Men Wails! Next. . . open'nc I) v Kesult. Spokane, 116; 8unnystde.' 7. Wallace, 108; Potlatch, S3. Kellogg. 117; Pendleton. 111. ralouse. lit; Yewtaton. 111. Oarfield. 111; Wena tehee. Ui. KaJispell, 117; Pomeroy. 108. Though the Pendleton trapshootera outahot all but four of the twelve teams entered In the opening match of the northwest tournament Sunday, they lost their match. They were pit ted against Kellogg, whose team shot 117, the highest score made during the day. Pendleton's five-man total was five birds below this mark. . The other winners of the day were Spo kane, Wallace, Palouse, Oarfield and KalispelL. The scores In general were good, only two of them being under the 100 mark. The Wallace club got by with the lowest winning total, scoringOS against 91 for Potlatch. Both Pen dleton and Lewistun. w th better scores, lo-t their matches. The honor of making the only per fect score In the opening day's event goes to Jim Hickman and J. A. Ford of Palouse, B. M- Hayes of the Spo kane Gun club and George Arland of the Garfield club. Several shooters, however, broke 2S or tf out of R. Mrs. Charles A. O'Connor of the Spokane club was the only woman shooter to qualify for a team. She broke 22 discs. The following are the winning scores of the day: Spokane B. M. Hayes 25. R. A. Miles. 23. G. C. Gregory 23, Mr-. j Charles A O'Connor,' it. and T. ' Ji. ware zz. Hunnyside Turner- 21. Klmar Gocbnour 1, C. H. Iinirford 18, George Van Horn 20, team total 97. Waiutce C. M. Johnson 22, Flohr $2. Walker 22, Jennings 22, Werkhe:. ser 20 total 108. Potlatch M. U Seymour 22. Murphy 18, C A. Williams 18, I Cowan 18. U M. Lachmund 17 Hosenberry 17. KelloggP orter 24. Nicholson 24, .Johnson 23, Kennett 2J, Sebastian IJ; total, 117. Pendleton Sanders 24. Sharp 21. McNurlen 2J, stUlman 21, Ingram 21; team total. 112. Palouse Jim Hickman. 25; J. A. Ford 25. N. M. Rairan 23, O. B. Jos lin 22. G. C. Jewett 21. LewUton Hahn H. R. C. Hill 22. Taylor 12. ohnson 22. Drumm 21, team total 111. Garfield George Arland 25. Fred Peden 22, Tobe Arland 21. Atlr Hoff man 21, E. C, Johnson Jr.. 10. Wenatchee U E. Ovenden 2. C. E Owens. 2S. U. O. Pogue 20. Clyde FratKj 19, Jay Adams 19; tenm total 105. Kalispell Harry Oayhart 21., F. TJ. Stoop 20, R. Houston 24. Frank Rtrerkman 24. and R. J. Bobbins CI: team total 117. Pomeroy Hans Clodlus 22. Matlock 13. W. J. Houser 11, H. . Sawyer 11. F. M. Robinson 21; team total. 108. WOMEN TOO AMBITIOCS. Excessive ambition leads all sort of women to exert themselves beyoifl their strength. The girl striving for honors In school, the busy housewife, the shop-girl, the society climber or leader, an overtax their natural pow ers of endurance. Then come ner vous troubles, backaches, headaches, frequently organic troubles, which re duce them almost to despair. Women suffering thus should first recognise the neces-lty of putting on the brakes and slowing down. B'- s.des this, to remedy the mischief al- reidy done to their health, the best reliance Is upon thst famous and standard medicine for women's ail ments. I.ydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Adv. snl.PTOR nonius wtkk. who BBCAME BRIDR JAS. St, Iira A CHILD'S TONGUE SHOWS IF UVER OR BOWELS ARE ACM IF t'ltOKS. FKVKRISII, Slt lv. BII. ICH'M. CilVB FR11T UXATIVK , AT O.VtSC. . Every mother realises, after giving her children "California . Syrup of FlgV that, this la their Ideal laxa tive, because they love its pUxuaant taste and It thoroughly cleanaeji the tender little stomach, liver and bow els without griping. When cross. Irritable, feverish or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue. Mother- If coated, glvf a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative." and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out oT the bowels, apd you have a well, playful child again. When lta little system la full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea. Indigestion, col ic remember, a jgood "inside cleans ing" should alwaya be tha first treat, ment given. Millions of mothers keep "Califor nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves s sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a SO-cent bottle of "California Syrup o.i Figs." which has directions for ba bies, children of all ages and grown ups printed on the bottle. Beware o? counterfeits sold here, so donX be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company.". REALTY TRANSFERS Mike Dick D. D. Warranty Deeds. E. E. Gervals. et ux, to J. G.1 York, et al, $500. mete and bound deicrip-, tlon In Reservation Addition to Pen cilelon. K. P. Tulloch. et ux. to 1. H Nel son. $26.0110. SW. 1-4 Sec. 2 and NW. 1-4 Sec. 12, Twp. North. Range 12 M. F. Carnee. et ux. to Wm. Conk Im, 1300. 1-2 interest In lots 9 itnd 10. Hock 4. Pilot. Rock. M. F. Oarnes. guardinn to Wm. Tonklin. S300..1ots 9 and 10. Block 4. Pilot Rock. H. B. Owlngs. to Lura Sherry. 12000. lots 11- and 12, Block (. Pilot Rock. . ' Areta Plamondon to C. A. Barrett, $10. lots II and 12. Block 13. Railroad Addition to Athena. W. 1 Warner, et ux, to John A. Grant. 81.00. S. 1-2 NR. 1-4 NW. 1-4 Sec. 31, Twp.' 5 North. Rsnge 29. C. E. Bean, et ux. to O Swallev. $400. lot 1. block 18, Reservation Addition to Pendleton. Herman Peters, et ux. to O. W. Knight. 81100, E. 1-2 lot 1, block 7. Reservation Addition to Pendleton. Edw. Morrisette. et ux. to Charles Morrlsette. II. NW. 1-4 NE 1-4 See. 24. Twp. 1 North. Range 14. A. Eklund. et ux. to Henry fluhl $2000. lot 1, block 11. Raley Addition to Pendleton. Josephine Stone to T. (Untie, et al. 81. acreage In Sec 17, . Twp. 4 North. Range 84. KPIK8 IN PAX AM .4 WIIJ, PARE BAII.Y Rrotit Maniacr Was Surprise. Cm- ing After Report That Rod In, Who Is 7. Was HI. OTKR tee.eo ohii of 7A14HAKJ& IX OeHKOSII. Wis. Feb. 29. Reports 89 togg ng comeriu in Wisrton- A 'OTHER'S TROUBLE 1 A snotbcT'l unending work and devotion drain and strains bet phrskal gtrcnph and leaves ka mark an dimnvd eve and careworn o ptessions she ages before ber time. Aevather wfco is weary and languid sknsild start Ukisg Scott's fUsmlsiosi of "Morwerisa Cod Livr Oil s s stren rrbem tag tuud aad braanf toaac to add ncn aa to ber blood and bat Id p ber Mrvee beiurs it at ao 1st. Istart boott'a Knsluosi talsr its Hmm is wurkl-wxia. It is tree trass aloaesii. at-t? I sin and northern Michigan show that i over 109.94S cords of hemlyck bark ' was peeled in the woods during the j laxt year. This is three times the .mount peeled In 11 a and reflects- the great demand for tan bark, due to 'conditions abroad, which prevented the importation of tann ng maier al. Tbe asms firms report that owing to the extreme efforts to get on a big peel of bark -thai year. I hey will be unable to peel as large a quantity of bark -In 1917 as in 191. A year a-n l.urk was selling at 3 and 87 a cord and very few firms made an effort e produ-e th material LHir ng the last year ea'es were made at front 819 i to 312 per eoM and in soma east at even better figure. The sale of this by product bceght Into WiA onsln snd northern stir his an more than a million dollars last year It In ssOraat- To Pentsiun Indian VH -tin's ldos. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. The house of representatives today pass ed a bill to pay Mrs. Joseph C Akin ef IMlores, Colo., the sum of $1.99 on account of the death of ber hus band while he was acting as s dep uty United States marshal in an effort to arrest Tss Ne Oat. a Lie Indian. Tae N Oat had been accused In February, 11&. of the, murder of a Mexican. When a posse undertook to arrest him be was Joined by other Indians ef the tribe and his srrest was resisted. In the attempt Akin was killed. .The Indians defied the authorities for months. General ! Scott came on from Washington and I induced Te Ne Gat to surrender. He - was brought to Denver, and aft-r s aiectacular trial In ths lnited S'aie. court was declared nut guilty and permitted to return to the reserva ; ton. His prospective mart age to a whits woman was recently discose-l. " PARIS. Feb. 20. The Petit Jour nal reports the death at Meudon. aft er a long illness, of Mms. August Rodin, wife of the famous sculptor Mme. Rodin, whose maiden name w Roe Deurre, was married on Jan 29 to the sculptor. Tha marrage of Auguste Rodin lent January waa a surprise to his friends, as It followed s report In the Pans papers that the sculptor, who Is 7. was seriously 111. The marriage took place at Meudon and was attended b a few Intimate friends of the bride and groom. Speaking of convoys, that la what any meek man thinks his wife re sembles when she takes mm to ou his new overcoat. - WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. An exe cutive order to exclude spies ' and other undesirable persons from the Panama canfct lone and give to the covernor virtually unlimited author ity to rcsrulat Immigration there har been .signed by the president. The text of the document has not been made public, but It Is understood to contain drastic provisions. very proad In terms to prevent entry of persons who "would be a menace to the general welfare." A REALLY SAFE TONIC . HOSTETTER'S . Stomach Bitters 64 YEARS A FAMILY MEDICINE Are You Prepared for Baby's Arrival? Toa ars If "Mother's Friend" has been given s place In your borne. The dread and agony of childbirth can be eliminated to ths greatest extent by this won derful asslatsnt to nature. Drug gists everywhere sell "Mother's friend." Vslnble aV X lnte-reaiiiij X Book on MotftartiooA I Aexst Trse tm All I 1 Expenses Mathers I T tIm . " m ..ii ftUg. eV fos Lfe- Bio$ y Valve-ln-Hcad Motor EL Cantilever Springs- oat) .Miles to Set of Tires IS Miles tialloa of Gas We are the only authorized agents for Umatilla County Re r vie station and repair mho p. Full line of parts always on hand. NOTE THE. NEW SPECIFICATIONS All the new models have four doors. OH sight on dash. Canti lever springs front and rear. New cowl dash and wind shield. Non skid 1 1-1 Inch Ures. Leirg cellular radiator snd better upholster ing. Splash and pump oiling ay stem. Thermo-sypbon cooling sys tem. Three speeds forward and reverse. Foot acceleration. Elec tric starter and lights with dimmer. Electric horn. Mohair top. $6iS IN PENDLETON Now here for immediate delivery at Simpson Auto Co. 709 Thompson Street. Telephone 408 T The order also contains a compre hensive provision for" protection of the waterways. The governor may expel any persons convicted of a cri minal offense, or 'whose presence In his Jurisdiction would tend to create disorder or In sny manner impede prosecution of work on the canal. Its maintenance, operation, sanitation or protection. 10 Cooking Lessons vW Y t . 54 ' Excellent Tested Recipes bound In convenient form for use in your kitchen will be mailed FREE if you send your name and address. "'''. The cooking lessons explain how you can always have "good luck" in your baking through choosing the right materials, mixing them, regulat ing the heat of your oven, etc Address JAQUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO NOTICR OK CALL POK PI..'B AND KnTlM.Vrr-.S rXK HKITIC TASKS Notice is hereby given that The Cltj if Fendleton up to Feb. list. 117. al i o'clock P. at., will receive from any person wishing to furnleh the ssme sealed I'lans. Specifications and Estl rnules for ths construction of Keptic Tanks to csre for the Hewersge of The flty of Pendleton. It Is expreeslj iinderstood thst no Pinna, Specifica tions snd EMImstes sre to be ps'd for by The City of Pendleton unless mid Plans. Kpectflcatlons and Katl iriates are accepted by the Common Ceunril of The flty of Pendleton ano ; in that event only for such sum m nsv be sgreed upon bvthe party fur, ; nl'hlng said Pl.ins. Ppectf Iratlons and ! BirtlmHts. not to exceed S wr nent ol he eontrsct price for s:M tank, sno the Common Tounell of The Cttv of Pendleton the rtrht to relec hit end sll plans snd epeclf loiitlon" it Its plessure. Hated triis "h dav of Feb 1IT. THOS. FITZ SIFRAIJI. City Recorder TtiG 5-10-15 AND UP I now opposit THE COSY nd PASTIME THEATRES. 1 ..CONFIDENCE AND COMTllENT To win both confidsnco and content- ment, on must possess Security. To be) secure in a financial way, one must hare h!e funds inweeted where they ars safe and beyond question. Our Certificates of Deposit afford abso lute security for your funds and a liberal rate of interest. Further information gladly furnished. 7C- ,H