DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITiON TO ADVERTISERS , WEATHER Tonight and Tuesday rain -now freh aoutherly wind, , The But Oregonlao has tb larfcest boua fio and guarauted pitld circulation of auf paper In Oregon, eaut of Portland and by far f li largcMt circulation I Fsndletoo of any newspaper. 7 CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1917, NO. 9049 a M fkJBTU"IIEElU 1 J entJUnT 12 DAYS LEFT Fl TO CLEAR UP iMust Pass Naval, Army, Forti catibns, Military Academy and Sundry Civil Bills Carry ing Total Appropriation of $187,000,000. $150,000,000 TO BE ADDED frrt-naui tXlttvtn to Make A r prl mti on Ur Immediate ComJttion of War. ships Now t' ruler Cond deration. WArJlUNflTON. Feb. It. Congress haa twelve legislative days to clear up its vast preparedness program which carries a total of efffht hun dred and seventy one million In ap propriations. It must paaa fortifica tion, naval, army, military academy nnd aundry civil bills. The senate ia expected to add a. hundred and fifty million dollar appropriation cover ing the immediate completion of ths warships' under conatructlon. tWtJ float lm BUI by House. The house haa passed the fortifi cation a. naval and nrgent deficiency bill. The army bill la under con aideratlon. The military aeademjf HIU la acheduled for consideration extn. Sundry civil bllla were report ed today. Aero Club II aM Complaint. . The- aero elub- complained that only three million dollar were available to build aeroplane. The house replied that portion of the senate's special hundred and fifty thousand dollar ap propriation would be uaed -for aero naut In. DISPLAY FUNERAL IS BARRED: MONEY GOES TO RELATIVES Allra W-t lc-vcx InirtrucUuau TVI Vo HHlrloui Hti-vfa- Itat l'"d at niHtiU and No l'nn-iar)- Ki- DecUi-ina; that he wtehed hia money to ffo to hiaTeiatlvea rather than havt It vo to inaklnv a diaplay at hla fu nrl. a Hen B. WC who died at Milton January 80, left Inatructtona in hli will that here be no rellaioua aer vices at hla funeral, no unneceawary expenee In connection wMb it and that h b buried In a quiet and orderly manner by hlafrlenda. Deceased left no lineal deaoendanta but he remembered almuet all of hi tmmfdiate relative In hia will. Tha eatate conalata of real property rai ned at $3300 and aome note. He aean that the real eatate be converted In to money to dfatributed aa fol io we $100 to neibert Wwt. ha brother. $100 to Frank Weat, a broth er. $100 to Pophta C. Harerly, a "la ter, $100 to Chrlatlana WoUord. a nltrr, 50o to Mary Chapman, a alatar, OR CONGRESS PROGRAM ISOO to Dora McMinn, a sister, io- ( Ban.r t hu cabin above the springs each to Nlrholss. O rover. Chrtetle. and w, w. Hoch at the springs both Beth and Penrl Kllng. nephews and hrMTi hlm but paid little attention at nieces, and i0 each to James Wt .first, thinking It waa a coyote elp and Rufua King, nephews. In a co- lng when lney finally made out that rtlcil he annuls the bequet to Mrs. I it wma a human voles, they thought Haverly because of her death and al- bU treed an animal and each ao the bequwt to James West for ; m.t ollt wllh nU (Un. Haker waa the "good and sufficient reasons." An ad- tim. to reach the Injured man. Hoch dltiooal 1100 la given to Chrlatiw arrived soon after and built a fire Kllng. ttoo la given to his niece. Hat- to warm lbs half-froaen man, while tie Woirnra van Taasel and lion his niece. Xna Wolford. . al. J. uana is namsa evecutor or ths will which haa been admitted probata. FREDERICK EIGHTH STILL AT HALIFAX HALIFAX. Feb. It. The Freder fc'h Eighth haa not yet been released. It Is understood officials have finish ed searching Bernstorff and are now tngnertlng ths cargo. Ths departure date will not be filed until ths ex amination la completed. T.UI'PKMSiH rNM'OTTF.XI,Y RAID FIU-TMH tXAT PA HIS, Feb. 1. It Is announced nsppellna unsuccessfully raided ths French coast near Boulogne. Berate! bombs wssr dropped. The entire west, m front is calm. There is patrol fighting In Ali-ace. COUNT AND COUNTESS VON BERNSTORFF OFF FOR GERMANY i ' X ii i u a t Vfe; . . It 1111 I j r 'm j ; i,t Tai , i l- - . , , ,,, w,wL., y .....i 'mi. .mnK JTLani 1.1.1 1. .in'- I ;;'' - r V j COUNTESS VPN BERK9T0RTJ-, Above U a photograph taken of .. Count and Countess von Bernstorff and the Prlncaxs von Hatrfleld (cen. WITH BROKEN LEG MAN CRAWLS TWO MILES THROUGH FIVE FEET OF SHOW Lou Bulin of Bingham Springs Owes Life to Stott Nerves and Lusty Lungs. , ' Two milea from camp with a brok en lea; and five faet of snow on the ! ground 1 the predicament that con 1 iron ted Lou Bulln of Blmrham Sprinsj i tiAt Kridvy afternoon. He la now at St. Anthony's hoapitai recovering from an ordeal that might have prov ed fatal but for a atout nerve and u luaty- pair of lunca, liulln. who la employed at th .'prinicM aud who la well known to Pendleton people, had gone up the river to fish for bia; trout. In Jump ing a erne the rtream he alipped an t hla leg alruck the rock ao hard that both tHinee of the upp'r part of the leg wars broken. The situation Wits a desperate one iia the Injured man realised. He was two mile from the apnngs and thtre waa small chance of getting help. H broke np his flfh pole and mad apllnta for hts lea:, binding It In place with hla line. He then set out to crawl the two miles over the snow. He made but alow headway because of the Injured leg and the intern cold. He had to drag htm-e4f aruunJ one bluff that overhung the river and it took all the strength of his two hands and hia one good leg to aave himeelf rom slipping over the edg. The accident happened about $ in ; the afternoon. After drugging hlnvei( a mile and a quarter, liulln. half-detut with the suffering and the cold, be gan calling for help. Foreat Hanger : Baker sscured a horse. It waa o- i olock at night before they finally got , ,h- Ilirl Dr. E. o. Parker was called over the telephoae and arrived at the springs Ulan, after traveling part of the distance on a freight train and put on horseback. He found the fracture a bad one. Ths man was brought down to the hospital Satur day and today is reported Improving nicely. ltHSKVFJ.T TO OHtiAAW. AMRHaXHN IHVINIOX IS fcTVKVT WAR IS nU'LAItKU NEW YORK. Feb. I. Ths World declared Theodore Roosevelt bad fin ished plans to organise an American division to participate in ths Euro pean fighting Immediately after war la declared. He plans to train the division In Canada If It Interferes with the t'nited States army arrange, menta. He wants te convince ths al. lies the t'nited States is anxious to Cooperate. PttlHCfJSS KATZFEi-OT COUNTVOH I ter) ipon their arrival at Hoboken an route to the steamer Frederick vjn whch wllI take the ,aU amba.-a- dor and his suite back to Germany. MYHTKIUOt K L1;ilT HHiSMA 1AMIH ABOVE CAWWOKItO SAXTA KOftA, Feb. 19. Frank Opfer told the federal authurftieM mysterious persona were conducting a light aignal- ling on the hills above Caara- dero. The flashes were visible aeuward. Opfer said all the light were, red Monday night and white Tuesday. Sometime e they were arranged to form a croaK or trianfrle. Opfr said only two lights were used sever- al times. He did not report the mvKtry until he had watched the aignels several weeks. 500,000 GERMAN SPIES IN AMERICA ASSERTS SENATOR IMTIJl aTATfcg FOKWAJtlHi SOTK THAT IS PIIAlTICAla.Y A. ILT1.UATIM. WASHINGTON, Fob. 1. The state department announced the Unit ed Status would flatly demanded the reelasa of the Yarrow dale prisoners. Lansing forwarded a note Saturday.. It waa almost an ultimatum. Qermany notified LAnslug Sunday mght that the prisoners were schedul ed for release. This communication replied to the ad ministration a earlier inquiry regarding the situation. Senator Lee overman asserted that a hundred thousand German spies ware In the United states. The sen. ate debated the espionage bill. Over man Is in close touch with the Justice department Ths Mexican embaaay has received the Bolivian government's communt cat. on scatchingly denouncing subma rining. It summons all American na tions to confer regarding the menace. XKW YORK 1$ CI-OSKD PORT AFTKK MKJHTFAIX MOW YORK, Feb. It. Begin ning tonight the port of New 1 orb, rtuara at nightfall. No vea anla will be permitted to enter or depart after dark until the gov ernment changes Its onhrra. A ais-ctal rnard was waahUatied at qaarantine to prevent ships paw ing. RKBI'tTION OF 3r POI'N ft MIE IX NKWS PRINT WASHIN'OTON. Feb. 1. It la learned a reduction of three cents a pound In newa print paper will prob ably be fixed. The federal trade commission hi arbitrating prices and distribution. The commission began Ita arrangements to reduce prices The first work will be a aeries of brief hearings wherein manufacturers and publishers will discuss the sub ject. The commission expects ts complete Ita work In time to aubmit the new price schedule March first. ' if Elaborate precautions were taken by police, secret service men and members of the enutratity' squad to proiect the Irty frbm cranks. FIFTEEN MEN ARE TRAPPED IN MINE, RESCUE EXPECTED TH5!T:iC-b. tins Oak- sn roal suns kt buralnc. 1h Wshoo asiaa erne nauwit A maprrlntUMteat and luarteoi wmem srert worfclns; wiiea an expoo were trapped on the lower levels. Ilelmrtsaen descended to the ruth lerel, aMnnpting to cave theja. Manager Harry llaxh experts to GERARD ASSAILED BY VONREVENTLOW AMSTERDAM. Feb. 11. Count Von Keventlow wrote ait article to the Berlin Tags Zeitung bitterly attack ing Gerard. - He charged that Gerani used his official position to transmit information to America. He asserted the America nembaaey wan responsi ble for "delivering Casement to the gallow.i." He assailed United States newspaper correspondents and in con clusion sa'd: "Thank heaven Gerard Is gone." FKKXOI UXKIt (il'AYNK SINKS A SUBMARINE NEW YOltX, Feb. 19. Offi cers of the f-Ycmti line freighUer Guayne iporcd Uwt Uw s"wl nar.K a aubntarlne off Bordeanv Jnnnar- twnty.He,nml. 0pain KouaelkH satd the nub marine flr el UirV lmflVctlve nix us. The uayne flrad twice. Ttw itrcontl . shot aank the Mihmartne. DSK VfHl 1IAMPKKA THK HUIIT1NO ON VKT KKOXT RKRALIN. Feb. 1 (VIVa Pav ville.) ft la annound a demte fog hampered the weatern front flghtlng Hoveral enemy reconnoiaances failed. Oermsn acouta captureil several prla- oner. Two hoetile aeroplanae were deatroyed on the Mscedonlan front. 1 I ijai swroi-wrt t: I W w-w.- - isj, 7 Above Is a photograph of the Nor- I weglan liner Ft-edeiik VUT. whK-h j wilt take Count vn lierntorff sod hi I SHIP WHICH WILL TAKE COUNT VON BERNSTORFF TO EUROPE i S JSL . M 7 . .... .JwJi' ...... a I ' "" ,. ,.- "i j i - - SAFEBLOWERSi FIRE TO VILLAGE 100 ARE HOMELESS YOUNOMTOWN, Feb. 1 Safeblower accidentally fired the Jewelry More here and two churches and an entire business a) block were destroyed in Lowell- e vllle suburb Over a hundred are homeless. The damage is eighty thousand dollars. The yeiftrmen escaped. ) 2000 PEOPLE SAW PENDLETON'S FIRST ANNUAL AUTO SHOW aa Hfdciidid ftiicccua In Every Par ticular: IMt N'lg-bt Crowded to Ca pacity; Iealcn IMvased. Fully 2000 people paid to see the exhibit at the first annual Pendleton Automobile Show which was brought to & chMM Saturday evening. The at tenaence grew each day and Satur day the capacity of the pavilion waa taxtd both afternoon and evening. Fully 500 people were inalde during the afternoon, moat of them being from the country. The show closed Saturday evening with good cheer reigning. There was a full house present and there was ainKing, dancing, and general merrymaking throughout the even ing. The show was a splendid succeas In every pham and those who are re sponsible for putting It on are more than pleased. The show is already brtniring the dealer direct beneflta as quite a number of cars were sold at the show Saturday while other aale starting there will be closed in a few daya. The work of breaking up hejran vierdav and by thla evening will be completed. imrTi's fix PEWDmn ks snirCE WAR gJI.eoe.eee.eoo Daily Average S2S.soS.eOv at PreseM Time atlonaJ 1Mb at Find ol Year win Be Over gle.OOO.OOO.OOO. IrONDON. Feb. 1. The average daily expenditure of Oreat Britain 1 new $2.!so.000. Andrew Bonar Law chancellor of the exchequer. an nounced in the house of commons to day. The chancellor aaJd the total expenditure since the beginning of the war was $21,000,000,000. At the end of the current year the national debt would r stand between tl.000,0M),f.OA and fia.500.00fl. 000. Advance to allies andd omlnlons ( would approximate $t.SO.OOO.ooo. The number of anpllcatlona and the i amount applied for bv the general ( public for the loan, the chancellor said, mere larger than ever before. The feature of today's program wa 'the introduction of two new notes of credit agareratlng $2,750,000,000. one, for 20ft.0fl0.flO0 pounds to cover eT- j pense to March S1. the end of the present fiarat year, and-the other for ; S50.0ft0.000 fiscal year. pounds to start the next WHEAT PRICES UP IN MARKET TODAY cftlCAfiO. Feb. is. 8pecf:il to the Kant Oreironta n Range of prt cee today. Open. Ugh. Low. Cloe. May S1.74H 11.76 1 74 S1.7 July SI.49- tl.B0 S1.49H $1.50 Portland. PORTLAND. Ore,. Feb. 19 (Spe cial) Club 11. M; Muestem $1.58. .,. ! .IIMMIJWlHI'Wea'l'11"11 Ba3PMewxa suite back to Germany via Norway or I Denmark. The former amba-sadvr s st.- Is j s s ROAD BONDING WILL BE REFERRED TO SPECIAL ELECTION JUNE 4, 1917 400. AMERICAN COWBOYS DASH INTO MEXICO V3, PASO, Feb. it. It Is re ported VUllxtaa captured Guada lupe tblrty mMes southeast of Juarea. Four hundred American cowboys Invaded Mexico deter mined to exterminate the Cor ner Kanch vniderm, Andrew Pet erson, Junior, leads the Ameri cana, Eli PASO, Feb. It United States icovernment acenU learned that VilUataM eaptnred the town of Pearson tn wtiwaru Cbfhanna. Canadian mills are loomed there. BITBS OFF TIP OF HOY'S FIXGEIl DENVER, Colo.. Feb. - IS. "The bunny's got my fnger," wailed Uu' ler Storm Pitt. It months old son of Oai T. A. Pitt of the Salvation army, as he toddled Into the kitchen of his home at 2346 Kouth street, this morn ing, and held up a bleeding hand for his mother's inspection. - The boy, while playing- in the yard of Mrs. U J. Griswold's home. 714 Twenty fourth street, poked the In dex finger of his right hand througk the wire netting of a rabbit pen. One of 'the rabbits bit off the tip of the finger. The injury was treated by Police Surgeon McKelvey. BACHELOR CLUB BOYS RESENT A . . . A . . . A UNJUST TREATMENT BY BOARD lenying the charge that they con stitute a secret society and are law violators the Bachelor Club, composed partly of high school students and partly of town boys have adopted reaolutlons addreased to the school board and the public. Couched in mild language there ts j bad feeling back of the resolution be- cause the boys of the club feel they I were not only unjustly treated last Wednesday but that the school au thorities have grossly discriminated aKainat them. Ppeaking in behalf of the school board and the auperintendent Mrs. , S. A. Lowell, member of the board Saturday published a letter In which the following paragraphs appeared: "In the first place the law of the Mate prohibits secret sorietiea among the pupils of the public schools (see sections 4A5-fl of the Oregon utatutea .. 1 am advised that the club la a secret society, existing aforesaid 'contrary to law. It therefore Is not 1 entitled to the countenance of any of the teachers. . . "I am informed that Pendleton Is the only city In the state where the anti-secret society law is Ignored. It seema to me that the parents ought to assist the board In suppressing the nocletles. In the Interest of good citi enship." Within a few hours after the pub. 1 (cat Ion of the letter Saturday City Superintendent Parks, some members of the blah school faculty and at least one member of the school board per sonally attended a danoe at the Ka ale-Wood man hall given by the Phoenix Club, popular girls organ. cation and successor to the sorority g I I 1 comprised of more than :o p most of whom wwrv empltyed emlay t Washington. K . H Proposition Which Will Prob ably be Reported This After noon Will Also Carry Emergency Clause. LEGISLATURE COST $58,000 Amount la An Increaae of MOO Over Lat Year; fier-m-taary of Mate Oisa, piling Final Vres; PrenldeaM Thanks lrgiulslor for Support. East Oregonian Special Wira Ser vice. SAI.EM. Feb. 1. The aenata roads and highways coraittea failed- to report tba six million dollar road bonding- bill early this afternoon. It probably will be reported later this afternoon. When It cornea from the commit tee the bill will carry an amend ment referring the proposition to a special election June fourth, nineteen seventeen. It also will carry an emergency clause. Sen ator Olson raid the emergency clause was necessary to prevent a referendum on a special elec tion feature. LcKtslatare Cost $.1S.M. This legislature cost fifty-eight thousand dollars. It Is an In crease of sight thousand dollars over last session. The secretary of state Is eomplllnr final fig ure covering expenditures. President wrote the secretary of state expre.vfng bis thanks for the legislature's pledgs to Continued en Page S. ) that formerly existed in the , high school. The Bachelor flub 'boys make n reference to the Phoenix Club in their resolutions but it is known they feel righteously grieved that the school toard ahould attack them while ap proving of another organisation of the same character as far ss secrecy is concerned. Tne Bschelor Club is composed for the most part of boys who are splendid students but are not socially pretentious The resolution of the club Is aa fol lows: . From the RartM-lnr OnK. Whereas, the Bachelor. Club has been accused of violating state and school laws, we the members of this cluh wish to inform the members of the school board, faculty and com munltv ss a whole that we are not a e cret s.ciety. In fact the purpose of the club is tn promote a more demo cratic Mplrlt in all hixh school activi ties. In retard to the dance given at the State H.uipital Feb. Mth. If we violated any rule or law it waa. not ' intentional whatsoever. We certain ly were not aware of the fact that any rule regarding dances on school nights waa being enforced. WOOL EXHIBIT TO BE HERE MARCH 3 INFORMATION OF MU'H V4.M K To uini:Rs mv bk ii.w FROM UKMOVKTII tTOItS. In the capacity of advance agent for the "Wool Oar to be here Sat. urday for demonstration purposes M. O. Evans of the O. A. C. faculty la here today. The special car hi to reach here Friday niaht from Ia Orande and will be open to inspec tion from 9 until 1? and from 1 o'clock until S In the afternoon. The ear contains the following: 1- Six abeep to show market grades of wool. (Above each ahep are ras containing good snd poor fleeces of same grade and coured "ample of same.) S. A testlle exhibit hoina all ster tn the manufacture of cloth. t. Cm contain nr .rr.p?e of Ai. trnlian snd New 5 la nt wool. 4. American market crude f vo. itndvr masnlfvinv slaws. l"1"tnre fnm shearlnc sheda. deatvni aarehouses. textile mltta. re? t ice ifn. breedina of sheep, etc. . SumplM of rltith showing ef fens of usinc slal twin- fur ting fl-eres ind f ualrs t m'ifh paint in branding 7. "JieresMor for the Shopman laibrarv " Bmks and deprlodlrala. a Itale of w'x-I put up under the ol and new svaterna. . "The Hheepmea's Wheel of F'r -tun " for calculatlns; crease value of osl when ahrtnkare la knnwn. 1 Kxhibttlon fieecee of 4rtrrt rallies. II MsJ.-l of an utrAltan shear ing Shed.