mwt T .1 Hi "V. f't '."'', t " ."S4"s; -' ,4 -&w---J PAGE FIVE TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1917. TODAY THE CELEC RATED COMEDIAN, FRANK Mc IN TYRE, IN A PICTU RIZATION OF HJS GREATEST STAGE SUCCESS "Tfio Troueling Solosraon" THE GREATEST COMEDY DRAMA OF THE SEASON. I ''4 if ill ; fil&rn!w:lL ,f I: mn i i i i i i i i i i i 'i ' in w i ' a 7 f, VAUDEVILLE Wrights Hawaiians MUSIC SINGING DANCING Featuring the mystic Hula Hula dance of the South Sea Islands THE MINIATURE DUO The Smallest Comedians in the world in Seng. Dance and Mirth. Frank Mclntyre in picturization of his greatest stage success The Traveling Sab a CAST OF CHARACTERS Bob Blake - i . Frank Molntyr,, Beth Elliott Dorrs Kenyon Franklin Royce Harry Northrup Mrs. Babbitt Julia Stuart , Martin Drury Russell Bassett Julius, the Porter Harry Blakemore Watts Jarnea O'Ncil, Jr SYNOPSIS. Frank Mclntyre, celebrated corned an. makes his first a pea ranee on the motion picture screen In the Famoui Players adaptation of his greatest stage uccejr "The Traveling Sales man," which la the Paramount Pic-, ture at the Alta Friday and Saturday eject him from hi berth in tne morn eject him from hu oeran In the morn ing, Bob Blake, a traveling salesman, is carried past his station on Chris mas morning and finds ' himself in Orand Crossing whatever or wher ever that l. The most interesting sight in that town Is the pretty face that smiles at Blake through tho window of the telegraph at tho station. Blake is rotund. "Jovial and trustworthy in appearance and It is not long before he melts the natural reserve of Beth Elliott. During the course of an impromptu luncheon in the station, Blake learns that Beth'a old home is to be Bold for taxes on the following day. He later gathers the Information, from Beth'i friend. Mrs. Babbitt, .that the girl has been allowing a Mrs. Stratton to live In the house without paying her any rent ever since the woman had her little store sold over her head by Mar tin Drury. the local-capitalist. By this time Bluke has become vi olently Interested in Beth and through the' medium of a poker game and many application, of "8cotch tea," learns that Royce. a henchman of Drury'n, Is going to buy In the Ellloit ! place because Drury has a tip that i the railroad Is going to want the I property and that it can be sold for a high price. His antagonism . to Hoyce-ia heightened by a spice of Jealousy for Royce makes love to Beth very openly. Discovering that Royce Is to start to drive for the county seat very early In the morning, Blake has one of his j friends put him to bed and then gets into the rig in his place. Royce. awakening from the effects of too much "tea," makes a violent dash for the livery stable and finds a small ear there which he appropriates and starts pursuit of Blake. There is a wild race In which the car is overturned and Blake succeeds In reaching the court houje in time to pay up the taxes ia Beth'g name, . " Beaten at this ante Royc returns at once and tells Beth that her drum mer friend has attempted to steal her property from her and then per suades her to sell the property to him for 6000. The girl accepts the check and then Blake dashes In to explain the whole Vffair, and tear, up the check. But Royce has one more trump card he gets Beth out to the Elliott place alone and, locking the doors, declares that be will not let her go until she accepts the check. After, a desperate struggle with Royce -.lake succeeds in freeing the girl and all ends happily. f7 plrb ;lLf Ji SUNDAY VAUDEVILLE WRIGHrS. HAWAIIANS FISHER'S SOCIETY (MB it-1 k .sf-rT-i:::1""" Li AHTP A c TODAY 3 Big Sensations 3 TiflDD tor Paradise Valley" 99 T1 Din. iO-Vs-!? 1 11C UICJ wajl George Lark in in a Thrilling Grant Police Reporter Story. Through the Draw "THE GIANT REDWOOD OF CALIFORNIA." A BIG COMEDY His Wife's Relation OR FROZEN OUT. SUNDAY ALICE HELEN RICE'S (the author of Mrs. Wiggins of the Cabbage Patch) FAMOUS NOVEL "A Romance of Billy Goat Mil" Society, Scandal, Romance and Comedy. ALSO TWO REELS OF LAUGHING, ROARING COMEDY. FAGIN AND . BILL SIKES i fc (4 rs. 'rV When Oliver Asked, For More tCINt ritOM -OLIVER TWIST. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ROOUCEO BY LAKY. ' This la Fagln and Bill Bikes the arrh-flends In the beloved tale of Oliver fvlet. Ia the Leaky adaptation of the story for the Paramount Proaram. Ma tte Dors la Oliver, with Tully Marshall and Hubert Bosworlh as r'agia and likes respeetlvetr. fit ,i 11 J Hi- .nf e 1 ' - "7-( CINE FROM -OLIVER TWIT. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE PRODUCEO V LAtKV, Wans r rtviwt v. - . . 1K ub.ted Oearce Crslkshank-a original sketehes for the first edi- Thls is an exact reproductloa otaae e the eelMmted "r' ths u, adaptatioo at the story for tie- of C- "-?h. .'ImntauiK-.kln. for -ore- GU IS c. c',rj-ru I hisVe th. soes which m UtweJly takes fro- the hook by the Laak, Company. j mi i , u i ni h VQQ BEAUTIFUL MARIE D0RO- V tLi .: v-.v.r-. f " . j t -. - - i -1 I Cd "J',,V. v I 18 rim MARIE DOKO. LASKY STAR. IN PARAMOUNT PICTURES. 'tasky adaptation of "Oliver Twist." This is the sTood time that this sop .1 ' tar has ptayes tne oeioves ciunrw. as sne appeared as ouvsr In ' -dl-star revival of the play at the New Amsti-rdare Theatre in Itl during U Feat Dickens Centenary.