PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1917. EIGHT PAGES r l 1 V ' M FA iM f I J I 1 1 I I I l . The O-rrent literature Club wl.I f ( meet Friday aftern-mn in the dub : s room of the library with Mr chin w,nny and Mrs. Santucj H tVr-hiw a horatesote. Ir and Mr. Frt-d V v.n"ent l'-ndlnon, am he been vuum in tha city for toe ju-w ft dv. wt I leave this even tug 'or a brief vili .n .Saiem tii lingerie. ( pon their re turn th"- will vpnd sn:ne t-me in Portlsind viyiiinjt rfltive ana friends and msnv -al ilia rs ar being planned Ltnd TelefTam. their b"Hor. por. The engagement of two weii known and popular young petij.-ie. Miss Kaihenne Xumm und Charies Mane. a announced yesterday at charm inffly appointed hmer for wh 6b Air John Mumm. aist-r-tn-law of th I'Ddt-flKi, a hostess t her ranch home. Both Miss Mumm and her fl an ha a hoL-t ol fT.eods n Pen ditin. who are showering them with KHd wLhe-t. AJl-a Mumm is a daugh ter of tr. and lira, Jergen Mumm fr. iJjine is a n of William Milne tt'i a iKc-ful young- elect nctn. The wedding will tke pace some Ume in the The rooms of the lumru h m" were artrictKely decked fr the "shower.- qunt:t:w of heart and ki pif mak tig a i ."-try an, ap propriate arrangement. Many beau tiful g,f s irfrt preente-d Mt-g Mumra. luring the afternoon delicious re f rf-hruents were sM ! Thoae wh rticijatd in the enkabU affair : wre Mr Jergvn Mumm, M rs Joe nder. Wn U A Bentley. Mn. Ar j thur Hatl-.n. Mw. Jack Gibson. Mrs j harles Gntman, Airs l shaver. Mr. , 5nn Slurdevant, Mrs. K. o. Wil liams, Mr Will Wyrlck, Mn. Helen Helts. Mrs. John Efrera. Mrs. Laie Poynton. Mm. B. Eastridga. Mra H J. Rosenberg. Mra. Henry Huder. man, Mra John Roentn-rg Mra. John Mamhman. Mra cr Bredsng, Mn. Herman Suhl, Mr. Carl Hudermin, Mra. J. J Woodaege. Mra. Haiu Pahl. Mrs. o. W. Howell, Mra. John Meln- i era. Mia Caroline Rosenberg. Miss Anna Lorenxen, Miss Roaaie Rhode. Josephine Rhode. Miss Ernu Mumm. Miss Amanda Mumm. Mitts Pontine Jones. Mim Mmanej Jone. Mta. A 1 vina Hoelk. Mm Frances S.U in, Mins Alpha Black. Miss Martin Huderman and Miss Pauline Bredin. PURITY AND POWER Nmiury to Ovarcsm Impure Bleed and Weak Condition. Th recrnt trj-ing wf-ather. x pewure to atorma. the icrip. hard colda. pneumonia. ffra. diphtheria and olber blnod-potoninc, proatrating dia fa leave the whole nyatem sub normal brlow par weak and slow blood depleted and thin, with that tired feeling, poor appetite, delicate digestive power or almost none at all. The ideal treatment ia Hoods Saraaparilla to be taken before meal thoroughly to purify the blood and expel poisons, and Peptiron Jills to be taken after rneaiB to put power into the blood, Itive strength. Increase red corpuscles and restore normal health-tone. Hood's Baraa pari 11a has for 40 years won and held the favor of the people. Peptiron pills are named from pep sin and iron and include nul and ciner itood blood and stomach tonic. Be wise and begin on th Tatfore. the Hindu poet, provideti an engaging- subject tor the members of the Thursday Aluernoon Club yes terday when they were entertained by Mrs Wesibrooke it canon and Mrs. F. r Judd in the club room of the li Orary. An interesting character sketch of the poet by Mn. John Ha;l- ey oiened the program, being follow. ed by a group of vocal solos by Mrs. j. it. uicuun, -sleep That bits on Babfes Eyes." -Pluck, This Little Flower" and Bird of the WilderneM" (Tagore). An exceedingly clever re. view of "Chftra" by Mrs Mary Lane waa much enjoyed as were the twu "Tuscan" duets by Miss Eloise AniU Hall and Mrs. IHckaon. A group of delightful readings, "The Crescent Moon," "The Gardner" and 'Songs of Kabir." by Mrs. W. D. McNary and two charming songs by Mia Hail concluded the program. There were a number bf guests in attendance in addition to the club members. Mrs. J. R. Dickson and Mrs. C. S. Jack.-on presided at the tea tables. Mrs George Haslett left this morn ing for Spokane for a short visit. Mra J. R. Dickson left lart night for Portland after a ten-days' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Westbrooke Dickson. She was accompanied by Miss Eloise Anita Hall. reliable course of medicine today, The Ladies' Aid Society of the Pre, byterian church held a very success ful meeting yesterday at the church, the annual election of officer sresult nsible. I la as follows: Mrs. Kenneth Mcltea j president. Mrs. J. T. Richardson, first FOR SALE 40 M'RKS lltlUfi TFI I,AD r 2 acre in bearing orchard and ftTiUill fruit!-. re."t in alfalfa 8 ro.-m house, good outer b'liid ing; 12 mil from Yakima and 4 mile from Wapato, nn cream and rural route, olwe to chool; eurf"! watr Address, H. C KKNK1V. afMito. Wish.. It. K. No. 1. I $100 Reward. $100 Tb- readers of thia paper will be pleased I to learn that there la at leant ooe dreaded . diswNe tbat arlenre baa been able to cart id Its utageji. and tbat Is catarrh. Ca ; tarrb being greatly loriuenced by eonntitn 1 ionl roadltiona re'ilres conatltutlooai i rreatnifnt. flail's Catarrh Core la takes ' :nt-maily and acta tliru the Hlood on tb i Mnrona-tfarfa'ea f the Sinters thereby de . Jiroj-ing tbe foundation of tbe disease, glv : nz the patient vtrengtb by balldlng up tbt t oiidt itntloo and assisting nature In dole ! trs work. Tbe proprietors have so Bjnct ' faith in tbe curat I Te powers of Hall's Ca , rarrb Care that tbey offer One Hondped Dol I -ars for any case that It faiia to cars. Sent) i for lift of testimonials. Addreea: F. J CHENEY Co.. Toledo I blo Hold by sll Druggist. 75c. 1 fir- 31a Momoie Show SPECIAL AT ALTA Friday Saturday In Addition to Regular Program THROUGH BEAR VALLEY WITH A BUICK VAUDEVILLE SPECIAL WRIGHT'S HULA-HULA HAWAIIANS Thoee Singinf. Dancing Musical Hawaiian Boys and Girls. THE MINIATURE DUO Real Midget in Song. Dance and Mirth. vice-president, Mrs. Horace Mann, second vice-prealdent, Mrs. H. U. Home, secretary, and Mrs. Charles N orris, treasurer. The ladies are pbinuing the most active year in the himory of the society. (.olden jonguils combined in pret ty effect with dainty yellow birds and gill hearts formed an attractive dec oration for the one o'clock luncheon at which Mrs. J. F. Robinson and Mrs. Otarles Hamilton presided yes terday, honorng Mrs. O. 8. Jackson. Mrs. J K. Dickson and Miss loia Anita Hall, the much entertained Portavnd visitors. Oovers were laid for twelve. The following interesting program M given Wednesday evening at the second annual social of Eureka Lodge N'o. 32. Integrity Lodge No. 9 and Pauline Rebekah Lodge No. 13. 1 Mixs Sybel Parley, Instrumental ! Solo Mias Hasel McOulley, Reading. 'Spartacus." Miss Ada Decker, Song. "Good N ght and God Bless You:" "Can't Von Hear Me Calling Caroline?" Miss Fleta Halt, Reading, "Ann'. Rhode's Dream." Mrs. Hager Song. "Alone in Love's Garden.' and "The Sunshine of Your Smile." After the program was completed dancing and a banquet followed. About 200 were present and an en joyable time was spent. Frum a nuptial mam at 1:30 this morning. Daniel H"ir! and MLrs Susie Ruddy were married at St. Mao's Catholic church, the Rev Father Brown officiating. A few friends and relatives were In attendance at the ceremony. The bride wore a travel ing nuit of blue with a white hat and was accompanied by Mi-ss Marv Do hertv as bridesmaid, while Michael McLaughlin acted as beet man. The newly married couple left on the noon train for Portland and California, ex pecting to return to Pendleton to re side about March 1. Mr. Hln is a Butter creek farmer and his bride n also from that section though she has been living In Pendleton recently. P. K. Fletcher as in from Pilul Kock yesterday. Lou Docksletter came up yesterda..' from Portland to spend a few days. C. S. McXaught, prominent Her miston resident, was an overnight visitor in Pendleton. R. W. Pinkerton and H. B. Pinker. ton of Moro were at the tt. Ueorge yesterday from Portland to spend a few days. Dr. and Mrs Roy McDaniels, who have been at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Thompson for a few days, left last night for their home in Portland. 'IM IX COMMITTKK A TKn MAJOlt MOOIUIOISK SAL, All V Major Lee Moorhoue. Pendleton deputy clerk of the supreme court, may feel the cruel hand of the bud get trimmers at Salem. By action of the Joint ways and means committee of the two houses the salary of the major as Pendleton deputy has been Veduced from 3800 to 3300 per an num. The position calls for much work, according to Major Moorhouse, :t- - -- ) X- I ;t ' f ' : ' j W . 'Via 4 if : - I I;. u ,1 Coming Saturday-Sunday AMERICA'S SWEETHEART Mary Pickford IN THE PRIDE OF THE CLAN 8 ACTS 8 THE GREATEST PICTURE EVER MADE. PASTIME and should really pay 3900 instead of 3600 or the 3300 proposed by the Joint committee. J ft Miss M.iry Broughton of Ia-toa Wash., who Is en route home from an eastern trip. Is the guest of Mra C. S. Jerard today. Assembly Hall was the scerfe of one of the prettiest d tncing parties of the season lart evening when the Boys' Bachelor Club entertained a large number of friends and members. An artirtie arrangement of red streamers and hearts proclaiming the fact of St. Valentine's Day made a charming background for the dancers and act ed as an effective foil for the many pretty gowns in evidence. The or chestra was stationed on the stags behind a forert setting. Dancing started at 8:30 o'clock, the first num ber being a grand march led by the presidents of the Boys and furls' Bachelor Clubs. They were preceded by little Miss Hampton dressed as a Valentine and carrying a basket of programs. During the evening punch and candy was served. The guents went down in autos. t 'Sevrjw i fm GERMAN AIUIKSTED WITH A 'OTEBOK NEWPORT NEWS. Va Feb. 10. A young man giving his name a Wolfgang Berger and. according to the authorities, admitting - German nationality, waa arrested here today and la being held by immigration of ficials for examination. Officers said he had in his possession a note book containing the names of many Am erican vessels. Including warships. Berger. It was said, told the offi cer) ttiat he deserted from the Her man steamer Kaiser Wilhelm Der Gross in New York three years ago and that he had not worked slqce, but had visited many Atlantic coast ports sustaining himself by begging. Foley's Honey and Tar stops racking, wearing: coughs, relieves tickling; throat, hacking and horse ness, controls croup. A great standard family medi cine. Tallman & Co. Cviwy ThurMlay and Friday. eeh 3 L i i-' lJfcr.-i-, lav. t? -d lliOi'lIH 1 , I Jim Roach is In from his ranch. J. Kinny of Echo spent the night in tha city. Marshall Hooper of Salem is at tho Pendleton. Bessie Jones of Gibbon Is at the Golden Rule, C. B. Johnson of 1a Grande is a guest of the St. George Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bunch of Ad ams was here yesterday. &. L- Hoppel, traveling agent fur he N. P., was here yesterday. C. J. Miller, well known resident of Pilot Hotk, was at the Bowman iaat I mght. (isani l. l'eier.un, Milton's mmiwr of the bar, is irana ting buines j her today. I J. V. Spencer of HermiMun. was up from the west end oi the county e terday eveiimff VOKK AT TIIK Al .T. TXI W Phoebe Letter, a little country n il, whispers lo her pet hen. "You ve iuid an egg for a man irorn New Yora. Aren't you proud?" and while taking breakfast to Philip, the new boarder, who came from that dtant places, she gazes at hira as if he haa come from an unknown ian4- lieiurning to the city with a ntw-luund love and re gained health, phii.p sLTUifKles Lo se i his poeu.s to bring his girl to her IS'ew l'ork. Jh the meantime, Phoebe's brown hen proves to be a golden one. and her egg money bui a ticket to Pnii.p and her Wonder land. On th tram, Laura, a flashily- dressed woman, meets Phoebe and. ; tempting; her With a nice new dr-, tak her to her house. There, Owen, j former employer of Philip, is fasci- nated by her simplicity. 8uch grand eur and sxrange, "fzzy" drinks over. wheim her, buL providence intervenes when the ljtUs brown hep bops in is the street w th Phoebe scrambling after. A big-hearted policeman find , hur and takes her to Philip, and ais as ' bridtma.d 1 at their wedding. I Tha.r littt borne, built on much and little food, is brightened by , Ui adoption of Johnny, an abandon- ed baby, that Philip finds on the , dumbwaiter. Johnny bringa good ( luck and Philip secure a o'd 3 j through Oaen and in nicer quarters , heir cup of happms seems to be ful ! when Owen, to further hs end. sirivs ) to get Philip to gamble w th borrow- i mon'7. J'h'-eba, convinced by ; trickery, that Philip is unfaithful, U j heart-broken and believe that lov- j nd her New York are unreal after all. Put, the yielding, grief-atri' ken : country g rl awakens Own'i better self end with hut h"Ip the unhappy ' hfu"h'd la rMjn t-d Perfect Health Is EveryWoman'sBirthright A Prescript io Tbal from Girlhood1 to Oid Ate fas Beea Bleasise to Woauabood. Wbra jrirT becomes when s woman becomes a mother. when woman passes through the changes of middle life, are the three periods of life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distress often caused by severe organic disturbances. At these critical times women are best fortified by the nee of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keeps the entire female system perfectly regulated and in excellent condition. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled with head aches, lassitude and are pale and sick ly. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is just what they need to surely bring tbe bloom of health to their cheeks and make them strong and healthy. For all diseases peculiar to woman. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a ' powermj restorative, ironng the last 50 years it has banished from the lives of tens of thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress caused by irregularities and diseases of a feminine character. If yon are sufferer, it your daugh ter, mother, sister need help get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or taoiei lorm irom any mecticine dealer to-day. Then address Doctor i Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. and get confidential medical advice entirely free. Yon can also obtain a book on woman's diseases, sent free. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and in vigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Keep tbe body clean inside as well as outside CONTINUOUS RUN ON HIGH GEAR EVERY CYLINDER HITTING - AT THE HOPPER KETTLE 1 The Place That Gives You The Best to Eat The Best Confections The Best Ice Cream The Best Service 623 Main Street 1 (Pomirtg Soox f 'MAHV PfGKTORD; THE PRIDE o w niH CLAN A V D if Mary reuM speak tayon he would say : i "Come, and set the pert i. I love best of ail in the story I that never grows old." At. Paul's ice PASTIME SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Exclusiveness Affords Better Service A visit to our .Ready-to-Vear department (on second floor) will reveal to you newer garments, newer materials and newer styles. Many of thorn which are de signed exclusively for Alexander's Ready-to-wear department. Nowhere else can you find a more complete showing of the Season's Correct Styles of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, etc. Our competent Alteration Department assures every garment to be perfectly fit ted. YOUR satisfaction being FIRST in CONSIDERATION. We offer a FREE SER VICE that is UNEXCELLED. Spring Suits $22.50 TO $45.00 At the above prices we have a splendid showing of new Spring Suits in materials that suggest every correctness of the season, suchas serges, poplins, gabardines, velours, Summer Bolivia and WOOL JERSEY. The Wool Jersey Suit being decidedly prominent and in favor over other materials. Being shown in the following colors: Apple green, Spanish gold, brass, magenta, coral, rose, Copenhagen and Kelly at $22.50 to 935.O0. NEW BUNGALO APRONS Just received a large shipment of Bungalo Aprons in something new, the wide belt and pocket being featured. Come in blue, pink, etc., $1.25 to 91.50. Other more plain styles 65 up. REMEMBER THE GREAT ONE-DAY SILK SALE. - Our own importation of Oriental Pongee Silks, all 32 inches wide, and worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 yard, VERY SPECIAL SATURDAY, ONE DAY ONLY, YARD, 73c AS ar ni vat rer i ved a nly from the we-ih. fr-irty j er man.