PAGE SIX AX IMjKiKMJKM KUU'SrArEaJ faallaa J really and Hml .-kl7 at dletan, Oreeoa, by ihe OUKI.ONIAN I'l'llI-lKHINO City Official Paper. County official paper. Member United Press Association. Metered at the pwtnffi figii. aa second rlaaa mull it IVndtetoa, me or. OS SALE IN OTHER C1TIK8 taanartal Ilmel Neva Stand. Portland, atiau Newa Oo . Tort lit od. Orison. OS KH.K AT Ctraflro Rnroao, H0 Sviirtt.T Bulldina Vaahimrton. IV O., Rurciu, 5(11 Four mik Street. N W. 'hone . ... I SI HSCRIITION RATES (IN AKVASCEI laity. one year, by mull iml.j, uti mouthft. nail fmi'S. thr mouth. tr mall ftaily. one mon;h. by mull lastly, one yar. by rarrier aaalty. aix. months, by i-arrler faaJ y, taroe mwtbs. by carrier stally. otte month, by carrier s'. 00 . 2 50 , 1 25 SO 7 SO ! T 1M 5 I welr:y, one year, by mail I SO I weeklr, an months, by auan .7J .SO il Weekly. fnr months, by mall Whaiexer the shores that your forefathers hailed from. Whatever the flairs that they fouieht for afar. Whatever the lands that your selves may have saile5 from. TiKiay you must cherish the land where you are. Today you are sons of this na tion of nations. I'litronnied by war and its spirit accurst: S.. uuardina- your soul aeainst racial temptations. Ijti this be your motto: "Am erica First!"' This nation of ours every peo ple has greeted. Hijj welcomed them In to partake of her cheer: And even the humblest, des pised and defeated. Have felt themselves MES when they found them .aelves here. The victims of systems and dy nasties royal With her have found free dom, their dreams to ful fil. And surely such hearts will not now be disloyal To her and her spirit of peace and jrood will. Denis A. McCarthy. ABLE TO ACT FOR OUR SELVES Eif president of the German American alliance re .rently telep-raphed friends urg ing them to protest against war without a popular refer endum. About the same time reports "reacht-d this country from Eng land making it known that in the Engli-'h view America had Hpen mistrt-ated sufficiently by Germany to make war a neces sity, or words to that effect. Which is the more astound ing manifestation of impu dence the effort of the Ger-, nan-Alliance president to 1 Samper the administration ori the effrontery of Englishmen ! in presuming to say when this country should feel insulted ! nough to fight? ' In sailing the present sea of I discord the United States is able to move under its own power. We need no English ' ttig boats to lead us into the ! nirrent ; nor any Sold us back. Germans to A FINANCIAL POWER w I HILE the does not wish war there is comfort in the thought 1 that financial conditions &r? j so sound that a storm would 1 ti. ;- 1 I Kition from a monetary stand point. The Clews review for Feb. 10 nays in part: "Our banks are in an ex ceedingly strong position, as idenced by the low rates of discounts prevailing in all part of the country. The Federal Reserve system is working ad mirably and has strengthened unmensely our banking resour are. Recent liquidation has dded to the supply of loanable funds, excepting, of course, the shipments of gold to South America and elsewhere. Even it we escape war and issue no imestie losn whatever, Eu- AM URIC A FIRST. DAILY EAST rope must continue a Jieavy borrower in this market for a long time to come, simply be cause this is the most available banking reservoir in the world. Such demands will make them selves felt more conspicuously when peace arrives, as unques tionably the industrial facilities of this country will be freely called upon to aid . in Europe's reconstruction. As an illustra tion of how rapidly New York is growing as a financial center, bank clearings recently touch ed the high record of $1,218, 000.000. This total was swell ed bv operations connected with the $250,000,000 British loan, but on three other occasi ons bank clearings at New York passed the billion-dollar mark." . a - "OWING TO THE WAR" TNCE the United States arranged for the pur chase of the Danish West Indies for $25,000,000 various residents of Nicaragua are growing restive over a deal made by them with this coun try but not yet fully closed whereby Nicaragua gives to the United States certain land and exclusive canal privileges for the sum of $3,000,000. The money has not yet been paid to the Central American govern ment and Nicaragua would like to raise the price. The sale of the St. Thomas islands, however, carried soverignty with the deal whereas Nicara' gua has merely bargained to give this country an exclusive right to interoceanic canal con struction. Therefore it may be surmised that Uncle Sam will not tolerate any advance in price, even though Nicaragua may argue that owing to the U7n r ai,i iha V, 1 , ViirrViap of of . ' ' . L.I 1. ... . . U . . i figure should be named. The house wert into revolt against excess lobbying; the legislators themselves wish to have a little voice in legislative affairs and grow tired of hav Jail. ance, ing all their work cut out lor them and handed in ready for use. i The Pendleton Commercial Club should be able to do val uable work for the city during the coming year; we are on the upgrade and there are pros pects for a continuance of good business. c u yi 11 .,.. Jli)l Vini-nt and KiuiVt, hlgh.owrr voa li"t who will tajng at fTMlU'm Auto Shatw. This team for e -n nriHHh-. from Ilie top of tile Tower of Jt-wrU at Sau tveavixra rxpoi 't'tan. m ' ,. Awcy II -irt F2arfcris . ' m.mi so mch rmj -why? BECAUSI k ttaVss ml BECAUSE at has sis ansilal vaaaae aaa artariaa, Hhy tins, Ivaaita. BECAUSE M Is a samrsrr -naiais CMtaaa saraerals wt mmy Umd. BECAUSE st staoal tas laet tor kttr a .as a, as M ' .a. a. a. aar araa aaa SaM aa i il - DmI aa WrtkkaVkr. 11 11 n v y - A-.. II saails Caaarra, f tmM. ssal a 1 iij an ataa saillirs are fcaaa saw AaUr-as. DEFT. 12, SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, OA. ORECOMAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1917. The Oregonian has a story I about the very powerful Hughes-Alliance at Medford; it must be a strong one' indeed since Jackson county gave some 2000 majority for 'Wil son. We never have a legislative session without getting a new insurance code. Record breaking land deals are now the rule rather than the exception. The submarine ' campaign may be ineffective but it is sendine some big boats to the bottom. DO YOU KNOW That tomorrow will be the anni versary of the blowing up of the bat' tleship Maine? That W. Kirkpatrlck is one of the few Pendletonians who heard Lin coin's historic debate with Douglas That Tom Thompson used to be specialist In fine horses? That the Pendleton Auto Show is going to be another exemplification of the Pendleton spirit? That Harry Chambers a few years ago was one of Washington State Col lege'a star orators and debaters? That James Johns. Sr., eats fried onions and fried apples every morn Ing for breakfast as a health preaerv vaUve? 28 Years Ago Today (From the Dally Bast Oregonian, Feb. 14, 188 ) Married, at the Church of the Re deem tar Pendleton. Or., on Wed nesday, rqbruary 13, at S:1S P. m-. by Rev. W. El Po twine, Frank, B. Cionton and MVss bll Griffin, both Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. William Srurgia, Walla Walla are in town on pleasant visit to their son and daugh ter arr. and Mrs. S. P. Sturgis. of Pendleton, to remain several weeka Judd Beale has recovered from hia attack of the mumps and la now In The basement of the aoiaen Kuie Dresents a very attractive appear the floor having been cemented rine atvie under the direction of Prank Do. prat Mr. W. J. Minar, nephew of Mr. J. R. McClure of Pendleton, has lately arrived from Iowa and will open marble yards here and engage In the manufacture of tombstones and all works In that line. Joe Downing, an attache of the Vlllard House where he has made friends by the score, yea hundreds, is preparing to leave Pendleton soon for good and all. Tk thra. trreat kttara rtprtitatlai sosjMrtnrng which to faMliTidasJ kaakh, as wall as tlM BaUon avaajth. ka ssarrtas fat tfcsasia fcasaaa H1ALTM I Thai aa aaaalltl t raal to Tow araaaa as sjsaaasars aa asasi raaaa gaaiiaalaas mo to 11I 1 1 aaertti sttiralii M nasi sa aara I Was aUav. .fjZiS uoon't be ready to give you thU - I for two yon. It' for VELVET." sz WeWoiVt Say VELVET is the Best PipeTobacco Wc couldn't until we had tried every tobacco made, but we know that most American pipe smokers agree that Kentucky Burley is the world's choicest pipe tobacco. We know that this tobacco can onlv be at irs best Too asxuty cooks Mpoit ittm broth. Whan Tint and Naturw arm makin'VELVE T, mo mm anybody ese mtirrin' in. Itf&V B I SVCIaaaH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitHiHl'r'"'UnUL'LMf' IS Jl your money cheerfully refunded. This is the service that has made us a PENDLETON'S LEADING .iiiiiiiiiimiiHimuiiuimiiiiJiiiiimiiiiiiiim after two years natural ageing, and we take the time and pay the price to age VELVET in Nature's sure, patient way. x You ought to know what we know about VELVET'S mildness, mellowness and taste. Well, it's mighty easy to know, and you can never , learn younger than right now by trying VELVET your self, today V? AJ Si IN THE AIR AT BOND BROS. A mammoth collection of beautiful lines show ing all that is new to be popular the coming sea son is now gathered here for your critical in spection. BOND CLOTHES J15to35 are fit to you perfectly by our own tailors and guaranteed to satisfy or 188 G ft FJIy ' CLOTHIERS EIGHT PAGES