East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 03, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Mexican Chews
Peanut Butter Chip
Pecan Loaf
"Becoming Mora Popular"
TAIN Apricot Sherbet
Carmala Nut, Burnt Almond,
Strawberry, Chocolate and
Vanilla Ice Cream.
I 620 Main If we sell it, it's pure. Phone 103
MnMiii.i Jimim i i man wasn a m , I,
Mlm Til ta BAHA IN
Story Founded I'pon Victor Hugu'-t
Tragic Ron is nee "Tlie Hunchback
of Notre-Dame"; SulHTb Produc
tion. The part taken by His Theda.
Bara In "The Darling of Paris" la one
of the most Interesting character
he nan ever been called upon to in
terpret alnce becoming Identified with
the ailent drama. It ia an unusual one,
dominating the atory from beginning
to end. There are but few momenta
when ahe la not in the picture, which
adds all the more Importance to the
production In general. Miss Bara'a
charming personality Is so forceful
that any picture In which ahe la seen
ia filled with far more than passing
notice. When ahe appears In a play
It Is an event a real dramatic qvem
one that attracts attention through
out the entire counry, because of her
popularity wherever she is known,
and her fame extends throughout the
Pastime, today.
Q Advertising in Erie!
Per tint first luMrUoo 10s
l"w line, additional lasartlos.... e
Per line, per siuatk fl.Ofl
No lursl takes for less tbsa 26c
Const ordinary words to Hue.
borals will sot be taken over the
telephone eirept from Bast Oregwv
Ian paid-op fnbKribeta.
Housekeeping rooma. 400 E. A Its.
Furnished apartment 717 Lilleth.
Modern seven room house for rent.
Inquire John Vert.
For sale Five room modern bun
galow Phone 444,
Pendleton Hair Dressing Parlors,
Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 46.
D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phone
2S4M. Stand, Charles Co., Phone 7.
I nasi your garbage and trash.
Phone 663 M. 1403 W. Railroad it,
Fo rent Furnished J -room house,
North Hide Call 190 J.
Fes rent Largo, newly furnished
housekeeping roma Phone 840W.
Waited to borrow, 11000 at I per
rent, long time, on '160 acres good
land. Andreas X East Oregonlan.
Fas sale Federal truck and trans
fer feasleaa. D. B. Waffle, Pendle
ton, regoa.
I have a bunch of gentle Jersey
heifers for sols. Will bo fresh soon.
O. F. Steele, Nolln, Or.
Call Penlund Bros, van to move your
household goods. Telephone, Hit. Also
baggage transferring and heavy haul
lng. Prompt automobile titxl service,
day and nitrtu Funerals to cemetery
nly li lt. Phone 461, Book Cigar
Store, Carney Tail Co.
Rooming house for sale. Main
street. In center of business district
Dolajc good business. Inquire of Fin
land Bros.
Mattresa making, furniture repair
ing, apholstering, called for and deliv
ered, city or country. La Dow Bros.,
211 Beauregard. Phone 227J.
Wasted Resident agent to take up
our line In Umatilla county. Address
Grand Union Tea Co., Walla Walla,
For rent Furnished E-room bun
galow. Call t00 E. Alia.
I -net, Sunday, on streets of Pendle
ton, cameo brooch. Finder leave at
Northern Pacific depot and receive re.
For sale Lease on 320 acres, 260
acres In wheat: Also two stacks barley
chaff. Inquire of George Haw, Pen
dleton, Ore.
Man and wife want work on ranch,
III W. Court atreet
Lady with small child wants work
in country. Mra. Buckner, 314 R.
Man and wife wanta work on ranch.
Inquire 614 Ooable street Room 4.
For sale Three quarter bed,
cbesp. 1J23 E. Court or phono 748.
Loat Iron gate on Hallowe'en eve.
Finder phone 446 and receive reward
For rent J nicely furnished rooms,
heat and shower baths close In, 300
W. Court. Phone 74 1W.
For sale-,-100 tons hay, good feed
ing place. Some pasture. Inquire
Floyd Rankin, City, or phone 784W.
For sale 160 acres near Echo,
Ore., 15 per acre. 10 acres under Ir
rigation ditch. Write E. W. Eastman,
La Grande, Ore.
Lease for sale Five year lease o:i
section; 310 acres summerfallow, Uu
acres seeded; 28 horses! t head cut
tle, hogs, agricultural Implements,
all for sale; near town; rent one-third
grain In warehouse. Call on or ad.
dress, H. J. Welty, La Crosse, Wash.
Wheat Lan for Sale.
One of the best quarter sections for
wheat In Franklin county, Wash., all
fenced, nearly level. As nice to
work as a garden. Very little wanta
land. Small dwelling. Good auto ta
ken as part payment. A real bar
gain for a .quirk sale. For particulars
write to H. 8. Shangle, Milton, Ore
gon. AdV
Noted Screen Actor Analyses Won
d"rful Work In Emanay 8iiMT-IVt-ture.
Younge, Alfred Page and Alva
The three acta of Hippodrome Vau
deville la all big time acts and by fair
the best vaudeville to visit Pendleton
this season.
'"The Truant Soul' was the most
difficult work I have ever undertak
en," declares Henry B. Walthall in
discussing his great Essanay super
feature production. "That It should
be at the same time my best work Is
the happlent Incident of my life."
In this gripping drama from the
pen of the noted novelist Victor Rous
seau, Henry B. Walthall has eclipsed
his position as the foremost photo
play actor In the world. As the fa
mous surgeon of the novel, harrassed
by Humanity's hidden . menace, ho
has revealed a Bunerart which hajt
bewildered his millions of followers.
In the following Interview, Mr.
Walthal analyzes his great achieve
ment: "There are two chief characteristics
in Rousseau's character. Dr. John
Isneaster," he said. "First, he was
a genius, and hence a man of fine
sensibilities; and. second, he was a
fiend a man whose depravity knew
no depths My problem, therefore,
was to portray the role of a soulless
degenerate and still maintain those
fine characteristics which a genius
cannot lose.
At the Cosy Sunday and Monday.
Auto Stage,
For Adams, Athena and Weston,
leaves Allen-Ward Co., at 10 a. m.
nnd 3:30 p. m. each day. Phone 404
for reservations Ralph Shaffer, prop.
Washington, d. v.. Was Where won
derful Picture Was Taken.
For the star attraction at the Tem
ple theater for the last time tonight,
the management has arranged with
the World Film Corporation to show
one of the moat timely subjects of
the year, ''The, Velvet Paw," with
House Peters and Gail Kane in the
leading roles, being a play dealing
with a woman lobbyist and the havoc
she raisea In Washington pending the
passage of the child labor bill. Al
though many political film play
have been released, this one has so
much of the unusual as to place it in
a class by itself, instead of being con
sidered as one of many plays depend
ing on political intrigue and a touch I
of romance for its action.
For the local atmosphere required '
In the taking of this picture. Director 1
Maurice Tourneur, of the Paragon I
studio, took a company of 30 players !
to Washington where they remained I
for three weeks taking pictures in
and around the capitol. Then an ex
act replica of. the house of represen
tatives was reproduced at the Para
gon Studio where characters most re
sembling lights of our national politi
cal center were chosen, giving not
only the senate atmosphere, but also
characters representing all the prom
inent politicians at the capital.
A fT TV-""!
l(Y( ))V;f
Saturday !ii
"The Witch of the Dark House"
A big Western picture, good horsemanship, good riding, full of sensations and thrills.
Daring HELEN GIBSON creating thrill upon thrill in this sensational railroad 1
A Grant Police Reporter of Sensation.
1 Big Joker Comedy in 2 Parts
"WHEN DAMON FELL FOR PYTHIAS," Comical Burlesque on the K. P.'s.
Alfalfa Hay.
Order ynur baled hay for spring d.
livery now. No. 1 quality. Fave ad
vance in price. E. C Burllngame.
Walla Walla, Wash.
Horses I or Strayed.
Lost or strayed, one bay mare, ago
about 10 years, branded F. H. on righ1
shoulder and J, W. on left hip; one
brown gelding, five years old, weight
about 1200 pounds, branded F H. on
right shoulder. Will pay reosonab'a
reward for return or information lead
ing to recovery of above described an
imals. R. B. McEwen, Athena( Ore
gon. Adv.
For Sale) at a Sacrifice1.
A cen'rally located business prop
erty, corner lot. BOxlOO, old Improve
ment'i located at Portland. Oregon:
Worth SB 000. On be bought for
156.000, only 325,000 cash required.
Owner must sell at once. This prop
erty Is only one block from large de
partment store. J, G. Gustaff, 4S!
E. 41st St, North, Portland, Oregon.
Alia Sunday and Monday.
Around the famous Royal North
west Mounted Police of Canada there
are woven more traditions of glory
and honor than around any other
body of men outside of army and
navy life. These fearless characters
unflinchingly face the greatest hard
shlpa and dangers In guarding the
lives of the woodsmen. They will go
! single handed Into a whole lumber,
jenmp ful of rough characters In or-
j .v, (iinnv ail Kt luuiimg inc. j
terrible odds in bringing their pris-
oners out. "Nanette of the Wilds'" in
: which beautiful Pauline Frederick is
starred by the Famous Players F'lm
Company, is a thrilling photoplay
which depicts the battle between a
sang of smugglers and the Royai
Mounted in which this fearless girl
plays an Important part. It is the
Paramount Picture at the Alta Sun
day and Monday.
The story was written by Willard
Mack, well known author, playwrlht
and nctnr. who also plays a promi
nent part in the picture. The entire
action of the story transpires In the
Canadian woods, the picturesque lo
cations mnklne an Ideal setting for
a story full of thrills and swiftly
moving action.
Conroy's Prices Will Continue to
be the Lowest in Pendleton
Standard Corn 1 fi
Standard Peas ClHl lUC
Standard String Beans o 1 1
Stasvdard Tomatoes Cull A 1 C
Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box 40
Oranges, dozen 25
Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 1 10
Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 2 15
Log Cabin Syrup, quart 42; yt gallon 70f ;
Hominy, No. 3 tins, 2 for 25f
Pumpkin, 2 cans 25
Eastern Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack 43f
Best 10c Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 for 25f
Raisins, package -
Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 25f
Bob White Soap, 6 bars 25
Sauer Kraut. No. 3 tins 15J
1 gallon 91.35.
f ,jff '
f f $ 1
, ' 1-
V . H j
I "4 i I I
B m A-V r- t 5 . 1
r j U
! ' .' " t ' 'M
? j f J ;i
; . r f 1 ?j
1 " I k
IllpKiilmnM Vaudeville and Trlaiurlc
Feature- at the Ti-mp',- Sunday and
"The Heiress at "Coffee pun s.'" Triangle-Fine
Arts play, starring Dessie
Txive. will be seen at the Temple
Theater Sunday and Monday. In this
play Miss Ixive hacks hack to her ap
pearance many months airo in the
Triangle, preparedness drnma. "The
Hying Torpedo." which had John
Rmerson as Its director and star. In
that p'ay she appeared as a Swedish
servant girl, and her role In "The
Heiress at 'Coffee linn's' " Is much
the same. In the Intervening months,
however, M'ss Ixive has Jumped from
the stock ranks to stardom. Frank
Bennett, recently seen opposite her In i
"A Sister of Six,"' Is again her lead- j
Ing man In the new play. Others in
the cast are Max Davidson. Lucile '
Prince William.
More Convicted Rioters Given Sn
IM'mlol Sentences,
LIMA, Feb. 3. Ned Tost snd
Thomas Tatton wil lapologize to the
I I,lma pubic for taking part in the riot
of August 30, When Sheriff Phermnii
Eley was assaulted in defending a
negro prisoner.
The,v pleaded guilty todav
Judge William Kleinger, who sua- j
pended their sentences to the Ohio
penitentiary' on condition they would j
ask Lima's pardon through the news- !
papers Sentences or otners nave
been suspended upon the same condition.
No Shirt, chief of the Walla Walla
tribe on the Umatilla reservation, Is
dead, the end came last night aboat
11:30, according to word brought
from his home near Thorn Hollow by
Indians. To the last he held to the
belief that his Illness waa caused by
the evil spell which She-law-he-tam-my
had cast over him.
The funeral will be held some time
Monday and the body will be Inter
red at the tribal burial grounds near
Chief No Shirt, whose Indian name
waa Sis-ma-ke-na, waa (g years old,
according to the recorda of the gov
ernment agency. He had been chief
of his tribe for more than a quarter
of a century, having been elected at
; ft
. t
it t
His last fight was to prevent the al
lotment of the tribal lands and in this
he evidently failed, inasmuh aa the
plan has been tentatively approved.
Some of the old Indian's belief rel
ative to the power of others to cast
an evil apell over a person la explain
ed by Rev, J. M. Cornellson, mission
ary at Tutullla. Every Indian has
hia "Weyekln," that is his destiny Is
supposed to be guided by the spirit of
some animal, bird. Insect or serpent
Through his weyekln he can work
evil against another person if his
weyekln is stronger than the weyekln
of the other. Thus in the case of N't
Shirt and "She-lowlhe-tammy, the
latter'a weyekln waa supposed to be
more powerful. The belief la what
Rev. Cornellson calls ''malignant an
imal magnetism,"' that is the ability
to project evil over another through
an animal spirit.
Many Walla Walla people are
planning to attend the coming auto
show In Pendleton, sayB J. P. Knight,
Studebaker distributor far the coun
ty who has word from friends in that
town. Mr. Knight has Just returneJ
from Portland and says the auto
show there was a pronounced success.
The decorations were very appro
priate throughout and the fact the
same man. Mr. Rieg, will handle the
decorating end at Pendleton insures
good results along this line at th
coming show.
A T. Brown, Studebaker factory
representative with headquarters in
Portland and F. P. Winter, expert
mechanical man, will be here for the
show, according to Mr Knight. He
had hoped to have the Studebaker
golden -chassis here for the show but
cannot do so owing to the fact It has
been shipped east
Senator from Idaho.
Public Dnnee Tonight, Moose Hall.
The public Is cordially Invited to
attend the regular Saturday night
dance tonight In Moose hall. Music
by Sawyer's orchestra. Admission, SO
cents. Adv.
.'.S- i ' "
.',..lfWsVf- rKV
f V:;
a tribal council to succeed miei
' Homll on the death of that chief who
had helped to make history In these
j The records at the agency show tlm
1 No Shirt received allotment No. 1
before iamon ,ne Walla Wallas, which show
mai ne was cniei in Ihyv at me lime
of the allotment. The records also
show that Tom la-som-nl, his widow,
was his wife at that time. They had
ten children, all of whom died young.
I No Shirt's successor as head of the
tribe will probably be chosen soon at
a council.
No Shirt, besides being chief of his
tribe, was the leader of the element
of the Indians on the reservation who
have resolutely held to the traditions
and customs of their forefathers and
who have resisted nil progress In the
standards of the white man. He be
longed to no white man's church and
It was characteristic of him that he
accepted his last Illness in the light
of Indian superstition. All his lifo
he fought everything thaf savored of
'"sho-ya-po-wif (whiteman-ness).
Baggage Transferred.
C. E. Williamson, headquarters at
Hennings agar Store. Phone ( or
S06J. Adv.
John D. Rockefeller, jr., may bridg .
the Hudson and connect the mtersta'e .
Park with the park system of this
Tryon Hall, the great Billings es
tate, at the north end of Manhattan
Island, for which Mr. Rockefeller paid
$3,000,000 recently, is intended for.
the city terminal,' it is reported..
DiwlDttoii Notice.
This is to notify the public that VTr.
Fred Ward is no longer a mem be
of this firm. Mr. J. E. Allen will con
duct the business of the firm hereaft
January 27, 1917. At.)
At Dm Tenure Sunday and Mon,.u: abm Uii'ce acta of Ulppvidroroc Vau.
deviUe. ' (
111 ' 1 it Ta
) J I
1 m
Jai. B. Welch, Mgr.
Friday and Saturday
House Peters
Gale Kane
This 1S ATI inTPrPRtiTiflr ofnfW rtf Ufa .n WoortmifTAn mo law?
' Ta - L'"'A wvv.j J a. ill v ill T Oillltf;wVll fhO ICU
5 by the members of Congress and the Senate. How a wo
man s influence nearly sets the house upside down and
the effect of lobyists on legislation is the theme of this ex
traordinary World, Brady-Made picture. Written by
Paul West, directed by Maurice Tourneur at the Paraxon
studio with House Peters and Gail Kane in the leading
roles, it is by far one of the most absorbing nnd timely
subjects to be released in many months.
Secretary Lane.