TWELVE FAGI13 PAGE FIX DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1917. co; sonot I0E30 V. J FiirnL-h, prominent former permitted to associate with the oilier IVmiletcnian. is up from Portland. I prisoners. This picture, taken the Clrvuit Judse i.;. W Phelps wen; da he ban was' raised, show him at KKWAKU FOK tJHElTKST VtVAk t'ONrilAmm down to Hermislon yesterda look l"e att of fifty-five. H was coniimt I ted for liie as a boy alter the murder of two children and It was believed Socza and Personal rifter proi erty interest . nect ssan to keep him In solitary con finement to hold him In prison at all. Hi AKTrJt rXWTY YEA lis IN' SOUTAKY OOXH.EMKNT lit 1 tiit GIAJiT MISSISSIPPI SLU"S INTO WATKH GrMs of Dreaduaughu I Welcom ed to 7 at Newport New. f,Jii"l,::,one: i U ( Ml ? i; THE UNIVERSAL CAR $ i i i i ! 1 ; f J 7 : f tDteassaanei , " aoaoi I0O0I ioo William Gadwa returned ycwerds from Portland where he had been visiting Mrs. Gads a Mopped off in Hood River for a visit. Major K. I, Swarularder. sent on the I'matilla reservation, left today for Cheney, Wa.h., to supervise the shipment of flour from that point fr the Indian bureau. Mrs. Robert S:anflld of P?n.lle ton, wife of the sker of the house of representative, will be the frtieJt of honor at succeiivs hridsre parties which will be (riven this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon hy her sis ter. Vrs. William H. Ljtle. Salem Statesman. The Baptist Ladies Aid Ux-iely and Missionary Circle met at the home of Mr w. A. Roberts on Lewis street. Thursday afternoon at 2;3n. with lie dames Man. Oilldreth, Jones, Owens , and Robert as hostesses. About thirty were present and sft- ! er a devotional hour conducted hj Mia Brown the following program on Alaska was rendered: The Country.- Mr. Myres. "Wonder of Alaska. Mr. Coffey. "Th People, of Alaska,"" Mrs. La IViW. "Our MlsHrtrma" Mrs. Steven. Morals, Education and Religion. Mr Lampktn. Mr. Brown (rave a very interesting discussion on Alaska, havlrur been a recent visitor ia and about WrmnRell. where the Presbyterians have a lanre mission. Mrs. deven irer irave a brief mai) exercise, pointing out where our mis sion are located. In conclusion Mr. Haear rendered two beautiful soloa A social hour followed and delightful refreshments weer served. The Civic club will roefi tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in the clul room of the Library. James H. Cow of Portland, has ac cepted a position as watchmaker, en rraver and Jeweler with A. L Sehaef r. Mis Angela Bowler, who has been attending the University of Oregon is spending a couple of days her while ea route to Boulder. Colo., t enter the University of Colorado. She will atop in l,a Grande to visit tier sister, Mrs. A. C. Hampton. Several Pendleton people attended the inaugural ball at I'matilla la; evening, the affair being largely at tended by residents of I'matilla and 1 other towns of the west end. The grand march was led by Mrs. St ar cher, mayor, and William Roberts of Hermistk-n. During an intermission in the dancing a pleasing vocal olo md an encore were given by Mi were served, A clear, rich baritone voice w ith al most faultless diction is the outstand ing Impression of Hartridge Whipp of Portland who appeared in concert at the Temple theater last night assisted by Lenora Fisher Whipp. Mr. Whipp has al-o an easy stage presence and much dramatic ability which he div player with good effect in several of the big numbers of his program. Mrs. Whipp is an accompanist of rare ability and delightful personality and added much to the enjoyment of the affair by her sympathetic interpreta tions. A large audience greeted Mr. and Mr. Whipp. Member of the Sptaerinktum club enjoyed a delightful meeting yester day at the home of Mr. P. J. Hege man, with Mrs. Hegeman and Mrs. Mary Boyden as hostesses. Sewing provided the chief diversion with dainty refreshments rounding; out the affair. Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Ham ley will be the next hostesses for the club. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dodd of Seattle, are here on a visit to Mrs. Dodd' mother. Mrs. John Entes. Mrs. Dodd was formerly Mrs. FYankie RualL L R. Ingram of Heppner is a Pen dleton visitor. M. J. Montieth of Albany is regis tered at the St. George. Mrs. Gary Taylor ha been visttims with friends at Umatilla. Barney Gannon of pilot Rock was at the Bowman last night. Bert Hiatt of Hermiston ia up from the west end of the county. Mark A. Sturtevant of Pilot Rock, wa In yesterday from his home. George Otte was in last night from fcls ranch near Pilot Rock. He (top ped at the Golden Rule. I J. F Klein of Portland is here to I take a position with the Lester k , Shannerfelt tailoring business. V 'if. r t Villi Llil After forty year of solitary confine ment. Jesse Pomeroy, the famous pris oner of Chariest own, Mass., has been rr"! J 5 Fi I NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Feb. I. While Miss Camille McBeath of Me ridian, Miss., daughter of J. M. Mc Beath, national committeeman, smashed a bottle over the graceful bow the great battleship Mississippi slid into the water here today. United States naval offiers say the Mississippi like her alster dread noughts, Idaho and Nex Mexico will be the most powerful battleship in the world. "CHRISTMAS" SHIP ARRIVES IX EGYPT h f . xv NEW YORK, Feb. . The United States collier Caesar, which sailed a a "Christmas ship" to the relief of war sufferers in the orient, has arriv ed at Alexandria, Esrypt, according to a"cablegram received here by the Am erican committee for Armenian and Syrian relief. The vessel carried a cargo of food and clothing estimated to be worth (250.000. The food will be transported into interior districts w here deetitution Is acute, on automo bile trucks taken on the ship. lV.yl i TAYLOR. The United States senate quickly confirmed the president's nomination of Captain David W. Taylor to be rear admiral, because this officer ! looked on as the foremost naval con structor of the world. The official rrgan of the Navy League thus de scribes him. The promotion wa one of those in which the navy rule of seniority wa followed. THE "HALF MOON" SINKS AT HER MOORINGS "4. . ' 4 '.A : m ,; A I 'H ' .: Here for Immediate DeKvery WE ARE THE AGENTS IN PENDLETON FOR FORD CARS AND FORD PARTS. A FORD Service Station With FORD Mechanics. Roadster $399.85 in Pendleton Touring Car $414.85 in Pendleton Simpson Auto Co. 709-11 Thompson Street. Telephone 408 I ii E - h If si i rrr n Ti TT f r.if REIJJrfCA OF JiAKiaOC - i.; in, I --".4.? At:.v ' The "Half Moon," the reproduc- itlon of the ship in which Henry Hud son s&Bed up the river which no bears hi name, ha sunk at her moor ings off Bear Mountain Park, near Negwburgh, N. T., where he had been moored as an historical exhibit. The photograph show, the "Halt Moon" as she appeared in the Hudson-Fulton celebration of ' several years ago. ASKS DIVORCE FROM WIFE FOH SMOKING CIGARETTES I DETROIT. Feb. 2 Mrs. Lydla L'nls Eckel followed her husband to work ebcause he took a package of four ci garettes from her and cried so hard to have them returned that he did so rather than make a scene In public. , That is one of the reason charged In i his suit for divorce filed in court Tues day. Oeorge 8. Eckel claim he was rrortifled to find his wife contentedly smoking a cigarette on Sunday.' Ho took It from her, but she started on another. I The other charges In the bill of com plaint are as varied as the hue of the rainbow. According to Eckel, his wife knocked a cigarette from his mouth four day after marriage pull i.ed a mattress from underneath him , at night threw a heavy, balvaniied , waste basket at him while he wa In bed, had him arrested for non-support got mad and yelled o loudly that they were put out of a house and tongue thraahed him because he owuld not thrash a man alleged to have Insulted her. AEROPLANE OWNER IN SERVICE A8 PRIVATE ' PENSACIAL. Fla, Feb. I. Establishing a precedent by be ing the first aviator and owner of an aeroplane to enlist a a prrvate in his country's military service, Charles E. Hay, cartoon. 1st, reporter and blrdman, to- day Joined the flying squad of the United Bute marine at the aeronautic atation here. The youthful aviator, who re- Jected the temptation to go abroad in belief that his country ha the first demand for hi service ia eager to demonstrate his skill a a flyer, and expect to win rapid promotion In the "soldier of the sea." Toung Hay says that he hope to achieve aucceaa through mer It alone, and Ignore the Intel. ence that by owning and oper- atlng an aeroplane he I bound 4 to rise In the world. 4 Gorgeously Staged! Wonderfully Acted! Magnificently Directed! Especially select ed Music on the $5000 Photoplayer Pipe Organ Continuous Music Both Days Impersonating the Beautiful Gypsy Girl, Esma ralda, the Most Delightful Character In French Literature A picturization of Victor Hugo's Famous Novel "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" 1 - - . - i i I i L-J L I I J aJ i-J mm ILggaeR!' -SaB,illw r - " ',., ZT"I1L"II.Z.. ""IlZin,,,,,,, , 1 1,, , mi-IHI " - 1 1 r.nifiwV-71-wiiirti ,m ..i nTlmm .r wmmMM-mm., ..- - g The greatest picture Mr. Fox ever made, and uoqueitiontvble the fineit in which Miss Bara hat ever been leen " " ... rl r -in i Hi' 1'" ' " ' '"" lrlrnln,n"i"1 n r -mniirrttMinnifirM-irniiMi.1 i , m,- - ITn .. . riJii.MBM.MMJBM, - This picture has taken Portland by storm over 20,000 people viewed it in 4 days. COMEDY MUTT & JEFF CARTOON ADMISSION ..1 ! ii - . i ts 20c, ChOdren 5g "IN WALL STREET', nn ... - j ii 1 1 r -w nrtf liiff-nrn inniwuimiri i i nMViliitlM Hiiiii Wfirfrr rrr - n Tr t 'i ffrr ii 1 m t "i wr iTTT Hi ulii i mi iiiiimiiwh r 1 1 1 j linifiMii