PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1917. TWELVE PAGES I, Yf mtj kwp tbtc nir K4iib "i with tl dia- I "B1 t.thw I 12 rwwni for I SM.OO. a a llttl anil a little mrh Bt r . Rntrrtaln ynur frkndt with your UYnrir rvrri WKITK TWO' FOR OfR NEST ED! BON ih)K" Vn nhlltlnniL WARRF3P8 Ml SIC iWfMK Peadhtna, Oregon. TO" Daily Chats With the Housewife CMS! ill A HASS. OF BEAUTIFUL MIR, SOFT, GlOSSy, WAVY IS-tTKNT BtfclTLK DOTKOYS PAX IKI IT .XI IKK RI,KS BKAl TV Of YOl R HAIR. Within n minutrts nfter an appli cation of IkandAhne you ran not find a single trar of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will plMse you most will be aft er a few weeks' use, when you will ee new hair, fine and downy at first ye but really new hair growing all over the aralp. A little Danderine immediately double the beauty of your hair. Ko difference how dull, faded, brittle and arm cpy, ju.t moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking; one email trand at a tima The effect U ama heT your balr will be light, fluffy and wavy, and you have an appear ance) of abundance: an incomparable ltutra, aoftneaa and luxuriance. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton'i Danderine from any drug; store or toi let counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It If you win just try a mtle Danderine. Trains Agn Blockaded. QWEYENNE, Feb. I. Heavy snows and high wind again blockaded the Union Pacific railroad this afternoon between Laramie and Rawlins. The temperature Is fifteen below. Bight trains were delayed at Rock River. firs. Alysc Mdrist PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ELOCUTION. Hotel Pendleton. APPLE FRITTHHS. Pare the apples and punch out the eorea witn a sharp rourfd tin apple cow. cut each apple into three slices crosswise so that eaoh nW will I be a circle with a hole in the center. Dip these pieces of apple Into a bai ter made as follows: Two eggs, one half pint of milk, one tablesDoonfnl f j butter (melted) and about one pini 01 uour. sun and rry in boiling fat. Sprinkle with sugar and serve on a hot dish. This batter is nice for all kinds of fritters. FRICASSED OYSTERS. Cook together a tablespoo'nful or butter and two of flour. Upon them pour a half pint of milk and contin ue to stir constantly until a smooth thick sauce. Turn in a solid pint ot oysters and cook for about four min utes, or until the gills of the oysters begin to curl, ap unfailing sign thai they have cooked enough. Put in then half a teaspoonful of salt, a salt spoonfiil of white pepper and three grates of a nutmpa- If th.A saiipa wms too thick after the oysters have been in three minutes put in a couple of table&DOonful nf rttm. spva fu soon as cooked, for the oysters tough en by standing. SPIXACn SOUFFLE. Rub two cupfuls of cooked spinach through a sieve, add one cupful of white Mure, salt and pepper to taste and the white of three egga beaten to a stiff froth; put the mixture in but tered timbale cups. Set the cups In a pan of hot water and bake In a moderate oven for one quarter of an hour. Before serving sprinkle the top of each with chopped parsley and riced yolk of hard cooked egg. COOKING CARROTS. Cook carrots in the following way: Slice them very thin, put them into a pan with enough butter to fry them; let them cook in this butter for about fifteen minutes; then add a ta blespoonful of water; as this water boils away, add another; continue, to add water until the carrots are dryie. Add to this a cream dressing and fhey are ready to IIE.VLTH AXD BEAUTY. The best manicure acid la made by putting a tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup of hot water. It removes stains from the fingers and nails and softens the cuticle about the nails in a satisfactory way. For those complexions that cannot stand soap upon them almond meal will be fonnd an excellent substitute. It should be used with warm water and is not only cleansing; but refin ing to the skin. Wash for weak, tired or inflamed yee; Fifteen drops of spirits of camphor, one teaspoonful of borle acid, two-thirds of a cud of bollin water. Cool and strain through mu. I m. use. twice a day with an eye dropper or apply with absorbent cot ton. GLOVES FOR WORK. No matter how many patented helps to your work you may possess, don't neglect to have a pair of good "DBe Kiuvus may oe obtained In any length, from those ! that are quite short to the ones that j come up to the elbow. Unless they are constantly worn the nails will never be in good condition If much house work is done and the hands becomo grimy and altogether unattractive , looking. WORMS EASILY REMOVED. Mother, If your child whines, Isi fretful and cries out In sleep, he is I probably suffering from worms. These parasites drain his vitality and make, him more susceptible to serious dl-: easea. Quickly and safely kill an J remove the worm from your child's system with Kickapoo Worm Killer. ; This pleasant candy laxative in tablet ; form quickly relieves the trouble and your child brightens up. Get Klcka-1 Poo Worm Killer at your Druggist, iSc. 13 BALDHEADS DHPIDE. LYNN, Mass., Jan 30. In a hair restorer case, heard today before Jus tlce Callahan In the R-rst superior court, the Jury was made up of twelve I oaianeaded men. i James Cole of this rltv nhilntlff I testified that he bought stock in the concern and found that It was not worth the value represented tp him by I the defendant, F. Howard Dunn, i treasurer of the company, who Is ab- ! solutely free from hair above the eye- brows. Cole asked 1500. ' The twelve bald-heads in the box noon oy tneir Drotner in misfortune and gave their verdict In his favor. II - ' ' ''aiiitaal minimi -1 in ii mini j A r Tp A A i im 1 1 1 1 i i . Wit VAUMVllL FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 "TIM CHUCKS" In Their Original Unique Novelty THE MOVIE ARTISTS" STIFF, SORB MUSCLES RELIEVED Cramped muscles or soreness fol lowing; a cold or case of grippe are eased, and relieved byan application of Sloan'a Liniment Does not stain the skin or clog the pores like mussy ointments or plasters and penetrates quickly without rubbing. Limber up your muscles after exercise, drive out the pains and aches of rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, strains, sprains and bruises) with Sloan's Liniment. Get a bottle today. At all Druggists. 26c. DE VERE & WINSTOCK Those Classy Singing and Talking Comedians P I.C'T unn A tense story of spiritual struggle and triumph with ROBERT CONNESS and MABEL TRUNNELL -ALSO- "THE PARAMOUNT PICTUREGRAPH" ALTA ORCHESTRA AFTERNOON AND EVENING . . . iimm ii mi i i Our String of Meats Our string of meate comprises everything that is in season. The pork is cut from the choicest wheat and corn-fed hogs. Our beef veal and mutton are cut from well-fed young stock. In fact, all the meats that we prepare for7 our customers are the very best quality that can be secured, and will sell on their own merits at the prices we ask. V.'e want you to call at any one of the fol lowing markets and satisfy yourself that what we say is true. Come in the next time you want dependable meat Known as the "Pemeco" Brand Buy them became they are better. Buy them because the dollar apent for "PEMECO" brand product will return to you in the course of your Iccal business dealings. Buy them because you will aid in the development of local industries, a bigger and better town and nicer place in which to live. A Happy! Family Your family should be that always, , when they can have placed on their table such delicious prime meats, poultry and fish as they always se cure at the markets below. Their customers demand the best, and they carefully cater to their wishes. They have everything that a first-class market carries and handle everything in a clean manner. INSIST ON GETTING PEMECO MEATS AND LARDS, SOLD BY THESE MODERN MARKETS. Empire Meat ttt 607 Main Street Charles Greulich, Pres. Telephone 18 P. De Young, Sec-Treas. lie Central Met 108 East Alt Street Ross E. Carney, Pres. Telephone 455 J. H. Loeding, Sec-Treas. Pendleton Cash Met 303 East Court Street L. B. Ramsdell, Pres. Telephone 101 H. P. Whitman, Mgr. H. R. Richardson, V-Prea. Mrs. Nellie Horton, Sec-Treas. Hams, Bacon, Lard, Steaks, Chops, Cutlets, Sausage, Hamburger, Fish, Poultry, Etc. ii 9