TT.TLVE PAGES DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1917. HORSEBACK RIDluG AT PALM BEACH FLORSHEIM f SHOES I STEIN-BLOCH SUITS FOR MEN $20 TO $35. WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE any more than this government is, but we do contend that our prices, along with the quality of the goods, are right. FOR MEN $5, $6, $7 to $3.50 fji surer horse. ' - Vjt ran f ;.. i. IlilO We have plenty of those beans, and they are new crop ; all kinds ;10 lbs. for fl.OO Carnation Milk.. 10 Dairy Maid Milk 10 Pork and Beans, No. 1 10 Strictly Fresh Eggs they are getting low enough that we all can have them now, dozen.... 40f CHEESE Swiss, Limberger, full Cream, and Cream Brick. "SUNBRITE Scouring Powder. This is a good one, as good as any on the market and the price is 5 tin. APEX COFFEE 35c We know this is a good coffee as our customers call for it the second time. Oranges, small, sweet and juicy, doz. 20 The Dean Tim Co. PHONE 688 is 4 V r 1 ' , - - i f i t ' f r- e J jfs -Uc- ' if .sr Ik 1 Jf M ir Riding dummy hor that float through the surf, leaping Rayly over the breakers, is a popular (ad at palm Beach. The picture showa Miaa Ethel Campbell, a Philadelphia society girl, riding her mount through the surf. BRITISH REQUISITION FOREIGN SECURITIES Subject Holder of Them Must Make Return to the f Treury. LONDON, Feb 1. The Official Gazette tonight announes that by a new order In council the treasury U empowered under the Defense of tho Kealm Act to rwiui-ultloii uny foreign securities which may be required to utrengthen Oreat Britain'! financial position, and aluo to reyulre holder of inch MM-uritleg to make a return on them to the treasury. The order forbids the transfer or tale of such securities outside the United Kingdom, but does not apply to securities owned by persons not or dinarily residents of the United Kingdom, The terms and conditions under which the securities are requisitioned will be Identical with those existing In the voluntary mobilization scheme, which, despite the extra two shllllngi Income tax levied, apparently failed to bring In sufficient securities. OFFICIAL IS KILLED BY PENSION SEEKER Tragedy Taken PUu ln OiymjMa Statu HuuNe When E. . Olm In Klxn Ity ,Jolin Vandeil. The. Biggest Value in an Auto mobile at Any Price The Product of Experience Yalve-ln-Hed Motor Cantilever Springs fMMH) Miles to Set of Tlrci! 0 SS Ml low to Gallon of Gas With ComplHe' Fle1rlcal Equipment Two unit Starting and I J glu ing System. ft $6:t5 P. o. b. ii:ni.i-rrox. lxiok over the field tlun visit us ar.d see If It Is not an unparalleled fact that ro cur within several hundred dollars shows these features which mark the Chevrolet as a h!(;h quality car at the very bottom of price. CO)SIIl-:i! Till: MOTOR No cur at the show within 12(10 of the Chevrolet shows the valve-in-hend motor, the most powerful and eco nomical of all types. More than that, the Chevrolet valve-in-head motor has a detachable head, which will cut many dollars from the ccst of having valves reground or In the annual overhauling. Our salesmen point with pride to tha small bore, the vacuum exhaust and other features which Indicate the high order of the engineering forces that back this wonderful car. And, then The lilt KEN Few cars have the lsriie brakes that make up but one of the safety features of this car. The mechanic will state that they are much larger than practice says is necessary, which combined with the llKht weight of the cur, makes it positively safe on any grade, and on any road. The OVEKM7.E. IDEA Is Just typical of the car from stem to stern. It's the Chevrolet way of building its prise model. All the way throUKh you will find the crank shaft Xirger than practice says It need be; the propeller shaft is larger than it has to be; the axles ure larger than present duy stundurds deem necessary to carry a car of the Chevrolet's weight, over all roads. That Is why this little car, that Is enjoying such phenomenal popularity in Us second year. Is be ing looked to. not as follower of precepts, but as a maker of new standards. ( COMrXntT Every salesman at the show will talk of the comfort that has beerf built Into the new model. You will never know how comfortatile riding a car of such light weight us the Chevrolet can be made. It is the long cantilever springs In back and a feature of spring construction In front that takes out practically all the shocks. Che vrolet calls It a built ln shock absorber. It does for the front end, Just what the cantilever does for the back end and looks much the same but; ' We can never tell you all the good things that you will find In Chevrolet. Tou will have to come and see the new models In our show. Simpson Auto Co. . TELEPHONE 408 See them at the Pendleton Auto Show, Ecu, 15, 10 and 17. OLYMPIA, Wash. Feb. J. With the remark, "Hello, Old Timer," John Vandeil, a logger, early yesterday aft ernoon fired three bullets from a .5S callber revolver into the head of K. W. Olson, chairm an othf W. Olson, chairman of the state In dustrial insurance commission, as Ol son sat at his desk using the offlcs telephone. The revolver was fired at a range of a few inches and Olson died instantly where he was sitting. The, only Witness of the tragedy was J E. Leonard, of Chehalis. former state senator. He was discussing a claim with Olson at the time, ami saw Vandeil come into the private of fice with a revolver In hand, but had no time to realize the danger before the tragedy had happened, as Vandeil began to shoot when he greeted Olson Vile lleinarlu Follow Shots. After firing the three shots, all of which took effect, Vandeil, with a vile remark addressed his victim, strode out througrt the outer offices, remarking to H. E. Norwood, at the outer door: "I got him, and now the state will have to take care ot me, anyhow." MUCH FRENCH GOLD WAS SENT TO LONDON nitiNt $96,000,000 Sold Last Year and Unstated Sum Lent (or Period of War. PARIS, Feb. l. A statement ot the Bank of France's transactions during the year 1916. submitted at the annual meeting of the sharehold ers today shows the sale of gold to the Bank of England under agree ments between the French and Brit ish governments of 481,000,000 francs ($9,200,"000) and loans of gold to the Bank, of England repayable after the way of sums figuring in the balance under the heading, "Gold Abroad,'' in cluding also free deposits in Russia and the United States. "These operations," says the report of the auditors, "have procured for France credits in London for larger than the amount of metal sent. At the last making up, accounts of 5. 0K2 000,000 francs $1,016,400,000) In gold and 3.4S9.UOO.000 (1697.800.000) were In the treasury", and 1,693,000, nnn tiuiiu.OMl abroad." The banks temporary advances to the state amount to francs 1.4S0.0fl0,O00) ; circulation of bank notes, 16,680,000.000 ($3,336,- tiuO.000). , THE DEADLY TltEXCII MOHTAIt RISKS LIFE TO SAVE A CRIPPLE 5 CKU 1 Ln PI Policeman First - Saves Those in Tenement Fire Then Goes Back. r v r ff I ' i j 'r .--"- l 1 1-- ' I MORTAR FIWIKcS TTPFerrH One of the most deadly small wea pons of the war is the trench mortar. It is small, but fires a large projec tile, which does terrific damage. B" cause of the smullnees of these wea pons they are easily moved about and large numbers of them may be placed in the trenches. HP 6 SATUR New Spring patterns in Men's Golf Shirts. Come in pretty stripes and patterns, all fast colors and values up to $2.00; sizes UVt to 1612- SPECIAL FOR SATUR DAY, your choice $1.00 1 So x l)dOlli DAY New Broadcloths and Wool Suitings for Spring' Come in many new pretty designs and patterns; also the plain shades. Excep tionally good materials and all colors guaranteed fast. Don't fail to see our showing before selecting that pattern for a suit, or coat. EXTRA SPECIAL from Alexanders Grocery Department 100 BOXES OF EXTRA FINE WINESAP APPLES, THE BOX $1.25 fo $1.75 ' Two Phones, Both 526. - ORDER VEGETABLES FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER. ALWAYS FRESH AND SELECT QUALITY. ALEX ANPMS ; isissssnssssfc mmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmma, NEW YORK. Jan. 2H inf "wit . . .i,iUa..l ft rescues of a woman ana iwu cmu.-.. bv a noliceman maritea a nre night in the aix-sfoiy tenement house No. 84 Monroe street. Patrolman Holsmaeher was passing the building when he saw flames shoot from he second floor. He ran up stairs to a apartment ami smashed In a locked door. Hnlzmacher found the blaze burn ing briskly in the room ana Airs. Lil lian Shapiro unconscious on tne noor. He harrd ed her to the street and then returned and got her eleven year old son Tony. He went back again through tne smoke and came out with uaniei Gor man, six. a cripple. When Uaniei was revived on the pavement he wailed: "I want my crutch." The policeman endangered his life but went back after It I XITKI) PHESS SOU KKSI"OXSIHI.E rXK LIQl'OK I'ltOPAUAVnA : CAN MR. GOMPERS BE SPLIT IN TWO? When a dentist is filled his last cavity. buried he has ; It Not, How is He to Deckle i Where. He Stands on NEW YORK, Feb. 1. A con- This Strike? cern operating out of Cleveland, I O., is sending to newspapers in j WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. -Imagine this country a great deal of free t. r. stumping the country for copy, ravoring the liquor inter j woodrow Wilson ests. This copy comes in envel- , imagine the kaiser arrested for opes bearing the return address w , ieajjng a peace riot in Berlin Then try to imagine the American Federation of Labor as an employer of labor fiehtine a strike of its em- J ployes, and President TJompers issu- "The United Press Association, Cleveland." The United Press Association with general offices in N't" wed. drew the strikers' York and bureais in many cities ; ing .statements denouncing the un- throughout the country, is in no v way connected with or respon- sibie for the concern that is cir- culating this anti-prohibition propaganda and it has instructed its attorneys to Insttiute proceed- ings to enjoin the methods which makes it appear that the United Press Assoiations has abandon- ed Its course of distributing only regular news matter. She said "No," whereupon ha a pistol and fired at hr sh. ran Into the house and her father ran cut. As he reached the street De Paulis fired three more shots, one of them piercing Cammaro's heart. De Paulis ran into Schnectady Ave nue pursued by Valerlo Cammaro, Vlr g'nia's cousin, who overtoook him. The men fought in the street and De Paulis's revolver again was dlscharg. ed. A bullet entered young Camma ro's right knee, but It was said at St. John's Hospital his injury wa only slight. ' A passing policeman arrested Paulis. De UNCLE SAM'S LATEST SUPERDREAONAUGHT fire i go Vom Out? Does night find you exhausted nerves unsettled too tired to rest i ORSMD U the food-tonic that corrects thesi troubles. Its pure cod liver oil fa m Mll.rjtiilrlinff food to Durifv and enrich the blood and nouriik the nerve-centers. Tour strength will respond to Scott's Emulsion but see that you get SCOTT S. Scott It Bowac , Bloomfield, N. I, if. rr- t - i f " -7 i ,h v. . . ; WIT ' ' j I r -v .. 51 kv -. v i il jf:'f A m I r : 1 ' Tt" s I I J , . rrn a reasonable a;titude of union! j Just the same, the union of bonk- j keepers, stenographers and typewrit- ers employed by the American Fed- ! eration of Labor has sen-ed demand! ' on that organization for a raise it . waees all down the line, a seven hour , day and a Saturday nail holiday am. a few other things. And the Amen can Federation of tjthor practically all of them ami its com promise proposals have been in turn : rejected. j Of course, if the employes go on j m ssiw imsifst Worxin MIMSTFJUXO TO SOI.DIKIU PCTlKMinAD. Feb. ! The officii st ii,jmvnt on operations Issued v.-sierday records the foilowin inci dent: "On January 19. in the region of ! Lnhiuty. on the niver Shara. suthea. lor Buranovichi. the chaplain of one hi, refuse I i afvi""ns- wi" "m and holy ' ' ws,,"r- niade a tour of our front line trenches blessing the troop. Al though under artillery and trench mortar fire of the enemy, the brave strike, all good union men are bound. I"" 7 ""i:.: "L matteY of principle, to boycott i . , v as a matter of principle, to the American Federation of Labor un til it settles the strike. And but fig ure out the other complications for yourself Kl I.I.S FATVFrt OF GIRT. WHO KKFISFD TO WW) HIM IV Pniilis.Tlicn Wotinds Cousin of I.V Year-Old Virginia. Whom He Shot At. KW TORIC. Jan. S9. Because fifteen-year-old Virginia Cammaro of ly wounded, the latter dying an hour later." 4 r fused to marry him. Joseph De Paulis. twenty-two. nf No. 19RJ St. Mark's Avenue attempted to ki!l her last night and then shot and killed j her father. Frank. I Pe Tuulis called at the gill's home HKI.P KOH BKOXCHIAI. lOl'UIIS. The simplest and quickest way to get rid of wearing racking coughs is to take Foley's Honey and Tar. You get the curative Influence of the. pme balsam and other healing Ingredient', together with the mollifying and lax ative action of honey Kdltor . T. Miller, Canneltnn. Irid. (Inquirer) No. 1 078 St. Mark's Place. Brooklyn! writes: was troubled with bro'i- cnial Htrevtion anil coughed constant ly day and niuht I took Foley's Honev and Tar and got relief. It k grat for bronchial colds and coughs." l.a grippe and bronchial coiiwlv". croup, hoarseness, tickling thr-nit. said he had kept company with her i yield readilv to it, h'alin Influence, for a year and thought It time thev ! Tallman & io. BOW OF US S MISSISSIPPI MISS CAMHU II' BEAT.1 When the new battleship Misslssip. . The Mississippi is one of the thre pi slides down the ways at Newport I dreadnoughts authorised by iongrfe .Vows Va.. on Januav !5. after MlfS , on June 30, 1914. Her sister shlpt. Camille McReath. a society girl of : the Idaho and the New Mexico, Mnridlan. Miss , christens her the i now under coiv-trnction Untied States will be well on the way toward having the last word ln sea fighting equipment. are at the New York Shipbuilding Company's yards, at Camden. N. J., and the Brooklyn navy yard, respectively. loo Cuivi 5-10-15 AND UP I how opposite THE COSY and PASTIME THEATRES. i t i I: i' I