TWELVE PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FEIDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1917. LI llffi OF THE NORTHWEST SERBIA 8ENBS MINISTER TO THE I'SITED STATUS t l,W LK 1 t " . k.. . .... "s - Oril MAIL ORDER DEPT. Close attention ts given your every want, and prompt service rendered. Be assured that your mail order will be filled carefully and forwarded im mediately. branch of Tins v. s. post OFFICE. We are now Sub Station No. 1 In the peat office service, where you can purchase your money orders. Insure packages, purchase stamps and mail your letters and parcels post pack ages. 1'se this service. Friday and Saturday the Last Two Days of THE GREAT WHITE SALE SATURDAY THE LAST SALES DAY Of one of the mostwonderful White Sales we have ever held. We promised you two rousing days to finish this great sale, and Friday went beyond our expectations. Now comes Saturday, the last and most important of all. -We're going to make it so. Many extra special bargains in White Goods will be displayed throughout all departments and they will all speak a saving in your coming season's white needs. In the face of a rapidly rising market you cannot help but see the advantage in buying NOW- . SNOWY WHITE GOODS OFFERED In Our Women's Ready-to-Wear Department ine Last Day Saturday Specials. Were you in the crowds that visited this busy department Friday? snowy wnite mat moved from this busy place? Did you see the heaps and piles of HERE ARE THE SPECIALS One small lot of Children's Muslin IVttjg, lace trim med, sixes l to 4 years. 75c Values to J tS.95 lingerie Waists at $1.98 Just a few of these dainty waists, made of voile and lawn, lace trimmings; low neck, long sleeves. Children's Muslin Drawers Lace and embroid ery trim; sites 4 to ( years. 35o to TSc Tal. So JSc Muslin Drawer at lfto Lace am embroid ery trimmings; only a few left; regular sites. Princess Slips Values from $1.25 to 13.50 for $1.10. Lace trimming; small siaes. 60c BRASSIERES I7o Plain and fancy, front closing; bro ken lot of sites. 1 IS.7S WHITE HOUSE DRESSES f 1.10 Neat plain tailored models; only t the lot NCRSES CAPS Neat plain white lawn, 15c val. 2 11.00 Muslin Gown Ttc 11.50 Muslin Gowns 8o 12.25 Muslin Gowns I1.S9 $2.50 Muslin Gowns $1.7 12.75 Muslin Gowns $1.8$ 1S.60 Muslin Gowns $3.8 11.00 Envelope Combinations 700 $1.50 Envelope Combinations 98e )2.25 Envelope Combinations.... UI $2.50 Envelope Combinations. . . . $1.79 13.75 Envelope Combinations.... $3.49 SI. 00 Net Ruffled Brassieres 29c $1.00 Muslin Petticoats Me $1.25 Muslin Petticoats 79c $1.50 Muslin Petticoats 98o 75c Crepe Knickers, 19o 25c Bust Ruffles ....4.... ISO $1.60 Plain Tailored Waists 79c J5o Corset Covers 19a $5.00 White Sweaters . $2.98 50c Children's Muslin Gowns S9o $1.25 Children's Muslin Gowns 79o $1.60 Children's Muslin Gowns..... 98o 75o Bust Pads 49c INFANTS' LONG MUSLIN PETTI COATS Values up to $1.75 29c MAIDS CAPS rlne embroidery laoe frills, 16c val. 1 J 2 MANICURIST APRONS Fine white lawn, tucked wide hem and ties; 36o values 15c SNOWY WHITE GOODS OFFERED IN OUR Art and Drapery Department THE LAST DAY SATURDAY SPECIALS 25c CRETONNE) 19c White back ground with pink, blue or yellow flowers. Dandy for covering wool comforters. 50c SCRIM Sic Comes in either cream or white. 18c SlIJvOLINE ite Just a few pieces left Come early. EMBROIDERY PACKAGES PRICE Includes waists, middies, children's dresses, etc. 85c STAMPED PILLOW CA6ES 720 500 STAMPED TOWELS 36c. CORSET SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY THE WHITE SALE'S LAST DAY Corsets Corsets Discontinued numbers in Gossard Corsets. Only a limited number of these famous Front Lace Corsets, values up to $8.60, Friday and Saturday, only 9iM We have a few B ck Lace Models to close out at the low price of 98c, formerly sold from $1.50 to $3.50. SNOWY WHITE GOODS OFFERED IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. The Last Day Saturday Specials. These and many other excellent values in your fu ture White Needs. BED SPREADS A good stock on hand. Best in quality, large size for single and double beds, also for cribs. These are reduc ed to such an extent that it will pay you to purchase now. $1.25 Qual., January White Sale 05 $1.50 Qual., January White Sale f 1.18 $2.00 Qual., January White Sale $1.7 $2.50 Qual., January White Sale f 1.98 $3.00 Qual., January White Sale .. $2.49 $3.50 Qual., January White Sale $2.98 $4.00 Qual., January White Sale $3.45 $4.50 Qual., January White Sale $3.95 $5.00 Qual., January White Sale $4.29 $6.00 Qual., January White Sale $4.95 $6.50 Qual., January White Sale $5.39 $7.00 Qual., January White Sale $5.98 J7-50 Qual., January White Sale ..... $.49 $8.00 Qual., January White Sale : . $9-89 $8.50 Qual., January White Sale $7.27 $9.00 Qual., January White gale $7.78 $10.00 Qual., January White Sale $7.95 LINENS This includes linens of all kinds, handkerchief, both heavy and sheer, Irish, round thread, Linen sheeting, etc. 65c Quality, January White Sale 49 75c Quality, January White Sale 59 85c Quality, January White Sale 67t $1.00 Qual., January White Sale 73 $1.25 Qual., January White Sale 95 $1.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.17 $2.00 Qual.', January White Sale $1.7 TOWELS Towels of all kinds, hand towels, Turkish towels, re duced. 10c Towels, January White Sale. 8 12 c Towels, Jan. White ' Sale 10 20c Towels, January White Sale 16 25c Towels, January White Sale 19f 35c Towels, January White Sale 274 40c Towels, January White Sale 33 50c Towels, January White Sale 43 65c Towels, January" White Sale 57t WHITE BLANKETS $1.25 Quality, January White Sale 98 $1.50 Quality, January White Sale $1.18 $2.00 Quality, January White Safe $1.71 $3.00 Quality, January White Sale $2.49 Pendleton's Most Popular Shoe Department Invites you, during your White Sale shopping, to call in this best of all departments where you may ac quaint yourself with all the best and most correct styles of footwear for the coming season. And throughout every line of shoes in this com plete stock you will find we have strictly adhered to our T. P... W. principle "The Best for the Price, no Matter What the Price." SNOWY WHITE GOODS OFFERED IN OUR LADIES FURNISHING DEPARTMENT THE LAST DAY SATURDAY SPECIALS. v LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 35c plain or fancy linen handkerchiefs, also hand kerchief centers; White Sale Price 28 PEARL BUTTONS 8c Big assortment of - sizes, regular 10c and 15c Pearl Buttons; White Sale Price, dozen 8 8c AND 10c NARROW EM BROIDERY 5c YD. Both Swiss and Cambric edgings and insertions, suit able for children's dresses and underwear. White Sale Price, yard 5 9 TO 18-in. EMBROIDERY FLOUNCINGS 28c YD. Just the very thing for children's dresses and petti coats, for making collars on wash dresses and for mak ing all kinds V)f lingerie. White Sale Price, yard 28 18 TO 27-in. EMB. and LACE FLOUNCING Vi PRICE Values from $1.00 to $5.00 These are last season' goods, good styles and pat terns but mussed from handl ing; just to clean them up, White Sale Vi Price. WOMEN'S AND CHIL DREN'S UNDERWEAR. Whether of wool, cotton, silk and wool or all silk, summer or winter weight, we offer you our entire stock at the following reductions: 25c Garm't White Sale.. 19 35c Garm't, White Sale 28 50c Garm't, White Sale 39 65c Garm't, White Sale 49 75c Garm't, White Sale 59 85c Garm't, White Sale 69 $1.00 Garm't White S... 79t $1.25 Garm't, White S... 98 $1.50 Garment, W. S. $1.19 $1.75 Garment, W. S. $1.39 $2.00 Garment, W. S. $1.59 20c Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy line 16 Plain and Crossbar Hand kerchiefs 2f 75c Baby Bibs of Wash Silk 59 $1.50 White Silk Hose $1.38 $1.15 White Silk Hose 95f 85c White Silk Hose.... 77 ?5c White Lisle Hose.. 28 40c White Lisle Hose.. 36 8c and 10c Embroideries 5 5c and 6c Laces 3 18 to 27-in. Emb. Flounc ing. $1.00 to $4.50 yard V, Price. See Our Special Ad on Page 5. Pendletons Greatest Department Store The, Peoples Warehouse ' Where It Pays to Trade THE BARGAIN BASEMENT. Just turned over to this money saving department $350.00 worth of Children's and Misses'Shoes in dull calf, patent leath er, cloth and leather tops, and one big lot of gun metal shoes. All of solid leather.stock. Sole leather counters, genuine chrome leather tips, "and full vamped, making double leather over the toes. Offered on sale during Saturday, the last day of the White Sale. First come, first served. ST. HELEN'S, Or, Feb. 2. Final details have been completed for rights of way and traikase in St. Helens for the Holland, Brlggs and Avery Logging Co. which will begin lined lately to construct a logging railroad to Its Urge timber holdings near Trenholm. The road will tap a district holding 175,000,000 feet of timber. The land after logged off will be used for farms, ASTORIA, Feb. 2 Fifty towns, villages and community organisations in Clatsop and Columbia counties have united in an effort to bring the Oregon legislature's attention to the need of state appropriations for com pleting Columbia river highway work in the two counties. Both Clatsop nnd Columbia bonded themselves to build the highway through their dis tricts, but funds gave out before the work was completed. Now the state Is being asked to finish the Job. MISSOULA, Mont., Feb. 2. The modern student as a rule ts out ol touch with the world in which he lives according to the belief of Carl H"lli day, professor of English at the Uni versity of Montana. "With the exception of their text books, in which some students show a passing Interest, books fail to win the attention of the average student," said Prof. Holliday. "Excepting the students In journalism and current events classes, the seniors themselvea are indifferent to what passes on out side the campus. They lose much of their Interest even In looking on al the game of life and surround them selves with their text fcookalmd their own self sufficiency. It la deplorable that the task of getting an educa tion causes many students to neglect numerous educational opportunities. PORT ANOHLES, Wash., Feb. 2 Philchuck Julln, Indian seeress, claims credit for the snows which have Wn threatening the northwest off and on for about a week. Some followers langhed at Julia for being an erring weather prognosticator, but she foretold a snow "two squaw deep" and shortly after that the lit tle flagee hegan tumbling down. GOLD HILL, Or.. Feb. 2. John Hammersley, government hunter, Is dally undergoing the novel experience of meeting folks who believed him dead. The report that Hammersley had been slain and devoured by a pack of timber wolves was thorough ly circulated while he was In the Ca- csdes on a hunting trlpp. and ever since his return he has been greeted with gnsps of astonlxhment, palslel hand shakes nnd palll(t cheeks. Like Mark Twain. Hammersley says the re port of his death was "very much ex aggerated." POnTLAKO, Fe5b. J An anti-cat ordinance will probably be acted up on soon by the Portland city council. It is designed to eliminate, homeless cats but some of Its advocates want It so drastic that all cats- will be slain. V. 8. SEEKS RELEASE OV TURKISH TOBACCO WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 Two ship loads of Turkish tobacco, valued at more than 11,000,000 each and con signed to the American Tobacco com pany have been detained at Mediter ranean ports by the French naval au thorities. One ship ts at Algiers, the other at a port which the department of state is attempting to learn. The department Is using Its good offices In an effort to procure the release of the tobacco. X It's as easy to please a nenemy as it Is not ts please a friend. FIVE MINUTE TALKS BY NATIONAL LEADERS. 1 f 1 10 ' ,1, M v . GOV AHlHVa CAPPtJa More and more insistently the peo ple are demanding that Uncle Sam 'shall dissnlva his rrlminsl nsrtner. ship with the booze business and quit the trade of bartender. National con stitutional prohibition Is coming with , a rush. Nothing can stops it You can travel today clear across the ; United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific and never set foot off state, wide prohibition territory. The Unit ed States will be, a saloonless nation not later than the year 1(20. 0 -; - v 17 V' J 1'k ""-l.i i f- in r 1 L. Mihallovltch, who has Just ar rived In Washington aa minister to the United States, has presented his credentials to Secretary Lansing. The only other Balkan state which sends a minister here is Bulgaria, whose minister has been here about two years. - 43 OOl KINS WILL WET tXSD. Dixtributkm of $1,250,000 to Hetty Grecnt Kinsmen Planned. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. Hetty Green's 428 cousins are soon to re ceive their share of the tl,250,Ot trust fund originally willed to Sylvia Ann Howland. The amounts range from (27,000 to about 203,000, th maximum sum being given to thre grandchildren of Sylvia Ann Howland and three grelt-grandchildren. There are It heirs who will inherit 213,500. Other large shares are di vided as follows: Ten shares of 29000, 23 shares of 20750, four shares of 25400. AMUSEMENTS UE.1, fO.MlO OPERA Is IHITEI8 "IIliAC DOMINO'' Rarest of Treats Jg oix-ncd at HHIig and la Thoroughly Enjojcd. (Taken from the Portlund Eveiilns Telegram, Friday, January 2$. By John w. Kelly.) ' Comic opera, suspected of being al most as extinct as the pterodactyl or as rare as a neutral In belligerent Eu rope, ts brought to life In "The Lilao bomlno." This almost absolete form of entertainment is being offered at the Hellig by Andreas Lippe,r whose adventures In grand opera are famil iar to theater goers, and It is to be sincerely helped that Mr. Dlppel will continue to Unearth and produce op eras vomlue of quality equal to that now on display In Portland. Of musical comedy "shows," con sisting of one eccentric comedian sur rounded by a flock of lenit-dressed horns girls, there has been no lack, but the real, pleasurable comic operas have been as rare as the visits of an gels in recent years. "The Llluc Domino" not only follows the te :t traditions of its special class of enter tainment, but the interpreting ooiu- lny is worthy of praise for the qual ity of voices displayed. There Is comedy a-plenty of the clean, clever sort, eu plied by four or five men; there are lilting melodies wen sung, and there is the story. What is particularly noticeable In the presentation of "The Lilao Dom ino" is the distinctnes of the enuncia tion of the principals. Usually, sunt; numbers are mouthed until it is im possible to understand the singers. In the present Instance, every word can be caught of song or dialogue. Take Bradford Klrkebrlde, the tenor, for Instance. It Is a genuine delight to listen to him, not only because of hia vocal abilities, but because of his fac ulty for enunciation. There is an army of singers In these Unlt.t 8tats who would do well to copy Mr. Klrke bride's example. The same is true of Yvonne Darle, who has the title role, and of all the other principals. In adapting this comic opera for the American stage, the American weakness for ragtime has received due consideration. From time to time the tempo is changed to the syn copated style, adding a touch of gin ger There is one bit of burlesque In troduced which stormed the house last night This Is where Joseph Car ey, Edward Crawford, Qeorgs Cur wn and Archibald Ollchrlst, with Mrr rle Hamilton travesty the trained dog act of vaudeville, and this they fnl low with a screaminly funny burles que of the Russian ballet. Harry Hermsen, well remembered fiere as a German dlaject comedian, Is another laugh-maker. "The Lilac Domino' Is on of the most satisfying programs offered at the Heitlg this season. This show will be at the rtrenvs Theater Tuesday night, February .