East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 02, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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I 5
iuiiiUiiiiimuiHimumiiiiiiii iiiiHiiniiHiiuiiimiuis imtiiunnu d
Fancy Fruits
and Vegetables
APPLES, BOX $1.15.
Honda Tomatoes, pound - 25c
French Artichoke, each
Imperial Valley Lettuce, head 15c
Green Pepper, pound
Celery, hunch J
Cauliflower, large head f
Brussel Sprout, pound
Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c
Sweet Oranges, Special, dozen.
Other Sizes from 35c to 50c
Mince Meat, pound 15c
Salad Mustard, 2 bottles -5c
Clam Chowder, large can 15c
Columbia River Salmon, 3 cans 25c
Two Phone, 28 823 Main St
Orerure I J Main to.
The -W. R. & N. CO.. UiruuKU .i.
mnnr department la sending oui
Merattire relating to urange
Kirch 1.
Kstatre Are Closed.
W. A Gilliam, administrator 01 m
rotate or the late Charles and Cath
rin. rwrtlw. has filed hi final re
port and has asked to be discharged
after a final hearing.
TonsiU itomowd.
The roung eon of C. H, Johnson,
who nnlv recently recovered from an
attack of the measles, this morning
underwent an operation at the ho
nit.1 fnr th. removal of tonsils and
! luiiHiiimtittiUHiiiuniiiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimi iiiininn J
llaskoiltali Toutebt.
There will be a double header oas
ketball game tonight at the high
school. The first, Weston mgn vs.
P. H. S. freshmen. The second. Wes
ton second team glrU vs. P. It. S sec
ond team girls.
there has been little time for anything
else. Louie W, Hill, president of the
Great Northern, has extended himself
to show them a good time, he says.
The carnival eights are well worth
seeing, he writes. The delegation is
breaking up today and some mem
bers will go on to New York. It Is
reported that Hill has wired Great
Northern headquarters tn New York
to look after the Pendletomans there
on thejr arrival.
Charity Meeting Tonight.
It Is announced that'a regular meet
ing of the Associated Charities will
be held at the mayor's office In the
city hall at 7:15 this evening.
No No, 18 I" lit II I.at
Owing to the snottslid, s ral of
here. No. IS was not run out of Port
land this morning but will leave there
at this evening. From the east a
stub of 17. made up at t-a Grande, is
M-hemlled to arrive here at t p. ni.
Mr. Workingman
Do we get your business? If we do not, for we have 99 per cent : of the kingm..'.
trade, we should have it, a. our price, are right down to rock bottom j
it isn't a question of saving one or two cent, on account of our price. be.ng ontheodd
cents, but it is a fact that we can Save you 10 cent, to 50 cent, and on a good many
articles, $1.00, over the price of our competitors. The quality of our good, is always
up to the standard. In buying strictly for cash and in such large quantities as we
do we can get enormou. discount, and with our operating expense, the lowet pos
sible we are able to give you the merchandise at quite a saving over any competition.
Men's Work ; loves
Men's !t tied Work (ikivca. .
Men's Work Halt
Men's Work SlilrtM
Men- Haiine! Shirts
Men's Stag Shlrtr
Men's Wool Work Socks. . .
Men's Cotton Work Sock
Men's Work Suspender . . .
Moil's Shop Caps
. . . 61k', '. M
4c, f. Hi'
.. 9Ht. M. $l 8
1.25, fl..
2 for JSe, i.V, Stk'
6e, S for S.V
25c, th-
JC Prnnry Co Irx J
Men's Waist Overalls Mo
Men's Hlb Overall 83o, Mo
Men's Canwnter Overall "Sc. ll.St
Men's Palmer's Overalls 8so
Men's Khaki Pants 1 1 .15
Men's Cotton Work Pants 11.25. $2.S
Men s lUuidana Handkerchiefs ... Ik 3 for 25c
Men's Work Aprons ita
Men's Heavy Work Shoes $2.9 to $.V&
Men's Medium Work Shoes 93.50 to $.
Not Omi Old Home, rlaoe.
Th. A. C. Hemphill home near 1 1
lot Rock, which burned Monday night
was not the old home place or tne ,
Hemphilto but was on what Is known
as the old Burr Johnson place, ac- ;
cording to Mr. Hemphill, who was
here yesterday.
Open Nook Kxams, Abolished.
County Superintendent Young thil
morning received word from State
superintendent Churchill that, begin
ning with the May examinations,
there will be no more olen-book ex
aminations for elghh grade pupils in
his tory and civil government as heretofore.
Sues) for Paint BUI.
Walter 8. Payne has Drougni
A. Ruckky Proniold.
A bulletin received at the local
0-W. station this morning announces
In the circuit court against
nA Stella. Horseman of Weston
Judgment for 1185 alleged to De au
for painting buildings of the defend
ants. Will M. Peterson is attorney
for the plaintiff.
George t that A. Buckley, who has been assist-
Would Save Experiment Stations.
The Commercial Club of The Dalles
has written to the Pendleton Commer
cial Association asking Its assistance
In opposing the attempt of some
members of the legislature to cut out
aU appropriations for agricultural
extension work and agricultural ex
periment stations. It Is pointed out
nnt superintendent on the Lu Grande
division, has been transferred, to the
Portland division to succeed P. I
Coykendall who, the bulletin says, will
assume other duties.
i that this is an
that It wouia oe nuae tu,..,....
hamper the work along those lines.
IN'tnnn rrom Chicago.
0. K. Roosevelt has returned to
Pendleton from Chicago where ho
went several weeks ago on business
connected with the glide go-cait
which he Invented. While there a
number of salesmen were put on the
road and Mr. Roosevelt states th:it
thev reported the glide car easy to
agricultural state and ' sell to dealers,
A Beautiful Showing of New
Spring Dresses
Just unpacked and ready for showing tomorrow,
a handsome selection of afternoon dresses in Geor
gette Crepe, Chiffon Taffeta, Crepe Meteor and
Charmeuse Satin, showing beautiful beaded effects,
in new spring shades of Rose, Rague Blue, Bisque,
Sapphire Blue, Myrtle Green, Burgundy and Navy.
Seasonably priced ?12.50 up to $42.50
"Queen Quality" Shoes.
Wallowa Boys W on.
Wallowa vs. Pendleton high school
boys' basket ball game last night was
fast and furious. The two teams
were about even in team work. Our
boys seemed to be the best basket
shooters while the Wallowa boys were
beat st passing. In the last half the
game seemed to be going all to Wal
lowa until the last few minutes of th
half when our boys began to show
some real team work and annexed
noints durine the remainder of
half. The final game ended Wrallowa
27, "Pendleton 22.
i i
IVor Down Out of Mis.
Sam Walker, who Is in today from
tils ranch seven miles up on McKay J
creek, reports that a number of deer
have Come dow n out of the mnitn- i
tains and are browsing along the ,
(reek. One Is staying on his place.
lie states, and three on the ranch just t
above him. A cow elk is staying on ,
the George Jones ilace on Mcla
creek, he says.
ikkea Thumb in Accident.
Sam Oliver of 612 Maple street, lost
the first Joint of his right thumb yes
terday afternoon about 4 o'clock in
an accident that occurred on West
Webb street. He was assisting Oscar
Pace start his motorcycle. One of
the pedals was off and In some man
ner Oliver's thumb was caught ny tne
drive chain just as the engine started.
The end of the thumb was torn com
pletely off. The young man was ta
ken to St. Anthony'B hospital where
the wound was dressed and the Injur.
ed member bandaged.
A Little San; on One Brake snd Oil on the Other and Car is Lost
Control ot in emergency.
automobile con- ing all forces equally between the
Mi.r.v followers
traction weie somewhat disappoint- rear wheels. At the same time the
d In the N VorK .ni un n-iiismission nraKe is more powerful
nrk Show this yeur i transmission brake
fcae&Ufce no real Improve merit in brak- Lecause of the Hearing.
n MUiPinent as h,.wn In the meat, tio of the average car Is about 4 to 1,
majority of ci. -s. While it is true j ro the brake drum re voleg four times
That year after year other better- i f.iiter than the rear wheels and gives
iiients haw bwtt Inrorporated. brakes i four times the leverage for the break
-have received iittle attention.
The discussion c nters mainly ar
nimd the service brake and It ism'' oe- jf.mplish the same result. This ease
lirfofagoodmanyeniiineersinaiine.nl operation appeals to the average
The gear ra
in effort. Thus only one-quarter as
jn.ufh fon:e must be exerted to ac
I.TUCtlop of putting nervine nrah(;s on
wheels l lunoanienvaiu
The trouble is I hut it i. mi
to eo'ialixe braking effet.
he foot penal is
bv comblie
linkage, hut
no control
the rear
"! pressure
m he-l
between the reur
ti-d mechanisms
fine adjustments or
user of tin car has
The lurtrer allowable variation of
pressure. lue to the high speed of the
drum, is also a valuable feature as It
practically eliminates the chance lock
ir.z of wheels with consequent skid
ding dancers and excessive tire wear.
Lastly, the transmission brake Is not
located In such an exposed position as
reeliiitatlon llclow Normal.
the i M . T . ,
ion i or ine iiifiuiii 01 juiiui, wm
of an Inch, according to the records. ' I
This ts only about half the normal
precipitation for the month. The
,, i 1 a i n i, .... n'i.
"MOVtlilll WHS 1 llivilt,. ... j
warmest day was the 2Mh when the j
mercury rose to 68 and the coldest
night was on the let when the ther
mometer. reiistered five above. There
were ten days on which there was
precipitation, ten clear days, ten
1 artly cloudy and 15 cloudy.
Sheriff Taylor Writes.
8heriff T. D. Taylor, president of
the Itound-T'p and head of the excur
sionists at St. Paul, In a letter to his
office force writes that the days and
nights have been so filled for the Pen
dleton representatives there that
if. " r
, l v 'l
I rl? it
v-" III
: ' 1
.T.A-OA JABGE3. 1 li
I I ill v-r" - j HI I
mil iiim l.ieuer. of Morrlstown. B:!
N. J.. who caused a sensation hy ap- Hj j
pearing on the beach attired in a B ij
deep purpe leather coat over her B
bathing suit. I 9
! Sllr' ASKS VOlt- TO Vll i f I
Biydenstein & Co.
i -Vlv1 1300 W. AlU Street. Phone 351
' 'ifiH Town office with Will Moore, phone 35 j
tlx: ', ''
. , WJ0ml And Still Another
7 - A s $ r: '$Jf&' W 111 1!
f. W Carload Coming
i -v.., -. x the Inaugural committee, has sent out I , 11 II H M 11 I I 1 i
1 ' " an invitation to the women's organ!- II I I M JJ IvJj V i l
I'" sr)"""'-',, 1 ' II mmr 9r mt 9 i ;
' I rr -n .super-six "
1 y : ouiiiis
y " : ll"fl
stations of the country to send delegu
lions to march In the Inaugural pa
lade. TJse went directly to the gov
ernor of every state. She believes so
much has been done to reeognlie wo
men officially In the last four years
they should taka part In the Important
f cm-lion of installing a president.
reported that Sau Illegal and Run
Pedro fishing boats drove the Mexican
patrol boat Esmeralda ashore on th.i
San QiHiitln harbor rwf. Ttie liatnn
boat pursued Iho flKhiiig smacks.
ljiUr they lunicd and ilrovp Uie war
ship im Uie ris'f.
CHAKLKS1XN, W. Va., Feb. 2. A
Mil offered In the state house of del
egates makes cigarette smoking In
West Virginia a criminal offense and
possession of cigarettes a misdemea
nor. Celling or giving away cigarettes,
cigarette papers or tobacco used tn
the making of cigarettes Is forbidden.
Ortiuin People Hack Kaiser.
BKIU.IN, t-b. S. Pew rmans
j hatfeve tliut Ann'rlc will dtvlare war.
I They think tlio Gorman blockade will
i force llrlialn to sue for peace. The
IHsiplc are linlutlly Iwu klng the gov
ttrmiiciit. All fore Hr cooperating.
pnunliH'iit men said tile submarine
will "cm tiH, allies' hliMid vessels." . ,
Warship IMiven on Reef.
SA DllXiO, IXb, 2 Hshcrnieo
of Watches
and Jewell y
THE Jeweler
lopped Alfalfa
The Best Second Crop
You will find your horses, cows and chickens
will do better on this. Also long and baled Al
falfa, Barley, Corn, 0at3 and other feeds, by
the sack or carload.
Beardless and Bald Barley and Seed OaU
(.louiulliog Sees Xo Shadow.
If the old superstition about the i
groundhog and his shadow counts for
nnjthin'JT. Pendleton is to have an early
spring. Today is Groundhog Day and
there was no sun before o'clock by
nhich a shadow could be cast. The
s'in shone for a brief interval after 11
hut the superstition h;is It that It must
shine before 9. The only groundhog
seen hy any Pendletonlnns Is the stuf
fed one in the windows of Major Huor-house.
wer the condition of the brnklr.g sur- iare rear wheel brakes and Is therefore
fr- The brakes sre In an exposen j less liable to pick up dirt and grease.
fHDdtlon mar the gioond and pick up. Two American manufacturers, one
nl. mud. oil, etc. A little sand onjof whom is the Franklin Automobile
, ',. , hn 0f greasy mud or oil on Company, Syracuse. N. T., use the
tu other spoils all the
n In. eiinsllzing the
careful work
forces exert-
As soon as one wheel aeieiops
worn ova on the road than the other.
Ow car Is alir.mt sure to skid.
The unequal bra.Ulng effects are
Atmnlrtt.lv eliaiiiialcd b rttln
mmmr xervlce brake on
transni lesion service
marked success.
the transmi
grant dlsirlhut-
The KRANKUN car Is sold
by, and on display in the show
room of the '
pi:Mi,irro acto co.
12 Johnson ft. Phone S 4 1
Judge Jury, court attaches, the
aged father of Bpanell's wife, specta
tors and even the counsel for both
sides wept( and Bpanell, in the mldsl
of his recital, collapsed on the stand
when testifying during his trial, for
the murder of bis wife at Bun An
gelo, Texa.
The story the accused wife mur
derer told Is one of the most dramat
ic known tn Texas court annals,
ripanell, In fact, swore that M, C. Bat
ler, whom the defendant Is also ac
cused of killing, shot and killed Mrs.
Spanell during the fatal automobile
ride. panell asserted that hr then
killed the iirmy officer during a strug
gle to regain the revolver.
Optometrist and Optician
Scientific optical
work. 11 years
'--e experience.
American National Pank Building,
Don't confuse the HUDSON SUPER-SIX with
sixes of the old type. The Super-Six is a unique
type a basic invention, controlled by Hudson
patents. It differs from other Sixes more than
Eights or Twelves do.
Some makers abandoned the V-types because
of the Super-Six. The added cylinders seemed
useless additions when the Super-Six bo excelled.
See them in our show room.
117. 119. III. 123 Wert Court St.
Telephone 468
..n differential