DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1917. page ixcv: T1 T is simply delicious when made with KBg Powder Pure Healthful Economical The highest grade of baking powder pos- i sible to buy and your money refunded f if it fails to satisfy. Ask your dealer. I Jaquea Mfg. Co.,, Chicago qf A TALBOT Arrow H COLLARS are curve cut to fit the shoulders perfectly Xfiw CUtett, ptabody 6tCo:lnc.iikw ; .a TWELVE PAGE3 c1 t I - t, , ' s V" ' -- . , f . , . y. t i i . i Sf v - ; if-" . . t .; j . ; ; , "TIZ,? PUTS JOY IN SORE, ACHING FEET "MT, IUW 'TIZ' GLADDENS THIE SWOIJ,EN, BURNING FEET IT8 GLORIOUS. sarfsat n Ah! what relief. No more tlreJ ffot; no more bunilng feet; no more swollen, achlnc, trader, cwoaty feet. No more aorenew in corm, iullciuo, bunlont. No matter what alia your feet or what under the aim you've tried with out Retting relief, Juat use "Tit" "Tla" la the only remedy that draw out all the polnonnu exudatlona which puff up the feet. "Tlx" euro your foot trouble ao you'll never limp or draw up your face in pain. Your hoea won't aeem tight and your feet win never, never nun or set aore ana swollen. Think of It no more foot Misery, bo more arony from corna, eallouaea or bunlona. Oet a 16-cent box at any drug store or department at ore and get instant tellef. Wear smaller shoes. Just once try 'Tlx," Oet a whole year'a foot comfort for only IS cents. Think Of it COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR DARKKNS BEAITIFWXV AND ium)ar its N.vrntALi oi. OR AND M'STltE AT ONCE. . Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea., with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and , faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, la trou blesome. An easier way Is to get the ready to use preparation Improved by the addition of other ingredients, costing about 60 cents a large bottl, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Rage and Hulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractivenH By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so natural ly, so evenly. Tou Just dampen a epongejsoft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; hy morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound I t delightful toilet requls- lie. It Is not intenaea ror me cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Get a 10 cent package of Dr. James' Headache Powden and don't stiff er. WTion your head aches you simply must have relief or you will go wild. It's needless to suffer when you can tVe a remedy like Dr. Jamc' Hcnd aclie Powders and relieve the pain and n-Mtnuia at once. Send someone to the drag rtore now for a dime paekape , of Dr. James' Hnadache Powders. J i'L sulTer! In a few moments you ' "I feel line headache gone no more ' TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS THE KIDNEYS AOVISES FOIKfl TO OVERCOMB JUDNKT AND BIjADDER TROU BLE! WHUiK IT IS ONLY TROUBLE. Bating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble In some form or other, aaya a well known author ity, because the uric acid In meat ex cites the kidneys, they become over worked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sort of distress, particularly backache and misery In the kidney region; rheumatlo twinges, severe headaches, acid atomach, constipation, torpid liver, sleepiness, bladder and urlnnry Irritation, The moment your hack hurts or kldaeys aresi't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four HEADACH 1 I, -T' , f y - Ait 'J - j Yvonne I)arle and ClMmig Maid in Andrea Dipper Create of All Must" l-Vbruarj Ith. NOMINAL OFFERINGS OF LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Feb. t. There were only two loads of livestock received in the North Portland yards over night. Extreme strength continues in prac tically every line of trade in the local market. Hogs are quoted firm at the ex treme record forced during the pre vious 24 hours, and further advances are generally forecast. General hog range: Heavy packing til S5ll.40 Heavy butchers 1 1.26 11.30 Rough heavy 10.6011.00 Pigs 70610.50 gtockera J 9.00 ii 9.60 &d fatilc Are Scarce. Real scarcity la shown li the sup ply of good quality cattle In the North Portland yards. Over night there was JuBt a handful of stuff reported in and extrwne top values were not given a test. General cattle market range: Bent heavy beef steers... $g 50 W 9 00 Best light beef steers 8.25 8.60 Beet, bee cows 7.75 Best heifers 7. 75 Ordinary to good cows. . . . 6.40 Sf 8.75 Heavy bulls 6.00?5.r,O Light hulls 4.254.S'I Calves 7.00 & 8 00 Stocker-ifeeder steers .... 6.755ffi.ui stocker.feeder cows . 5.0086.00 No Mutton Received. Neither mutton nor lambs were received In the North Portland yards overnight. While the big killers have amplo supplies for the Immediate future from their own feed lots, the small blltoner re famished. Trade in gen , very gtron General mutton and lamb market: Best east mountain lambs I12fi'15.2' Best vallev lambs 11.75f 12 On Yearlings" 10.26fl0.5 Wethers 10.00(910.51 Ewes !.00 9.26 Goat 4 25 4.30 Thursday l,lvestock Slilimrrs. Hogs W. Given, Estarades, l load cnttle and hogs. SWE ntFLVTES IN MEXICO. I ATBANV CATnOIilCR DEMAND J.000 In Catliedral Shout Indignation When Told of Peril of Archbishop of (inalalojara. ALBANY, Jan. 29. Jumping to their feet and shouting their lndlcna tlon, 2.000 men representing the Holy Name societies of Albany made an un usual demonstration In the Catholic dihedral here today when Bishop Thomas F. Cuslck read a telegram from the Catholic Extension Society of Amorlen stntlnir that the lives of two Catholic prelates were In Jeopardy In Mexico. TO FLUSH IF YOUR BACK JUIRTS ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablesponful in glass of water before breakfast for a few days ad your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes, and lemon Juice, combined with 1 Ith la, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also, to neutral ise the acids In the urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorder. Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llthW water drlhk which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. A resolution calling upon New York's representatives in congress to protest to the president against the arrest mid court martial of the two prelates was adopted with yells of ap proval. The telegram read by Bishop Cus ack stated that the Archbishop of Gualalopara and the Bishop of ?.aca tecas were arrested In Mexico and were in grave danger, and that any In fluence that could be brought to bear on senators and congressmen might ssve their lives. "Telegraphic action only chance." concluded the message. Bishop Cusack said the two men had lef) Mexico and had spent two .ears fn the United Blades. They 're turned a short time ago. 'having re reived assurance from Carranx that relUioiiH liberty had been restored. Coal teamsters should reflect that even the prospect of freexlmtn death is more or less unpleasant. Even the philosophical owner of fireproof building may Insure it PENDLETONIANS GIVE WILD WEST THRILLS ST. PAUL, Feb. 2 If St. Paul larks the least detail of the true western spirit it will be the Pen dleton, Ore., Round-Up's fault. Riding to the Union Depot late yesterday to meet some be laud friends a bronrho buster spied an individual emerging frmn th. ifrn.ltn.rlran ntllh and encircled him with his.la.ssd i p"w R-'l'" Fa-illUes Causes Short. The captive resisted and seemed j age of Fotxl TImtc an in Mohciiw. so likely to escape that the other , LONDON, Feb. 2 Russia is exper punchers rushed to the rewue. j lenclng famine in the midst of plen and soon had fifteen ropes I '. according to an undated article in around the unfortunate. 1 the. Times from a correspondent in A short time later the Round- i that country. The article refers chief up appeared at the Athletic club h I"" nut exclusively to Petrograd nnd reouired F C Sorenson. a iand Moscow The writer believe-" member of the staff, to dance to j that there is enough food In Russia a nistol aecomnaninient. : While seeking refreshments I later thev Indignantly shook the dust on two buffets before they finally found with portals gen- eroiis enough'to penult them to ride in on horseback. MADAM, HAVE h : I . : fs , t .; i ' r" i , J - - ii n il i --- mriy Situatlonn, "The Ulac D omiaio," ()non Theater, Tuesday, 1 1 .'"l j Bead Admiral A W. Grant, head I of the submarine service, is strongly i in favor of submarines of 81)0 tons j ratex than those of 1200 or 1500 tons advocated by some officers of the j navy. IlKIORTS rETHOGHAD FAMINE. to supply the entire population ror two years, but owing to the Inade quacy of the railroads, the lack of or ganization and co-ordination in dis tribution the people In some districts find it difficult and even Impossible to get supplies. The people of Petrograd have to starwl in line for many hours to ob- YOU FIAT FEET? 6. . ; f 1 1, . : V A' 9 tain meat, bread, milk, sugar and vegetables. The thermometer in the capital is sometimes 20 below zero. COLD HAMPERING IND AND SEA OPERATIONS IN EUROPE Ice choking Northern ship Passage Some Vessels Fast; Severe Weather In British Isles. LONDON. Feb. 2. The increasing cold la progressively hampering and sometimes halting movements both on land and sea in Europe. Several Danish and Swedish harbors in th Cattegat and Baltic are becoming choked with Ice around the skaw, reaching to a very considerable dis tance seaward. Some small vessels are icebound off Denmark and the Danish lightships have been with draw n. The great belt, little belt -and sound are all threatened w th closure. It is reported that the southern sound Is already frozen over. Operations in Roumania are report ed to be virtually impossible owing to the weather. The Times' correspond ent says that Germans recently cap tured wore summer outfits and that some of them had died on the way to internment camps. A piercing frost, accompanied by wind, has continued for many days in the British Isles. There has been an exceptional snowfall in Ireland, ex ceeding the record of 25 years. W. C T. U. WANTS GRAPE BUSINESS- INVESTIGATED SACRAMENTO, Jan. 30. The state board of Viticulture as directed In a bill prepared by officers of the Wom en s Christian Temperance Union, presented In the legislature today by Assemblyman Petitt of Fresno county, to give attention to the question of what uses can be made of wine grapes should the manufacture of wines con taining alcohol be prohibited. The bill further directs the board to Invea. tigate methods of how wine-grap vineyards may, be transformed Info other uses in the event of prohibition. "The board shall do all In Its pow er," the bill reads, "to find uses for grapes which will he profitable to the growers without being harmful to the commonwealth." The worst .fault some people have Is telling other people of theirs. I CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS BENTLET A MONTGOMERY, REaL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 815 Main street Phone 404. AUCTIONEERS. COL W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTION eer, makes a spcialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonian office. SECOND HAND DEAI.ERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our price. 21S E. Court street Phone I71W. ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH. AROHI tect. Despala Building. Phone TO 8. Pendleton, Oregon. MT8CEIJ,ANBOUS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT De scription for county court, circuit court, Justice court, real estate, etc tor sale at Bast Oragonlaa office. PERSONAL NOTES OF THE GIBBON COUNTRY (East Oregonian Special.) GIBBON", Feb. 2. Mrs. Frank Gr&rtly of Leese, Wash., is here visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs. Grasty. was a resident of Gibbon but for the past 12 years has lived at Leese. Mr. and Mrs. George Brace spent last week in Pendleton. Mr. Brace being threatened with pneumonia and under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson have both been ill the past week with a severe case of lagrippe. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sayre were vis itors in Pendleton Friday and Sat urday. Ed Mitchel and Chas. Rose were called to Pendleton Friday by the death of their mother and aunt, Mrs. O. W. Mitchel. John Hager spent Saturday and Sunday In Pendleton visiting his sis ter Mrs. Lee Drake. Will Brace returned to Pendleton Saturday after spending the week on the river. Miss Evalyn Meagor went to Pen dleton Saturday to spend the week end with her sister Mrs. C. H. Wil liams. Albert Baker and W. W. Hoch spent POET STARTLES POETS. ' nTTi 3ANB0RN j Futurists, cubista, post-Impression ists and all other modernists have been started by the new volume ol Pitts Sanborn, famous musical and operatic critic. In his little book ol poems Just published, "Vi de Bor deaux' he sings the spirit of the French women in the war. That he knows it is proved by his lines. - -' - ' ' . i i ''. r i I t i v i 1 1 f J ST. t I l! St - . I liriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiifiiutK. HOODIES, CHOP SUEY. CHINA DISHES 1 1 GOEY'S KWONG HONG LOW I 116 Wert I Alt. St.. Uptir,.' Phoo. 433 ftWiiiHliir'""'-.iilllllllllllHIIIIHIIIIIIllllllllllllllinHIHHHng ' ATTORNEYS, JOHN W. HUFF. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room S. American Nation at Bank buildlfig. RALEY at RALET, ATTORENTS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. FEE A FEE. ATTORENY8 AT LAW. Office In Deapain building. CARTER SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Offloe In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES R PERRY, ATTORN EW AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms t and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice n all state and federal courts. Roeaee, 7, anJ , Despala building. a couple of days last week In Pen dleton. Lon Bullen and Cue Sebig went down to Pendleton today for a few days. Mrs. Dave P.onifcr was in Pen dleton several days last week having dental work done. Fred Pittman who is trapping on the river this winter went out to Weston this week to visit his family. PIG BRISTLES ON WOMEN'S HATH Chicago Designer to Use Tnexa I Place of Aigrette. CHICAGO, Feb. 2. Pig bristle will be used by many Chicago millin ers in the manufacture of Imitation aigrettes affer February 1, when the sale of genuine aigrettes becomes Il legal. In addition to teaching army men how to fly Uncle Sam should supply them with reliable wings. Do not Judge the liquor by the fancy bottle. $100 Reward, ilOO The readers of thlt psper will ae pltesf I to tesrn that there Is at least one drea4l disease that scieace has beea sble t ewre in ail Its stages, and That Is eatarrm. Ca tarrh being greatly Influenced by roasrlre tlenal conditions requlrea renatltiitlne treatment. Halls Catarrh Cur la taaeek Internally and acta thru the Blood oa th Jl neons" Rorf aces of the Systeai thereby airoying the fonndatloD of toe dlseaae. gtv Ing the patient trengtb by enilduut ap Is nnutitutioB and assisting aatara la dolna; ita work. The propiiet'ra have so sawh faltk In the mrst-lve powers of Ball's Ca tarrh Core that they ofrer One Hundred Dol lars for any rase that it fails to cere. Beaa) for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CIH'NBY Co., Toledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75, Ll . HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD TRY THIS - Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the German folks call it, "Hamburger Bmst Thee." at any pharmacy. Take a tahlepoonCut of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve an I drink a teacup full at any time. It is the most effective way to break av cold and cure grip, as it opens th pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking at cold at once. It is Inexpensive and entirely vege table, therefore harmless. Bright Eyes indicate buoyant health. Whea the eyes are dull, liver and bow els rit-ed regulating. Quickly restoie healthy conditions with a dose or two in time of BEECHAM'S PILLS l vtMt S.U of Ar ModfeiM ia Ao World, I FREDERICK STEIWBR, ATTOB ney at law. Office in Smith-Craw-ford building. R. I. KEATOR, ATTORNEY AT Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. & A. LOWELL ATTOR.VET AND counsellor at law. Office In De Pain building. FUNERAL DIKECTt)R8. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE 8TOR Funeral director and licensed a balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. CaJk responded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets, Telephone JOHN a BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer, Op posite post office. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded te ay or night Phone 7. MONTANA FARM LAN DM. NORTHERN PACiriC RAIYWAT Lands In eastern Montana at li te to 111 per acre. Suitable lor farming or gntxlng. Easy terms. For la for mation write Or i W. E. Holt. Mile City, Montana. ; -a (1 id