PAGE TWO EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 81, 1917. SHOW PLOW DOES MRU ill KAMELA HEAVY CHINKS OK ICR AND SNOW BREAK WINDOWS IN KFSTAl'KANT AND RESIDENCE. WW JANUARY WHITE : SALE STILL CONTINUES THE MOST POPULAR OF ALL SALES. AND THERE IS A REASON EXCELLENT VALUES IN THE MUCH NEED ED WHITE GOODS FOR THE COMING SEASON'S WHITE REQUISITES. AND DURING THIS MOST POPULAR SALE WE ARE OF FERING YOU EACH DAY NEW VALUES, NEW BARGAINS AND WE ARE ADDING THE NEW ARRIVALS. EVERY DEPARTMENT OFFERS YOU THE BEST WHITE GOODS FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE. IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT GREAT HEAPS OF SNOW UNDERMUSLINS, FRESH AND DAINTILY ATTRACTIVE. ' A BARGAIN IN MIDDIES Specially Priced for This Sale 98c In this lot are middies of all sizes for women, misses' and chieldren, made of heavy twill jean, some in plain regulation style, all white and others made in more fancy styles trimmed with blazer stripes in black, blue and pink. Only .... 9S ANTICIPATE YOUR NEXT WINTER'S NEEDS. OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS, SPECIAL VALUES 98c These garments are really wonderful values when the increased cost of flannels are considered. They are cut extra full and lonjr and may be had in both high and low neck, long: and short sleeve styles. White Sale price 98 DAINTY LINGERIE WAISTS $1.79 Real $2.25 Waists These are of cream voile made with large collar and prettily trimmed ecru linen laces, are specially Choice WHITE WAISTS, EXTRA SPECIAL AT 79c Good tailored styles for every day wear, made of crisp organdie, lawn, voile and the heavier men's shirt ing madras. Some have the new large collars while oth ers have the convertible that may be worn both highneck or low. Yours for. 70 MUSLIN PETTICOATS A woman can hardlv have too many of these washable j underskirts in her wardrobe, these are cut generously full and have deep flounces of serviceable embroidery or filmy lace and with headings of ribon run beading. White Petticoats that were $1.00. White Sale 69 White Petticoats that were $1.25. White Sale 79 White Petticoats that were $1.50, White Sale 98e White Petticoats that were up to $4, White Sale ?2.75 of the people who will pur chase them. Beautiful laces, organdie medallions, clunyfc val and fisheye insertions, ribbon run headings and ser viceable ' embroideries are the trimmings used in these gowns so ' economically priced. Gowns that sold regularly at $1.00, White Sale 79 Gowns that sold regularly at $1.50, White Sale 98 Gowns that sold regularly at $2.25, White Sale.. ?1.30 Gowns that sold regularly at $2.50, White Sale.. $1.79 Gowns that sold regularly at $2.75, White Sale.. S1.89 Gowns that sold regularly at $3.50, Wbite Sale.. ?2.39 Gowns that sold regularly at $4.50, White Sale.. ?2.79 ENVELOPE COMBINATI- Jfever was a more satis factory undergarment in vented for women, filling at once, as it does the need for a corset cover and drawers in a manner insuring the slip-ovr style have set in as maximum of comfort with well as kimona sleeves. The j the necessary amount of ad- - GOWNS GOWNS Of muslin, lawn, batiste and nainsook. Those in the with val, The styles attractive. ?1.79 BOLTS UPON BOLTS OF SNOWY WHITE GOODS OFFERED IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, WITH ITS LOADED SHELVES AND COUNTERS OFFERING YOU THE MOST ECONOMICAL OF ALL WHITE GOODS BARGAINS. vanety of trimmings are as varied as the different tastes ornment. A garment that in the short time since its in- BED SPREADS A O'nnrl sfrirlf nn Vianrl Best in quality, large size fori 8-50, Qual- January White single and double beds, also for cribs. These are reduc ed to such an extent that it will pay you to purchase now. $1.25 Qual., January White Sale 95 $1.50 Qual., January White Sale 91.18 $2.00 Qual., January White $8.00 Qual., January White Sale S6.89 Sale $7.27 $9.00 Qual., January White Sale ?7.78 $10.00 Qual., January White Sale $7.95 WHITE WAISTINGS None held back, and our stock is composed of the newest weaves, especially the scheer voiles, both plain and embroidered organies Sale. $1,791 madras, tissue, mercerized $2.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.98 $3.00 Qual., January White Sale t $2.49 $3.50 Qual., January White Sale $2.98 $4.00 Qual., January White Sale $3.45 $4.50 Qual., January White Sale $3.95 $5.00 Qual., January White; Sale $4.29 $6.00 Qual., January White Sale $4.95 1 $6.50 Qual., January White! Sale $5.39 $7.00 Qua!., January White Sale $5.98 J7.50 Qual., January White! Sale $6.49 1 batiste, etc. 25c Quality January White Sale 19 35c Quality, January White Sale 26 50c Qualityj January White Sale . 39 65c Quality, January White Sale ,. 48J which gives perfection PIQUE You will find Pique taking its place with the materials for wash skirts this season as never before. Our stock is filled with the best that can be had, all are reduced. 25c Quality, January White Sale 19 35c Quality, January White Sale 26 40c Quality, January White Sale 31 50c Quality, January White Sale 39 65c Quality, January White bale ,-. ; .... 49 NAINSOOK The finest of yarns go into our Nainsook, they are select ed from the well known Sea Island long staple cotton m 75c Quality, January White Sale 59 $1.00 Qual., January White Sale .: 76 $1.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.17 As you know this is ideal for underwear, has a soft finish and medium , weight. 25c Quality, January White Saljj 19 wear, quality and looks. 20c Quality, January White Sale 16 25c Quality, January White Sale 19 30c Quality, January White Sale .'. 21 35c Quality, January White Sale , 28 40c Quality, January White Sale 32 vention, has sprung into im mense popularity. Envelope Combinations that were $1.00, W. S. P... 79 Envelope Combinations that were $1.25, W. S. P... 89 Envelope Combinations that were $1.75 and $1.50, W. S. P 98 Envelope Combinations that were $1.95, W.S.P.$1.19 Envelope Combinations that were $2.25, W. S. P. $1.39 Envelope Combinations that were $2.50, W.S.P.$1.79 Envelope Combinations that were $3.75, W. S. P. $2.49 MUSLIN PRINCESS SLIPS Your summer dresses re quire these practical under garments. They are offered to you at a decided saving in price and are trimmed with laces, embroidery and or gandy ruffles to make your summer dresses flare in an attractive manner. Princess Slips formerly $1.50 White Sale Price 98 Princess Slips formerly $2.50 White Sale Price Stl.Tft Princess Slips formerly $2.75 White Sale Price.... $1.98 Princess Slips formerly $3.50 TTT1 -1 J-t -n . wniie aaie rice.... $2.19 Princess Slips formerly $4.00 White Sale Price.... $2.39 THE BARGAIN BASEMENT In keeping with the spirit of the Great White Sale throughout Pendleton's Biggest and Best Depart ment Store, the Bargain Basement offers you - WHITE TOP DRESS SHOES That sell elsewhere for $5.00, at the White Sale Price $3.98 MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Sold for $1.50 and $2.00, White $ale Price 83 CHILDREN'S WHITE HOSE Of excellent knitting, free from flakes, White Sale Price 1214 INFANTS' WHITE KID SHOES The prettiest ever; White Sale Price 29 We are loading this department full of the best and most serviceable merchandise in odds and ends and we are pricing every article such that it means a great savins? to you. VISIT THE BARGAIN BASEMENT. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY. Brassieres made of net with ruffles, $1.00 values.. 29 Fine Nainsook B r a s 8 i eres with shirred ruffle, $1 values 29 LADIES CREPE KNICKERS Special for Thurs day. Made of cot ton crepe, finish ed, with beading and ribbon, regu lar 75c val... 19 I AGAIN OUR GUARANTEE We carry the largest stock of Dry Goods in Pen dleton or Eastern Oregon and hereby guarantee our prices to be the lowest. Should competition at any time cause lower prices to be made, we will always meet them, with a strong probability of a yet lower price. The Peonies Warehouse. Where it Pnva in Trade. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE POST OFFirrV. Sub Station No. 1 of the U. S. Post Office is here in our store for vour special accommodation? Wo hnne you'll use it. Mail your letters here, buy your stamps ana postal orders here, send your parcels post pack ages irom nere. Please Refer to our Special Grocery Advertisement on Page 3. Sendletons Greatest Department Store THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays to Trade Many YMtont at Mountain Town During Week; Dance Saturday Night In Much Enjoyed; Other New and Social Notes of lntenwt (East Oregonian Special.) KAMEIA,. Jan. tS. Glen Smith was a visitor in town from Pendle ton last week, having walked up the railroad track from Meacham In hopes of obtaining a view of the elk. He was accompanied by Jack Dock weller. The rotary snow plow was on the hill Tuesday and while at , work clearing the track, threw snow and ice such a distance that the windows In the restaurant and the residence of Mrs. B. F. Cook were broken and furniture damaged. The little grand children of Mrs. Cook narrowly es caped Injury. There was also some Carnage done to the Cook & Watson store building. Mrs. O. W. Hlllman recently re turned from Portland, where she has been staying since November. She Is much improved In health. Giles Hurndon. khe genial sales man for the lA. Grande Grocery Co was In town Wednesday from La Grande. . Ed Wetzel, well-known 0-V. road master was here Thursday attending to business. C. U Damerell and wife. W. P. Watson, B. Savage and U B. Kidder, were among those going to Iji Grande, Tuesday. Miss Fugh, the teacher, went to Union, Friday night on No. 18 and ii turned Sunday after a pleasant vis it with relatives. Mr. Nichols, the popular salesman of the Oregon Grocery Co. of La Grande, was calling on patrons here Saturday. Elmer Enrle went to La Grande Monday to transact business. X. H. Nellson of "Promise Land" visited friends here , Saturday. He made the trip on skils. A brother and sister of Mrs. W. H. Pidcock are visiting with her from Enterprise. Although Enterprise l about the same altitude ns Kamrla. they report only about one foot of snow, while we have six feet. James Baker of Meacham, spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. Frank Hanlen. G. W. Hlllman has some good snap shots of the elk which he is feeding. He has found tracks of either a lynx cr young, cougar, near the feeding Place, and says he fears for the safe ty of the elk. I( seemed alarmed end came towards him as If seeking protection, when he made his last visit. Quite a crowd gathered at the gym. misium Saturdny night and enjoyed dancing till a' late hour. Sandwiches and coffee were served at midnight npd a pleasant social hour spent, after which all adjourned to their homes. Among those attending from cut of town were Rhoda Mangers, Ruby Hllyard, Will Hllyard. Guy Wctiel and James Baker of Meach am and L. B. Kidder and family. LETS SEE! HOW OLD WAS ANN? ANYWAY HERE IS THE NEWEST BAD 'UN ZION CITY, ill., Jan. 30. Hire's a question In mental calisthenics: A freight brakeman nn the North Western line started on a train which was south hound and was Just a mile long, and he walked the whole length rf his train, arriving at the front end Just as the freight pulled Into Wau- kegan. Now, the distance from Zlon City to Waukegnn Is six miles ns the crow files, and The train was travel ing at the rate of twenty miles nn hour. The question Is. how far did : the brakeman travel, and what speed was ne traveling? Zlon City youths have been puzzled over this perplexing problem. On yrung man says that the brakeman traveled seven miles, the train traveled six and he walked one. Others say this Is not true; that he traveled onlv six, which of course sounds queer, too. because if he walked one mile nnd lode six. he might Just as, well havo stayed where he was. Then comes the question as to whether he made any progress nt all, Inasmuch as the train was traveling at twenty miles an hour in the direc tion he was going. Qne pupil says he was going faster than the train, which of course would be nbsurd, too, for In that Instance would arrive at Waukegan before the train did. In other words, the young man figured that he was going 3 1-3 miles faster than the train. Just how far did that brakeman travel and at what speed was he go-Ing? WORMS EASILY TUCMOVED. Mother, If your child whines, h fretful and cries out in sleep, he k probably Buffering from worms! These parasites drain his vitality and mnko him more sufieeprlble to serious dis ease, quickly and safely kill an I remove the worm from your child's system with Klckapoo Worm Killer. This' pleasant candy laxative in table' form quickly relieves the trouble and your child brightens tip. net Klcka poo Worm Killer at your Druggist. 25c. l.ETTKK IDENTIFIED IN ' TIIADING CO. TRIAIM SPOKANE, Va h Jan. 30. Identl flentlon of letters from the files of the Northwestern General Trading company and three allied concern occupied the entire day today In the tral of Gale Smith and four ates accused In nniteil States district court of using the malls to defraud. Eleven stenographer formerly etn-J Violets, Carnation. Roeee, Flowering Planta and Pern. HOOKER'S Open Erenmjt and ftondaja, SI3 Main St., Depot Block, rhone 511. Free Deltverr. OK DOSE RLUEVTS A CflLD-EOdO "PATE'S IJ) COMPOI ND" ENDS BAD XUS OH GKIWE IN A FEW HOU18, Relief comes Instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three dives are taken will end grlppo misery and break up a severe cold either In the head, chest, body or llnils. It promptly opens cloggeit-up nos tril and air pnage In the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run ning, relieves sick headache, dullness, feverlshness, sore throat, sneeslnj. soreness and stlfness, IHm't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! Ease your throb bing herad! Nothing else in thu world give, such prompt-relief at "Pope's Cold compound," which coaJi only 25 rents ut any drug store. . it acts without assistance, taatea nlco, causes no Inconvenience. Be sure you get the genuine. ployed by the defendants or by th companies with which they were con nected were placed on the stand to identify the correspondence, which whlll be read to the Jury later. MOTHER SAID TRY IT Lydia . Pinkham's Vege table Compound Cured Mrs. Copner after Doctor's Failed. if m IP lie- .-.j r Cincinnati, Ohio. "I want yoa to know the good Lydia K Pinkham Vegetable Com pound has done for me, I was in such bail health from fe male troubles that I could hardlv get off my bed. I hail wen doctonnif fur a long time and my mother said, 'I want vou to try Lydia E. Pinkham1 Vejj. tnhleComnnmvf ' Si 1 did. and it ha !. tainly mademe a well woman. I am able to do my house work and am to happy as I never experted to go around the way I do airnin, and I want other to know what I.yrlia E. Pinkham'l Veg etable Compound has done for me." Mrs. Josie Copnkr, 16C.8 Harrison Ave., Fairmount, Cincinnati, Ohio. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope until she has friven Lvdia L Pinkham's Vege table Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medieinaf ingredients of which are derived from choice roots nnd herbs, has for forty years proved to be s mt valuable tonic and inviuorator of Hie female organism. ill Jf0 0 BERWICK v Arrow COLLARS mairvt cut to fit tJitshdUca perfectly. isantseadi.bfaQot MM I D'S The only NEW face powder in the past 50 years Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPENTS Have It.