PAR3 Tirr ten pa cm DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1917. Breakfast is My If it's Grape Fruit, we have large, ripe juicy Florida's. Large 2 for 25f , medium 10. Pancake Flour TECO Self-Rising Pancake Flour, this is something new and found very satisfactory on the account you have to only add water. It consists of wheat and corn flour with malted buttermilk. Use no milk. 2 packages 25 Cascade Butter, 2 pounds 85 Coffee For those that like a light roast, not too heavy a coffee, we have White House which is an old reliable brand, pound.... 45 LVKAY FOLK HAVE ENJOYABLE DANCE Fill KM S A XI) NKH.IlnoltS Of Mil. AMI MRU. SIU1.I, AUK KXTKKTAINKD. Will urifflit Is Moving Some Call In From the I(wervutjon; Other New Notes of Interest, Apex Coffee This is the coffee with lots of strength, good heavy body and medium in price. This is one of our best sellers, lb. 35f Hie Dean Tim Co. PHONE 688 BAD COLD? HEADACHY AND NOSE STUFFED l'AI'KS CX)1J COMItM'XU" KXUS 1JS AM) tilUITK IX A FEW HOURS. Take 'Tape's Cold Compound" ev ery two hours until you have taken three doses, then all grippe misery lioes and your cold will be broken U promptly opens your ciogged-up nos. I His and the air passages of the head, Mops nasty discharge or nose run ning; relieves the headache, dullne. feverlshness, sore throat, neezlnn, soreritws and stiffness. Don't slay stulfed-up! Quit blow In and snuffling. Kase your throb, bing head nothing else In the world (tivw such prompt relief as "1'ape'i Cold Compound,' whlrh costs only 2j cents at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice and cause.) no inconvence Accept no (institute. (East Oregonlan Special.) McKA Y, Jan. 24 Robert Hudes peth, prominent cattleman of Burns, and his daughter, Mrs. Staggs of Wes ton, were guests at the home of Mrs. Rick Bush, his daughter, for a few days. Mitt Bush returned from Athena, where he was at the bedside of hU mother, who is quite 111. Mrs. Will Rhodes has returned fron Pendleton after a 10 days' visit with her brother, Mr. Albert Moody. Louis Kagan, who purchased the Joe Hubbard property at McKay, is enlarging the building for a general merchandise store Mr. Ragan er pects to have a full stock In by Feb. ruary 1. Will Wright Is moving some of his cattle home from the reservation and will feed here on the creek during the rest of the winter. James Hose is feeding his cattle at nick Hush's ranch. Mr. Wilbur, the veteran sawmill man, has a large force of men and teams In the woods preparing for a big run with his mill in the spring. A fine time was had Saturday even ing when the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Shull gathered at their home and spent the evening In duncing. refreshments were served at confident he can put McCarroH's i midnight The music was furnished shoulders to the mat twice within an , by the Wright-Jones Musical corn hour but Ray is Just as confident that pany A1I Bta,.f(i untll the wee tnv I Is shoulders will never be pinned . ,,,. of tne mornlng. down even once. To win the match "Hack" must Justify his confidence. The main event will start about 8:45 nnd will tie preceded by two good preliminaries and some motion pic U res. FULL HOUSE EXPECTED AT WRESTLING BOUT McCarroll and Hackenschmidt Will Meet at Alta Theatre Tonight at 8:45 O'clock. Indications today point to a full Iioiisp (bis evening at the Alia thea ter foe the McCiirroll-Hackenschtnidt wrestling bout. Heals have been sell ii'U lively and women as well us men the buyers. The hrother of the Russian Hon GOT ANY TROUBLES? OH, WELL, CHEER UP If Dr. Keath Can Be Happy With All Hi. Woe, Why Shouldn't You? PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 24. Ir. James Keath, start patient at the Jefferson Hospital, has been unable since Sunday (o take any nourishment except a cup of coffee today and one yester day because of kidney trouble. He Is still bright and happy, and his only regret Is that he has no appetite. CARNIVAL VISITORS GET BIG SEND OFF Hand I'liiys, SIlioot'rn F ami 4'lMMfh of Hlg (rowel Mark Noiay I'lirvwclj t.iven Komid-lp Ex'"' sioniFts to St. Paul. With the band playing. s!x-hoters popping and a crowd of several nun drerl people cheering, Pendleton's ex curslon to the St. Paul midwinter carnival got away about 5:30 last evening. The Round-t'n boosters were given a characteristic Pendleton send-off. The O -W. depot grounds were packed a half hour before the train pulled out with people who had come a.' flown In nti rticiimte tn the Rend-off. When he was twenty-six years v, ..',,:. ,., Q j 1 HQ C.IUIOIWIIKM1 , I I 0 (-.,' lUSIH" lied in- tneir somoreros ana, it lur- ISMlMSSBBatWFSMMt. immamm mt r- old and had almost completed hiR course nt Jefferson Medical College, In December. Is! 4. Dr. Kenth was taken to the hospital with a broken back, due to a fall from the third stcry window of his fraternity house. He be came paralyzed from the hips down, and both legs eventually had to be amputated. He com pleted his studies, however, and received his diploma as a physician In June, 191 T. You Heed floi Suffer From Catarrh You have probably been in the habit. Specific Co, of usine external treatments to relieve your catarrh. You have applied sprays, washes and lotions to the mucous sur faces of the nose and throat, have been temporarily relieved, and then wondered a short time after, why you were troubled with another attack of catarrh. You should realize that catarrh Is an infection of the blood. This fact has been agreed upon by specialists in catarrh troubles, and has been proven in the laboratories of the Swift S. S. E., which was dis covered over fifty years ago, will cleanse your blood of the catarrhal poisons and will thereby relieve you cf the dripping in your throat, the sores in your nostrils, spitting, hawk ing and bad breath. All druggists carry S. S. S., and the physicians of our Medical Depart ment will cheerfully answer any let ters which you may write them in regard to your case. Swift Specific Co. 305 Swift fcuilding, Atlanta. Ga. ther Identification were necessary, it was furnished by smoking revolvers. The band played until the train pull ed out and the pseudo cowboys shot many holes In the air and pavement. The special Pendleton car bore a full-length banner reading. "Pendle ton Round-Up Special 'Let 'er Buck' with the dates of the 191" Round-TTp. The party reached Spokane this morning nnd, barring any delays, will pull into St. Paul Friday, a day be fore the big parade. This will give them plenty of time to organize for their demonstration. After the carnival many of the party will go on to Chicago. New York and other eastern points. SKKK IIKS HIS rOAT-OF-AHMS OX INFANT DAT'fillTKlt'S WRIST German Military Attache at San Fran elsco in Panic Over Numerous Other Rabies at Hospital. SAN" FRANCISCO. Jan. 24. Hi coat-of-arms sketched In Indelible ink on the wrist of his baby daughter gives assurance to I.ieut. C3. W. von Krincken. military attache of the Ger man consulate here, that his young wife wil Itake away no other couple's child when she leaves the hospital where their first child was born yesterday. In a panic at the sight of numer s other Infants In the hospital nur sery, von Brlncken, lately conviciea of complicity in the munitions plots Involving the German consulate here catechized the nurses on their meth ods of Identification. Not satisfied with their answers, he called for Ink and pen and made the sketch. THE UNIVERSAL CAB MOV To 709-711 Thompson street where we will give FORD service until our new garage is ready. Only authorized agent in Pendleton for FORD CARS AND FORD PARTS. Cars here for immediate delivery. Ford Roadster, in Pendleton $399.85 Ford Touring Car, in Pendleton.... $414.85 Simpson Auto Co. TELEPHONE 408 The bee is never to busy to admin. later a stinging rebuke. VISIT OUR INFANTS' WEAR DEPT. Seasons Smartest SMes VISIT OUR BOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ADVANCE SPRING STYLES ARE BEING SHOWN BY THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THIS BIG STORIL OUR sKSEnC F NEW GOODS RANKS FAVORABLY WITH ANY PAST SEASON, OWING TO THE FACT THATOUR BUYERS WERE ON THE ALERT AND PLACED ORDERS FAR IN ADVANCE AND GOT DELIVERIES ON TIME. IF IT IS NEW ALEXANDER'S HAVE IT. NEW SPRING SILKS LADIES' NECKWEAR One of the prettiest lines of Neckwear ever shown in Pendleton at such moderate prices, is now on display at Alexander's. These come in Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, Broad Cloth, Organdy, Net and last but not least the new "Pairley" effects that are so popular all through the east. Call and look them over. You will get new ideas if you don't buy. and New Light Weight Skirting are arriving daily. Buy early, not to avoid the rush, but to get your choice from a stock of clean, up-to-date merchandise. Alexander's have the prettiest line of draperies in town. Infants Dep't. Dainty hand embroidered garment for the baby in dresses and petticoats. Call and see them while the assort ment is complete. Long Petticoats in sheerest and best materials, daintily trimmed in lace and embroidery 75 to $3.50 Gertrude Petticoats in both Flannel Outing and Mus lins to ?2.50 New Serne Dresses In the straight line models in navy, green and brown, trimmed with the wool embroidery. New Dress Skirts We have the most beautiful as-' sortment of Spring Dress Skirts in the new plaids, checks and stripes in both wool and silk. You will find these skirts in the new brilliant shades so desirable this season and also in the more conservative colors. Prices $5.95 to $20.00. ALEXANDERS TWO PHONES, BOTH 526. DEPT. Domestic Camembert Cheese, per can 60 Sanitary Imp. Swiss Cheese, per pound 65 Perfect Am. Cheese, per can - 40 Oregon Swiss Cheese, per pound ... 45 Roquefort Cheese, per pound 90 Limburger, American, Cream Brick, Domestic, Swiss etc., all kept in perfect sanitary conditions. Fresh Creamery Butter, roll Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, dozen 50f SAUER KRAUT, quart - 15 AN PER 3 i i i j is , , LIVE HEWS OF Tllf IMDTIJU MIL ICOT IIUIX I I11IL0 1 MOSCOW, Idaho, Jan. 24. Jury men in the Latah county district court object to getting " cricks in tne joints on account of having to sit on hard fhoir- while hearing cases. They complained to Judge Steele. promised them swived seats at next term. He ths How to stop dandruff and loss of hair with Resinol Here is a simple, inexpensive treatment that will penerally slop dandruff and scalp itching:, and keep the hair thick, live and lustrous: At night, apraad the hair apart and rub Unit Rmol Ointment into the Klip (cnlrr, with tht tip of the 6nat. Keput this until tin whole scalp hn been treated. N est nominf , shsmpoo thorourhly with Klnol Soap nd hoi water. Work the creamy Renlnol lather well into tha scalp. Rine with ratiiillr cooler watrr. thelaMwattrheitiircoM. All dratfials sell Keatuol Snap and Oimment. SALEM, Jan. 24. Closing a three dav session, the 14th annual Oregon state labor convention will adjourn tonight. The 100 delegates are in- terested in the passage of a law con solidating the industrial accident com- mission and labor boards. mKN Ore., Jan 24. Lawen dis trict farmers today are organizing a farm loan association to get govern ment loans under the rural credits act. They will deal with the rural credit bank at Spokane. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Jan. 24 Incorporated for 140,000, the Oregon California Box Co. wUl begin opera tions in the old Savidge brothers" plant here within few weeks. Fifty thousand boxes a day will be manu factured If the factory runs to capar lty. Fifty men are to be employed e.t the start. LA REVIEW, Or., Jan. 24 Stories about Jackrabbit pelts being worth real cash took concrete form today when ranchers learned that a St. Louis firm offered 15 to 18 cents a pound for such skins, according to quality. There Is also a five cent hnuntv on the Jacks In this county. Shipping pelts to St Louis would cost g 1-4 cents a pound. PORTLAND, Jan. !4 It wa clearly indicated today that the mo hair market this season would open at 6 cents a pound, the highest open- Ine nrlce on record. This means nig monev for the Willamette valley. where the mohair Industry thrive. Last season the price reached 51 1-i cents for a limited period late In tht) season. PORTLAND. Or., Jan. 24 The el ements our old friend J. Tluvius superinending matters did more to affect the egg market than all tne combinations of housewives organis ed to hear down prices When the weather changed, eggs broke t to 7 cents on the Portland market during !4 hours. Bt'OENB, Ore., Jan. 24 William O. McAdoo, secretary of the treasury, has written a personal letter to H. F. Hnrthan, professor of Spanish at the Tnlversity of Oregon, urging him ta popularise the study of Spanish there. McAdoo says a good knowledge of Spanish is necessary If the United States hopes to successfully promote trade relation with Mexico and South American republics. 5 t 5 i New Arrivals in Our Ladies' Shoe Department WE ARE NOW RECEIVING DAILY SHIPMENTS OF THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE SHOES FOR LADIES. The new Spring shoes are higher but if you will buy early you will save from $1.00 to $2.50 on every pair. When you buy shoes at the present prices, you will first want a shoe that will fit you, one that will hold its shape until worn out and one that will add 100 per cent to the dress and still give you the wear. We Have Them and Can Fit You. Note some of our latest arrivals. For dressy street wear, just in, Plain Dove Grey Buck, lace, plain toe, with the New York Louie heel. i Plaine Black French Kid, light weight, hand turned sole, very dressy. Black Patent Vamps with enameled New York Louie heel. Hand turned sole ; 8V2 inch kid upper, in lace. j Plain Black, all Kid, lace, welt leather, Louie heel. A good one for street wear. In Sport Shoes, Ladies', Misses' and Growing Girls, we have them in Black and Dark Tan, with Neol n sole and rubber heel, with saddle strap across toe. They come in 8 inch tops, at $4.50 and $5.00 the pair. We cannot duplicate these for less than $2.00 more on the pair. The new 10-8 military heel in 8V inch top, the newest English last, they come in Black and Mahogany tan, these shoes are in a class by themselves and should be seen by you. Have you seen our new Puttie-Boot shoe, it carries the newest English last, with dark brown vamps and pigskin upper and has the new 12-8 military heel. Before buying shoes look over some of the above styles and you cannot resist buy ing the real QUALITY SHOE. ALEXANDER'S SHOES ARE BETTER, ALEXAN DEPARTMENT STORE J