TEN PAGI :3 PARE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. FENDLETON. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE POST OFFICE Sub Station No. 1 of the U. S. Post Office is here in our store for your special accommodation. We hope you'll use it. Mail your letters here, buy your stamps and postal orders here, send your parcels post pack apes from here. Watch Our Tomorrow's Ad We didn't have room enough in this one to tell of one half the good things we have to offer. 0T UACbU, ,!' r-L .1 1 , l -rvu i c-i, ivit. i -- r : ; 1 1 T. P. W. PURE 3 Main Line Phones, all IS Cleanliness Economy-Service 5 WHITE SALE IN OUR Large White Beans, White Sale, 2 pounds 23r ' Rice, White Sale. 3 lbs. 250 j Fancy Head Rice at speci-. al price. T. P. W. White Pancake Syrup, White Sale i gal cans 35 1 gal. cans 65? CROCKERY DEPT. Dinner Plates, White Sale. set of 6 60 and up Cups and Saucers, White Sale, set of 6 SO up STRICTLY FRESH EGGS, dozen 45 Every egg recandled and graded, fancy white stock, and when we say FRESH we mean it. Phone your orders. IN OUR WOMENS DEPARTMENT (2nd floor) you will find great heaps of snowny Undermuslins, Crisp, Fresh and Daintily Attractive FILMY LACES AND ARTISTIC TOUCHES OF EMBROIDERY ADD TO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THESE BITS OF LINGERIE. NOT ONLY ARE THE GARMENTS FASCINATING IN THEMSELVES THE PRICES ARE SO VERY LOW AS TO MAKE THEM QUITE IRRESISTABLE. SOME OF THESE GARMENTS ARE JUST OUT OF THEIR WRAPPINGS, BOUGHT MONTHS BEFORE THE PRICE OF COTTON MATERIALS HAD REACHED THEIR PRESENT LEVEL THIS MEANS ECONOMY TO YOU. OTHERS ARE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCKS AND REDUCED; A LITTLE SOILED AND MUSSED FROM DISPLAY BUT EASILY FRESHENED BY A TRIP TO THE LAUNDRY. ( LITTLE GIRLS' WHITE COATS Values to $8.75 for 98c This is a small lot of coats in cute styles for the little ones, just the thing for Spring wear; they are for three, four and five year olds and the price at which we offer them wouldn't pay for the material. Choice.. 98? A BARGAIN IN MIDDIES Specially Priced for This Sale 98c In this lot are middies of all sizes for women, misses' and chieldren, made of heavy twill jean, some in plain regulation style, all white and others made in more fancy styles trimmed with blazer stripes in black, blue and pink. Only .... 98? ANTICIPATE YOUR NEXT WINTER'S NEEDS. OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS, SPECIAL VALUES 98c These garments are really wonderful values when the increased cost of flannels are considered. They are cut extra full and long and may be had in both high and low neck, long and short sleeve styles. White Sale price 98? OUR GUARANTEE NAPKINS. $1.75 Quality, January White Sale $1.46 $3.75 Quality', January White Sale $3.17 $4.50 Quality, January White Sale $3.89 $5.00 Quality, January White Sale $3.98 $6.00 Quality, January White Sale $4.95 $6.50 Quality, January White Sale $3-25 $7.00 Quality, January White Sale $5.89 $7.50 Quality, January White Sale $6.10 $8.00 Quality, January White Sale $6.49 $9.00 Quality, January White Sale $8.10 WHITE WAISTINGS None held back, and our stock is composed of the newest weaves, especially the scheer voiles, both plain and embroidered organies, madras, tissue, mercerized batiste, etc. 25c Quality January White Sale 19? 35c Quality, January White Sale 26? 50c Quality, January White Sale 39? C5c Quality, January White Sale 48? 75c Quality, January White Sale 59? $1.00 Qual., January White Sale 76? $1.50 Qual.. January White Sale $1-17 FOOD SHOP GROCERY SECTION 2 Creamers, Sugar Bowls, Soup Plates and Oat Meal Dishes, White Sale speci al 10 per cent discount. White Asparagus Tips, White Sale 15c ; dozen cans $1.65 T. P. W. White Laundry Soap, White Sale, 6 bars for 25? T. P. W. White Toilet Soap, White Sale, 12 bars to box for 90? 4 DAINTY LINGERIE WAISTS $1.79 Real $2.25 Waists These are of cream voile made with large collar and prettily trimmed with val, ecru linen laces. The styles are specially attractive. Choice $1.79 WHITE WAISTS, EXTRA SPECIAL AT 79c Good tailored styles for every day wear, made of crisp organdie, lawn, voile and the heavier men's shirt ing madras. Some have the new large collars while oth ers have the convertible that may be worn both highneck or low. Yours for 79? MUSLIN PETTICOATS A woman can hardly have too many of these washable underskirts in her wardrobe, these are cut generously full and have deep flounces of serviceable embroidery or filmy lace and with headings of ribon run beading. White Petticoats that were $1.00, White Sale 69? White Petticoats that were $1.25, White Sale 79? White Petticoats that were $1.50. White Sale 98? White Petticoats that were up to $4, White Sale $2.75 WHITE PLISSE CREPE As you know this is ideal for underwear, has a soft finish and medium weight. 25c Quality, January White Sale 19? LINENS This includes linens of all kinds, handkerchief, both heavy and sheer, Irish, round thread, Linen sheeting, etc. 65c Quality, January White Sale 49? 75c Quality, January White Sale 59? 85c Quality, January White Sale 67? $1.00 Qual., January White Sale 73? $1.25 Qual., January White Sale 95? $1.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.17 $2.00 Qual., January White Sale $1.67 LYKLINEN Especially for baby dress es, ladies' waists and sheer summer wear, washes, wears and looks better than linen. 25c Quality, January White Sale 19? 30c Quality, January White Sale 24? 35c Quality, January White Sale 27? 40c Quality, January White Sale 31? UNDERWEAR CREPE This is something new, a fine quality soft finish 33-in. crepe, expressly for under wear. 50f Quality, January White Sale 39? T'C HFRF AC.AIMt Vimn, AMnircTurmrrccTTu. ,.,.., AND IT'S THE BIGGEST THING IN WHITE GOODS OFFERED. This statement will, no doubt, be read with surprise by many, in view of the dis tressing market conditions. But despite the many adverse conditions, we have been enabled to assemble the most comprehensive stock of white goods we have ever had for a January Sale, and the values will really surprise you. The qualities are of an unusually high standard and bear our fullest endorse ment. Because of the special pricinsr vour future needs should hp filled now. THIS SALE I MORNING, W Vl Ml 1 It will run only a little GOWNS GOWNS Of muslin, lawn, batiste and nainsook. Those in the slip-ovr style have set in as well as kimona sleeves. The variety of trimmings are as varied as the different tastes of the people who will pur chase them. Beautiful laces, organdie medallions, cluny, val and fisheye insertions, ribbon run headings and ser viceable embroideries are the trimmings used in these gowns so economically priced. Gowns that sold regularly at $1.00, White Sale 79? Gowns that sold regularly at $1.50, White Sale 98? Gowns that sold regularly at $2.25, White Sale.. $1.30 Gowns that sold regularly at $2.50, White Sale.. $1.79 Gowns that sold regularly at $2.75, White Sale.. $1.89 Gowns that sold regularly at $3.50, White Sale.. $2.39 Gowns that sold regularly at $4.50, White Sale.. $2.79 We carry the largest stock of Dry Goods in Pendleton or Eastern Oregon and hereby guarantee our prices to be the lowest. Should com petition at any time cause lower prices to be made, we will always meet them, with a strong probability of yet a lower price. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Where it Pays to Trade. WHITE SILKS Everything in white silks such as Jap silk, Jap duck taffeta, messaline, chiffon and Georgette crepe. 65c Quality, January White Sale 49? $1.00 Qual., January White Sale 79? $1.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.18 $2.00 Qual., January White Sale $1.69 WHITE DRESS GOODS Now is a good time to get your summer skirt of white serge. These are all wool and best in quality. 65c Quality, January White Sale 57? $1.00 Qual., January White Sale 79? $1.25 Qual., January White Sale 98? $1.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.18 $2.00 Qual., January White Sale $1.71 BEACH CLOTH And Middy Cloth. You will like these as they will answer the purpose for wash dresses, skirts and blouses ; Pendletons Greatest Department Store THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays to Trade BEGINS THURSO A Y JANUARY 11 more than a week, so come early, please. ENVELOPE COMBINATI ONS Never was a more satis factory undergarment in vented for women, filling at once, as it does the need for a corset cover and drawers in a manner insuring the maximum of comfort with the necessary amount of ad ornment. A garment that in the short time since its in vention, has sprung into im mense popularity. Envelope Combinations that were $1.00, W. S. P... 79? Envelope Combinations that were $1.25, W. S. P... 89? Envelope Combinations that were $1.75 and $1.50, W. S. P 98? Envelope Combinations that were $1.95, W.S. P. $1.19 Envelope Combinations that were $2.25, W. S. P. $1.39 Envelope Combinations that were $2.50, W. S. P. $1.79 Envelope Combinations that were $3.75, W. S..P. $2.49 Envelope Combinations that were $4.25, W. S. P. $2.98 Envelope Combinations that were $4.50, W. S. P. $3.19 36-in. wide; best quality finish. 25c Quality, January White Sale 19? 35c Quality, January White , Sale 27? 40c Quality, January White Sale 31? 50c Quality, January White Sale 39? PILLOW CASES 26c Quality, White Sale 22? 28c Quality, White Sale 24? 30c Quality, White Sale 25? 32c Quality, White Sale 27? 34c Quality, White Sale 29? PIQUE You will find Pique taking its place with the materials for wash skirts this season as never before. Our stock is filled with the best that can be had, all are reduced. 25c Quality, January White Sale 19? 35c Quality, January White Sale 26? 40c Quality, January White Sale 31? 50c Quality, January White Sale 39? 65c Quality, January White Sale 49? WHITE BLANKETS $1.25 Qual., January White Sale 98? I AHWQ LjrLSlLaKJ f. 5 SAI.FS WF. HAVE EVER 25th, 1917 2 MUSLIN PRINCESS SLIPS Your summer dresses re quire these practical under garments. They are offered to you at a decided saving in price and are trimmed with laces, embroidery and or gandy ruffles to make your summer dresses flare in an attractive manner. Princess Slips formerly $1.50 White Sale Price 98? Princess Slips formerly $2.50 White Sale Price.... $1.79 Princess Slips formerly $2.75 White Sale Price.... $1.98 Princess Slips formerly $3.50 White Sale Price.... $2.19 Princess Slips formerly $4.00 White Sale Price.... $2.39 NIGHT GOWNS THAT OPEN IN FRONT Having long sleeves and high neck, are also included in this great white event of economy. There are many women who would wear no other kind and for these wo offer these practical em broidery trimmed gowns made both with and without yokes. Open Front Gowns regularly $1.35 and $1.75, White Sale Price 98? Open Front Gowns regularly $2.50 White Sale.. $1.59 $1.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.18 $2.00 Qual., January White Sale $1.71 $3.00 Qual., January White Sale $2.49 TOWELS Towels of all kinds, hand towels, Turkish towels, re duced. 10c Towels, January White Sale 8? 12,c Towels, Jan. White Sale 10? 20c Towels, January White Sale 16? 25c Towels, January White Sale -19? 35c Towels, January White Sale 27? 40c Towels, January White Sale 33? 50c Towels, January White Sale 43? 65c Towels, January White Sale 57? TOWELING Notwithstanding the fact that toweling has advanced more than any other goods, we are able to offer you these at a big saving. 8'c Qual., January White Sale 6? 10c Quality, January White Sale 8? IXJ.i.. VI WllTiJ WW f UlV Included in Our January White Sale s Ladies' White Buck Sport Shoes, the new shoe for early Spring Ladies' White Kid Beaded Slipper ... Ladies' White Kid Plain Pumps Ladies White Satin Beaded Pumps Ladies' White Canvas Two Strap Pumps Ladies' Wrhite Canvas Plain Pumps Ladies' White Canvas Low Heel Pumps Ladies' White Canvas Mary Jane Pumps Children's White Buck Shoes Misses' White Canvas Baby Doll Slippers CORSET COVERS These come in a great va riety of styles. Some de signed especially for hard service, while others are more ornately trimmed for wear under sheer waists. We have too many large size corset covers. There fore these ridiculous prices on sizes 42, 44, 46 only. Regular 35c Corset Covers, White Sale Price 19? Regular 75c Corset Covers, White Sale Price 29? Corset Covers in all sizes reduced as follows: Regular 35c Corset Covers, White Sale Price 27? Regular 89c Corset Covers, White Sale Price 59? Regular 98c Corset Covers, White Sale Price 69? Reg. $1.39, $1.50 Corset Cov ers, White Sale Pr. $1.19 Regular $1.75 Corset Covers, White Sale Price.... $1.29 12'2C Qual., January White Sale 10? 15c Quality, January White Sale 12? 20c Quality, January White Sale 16? 25c Quality, January White Sale 19? 35c Quality, January White Sale 27? 50c Quality, January White Sale 41? 65c Quality, January White Sale 58? 75c Quality, January White Sale 67? $1.00 Qual., January White Sale 79? SHEETS 90c Quality, January White Sale 79 95c Quality, January White Sale 81? $1.05 Qual., January White Sale 92? $1.30 Qual., January White Sale $1.13 NAINSOOK The finest of yarns go into our Nainsook, they are select ed from the well known Sea Island long staple cotton which gives perfection in wear, quality and looks. 20c Quality,. January White Sale 16? 25c Quality, January White Sale .;. 19? 80c Quality, January White Sale 24? 35c Quality, January White Sale 28? 40c Quality, January White Sale 32? CL flff fcllWCT $3.95 $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.25 $1.75 $2.00 81.50 SEPARATE DRAWERS Economically Priced. These are made in open style, the less expensive ones made plain for service, or trimmed with neat embroid eries, while the better ones are trimmed with truly lux urious laces. Cotton Crepe Drawers that were 75c, W. S. P 59? Muslin Drawers that were 35c, White Sale Price 14? Muslin Drawers that were 75c, White Sale Price 38? Muslin Drawers that were $1.00, White Sale Price 49? Nainsook Drawers that were $1.25, White Sale Pr. 69? Nainsook Drawers that were $1.50, White Sale Pr. 79? Nainsook Drawers that were $4 and $2, W. S. P... 98? Limited number. Extra Large Size Drawers Those that were 79c, During White Sale 57? BED SPREADS A good stock on hand. Best in quality, large size for single and double beds, also for cribs. These are reduc ed to such an extent that it will pay you to purchase now. $1.25 Qual., January White Sale 95? $1.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.18 $2.00 Qual., January White Sale $1.79 $2.50 Qual., January White Sale $1.98 $3.00 Qual., January White Sale $2.49 $3.50 Qual., January White Sale $2.98 $4.00 Qual., January White Sale $3.45 $4.50 Qual., January White Sale $3.95 $5.00 Qual., January White Sale $4.29 $6.00 Qual., January White Sale $4.95 $6.50 Qual., January White Sale $5.39 $7.00 Qual., January White Sale $5.98 J7.50 Qual., January White Sale $6.49 $8.00 Qual., January White Sale $6.89 $8.50 Qual., January White Sale $7.27 $9.00 Qual., January White Sale $7.78 $10.00 Qual., January White Sale $7.95