EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1917. FAGS SEVEN Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open alulcet of tha system eaoh morning and with away tha polaonout, stagnant matter. Those of us who are accustomed to feql dull and heuvy when we arise; splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, lame back, can, Instead, botn look and feel us fresh as a daisy al ways by wushlnsr the poisons and tox ins from the body with phosphated hot 'water each morning. We should drink, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In It to flush from the stomach, liver, kid neys and ten yards of bowels the pre vlous day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and pnlonous toxins; thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the en tire alimentary triict before putting more food Into the stomach. The action of limestone phosphate nnd hot wator on mi empty stomach Is wonderfully Invlgnrutlng It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast and It Is said to be but a little while until he roses begin t0 appear In the cheek A quarter pound of lime stone phosphate will cost very little at the drug store; but Is sufficient to make anyone who Is bothered with, biliousness, constipation, stomach trouble 0r rheumatism a real enthus. last on the subject of Internal sanita tion. Try it and you are assured that you will look better and feel better In ivery way shortly. . NOSE CLOGGED FROM y A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostril To Opes Up Air Passages. Ah! What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air pas sages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawk ing, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh Is goae. Den't stny stuffed up! Oet a small ottle of Ely's Oeam Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let It penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and hxl the swollen, inflamed mu cous membrane, giving you instant re lief. Ely's Oeam Balm Is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's just splendid. j . , i' DESERVES GOLD M EMU; OR THIS CINCINNATI AITIIOKITY TELlJs' HOW TO KltY IT A UNIX NO IT I JITS OUT. Tou torn-pestered rnen and wom ea aecd suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, ays this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of froezone applied di rec4ly oa a tender, aching corn stops soreaess at once and soon the corn loosens so it can be lifted out, root and all, without pain. A quarter of an ounce of freestone cote very little at any drug store, but is sufficient to Jake off every hard or soft corn or callus This should be tried. M it is inexpensive and Is auld sot t inflame or even irritate the sur rounding tissue or skin. 4 4 4 4 4 0 HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD TRY THIS Get a small package of Hamburg Hresst Tea, or as tho German folks call it, ''Haaaburger Ilru.it Thee," at any pfearmacy. Take a tahlespoonful of the tea. put a cup of boiling water tipoa it. pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It Is the asost effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as It opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also looreas the bowels, thus breaking a cold at owe. It is Inexpesstve and entirely vego table, therefore harmless. trbm $3.00 up Once used you wonder how you ever got along without it. Pacific Power & Light Company PHONE 40 ' "A & j- ' .IT f I, , 'ft in & if M 'nasii'iillf!i.ri; WILLIAM DESMOND, DOROTHY DALTON AND P. D. TABLER ANGLE-KAY BEE PLAY, "A GAMBLE IN 80ULS." At tluv Tcniplo today and WcdncMlu y in conjunction with two lllpiMMlromo Vaudeville. SHARP ADVANCES III PORTLAND, Jan. 23. There wus a rut her liberal supply of sheep report ed In the North Portland yards of the tpenlng of the week's trade, but the bulk of the stock came forward on guaranteed prices that were higher than any previous salts here. Trend of the sheep and lamb trade crntlnuea very favorable, because of the fact that the trade here must corn- It te with the eastern markets for the supplies of Idaho. General mutton and lamb market: Best east of mountain lambs I 12.00 Best valley lambs 10.758 11.25 Wethers 8.7510.00 Kwes 8.50 8.00 Goats 4 25 Hogs Are Reaching I'p. Market for hogs was firmer and higher at North Portland at the week's opening. Receipts over Sun day totaled 3371 head, compared with 4027 lust Monday, and 4830 head for this same day a year ago. Top quality hogs sold In the yards Curing the morning at 110.85, which li 25c higher than previous figures. Indicating that killers are In need of greater stocks and are willing at the moment to pay for them. General hog range: Heavy packing $1 0.75 S 10.8H Heavy butchers 10.50ffl0.0 LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF LADY IHHJGLAS HAIR. 4 LAW DOUGiAS HXTii This Is the latest photograph of muy L'OUKllls niiiK. foe wnr i'i tiir commander-in-chief of the British ui pines in riant:?, jl tor .,.iiifB to a successful conclusion, it is said be rewarded for his services with a nuKcuom. wnicn wouia mn.se tne present Lndy Douglas Haig a figure of vast social power In England. bqqpji i - . . . ' V - 'us A Your Bath Room Warm &nd Comfy With One of Our ater: " "1 '! i Hi tiJtt"-tr? Vfi-rt W'IssiaWssM IN TRI- act of ' SHEEP AND HOGS Hough, heavy 1 0.00ft 10.25 Pigs ' 8.75 U 9.50 Stockera 8.25W 8. 50 Tattlo Situation Steady. Situation In the cattle market at Nbrth Portland Is steady to strong for good stuff, but weakness continues in the lesser quality offerings. Cows Fold a dime up to 17.60. Receipts in the cattle division of the North Portland yards over Sun day were rather fair, totals being 1102 head, compared with 457 Inst week, and 480 on this same day a year ago. The big packers are bearish, but others bid strong for supplies. General cattle market range: Best he,avy beef steers ... .f8.25W8.50 Best light beef steers 8.00 (r 8.50 Best beef cows 7.60(3 7.60 Best heifers 7.00 Ordinary to good cows... 8. 154)6.35 Heavy bulls 4.505.00 Light bulls 3.500 4.25 Calves 5.00ffl!7.00 Stocker-feeder steers 5.75Sf 6.50 Ptocker-teeder cow 5.00ijf6.00 IJGHT-IIEAKTKD WOMEN. A cheerful, light-hearted woman is the joy of a man's life. Beauty will fade, a good figure will change, but the charm of health and cheerfulness will endure to the end. But how can a woman be cheerful and happy when dragged down by some female de rangement, with a backache, head ache and often on the verge of a ner. vous breakdown. Lydla E Finkham'a Vegetable Com pound Is the standard remedy for such woman's Ills. Adv. Mother Kills Self and Children. MOUNTAIN VIEW, Okla., Jan. 23 Mrs. J. W. Worrell, a rancher's wife, believed temporarily Insane, killed her three children and then stiiiided Sunday. The four corpses were found in a ravine near the home She gave the children poisonel cciugh syrup and then finished the botie herself. MIWKSOTA POTATO KINGS MFKT TO TALK OF SITUS 4 (By United Press.) 4) S. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 23. 4) Aristocratic spuds that sell for 12 and $3 a bushel here now. 4) 4 were the subject of much dis- cussion when the Minnesota 4 Potato Growers' association went into Its second annual session ut the Minnesota uni- versify farm. Topics of dis- cussion this afternoon were strangely minus the dollar mark. 4 Members of the association en- 4) riched by their combination to hold potatoes for a certain price. created a stir in the capitol city 4) by thei prosperous appearance 4 today. 4 ITALIAN HOSPITAL BARGES ON THE IS0NZ0 , X M Mtv I HOSPITAL BARSES OK THE Taking a tip from the Belgians. the Italians have equipped large numbers of barges us floating hospit als. It Is said that the wounded are transported with much less danger of fatalities than by any other means. snoiv PLUG TO ECHO FARMERS WKKT EX I) OF COUNTY IS (JOVEK. ED WITH HEAVY THREE INCH SNOW BLANKET. Echo Mercantile Co. Has Just Ilocelv. ed a New Pumping Plant; Carload of Cattle Shipped; other News and Social Notes of Interest to Com. munlty. " (East Oregonlan Special.) ECHO, Jan. 28. This end of the county is covered with a heavy three inch blanket of snow, much to the gratification of the farmers a the dry, freezing weather was endanger ing the fall sown grain. An Inch of snow fell on Friday night and about three Inches more on Saturday night. The snow is wet and packed and wil lbe a great bene, fit to the county, although incident ally putting a stop to the ice skating, i The Echo Mercantile Co. has Junt received a pumping plant, consisting of pipes, a Myers pump and a Fair bank gasoline engine, which they will install at the three hundred and sixty foot drilled well on the farm of Chas. Bartholomew on Little Butter creek. Revival meetings began here last night ut the Methodist church. J. B. Saylor shipped a carload of hogs for the Seattle market. on Satur. day night. Mr. Saylor accompanied the shipment himself. A carload of cattle was shipped from this place on Saturday night by llugg Bros. C. S. Mudge and wife returned home last Friday evening from Port land where they spent two weeks visiting with their daughter, Mrs. P.. L. Cox and family. F. W. Hendley, bookkeeper for the Eastern Oregon State Hospital, was a visitor here on Saturday. He return ed to Pendleton Sunday morning. Mlas Esther Scholl went to The Dalles on Saturday for a few days' visit with her sister, Miss Eugenie Scholl, who Is taking training at The Dalles hospital. Fred Depperman has purchased the Wm. O. Dearns homestead ten miles w-est of Echo. Mr Depperman al ready owned one-half section of wheat land near this track. He ex pects to sow the entire acreage to grain this year. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Porter of Pen dleton, came down to Echo by auto mobile on Friday to visit with Mr. Porter's sister, Mrs. Jas. Hoskins. Mrs Porter went on by train on Sat urday to lone to visit with friends and Mr. porter returned home. Mrs Sarah Combs, a professional nurse of Portland, is a business visit or here. County Commissioner Cockburn was In Echo Saturday on official business. Van Horn Bros., progressive farm ers of the Barvis Butte neighborhood, were In town Saturday. NEWS NOTES FROM THE PILOT ROCK COUNTRY (B;ust Oregonlan Special.) PILOT KOCK, Jan. 23. A fine ba. by girl was born to Mr. and Mrs Frank GiUUand. ilrs. Cora Knotts was called to Heppner very suddenly yesterday morning on the account of her fath er's 111 health Born, to Mr. and Mrs. L. I. John son, an 8-pound boy. The mother and son are doing nicely. Miss Helen De Vaugh is vLiting friends in Pilot Rock this week. The Pilot Rock school is looking forward to a speech from Mr Staun Friday morning. His subjest, "How to Study." Rob Rouden is visiting with his sis ter. Mrs. John Runion, this week. Jim Arbogast returned today from the John Day country where he had been visiting, also looking after busi ness matters. The regular meeting of the I. O O F. lodge met Thursday evening. They put on the third degree, also elected delegates for the district convention, which is to be held at Pendleton Feb. the 24th. Jene Knotts is in from his home stead on business. 4 1 'v .. v, I 1SOH7.Q . 9r7K.arn troifH. The Belgians and English some time ;go started using the canals of Flan ders to transport wounded on barges It takes longer to reach the base hos pitals, but it does away with the jaf of land travel und greatly reduces the percentage of deaths. ACIDS l?l SOB m is food m CAUSE LOB "PAPES DIAFEPSIN'' FIXES SOUK, GASSY, UPSET STOM. ACIIS IN FIVE MINUTES. If what you just ate Is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, . undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach headache, you can surely get relief In five minutei Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula plainly printed on these fifty cent cases of Pape's Diapepsln, then you will understand why dys peptic troubles of all kinds must go, and why It relieves sour, out of order stomachs or indigestion In five min utes. "Pape's Dlapepsin" Is harmless; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest and prepare for assimila tion into the blood all the food you eat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a healthy appetite; but what will please you most, Is that you will feel that your stomach and intes tines are clean and fresh, and you will riot need to restort to laxatives or Ifver nills for biliousness or eon. filiation. . i This city will have many "Pape's Diapepsln" cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthu siastic about this splendid stomach preparalon, too, if you ever take it for Indigestion, gases, heartburn, sour ness, dyspepsia, or any tomach mlserv. Get some now, this minute, and rid yourself of stomach misery and Indi gestion in five minutes. Mies Edna Wisdom left today for Webb Slough to visit her sister. Willard McCullough is in from his homestead this week on business. Mrs. A. M. Bond was taken ill with the mumps this morning. Pilot Rock is having more winter The ground is white with snow. Miss Clara Scharpf leaves today for Adams where she has accepted a school. Miss Scharpf formerly work ed in the drug store here for M. D. Orange. She made a host of friends while here who are very sorry to lose her but wish her the beet of success in her new position. Mrs. Ed Wright and daughter are in tow trading. Jury Reconvenes. SEATTLE, Jan. 22. The federal grand jury reconvened this afternoon to hear the final witnesses stories of the liquor syndicate probe. If the Jury returns startling indictments, the fact will be withheld twenty four hours. How'a ThU? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh tint cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has bees taken by catarrh sufferers for Ike past thlrtj-flT years, SRd has become knowo as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's t'a taiTh Core arts thru the Wood on the Ho enus surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood and healing .je dises'ed portions After you have taken Hall'a Catarrh Cart for a short time you will see s Brest Im nrovement In your general health. Start taklnz Hall's Catarrh Care at once and get lid of catarrh Send for testimonials, free F. J. CHENEY O.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Dmgxlsts. 75c Hall's Family Pills for constipation. E ir It Dr. James' Headachs Powders give instant relief Cost dime a package. Nerve-racking, splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just a few moments to Dr. James' Headache Pow ders which cost only 10 tests a pack age at any drug store. It's the quick est, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men and women have found that headache and neuralgia aiisery is needless. Get what you ask for. HEADACH snvs n CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY IXSURAUCE AXD LAND lU'SINFBS BENTIJCT & MONTGOMERY. REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 815 slain street. Phone 404. AVCTIOXEERS. COL W..F. TPHNKA, AUfTION eer. makes a spcialty of farmers sack and machinery snles. "The mnn that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Orexonian office. SECOND HAND DEALERS. V. STROHLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand (tooBs. Cash paid for all second -hand goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to fcuy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street Phone I71W. ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH, ARCHI tect. Pespaln Rullding. l'kone 768. Pendleton, Oregon. '"" MlbHTEljlAWvrs! LSQAL BLANKS OF EVK1Y DB criptlon for county court, olrcul! court, tnstlcs court, real estate, etc 'tor aals at East OregonUa office- Order Your Goal NOW 4 9 v W fx Vy, u 'an-'' V ' You can get LONGEST BURNING, GREATEST HEAT-GIVING by ordering your coal from us. Why go elsewhere? in LUMP OR NUT. Good dry fir, yellow and black pin. Dry Slabwood that U dry. AH wood comes either four foot or sawed. - B. L. BURROUGHS Telephone 5 Namet to conjure trith GREAT SALT LAKE Los Angeles, Rbdlanos, RrvEssroa Pasadena, San Diego,V emcs. Lose Beach mi tkn an aB Msfct ui tttti-ju 1 -i fl M j, x f. v i 13 CM'.:; : II in California is delightful the year 'round. Now you may go via the SALT LAKE ROUTE, returning from Los Angeles, as you wish, by palatial steamer or limited train, or vice versa. Call upon, or write the representative of XT? i H 11 PACE SYSTEM named below, and ATTOKSEYS. JOHN W. HUFF. ATTORNET-AT-Law. Room 5, American Nation al Bank building. m mm L M 1 I , t "-a. I A counsellor at law. Offlca la Ca RALEY k RALET. ATTORENYS AT paln bulIdln(r. laa-. Office in American National Panic Building. Fl'NERAL DIRECTORS. GEORGE W. COLTTS. ATTORNEY TTTZ " at law. Estate settled. wiUs, J' J- BROWN'S FUlt.VITrRE BTORB deeds. mortgap and contracts . f"neraJ director and licensed am. drawn. Collections made. Room 17. lmrr- M' modern f'ineral p,, Schmidt block. r morue nJ funeral cara. Calla responded to day or night. Coraar FEE A FEE, ATTORENYS AT LAW. "aln and "''"' 'rees. Telephooa Office in Deepaln building. J' CARTER St 8MYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American JOHN a BAKER, FT'NTCRAL Dl- National Bank building. rector and licensed emlalmer. Os- JAME8 B. PBRRY. ATTORNEW AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware eorapaay. PETWRSON BISHOP. ATTOR neys at taw; rooms 1 and 4, Smith Crawford ballding. DOVOLAS W. BAILS Y. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts; Room, 7. I and I, DepalD building. It's a keep warm insurance against the cold weather. The cold days this winter will tell you whether the C o a 1, with which you're filling your bins, will give the comfort and satisfaction you ex pected. To escape re grets it's wise to re member that it's the heat producing; qualities in coal that count. See us for aaTWslft-nW-ii tat nr, ittinau; aaalkw tbe rest will be done for you. INGS COAL T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent Pendleton, Oregon. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTQR ney at law. Office in Smith-Craw-ford building. & A. LOWELL. posits postofflce. Funeral parlor. two funeral ear. Calls repndd t day or night. Phone 71. MONTANA FARM LAWDflL NORTHERN PACIFIC HAIYWAt Idiids In eastern Montana at li lt to IIS per acre. Suiinhl f,,r farmlM ' or grazing. Easy ferma. Tor Infotw matlon writ or see W. E. HoH, Mlksa City, Uonlana.