EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. rENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1917. PAGE TWO i ;ovi:i!ou :s ki:n- Sale of Manhattan Shirts We are offering our entire stock of Manhattan Shirts including soft and stiff" cuff styles, silks, madras, crepes, etc. at bargain prices It will pay you to buy all you can afford NOW. Here are the prices, read them over, then come and buy TllKV MOll AMI SAVIvS NKtiKO FROM I.YNllllMi. THE UNIVERSAL CAR MOVED THE GIRL RENOUNCES LOVER TO PROTECT HIS NAME ST. LOUIS. Jan. 2S "I'm going tc leave men alone forever I renounce love for all time." So Miss Ethel Xoil told her sweetheart, who pleaded with her to return to Kansas City with him and wed A week ago ho pleaded with her, in her sister's home ia Kansas City, where Miss Noll was facing a charge of living with a mar. rled man, Harry Potter. Potter left kls wife and two children last Au gust when he became infatuated with Mtes Noll. A week ago Miss Noll and Potter came to this city. Miss Noll became ill and Potter, Jobless, could not support her, so the police took a hand. The couple are being held pending an Investigation. To he? faithful sweetheart, whose name is withheld. Miss Noll said: "You're my friend. I think too murh of you to marry you. People would talk and your good name would be ruined And I want Harry to go back to his wife and children. I cat take care of myself." TRAFFIC NEAR NORMAL . AFTER FIERCE STORM ST. PAl'L, Minn.. Jan. 21 Whils traffic in most cities was, gradually returning to normal tonight, train schedules throughout the central Yoti bit kefD this new Edison T wirn me aia Bond stylus mn4 your choice of 12 rn-orit (or M 00 fny a little down and a little earti BiDtta or week. Entertain your frleDds with your favorite reeoi'da. WBII'll TOKAY FOIl Oi:R NEW EDI SON HOOK No obligation WARREN S MVSIC HOUSE Pendleton, Oregon. fTTi ((T. P. W. Pure Food Shop" 3 Phones, All IS ' Cleanlbe Economy Service Special-Fancy Hood River Spitzenberg 1 Apples the Box ....... wP f y ThpnrmlMprP without a doubt the choicest variety on the market, at this time 01 the year. They are splendid for eating and copking, and Order a box today. Fancy Jonathans the box Jone' Dairy Farm Little Pig Sausage, every Thursday. Sweet Apple Cider Clear, sparkling and sweet, bottles each 23f T. P. W. Special Blend The best 35? Coffee on earth. CROCKERY DEPT. NEWS 42 Piece Set, "White and Gold" Dinner- ware, the set -'. $5.00 Dinaerware in open stock, blue and white pattern, plain white and our Carlisle pattern. $2.50 Percolator and a pound of T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee for ?1.08 If you can't come to our store, use the phone. The Peoples Warehouse Pendletons Greatest Department Store PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where It Pays to Trade 675 DIE AS ITALIAN BATTLESHIP IS J fi ..ifmnmiiHi "mi idnit it imi , ! i u , ,i,,wV' , r. , Ti mi ,i,f Tirnar'TI. iiiilmnr ff i1- According to reports from Rome and fjrmafauurces, the Italian bat tleship Regina Markherlta has been sunk by a mine off Avlona, Albania, northwest continued disrupted, 21 hours after the cessation of the worst snowstorm this section had experienc ed in recent year. Railroad officials expressed he be lief last night, however, that unless the forecast of more snow is fulfilled traffic will be near normal by tonight. 00 YCl) SUFFER FROM BACKACHE ? 'When your kitineys are weak ana torpid they do not properly perforin their functions: yonr hack acli'f and you do not i'eel like doing much of anything. You are likely to he despondent and to hot-row trouble, just as if you hadn't enough al ready. Don't be avirtim any li-nver. The old reliable medicine. Hood f Sarsapanlla, gives .-.tn-n-th and tone to the kidneys and biUs m the whole Bvstem. Get it today- Chips, Country Lard ln ulK. PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE $1.50 Manhattan Shirts are Reduced to $1.19 $1.75 Manhattan Shirts are Reduced to $1.35 $2.00 Manhattan Shirts are Reduced toTT. $1.45 $2.25 Manhattan Shirts are Reduced to $1.65 $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 Manhattan $3.50, $4.00 Manhattan Shirts Reduced to... $2.85 $4.50, $5.00 Manhattan Shirts Reduced to $3.85 $6.00 Manhattan Shirts are Reduced to $4.45 BATTtESWP JiEGWA MARSHERITA with a loss of 675 Uvea. Two hundred and seventy-five were saved. The bat. tleship Regina Margherita was launched in 1902. She was a vessel of 13,427 tons, 426 feet long and had Storm warnings sent out Saturday night are believed to have prevented any serious loss to stock in South Da kota. u. S. COMMERCE FOR 1916 BREAKS RECORD Export Aggregate $5,481,000,000. Imports $2,392,000,000, Largest Figures Ever Shown by Nation. ; WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 The ov i erwhelming figures on the commerce I of the United States in 191. flr" bristling with new records, were made public today by the department of commerce. The total foreign busi ness of the country for the year wis J7 873,000,000, the largest In history The exports were J5.481.000.0O0, $1. 76,000.000 larger than in 1915 and J' W 000 000 larger than In 1913- The' import trade was $2,392,000, 000 another new record. The figure. for'l915 were Jl, 779,000.000 and 1912, the previous record, Jl, 818, 000.- are extra good keepers. $1.25, GROCERY SPECIALS 60c Jar Queen Olives, special 40 15c can Ripe Olives, special, can 10? T. P. W. Bath Soap, 12 bars to the box. special -- 35c Peche and Apricots, the extra fan-" cy grade, can 30; doz. cans $3.50 25c Table Raisins "Sun Maid" Brand, special y 20 NEW ARRIVALS New Dates, pound 20 Whip Cream Chocolates, pound G0 Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen 50 Lorna Doone Wafers, packages 10 In bulk, pound 35 Kippered Salmon, Freshly Made Potato Shirts Reduced to. .. $1.95 M SUNK BY MINE a draught of twenty-seven feet. Hef usual complement was 730 men. Eho carried four 12-inch guns, four 8-lnch and twelve 6-inch guns, as well a four torpedo tubes. 000. The export balance was $3,087, 000,000, compared with $1,776,000, 000 in 1915, and a five year average of $2,456,000,000. The net inward gold movement wis J530.O00.000, another record compar ed with J431, 000,000 in 1915. , The gold imports amounted to J6S6.00O, 000 compared with J4 15,000,006 in 1915. The gold exports were J156.OOO.OO0 compared with JSI.000,000 in 1915. and J2i3.0OO.000 in 1914. The De. cemher gold' impoits were J 158,000,. Oflfl, a very high new record, the ex ports being J28,000,000 Of December imports 71.7 per cent entered free. Itopp I'ilicd $10,006. SAX FRANCISCO, Jan. 23. Ger man Consul Ftopp was sentenced to two years and fined ten thousand dol lars, lie violated neutrality. Wht Suffer With Mmz, Kidneys or RraTisa Now? Lstter Tells of LonQiook d-ftrr Prescription, Dear lionlernU I can do any good In the world for others, I wish to do It, and I fefll that it is my duty to writo about the wonderful results I received from the use of " Amine." I was guttering from kidney and bladder troubles, scalding urine, backach(Mind rheumatism, and fnct und ankles swelled so that al times I con id not walk without assistance. Had taken several different kinds of kidney remedies but all failed. I sent for a box of I)r. Pierce's newest dis covery, "Anuric," whkh 1 received by mail in tablet form. I soon got better and arn convinced that this popular new medicine Is good. I wish to rec ommend it to my neighbors and every body suffering from such troubles. Iks. ii. J. Sabgext. Note: You've all undoubtedly heard of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well- known miKlielnes. Well, this prescript tion Is one that has been successfully used for many years by the phystclai rs by the physicians and specialists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Kurgical Institute, of Hullalo, N. Y.. for klclnev romolalnts. and dis ease arising from disorders of the kid neys and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, conges tion of the kidneys, Intlamniatlon of the bladder, scalding urine, and urinary troubles. Up to this time, "Anniic" has not been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patients and the increased demand for this wonderful healing Tablet, Doctor Pierce baa dually decided to put it Into the drug stores of this country within immediate reach of all sufferers. Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuric Tablets. There can be no Imitation. Every package of "Anuric'' Is sure to Ix Dr. Pierce's. You will find the signature, on tbe package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, tbe ever famous friend to ailing women, fine' Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, proven by years to be the greatest gen eral tonic and recoustructor for any one, beeidt being the best Wood-malmf known. V v GbV. AO.STAKX-EX Ml'RHAY. Ky.. Jan. 23. Pushing here from Frankfort in a special train, Governor A. O. Stanley arrived in time to quiet a mob which had been seeking the life of Lube Martin, a negro accused of slaying a police man. The mob had" surrounded t house in which were Judge liush and Frosecutor Smith, threatening to dy namlte it unless the negro was turn ed into its hands. Martin had prevl ously been smuggled out of Murray and rushed to Hopkinsvdle Jail for safe keeping. Governor Stanley got word of the situation by long distance telephone and, chartering a special train, rushed to the scene asserting that he did not fear the mob, even If if did seem likely that It would lynch him as well as the negro, the Judge and prosecutor. Put Governor Stanley was able to reason with the leaders and finally dispersed the mob NEWS PIRATES FEASTED ON THE UNITED PRESS GERMAN RAIDER STORY Exclusive Cables frtnm South America Gave MM News of Great Cm men e Destruction. NEW YORK, Jan. 23. News pi rates feasted last week on the exclu sive United Press cables from South America, which gave the first news of the German commerce raider. It was not merely a one day orgy for the pirates; It was literally a four day feast. The United Press not onlv gave tho world the first news, but it gave the first details and continued to lead all other agencies In covering the story by such a wide margin that there was no competition except from the pirates. Hearst's International News Serv Ice "lifted'' and "rewrote'' United Press cables in such detail that iden tlfication was obvious. But to cllnc the proof the United Pre.s on Wed nesday carried the name of the ?teamer Yarrowdale as "Yanon dale It promptly appeared as "Yanondale" in the International News Service. Hearst's New York Evening Journal simply lifted United Press cable storle without taking the trouble to rewljjto In one Instance the Journal serenely lifted a purposely placed typograph ical error from the New York Even ing WorM which receives the United Press service. The mails have brought to the United Press general offices In New York from United Press clients numerous copies of Hearst papers and "International" News clients contn'nlng alleged cablei containing proof that they were simp ly lined from the United Tress. The New York Globe, a member n' the Associated Press, but not a client of the United Press, on Wednesday lifted bodily n United Press cable story, without credit, anu earned it through practically all editions after being scooped by the United Press papers here. ' ! The Boston Olohe.. another Asso ciated Press member not a client of the United Pres, lifted verbatim United Press cables. These are on'v a few instances, Investigation by the United Press Indicates that the Asso ciated Press. Itself, although badly beaten, did not lift or appropriate United Precs cables In any way. The action of Associated Press members. Indulging in piracy, 'apparently was taken on their own individual initia tive. The United Press established and maintains the only comprehensive South American news service at great expense All United press papers le gitimately profited by th's Investment of money and effort. .It nr.F .1. P. HONAID TO HEAR CASKS AT KVKIlKTT I. W. W.'s Objected to Magistrate In Sound City So fjovernor Acted. , D OLYMPIA. Wash, Jan. 23 Judge J. T. Ronald, of the King county su. perlor court at Seattle, win appotnte.l today by Governor Lister to pre.'lde at the trials at F.verett next month of the seventy-four Industrial Work ers of the World, who are accused of murder In connection with the Ever, ett riot Inst November when seven men were killed. Affidavits of pre iudlce had been led by attorneys fir th accused men against both the ru. perlor. court Judges at Everett. Whiie Judge Ronald is In Everet. Judge Guy O. Alslon, of that city, wi!l take Judge Ronald's place on the su perlor bench In Seattle. Alaska May On lry. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22Thi' house territories committee aurced t" favorably report the bill providing A I askan prohibition. . To 709-711 Thompson street where we will give FORD service until our new garage is ready. Only authorized agents in Pendleton for FORD CARS AND FORD PARTS. Cars here for immediate delivery. Ford Roadster, in Pendleton. $399.85 Ford Touring Car, in Pendleton.... $414.85 Simpson BII,I,Y SUNDAY GETS $50,828 IN BOSTUS BOSTON. Jan. 23 Billy Sunday, with a certified check for $50.82 64 and a total list of 63,716 Boston trail- hitters In hta poket, left Boston early today. The personal collection only was behind that of other cltlea but it ia believett later receipts will bring this also to the top of the list . One hundred thousand endeavored to get Into the Tabernacle ror one of the four meetings Sunday, the col. lections had to be carried to the bank in a huge sack by two stalward police, men. Boston expenses, cleaned up over a week ago, were greater than any of the other cities in which campaigns have beer. held. They came to over J00.000. Xo Time for liutiflcatlon. WASHINGTON. Jun. 22. The sen ate was unable to ratify the Washington-Oregon pact providing for a concurrent Jurisdiction of the Colum bia river fisheries. There was no time to consider the proposition. It may be ratified next session. Milton Wins championship in lx-buic anil Basketball. (East Oregonlun Special.) MILTON, Jan 23. The Milton Freewater high school won a douhlu header over Alhena Friday night in the Presbyterian g m by a score ol 7 to 9 Milton was too much for the Athena quintet In the first half of the game. Mr, Gale, the coach for Mil ton's team, c alled on the second lean to finish the game, which they won without difficulty. v4Illton has made a very good showing thlg year In the basketball line, by only losing two 1 .games this season. These were with Walla Walla. A second gamo was played between the Milton-Athena girls. The Milton girls won by a score of 26 to 15. This was a very interesting game for the teams put up a good fight from be ginning to end. There was a very large crowd at the game and after the game refreshments were served In honor of the visiting teams. Saturday night was the second de bate for the MHton-Freewater high school. The subject was "Itesolved, That Oregon adopt the Health Insur ance Law." The Mlltnn-Kreewater high sehool had the negative side of the question and Stnnfleld had the af firmative side. The defenders for Milton were Ruth Steen and Delbert IKmlus The votes cast for the dif ferent sides were, negative 2, affirm ative 1. The Judges were (Marvin c : r r JfJ MABEL TALIAFERRO IN'THIS 5UNBISM" At the AUu. A GOOD WINTER MOT Manv Deode dread winter because the sudden climatic changes britift . colds, grippe, rheumatism, tonsilitis r.r Ihrnnrhilis. But thousands of well- I informed men and women today avoid much sicknessfor themselves and their children by taking a few bottles of Scott's Emulsion to make richer blood, j fortify the membranes of the throat andchest and create body-waimth to re sist sickness. Soldiers at war reJc ive cod liver, oil; it will also strengthen you. Scott S; Bowse, BkMniStld, If. J. 16-31 11 jlj TELEPHONE 408 jJ i -V 4 Auto Co Evans, Supt. W. H. Kern and Prof. Bleakney, all from Walla Walla. The next debate will be with Con don, for the eastern Oregon champion. ship. Sore shoulders, lame kick, ilirT neck, all paint and aches yield to Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub H. Simply apply to the Bore spot, it quickly penetrates and relieves. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skin. Keep a bottle handy lor rheumttiim, praini, bruuei, toothache, neuralgia, gout, lumbago ind tore 11111 muaclci. At ill druggiiti, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. IN! THANK YOUR GROCER if he asks you to try a can of Wf BAKING At rowurn He wants to do you a favor he knows what brands to rec ommend from experience. fc- ft. i if' '..AJ r "'win -i A . 0