t J 1 PAG K TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 1017. RIGHT PAOCH r.-D (I WEEK EXPLAINS ESTATE WX LAW NFVFR IN THE HISTORY OF THIS GREAT STORE HAS THE VARIETY BEEN GREATER THE SAVING OPPORTUNITIES MORE UNIVERSAL I-AH ODD LOTS. BROKEN UNES AND DISCONTINUED UNES ARE PRESENTED TO YOU IN THIS SALE AT PRICES THAT IN MANY CASES m-nanSSSE IS SOMETHING HERE FOR EVERYONE AT A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL SAVING , IT WILL BE MONEY IN YOUR POCKET IN THE END IF YOU BUY ALL YOU POSSIBLY CAN NOW. SUB STATION NO. 1 OF THE U. S. POST OFFICE is here in our store, and it's here for your special accommodation. You can mail your letters and parcels here, buy stamps and postal orders, and register letters right here in our store. Ms New overcoats have been put into our stock in the last few days making our show ing very complete Now is your best time to buy. If you wait till next fall you'll pay at least 50 per cent more than we now offer them to you for. $12.50 Overcoats, Clearance Price $15.00 Overcoats, Clearance Price f 11.87 $17.50 Overcoats, Clearance Price $13.8o $20.00 Overcoats, Clearance Price $15.60 $22.50 Overcoats, Clearance Price ?17.90 $25.00 Overcoats, Clearance Price 19-35 $30.00 Overcoats, Clearance Price ?23-0 BOYS CLOTHING OF UNUSUAL QUALITY AT UNUSUAL PRICES Our Boys Dept. is full of good things for you. Suits that are made to withstand the wear and hard knocks of rpal hnv Reinforced linings, taped seams, patent but- j - nrta Too' Suits. Clearance Sale Price . rn r1noi.a Cola Pripo S-.Oi $O.VU CUIUS, ucaiauv.c w'- o $8.50 Suits, Clearance Sale Price - $10.00 Suits, Clearance bale Fnce $11.00 Suits, Clearance Sale Price $7.93 $8.60 HERE'S A CHANCE FOR YOU TO SAVE We anticipated the rise in prices by buying an enormous stock of shirts be fore the rise took place. Consequently we are in a position to offer you values that other stores can't meet In some cases the prices we here quote are actu ally less than the present wholesale cost. x $1.00 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, SALE PRICE 89c These shirts are good full cut and well made; flat lay down collars ana piain cuffs; litrht and dark shades; values you'll not see again in, ii. iur choice only 89 50c WORK SHIRTS 43c This is a rare bargain much better than you probably realize. These shirts are now actually wortn btc eacn. uur Clearance Sale Price 43f , MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS Now's your time to buy good warm shirts. If you don't need them now, Duy them for next winter you'll save monev hv so domsr. j - - w $2.00 Wool Shirts, Clearance tr. S2.K0 Wool Shirts. Clearance Pr. $2.13 $3.00 Wool Shirts, Clearance Pr. $Z.5 S3.S0 Wool Shirts. Clearance Pr. $2.98 $4.00 Wool Shirts. Clearance Pr. $3.35 Manhattan Shirts are not included in this sale. $1.50 GOLF SHIRTS $1.19 We have a most attractive stock of golf shirts, new patterns, perfectly made, fine fitters, extra qualities, fast colors, January Clearance Sale.. $1.19 MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS REDUCp Our stock of military and flat collar negligee shirts at $1.50 to $3.50 is the best you'll find anywhere. Silks, Pongees, Madrasses, Soisettes, etc., in a wide range of colors and pat terns. $1.50 Shirts, Clearance Price $1.19 S2.00 Shirts. Clearance Price $1.59 $2.50 Shirts, Clearance Price $1.98 $3.00 Shirts, Clearance Price $2.39 $3.50 Shirts. Clearance Price $2.89 These and hundreds of other values equally good go to make this the great est shirt sale Pendleton has ever known. VISIT OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT You'll find there at all times the greatest collection of real bargains in Pendleton. Needed apparel at prices that will more than please you. i. iiiM'ii ' $9.00 DUCK ULSTER. HALF SHEEP LINED, $7.90 An all around good warm coat, made for ser vice and warmth, full 54 inches long. Made in the very best way with high storm collar. Clearance Sale Price $7.90 $7.50 DUCK COATS $6.6S Short length, a good wearer and very warm, for the man out of doors you can't beat this coat. Clearance Sale Price : $6.65 $12.00 LEATHER COATS, CORDUROY LINED $10.80 The real storm coat, wind and rain proof. Short, light and comfortable; very durable. Clearance Sale Price $10.80 $11.00 SHORT CORDUROY SHEEP LINED COATS 58.79 For warmth and good looks this coat beats the world. Clearance Sale Price $8.79 $7.50 DUCK ULSTERS $6.73 Full mackinaw lined; light storm collar; a , most serviceable and warm coat. Clearance Sale Price $8.73 $13.50 MEN'S CORDUROY ULSTER, SHEEP LINED $11.85 A very sightly ulster. Most serviceable, warm, wind proof and rain proof. The best in the world for long auto drives. Clearance Sale Price '- $11.85 $12.00 MEN'S DUCK ULSTERS $9.85 Full length ; full sheep lined ; the best service coafc your money can buy. Clearance Sale Price $9.85 $19.50 MEN'S SHEEP LINED ULSTERS $13.95 Full length ; Fustion cloth and Whipcord ; brown, wombat collar; full sheep lined throughout, sleeves and all; fine warm storm collars; full cut and long; wind proof and rain proof. Clearance Sale Price $13.95 MEN'S SHEEP LINED COATS AND ULSTERS AND FUR OVERCOATS GREATLY REDUCED $47.50 FUR OVERCOATS $31.20 , Fine Galloway calf coats, extra well made; hair guaranteed not to come out; quilted lining; full length; storm collar; very sightly and warm. Clearance Sale Price $31.20 h A Uet urn of Uw Grow and N Inher. hum Mut lie Filed Wu Un Vol kxr Wkln Y'r .AIW U lxtitli or iho lRvuk'iit. Relative to the new Inheritance tax or estate law of the federal govern ment, Thad T. Sweek, general deputy collector who la hero, mulcea the fol lowing explanation: "A 5 return of the gross and net es tate must he filed with the collector by executor or administrator within one year after decedent's death and before distribution of the tax payment la' made. The return must be upon form No. 706, and all Information called for upon the blank form mutt be given. If the admhilstraSon of the estate Is In such Incomplete condition that correct Information as to the value of the net estate cannot be giv en a -tentative return may be rlleil. showtnar nn estimate of the net and gross estate, and the tax law, and such estimated tax may be paid at the time th. return In filed. Where a tentative return has been filed a fi nal and complete return must i be made on or before the dnte of flnxl payment of the tax In full. Wherever there 's a partial payment of the tax J i. hi t Yuu may keep this new Kdin in with the dla tnond stylus and yow csHo of 12 rmwAi fer 3O0. l'J a little down and I little each month or we. Ith jnur farorlte reronla. WHTrB TODAY FOR OITR NBW l- BON HfOK. Ne obllrntlnoa. WARREN'S MVBIO IIOUSB Pendloton, Oregon. F.nturtaln yonr trieode !M CMS! TRY IT! STOP DffllFF O mm m m HAIR STCMS FALLING OIT A?tl tJKTS THICK, WAVY. 8TUONO AM) HKArrilTL. Your hair beumea light, way.v fluf fy, abundant and appears as toft, lus trous and beuutiful at a young girl's after a "Danderlne hair cleanse." Just try this moisten a cloth with a lit tle Danderlne and carefully draw It through your hair, In advance tentative return must be strand at a time. filed before the collector will accept the partial pnment. The" return must be made and filed with the col lector In duplicate, one copy to be ob. tained by the collector and one for. warded by him to the commissioner ' Relative to corporation returns, the law provides: "Every corporation. Joint-stock company, organized In the United Slates for profit and having a capital stock issued and outstanding, repre sented by shares of the market value I of $75,000 or over, and not exempt at Indicated in article 2, tnan maae a return on form 707 Irrespective of the par value of Its capital stock, unless such corporation. Joint-stock com pany, or Hssocintio, or insurance com puny wua not engaged In business dur ing the preceding taxable year, which for the return due January 1, 1917, shall be the fiscal year July 1, 1915. to June SO, 1916." taking one small This will cleanse the hair of duet, dirt and exceitslve oil and In Just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Danderlne dissolves every par ticle of dandruff; cleanses, purlfle and Invigorates the tcalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. Hut what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when yoi will actually see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lota of it surely get a 25-cent bottlo tf Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug gist or toilet counter, and Just try It. Clearance Sale of Women's Shoes and Slippers Meanwhile lite automobile I pre. paring to make Its very particular an nual bid for the attention which It gel all the time. IRISH TKXOU TO UK CITIZKN. John McOornuirk In IMillaurliUUa Ahjurra British Allegiance. I PHILADKLrftlA, Jan. 17. John McCormack, tenor, a native or Irelund accompanied by hit wife, visited the Naturalization Bureau here today nd, renouncing allegiance to King George, declared hie Intention of be coming a cltisen of the United States. When asked the necessary technical questions, McCormack became ner vous and several times had to appeal to his wife for the exact dates of the various happenings. The ordeal over he and Mrs. McCormack quickly left the building. The declaration disclosed these facts: John McCormack. vocalist. born in Athlone. Ireland. June H 1 S84, aed thirty-two years. Residence Rits-Carltnn Hotel. Arrived in this country at the port of New York April 23. 1 !-!. Height 5 feet. 1U Inches; weight, 220 pounds; complex ion, dark. Do everything reason tells you do Unless conscience vetoes It. to Women's Cloth Top Patent Button, regular $5.00; Clearance Price $4. Jo Women's Cloth Top Patent, Lace, Regular $5.00; Clearance Price $Z.Jj Women's Kid Top Patent, Button, Regular $5.00; Clearance Price $.Jo Women's Kid Top Patent, Button, Regular ' $4.00; Clearance Price - $ Women's Kid Top Patent, Lace, Regular ?4.00; Clearance Price j?-.op Women's Cloth Top Patent, Button, Regular $4.00 ; Clearance Price $2.6o Women's Gun Metal Calf, Cloth Top, Lace Regular $4.00; Clearance Price $2.6o Women's Gun Metal, Lace, Regular $3.50; Clearance Price - $2.4a Women's all Kid, Button, Regular $3.50; Clearance Price ' $2.4o Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, Regular $1.50; Clearance Price $1.-0 Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, Regular $1.00; Clearance Price 80 Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, Regular 75c; Clearance Price 60 Women's Felt Ribbon Trimmed Juliett, Regular $1.50; Clearance Price $1.20 Women's Felt Fur Trimmed Juliet, Regular $1.25; Clearance Price 95 Women's Felt Toilet Leather Sole Slippers, Regular $1.00; Clearance Price 8o T P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 PHONES, ALL 15. rtuo vcadi v INVFNTORY AND FIND THAT WE ARE LONG ON SOME ITEMS. WE ARE OFFERING YOU THESE xic."";? look T0 YCUR NEEDS now-there are ,N many HARVARD STIDI'AT WITH PKItrWT HRAIX TO III: A C AN VI, It. iNvriNrF? ONI.Y A FEW CASES OF EACH ITEM LISTED NEW PACK SHRIMP 2 cans 35?; doz. LIBBY'S CONDENSED MILK 3-4 size cans, A fnr 30 APALGNES Delicious for soups, chowders, etc. . . .20c cans 15 ; 35c cans 2at? 15c CANS RIPE OLIVES Special, the can lOf Ilozen cans $1.10 RIPE OLIVES Individual cans,- 15c adej special ; 2 ICc SARDINES The can DOMESTIC SARDINES Specially priced for this sale, 3 cans 25 CROCKERY DEPT. IN GROCERY BASEMENT DINNER PLATES Set of 6 65. 75, $1.00 CUPS und SAUCERS .Set of 6 90 to S2.25 WATER GLASSES Set of 6 30 and 50 STAR CUT GLASSES Set of 6 75 and 80? QUERNSEY COOKING WARE. OTTER BRAND MINCED CLAMS Sold regu lar 3 for 50c, special this sale, can 15 Dozen cans $1.7o VAN CAMP'S SOUPS The can 10 T. P. W. WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP Speriai for this sale, 6 bars 25 MANY OTHER ITEMS NOT LISTED HERE ON SPECIAL SALE. IND. CUSTARD DISHES Each 10 and 25? BEAN POTS Each 45, 50tf and 60 MIXING BOWLS Each 30 and up CASSEROLES Each 70? to $1.50 TEA POTS Each 50 and 85? T. P. W. BATH TABLETS Glycerine and Per- N oxide, iz lo dox, special EONELESS SARDINES Large cans, special the can : 20 SARDINES IN MUSTARD DRESSING Large cans, special, 3 for 50 SNIDER'S TOMATO SOUP Large cans, 2 for - 23 PAY US A VISIT TODAY. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC APPLIANCES IRONS $4.00 and $5.00 PERCOLATdRS... $6.50 and $8.00 GRILL STOVES Each $6.00 CHAFING DISHES Each $12.00 TOASTER STOVES Each $4.00 The PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE Peoples Wa reh ouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE f ' ' ir gr- . , ) " I , A I " " V ' ' v 'I J? K ;1 ' 'lt j ;A7i ' ; 4 a . iA ; 1 i i -" -, ' t t' " - i., 'L,y - - ir Itching Pimples Kept Mr. Simpson Awake for Hours. Suffered Biily. Healed By Cuticura. "I .ufTcrcd very badly with my hesd vhich came nut in little wliite pimples. They would go away in a week and then come back again, mey (cito red and tame lo little Vk lute lirads and my scalp ; F"!". It itched' and humid pci badly 1 wuuld iii-l lie awakf fm himrswith V j the p:iin and I used to have Vi I'"! crjjitiuns on my head ifril (mm snatching. My hair was also thin wd dry. "I was tnld In wh my head with salt and water, lint it did no good and I tried but wi;ti n relief. Then I sent for a free sample of t'u'.icura Soap ana Ointment. I .n'.rrwird Imuht more and when 1 usfdtiw. I;iri,e l-nxei.f Cuticura Ointment .fid iwn b.irs ol Sip I was ii-.-alcd." f-i ;mi!) Charlie bimpson, U;.k St., Riv-r li-ove, III., hinc 7, '10. VI-en Cuticura has cleared your skin of pimples and reilncs keep it clear by nsim! the Soap assisted liy the (Jiiitment fur every day toilet iriosea. Alsjo liitely nothing better. Fur Free Sample Each by Return .i!n'.l. a.Mresii j..-st-ird: "Cuticura, Depi. R, fct",-!.' Sold everywhere. - i I Countless Womcu find that when suffering from nervousness, sick headache, dizzy .spells and ailments peculiar to their sex nothing affords such prompt and welcome relief, as will follow a few doses of THOMAS J APNATHY Thnmas J. Ahernuthv, the Harvard senior with a ei Oct brain, Is Nolfitt Into the canning business with his father at West Pembroke, Me. The perfection of his brnin was proved by a long series of tests In the classes of ths late Professor Hugo Munster Uerg, the eminent psychologist. WORMS MARK CMlMMtEN IHICT. If your child cries nut In sleep. Is nervous, puny and listless he may be a victim of worms. Hogln treatment at once with Klckapoo Worm Killer This candy laxative In tablet form kills tfce work and removes ft rpjlck ly and easily. Don't permit your child's development to be retarded by the continued draining of his vi tality by worms, net Klckapoo Worm Killer at your druggist, 26c Adv. A proven women's remedy, which assists in regulating the organs, and re-esta! li.ihinp; healthy conditions. Heecham's I'ills contain no habit-forming drug leave no disagreeable after-effects. They are Nature's aid to better Health tVrti f WUI Vilai to Wm an hi m, to. Sold evarrxlMra. la boiat. 10c, 25c Mrs. Alysc Roe-Cftist PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ELOCUTION. lintel Pendleton. 1 L 4