EIGHT PAGO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917. fACS EIGHT 91 -a I i I C3 S3 .1 !lll!!IM!l!llilllll!inilI!llinillllllllllUi!llllll!ll!i;:ili;i!IIIIU!llllll!HII!IHI f W A Sour Kraut and Sausage A dainty dish for th! cold weather, large can 23c Finnan Haddia and Oysters to arrive Wednes day A. M. Royal Chef Clam Chowder, large can 15c Solid Pack Tomatoes, can 10c Columbia River Salmon, 3 cans 25c Country Butter, roll 75c Ranch Eggs, dozen 50c Sweet Cider, sallon bottle 90c Sweet Cider, Quart Bottle 25c Jonathan Ap;Ies, Fancy, box $1.40 Jonathan Apples, Extra Fancy, box $1.50 Rome Beauty, C Grade, box $1.15 Rome Beauty, Fancy Grade, box $1.25 Rome Beauty Extra Fancy Grade, box.... $1.40 Winter Bar anas, C Grade $1.25 Winter Bananas, Fancy Grade $1.40 To Rulld Garage, Ed McHroom has taken out a per mit to bulla a garage on Cosble street at a cost of $100. Buvs New Cadillac. Councilman E. J. Murphy has re ceived a new Cadillac "eight" which he ordered through the local agency. low as eight above. The maximum today was 28 making the datly range only 20 degrees. Marriaso license Issued. A marriage license was issued to- later in the week flay to Clifford H. Banister and Fetirl has been trying to secure a bout with Oi"ns Gent Furnishing Store. n Tnnstein has opened a gems Y BEOS GROCERY "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28 823 Main St d Siiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.- j 'A Hovel of Holdman. I f furnishing store at 204 West Webb i S 5 5 Young llaokonlimtdt Here. Charles "Young'' Hackenschmldt, who claims to be the only accredited brother of George Hackenschmldt, the "Russian Lion," Is In Pendleton today and Is scheduled to appear In a wrestling exhibition at the Alta Frank MiCarroll hackenschmldt and will ihallenge him while here. probably street He Is handling new ana sec- ond hand clothes for men. Kilo Will For rrohote. The will of Maurice M. Johns of Yancuover. Wn, who died recently in California, has been filed for pro bate in this county upon the petition of a son, M. Melville Johns of Athe na. Deceased left property in this county valued at 122,500. Pica at State Hospital. Edward Elmer Goudy, 51, died yes terday at the Eastern Oregon State Hospital and the body Is being pre pared fer Bhlnment to Kansas. De- These Chilly Nights Call for Warmer Bedding We can save you money on your bedding needs, having stocked up before prices advanced. A com plete showing of BLANKETS COMFORTERS PILLOWS SHEETS . PILLOW CASES SPREADS, ETC. Ask to see "Our Special" Pillow at 89t each. A big value at a little price. ceased was formerly a farmer and Ir. Kinsro til Portland. Friends and office asso. iates of Dr. R. E. Rlngo are strongly resentful today over a rumor th.it has been cir culated regarding the doctor s health. Both Dr. L. D Idlemnn. office asso ciate, and Miss De Fold, office girl for Dr. Rlngo denounce the report as untrue. They have been hearing from the .doctor by mail or phone every day and say the story Is baseless. Dr. Ringo and family are visiting In Port land and are guests at the Hotel Mult tomah. The local report regarding the doctor's condition is ascribed to professional Jealousy. Salt Lake City Today Is the scene of one of the most enthusiastic convention ever held in the United States. Over 150 of the J. C. Penny Company' stockholders and managers are gathered there giving their own personal ideas how to better the Golden Rule service in the coming year and also placing orders for the coming Summer, Fall and Winter seasons for 125 of the most progressive and busiest stores in the country. Woolnup Blankets 72x80 Heavy tmi fort era 11.98 llllows 7o. Wto. $1.19 Pillow fanes, 2 for Spreads Hemmed Sheets IjuIIiV Cotton I'lilon Suit. . Ladle Hewed Lined Ho Children's Sleeping Garments YOU CAN rio BETTER AT . . 35c SI.49. $18 49a, We 19c, 98c 15C . 19c Oftc, T9c, 9c JCPrnneyCo Inc. J Ijullt' Knit l'mlerklitn 69c, 98o Bungalow Aprons 4c Yard Wide Cretoiuie 11 l-3, 15o Yard Wide KllkolliHH 13 l-Sc, 15a Pirn's Heavy Work Shorn $2.M, $2.98, $8.50 Slru'a Heavy Lino,! Mllti-iw $1.25 Mi-n'n Heavy laser's Shirt $3.98 Men's t'anvan logging 09 9 Ho Men's Cnivenetle Pant $2.98 WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW P-ROAT F.XPEITKD. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. It is admit ted Paul Hilcken, general manager of lived at Oatarlo. His wife is here to tne Eastern rorwaramg company, take chute of the body. " New York enroute to New Lon- don anticipating the early arrival oi $10 Mere Fines. a German submarine merchantman. It The city received $40 more in fines ;does not state whether the Deutseh and forfeited bails this morning Jess ! land Is expected. It stated the return Edmlsten and Charles Foster, charg cargo is a thousand tons of crude rub ed with being drunk and disorderly, each forfeited $15 and Richard Moore paid the other $10 on a drunk charge. ten, tin and nickle stored London. In New Liquor Probe Resumed. SEATTLE, Jan. It The federal grand jury resumed Its liquor syndl- The first batch of Cnmnlaiii o Dirty Streets. Pomnlaint is being made by local ! cate investigation, people particularly merchants, over Indictments la hourly expected. It the dirtiness of the streets during the i is believed three days will be occu time It is Impossible to flush the j P'ed hearing witnesses on important streets. It Is charged the streets ar Phases of the probe. District Attor- Ith sufficient care or suf-, ney Allen questioned witnesses in ra not swept flciently and that the town is being criticised for a slovenly appearance. pid succession. Inventories Are Filed. Robert Hocft. Robert Beilke and C. J. Jennings, appraisers of the es tate of the late Nell McDonald, have filed their report placing the value of the estate at $6921 46. J. S. Gur dane. Henry Neal and John B. KniMht appraisers of the estate of James E. Fames, have appraised that estate at $42. DEAD SOX SENT HIM MES. SAGE SAY'S SIR OLIVER IjODGE. The Quality Store. Charley Jont Rack. Charley Jost, who formerly made Pendleton his headquarters while handling the fight game, is back In the city Tlsiting hia brother, Pete Jost. The elder Jost has been in Ra ker for several months but the cold weather has put a temporary quietus on the boxing business It was 19 be. low sere there last night, he reports. Brakeinia Was Killed. News was received here today of an accident at Baker last evening wherein a brakeman named Jenkins was killed under the wheels of a switch engine. Jenkins wag one of the crew of an eastbound freight train and he fell on the track while attempting to swing aboard his ca boose. He fell in front of the switch engine, being killed immediately. The dead man had his home at La Uranda I ' ' 1 I. a f C - V55v 1 v si i2 oiivTR vor LITE V.MRE BULLETINS IXVESSTIGATIOX OKDEltKD. ElltKKA, Jan. 1. Admiral Oaixrun arrived on the cruiser San Diego and ordered an imme diate Investigation of Uie Mil waukee wreck, llo took person al ciuuvn. IXKJS 1MIEVHNT START. SAN 1MKUO, Jan. 10. llltfli toga la die Jaeuniba nnunUUns prevented aviators from start ing to bant Colonel Bishop and Lieutenant Rolterwon, believed kixt in the wilds of Lower Cali fornia. Four powerful scout ma elibiOH are awaiting favorable weatlicr. Tlie North Island camp lias received no word from the missing aviators. VENIREMEN EXAMINATION STARTS. BAN AXGELO, Texan, Jan. 17. The examination of veniremen for the Siwnnel trial has started. A special Tenlre of seventy-two was called. Harry Spanneil is rharged wltli murdering his wlfo and Major M. C. Mutlrr In Alpine laxt July. SENATi; WILL PROVIDE FIGHT. WASniXGTOX. Jan. It Chairman Adamson of the house interstate commerce cvmimlttee told president wllwn the railroad pocram will paw the house thin scWon. Ho raid the real diffi culties were In the senate. All the world's a stage, but Just the same, stage money doesn't go very far In trade. Vqi Ui rat BY USING "Peacock Goal" BEST BY EVERY TEST Coal is not Coal NOW IS THE TIME TO TEST IT OUT AND CON VINCE YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR QUALITIES. PLACE TRIAL ORDER TODAY. Phone 178 ; JerW SMYTHE-LONERGAN QUALITY QUANTITY CO. SERVICE IS-illlllllliljiliiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllililllllllMllllllllllllllllllllliJ: s k if a 'v J ' Re-mounting Old Jewelry II 5 1 3 Many a beautiful and valuable jewel lies hidden and forgotten in some old jewel case because of its unattractive setting. Such jewel reset in a mod ern way will be wonderfully attractive and we have special facilities for designing and re modeling old jewelry. Why not look through some of your old family treasures now and see if there are not some that should be remodeled? We will be glad to make up special designs for you without charge, if you wish. Royal M. Saw telle Since '87 Pendleton, Oregon Eighteen voted In. At the meeting of Pendleton camp, W. O. W, last evening' 18 applications I for membership were favorably voted upon and these applicants will be pari of a class to be Initiated Into the camp on Janaary 22. A committee o. three compoeed of B. F. Cook, Charles I iiuit ana 1. ;nrusi.euben ubj ueeu ap pointed to have charge of a banquet to be served at that time. Adams and Athena members will be asked to participate In the affairs of the even ing. Oa Wednesday night of this week a local delegation will go to Athena for a big meet.ng there. A demonstration of seeming life beyond the grave has Just come from the pen of Sir Oliver Lodge, the vet eran English scientist, formerly pres. ident of the Royal Society. WELSH'S THKEE REASONS" FOR WINNING HIS FIGHTS W hit-ky la Seized. The police this morning seized a trunkfal of whisky which had arrived yesterday morning from Utah at the O.-W. RAN. depot No one ap. peared at the depot to claim the ship ment. It came in on the eame train that did the returning sheepmen but the police declare they are satisfied that it belonged to none of that party. A John Doe warrant was Issued this morning and. If no one appears to claim the liquor, it will be destroyed as provided by law. The trunk con. tains aboat lx gallons of whisky. m -i- IS II ii it r,,HiiiiMitt.lllltlllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIII!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir:J Talking te Student At the high school today Mrs. Olive Havens, representing the Utah Home Industry Association, gave two talks one of them being to the girls of the domestic science classes. Mra. Ha vens Is here In behalf of the beet nu f ar interests and is preparing to give siveral talks before different organi zations in the city. She is promoting the gner: l cause of patronizing home manufactured products and his much jrtiita upon the Bubject. In Utah it ia jsuid there are 18,000 people employed i In various manufacturing plants, th beet .sugar industry being one of the Important lines of manufacture. " 1 ! V", .yl" 5 rj$ f t i ft r,t ' , " Jtr '. ' .,. ,f - t" x" i a f ' i it in i i iii mitl sjsjjVS. ss. St ti Ani.lvpiHMrv of Record Cold. One year ago this morning the of- ( Freddy Welsh is one of the caglest ficlal thermometer In Pendleton reg-; boxers in the game. He hifta and IMered 20 below tero and a year ao dances about the arena as if he were tomorrow morning the mercury sank afraid that once hit he would be n 22 below, the lowest mark ever knocked out. A friend asked Fredrtj recorded by an official thermometer his reasons for this style of boxing. In this dty. There was a foot of , 'I must win for three resaon," said sr.ow here a year ago, the heaviest ; Freddy. "They ar Important rea- ii,.r in th sons, consequently f can't take flllOWB fl'ft tuuiiuft - - - month It wasn't exactly warm In chances. One reason U Mr. WeWH Pendleton during the early hours of while the other two are the two little : (this morning, the mercury going as wewnes. Remarkable Specifications of the o Saxi mi New SAXON S97S F.OJ. Compare these with any car sing for less than (19110 and you will realize Saxon value Pendleton Front Axle Pingle piece drop forging, "1" beam section, heat-treated. Roar Axle Pressed steel housing. Two pin ion differential carried on Tlmken bearings. Axle drive shafts 1 1-16-in. diameter, special steel. Tlmken roller bearing In rear wheels. Brakes Two seta on rear wheel hubs. Service brake, external contracting, 12-ln. in diam eter, 2-In. face. Emergency, Internal ex panding, 11 11-16-ln. diameter, 1 3-4-in. face. Both nets of brakes lined with Raybestos fabric. Readily adjusted; self-equalizing. Bodlex Sheet metal over wood frame. Stream line, five-passenger. Front seat 41-In. wide. 17 -in. deep. Heel board to dash 2 8 -In. Rear seat 45-ln. wide, 181 deep-. Front doors t9-ln., rear 20 1-2-in., concealed hinges. Bearings Tlmken roller bearings used throughout running gear. Large babltt bearings on crank shaft, connecting rods. .Four large bronze and babbitt bearings on cam shaft. Hyatt roller bearings used on forward end of transmission main shaft. Transmission countershaft on large bronze bearings. Cam Shaft Drop forged, special steel, 1-ln. diameter, cams Integral, driven by helical gears. Carburetor Float feed, automatic type. Air supply heated by stove on exhaust manifold. Insures carburetlon of low test gasoline. Oasollne supply valve adjustment on dash. Oonnoctlna; Rod Drop forged steel, "I"-beam section. Control Tenter control, throttle and park centi r of steering wheel foot accelerator. Crank Case Cast Iron, split type.- Cost inte gral with cylinders. Adjustable hearings. Crnnk case is supported on heavy drop forg ed beams which are bolted to main frame. Motor dust pan protects motor from all road dirt. Crank Shaft-"-Tjitest crank design; correctly balinced for all speeds. Special drop forg ed rt"el. Clearance Front axle clears ground by 11 Inches; rear 9 Inches. Clutch Dry plale. multiple disc. Noiseless, smoothly and easily operated. Irlve Shaft drive. I 1-32-ln. alloy steel pro peller shaft, double universal Joint. Drive taken thru concentric torque tube. Helical bevel gears In rear axle, efficient and abso lutely silent. Fr&nie Pressed steel, channel section, 4 -18-ln. x 1 1-4-in. x 5-32-ln. Fuel Gravity feed. Gad Tank Heavy two-piece tinned pressed steel tank placed in cowl, 10 gallon capa city. Oasollne gauge on dash. Horsepower 30 to 36. Ignition Remy single system with single aet of spark plugs. Lubrication Combination splash and direct aystem. Direct oil leads to motor gears, and Individual oil sump for each connecting rod. Oil pressure gauge on cowl dash. Oil Indi cator In crank case. Motor L-head type. Six-cylinder oast en bloc; 2 7-8-ln. bore, 4 1-2-ln. stroke. FlHton Kings One Burd high speed ring and two eccentric rings. Rlm Quick detachable and demountable. One extra rim. Springs Cantilever front and rear. Front spring, 27 8-4-ln. long, 2-ln. wide; rear. 41 1-2-in. long, 2 1-4-ln. wide. Starting Device Two- unit Wagner Electhle. Oe.ir flywheel drive. Oenerator silent chain drive to crank shaft. Rattery carried under front Beat. SUxvtng Gear Worm and full gear type locat ed at loft of car. Heavy drop forged heat-tre-ited steering connections. Large bear ing. Steering wheel 17-ln. in diameter. Trend Standard. Tlrm 32 x 3 1-2-ln. all around, non-skid on rear wheels. TraniniMon Selective sliding gear type, three speeds forward and one reverse mounted on rear axle. Tlmken and Hyatt roller bearings. Gears and shafts special alloy steel. Valve 1 7-l-in. diameter, nickel steel head, carbon steel stem. Valves .operate In long guides, All valve mechanism fully enclosed. Wtw-olrt Brst grade hickory with demountable rims. Wheel Baso 1 12-ln. It will be sold In Pendleton by an established company, with dependable garage service be- hlndDon't buy a car until you see the new 1917 Saxon "Six," study It, ride In it, drive It. See the many added refinements In this year', car and the wonderful specifications for the price. 812 GARDEN STREET ROUND-UP CITY AUTO CO.