EIGHT PAGE3 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 15. 1917. PAGE TWO DR. ISOli HILL h Ni sairiie Mas YOU WILL BE THE LOSER IF YOU DON'T ATTEND THIS SALE AND BUY EVERY CENTS WORTH YOU POSSIBLY CAN YOU KNOW JUST j AS WELL AS WE THAT ALL MERCHANDISE IS ADVANCING AND WILL CONTINUE TO ADVANCE FOR SOME TIME, SO IPS ONLY GOOD fc COMMON SENSE TO BUY NOW AT THE REDUCED PRICES WE ARE OFFERING. I ( Clearance Sale of Women's Shoes and Slippers Women's Cloth Top Patent Button, regular $5.00; Clearance Price $2.93 Women's Cloth Top Patent, Lace, Regular $5.00; Clearance Price 2.95 Women's Kid Top Patent Button, Regular $5.00; Clearance Price $2.95 Women's Kid Top Patent, Button, Regular $4.00; Clearance Price $2.65 Women's Kid Top Patent, Lace, Regular $4.00 ; Clearance Price $2.65 Women's Cloth Top Patent, Button, Regular $4.00; Clearance Price $2.65 Women's Gun Metal Calf, Cloth Top, Lace Regular $4.00; Clearance Price $2.65 Women's Gun Metal, Lace, Regular $3.50; Clearance Price $2.45 Women's all Kid, Button, Regular $3.50; Clearance Price $2.45 Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, Regular $1.50; Clearance Price $1.20 Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, Regular $1.00; Clearance Price SO Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, Regular 75c; Clearance Price 60? Women's Felt Ribbon Trimmed Juliett, Regular $1.50; Clearance Price .. $1.20 Women's Felt Fur Trimmed Juliet, Regular $1.23; Clearance Price 95 Women's Felt Toilet Leather Sole Slippers, Regular $1.00; Clearance Price 85 $9.00 DUCK ULSTER, HALF SHEEP LINED, $7.90 An all around good warm coat, ma.de for ser vice and warmth, full 54 inches long. Made in the very best way with high storm collar. Clearance Sale Price $7.90 $7.50 DUCK COATS $6.65 Short length, a good wearer and very warm, for the man out of doors you can't beat this coat. Clearance Sale Price $6.6. $12.00 LEATHER COATS, CORDUROY LINED $10.80 The real storm coat, wind and rain proof. Short, light and comfortable; very ' durable. Clearance Sale Price $10.M $11.00 SHORT CORDUROY SHEEP LINED COATS $8.79 For warmth and good looks this coat beats the world. Clearance Sale Price $S.9 $7.50 DUCK ULSTERS $6.73 Full mackinaw lined; light storm collar; a most serviceable and warm coat. Clearance Sale Price - $6.73 $13.50 MEN'S CORDUROY ULSTER, SHEEP LINED $11.85 A very sightly ulster. Most serviceable, warm, wind proof and rain proof. The best in the world for long auto drives. Clearance bale price $11.8o $l"2.00 MEN'S DUCK ULSTERS $9.85 Full length; full sheep lined; the best service coat your money can buy. Clearance Sale Price -'- $9.8o $19.50 MEN'S SHEEP LINED ULSTERS $13.95 Full length ; Fustion cloth and Whipcord; brown, wombat collar; full sheep lined throughout, sleeves and all; fine warm storm collars; full cut and long; wind proof and ram proof. Clearance Sale Price $13.9o MEN'S SHEEP LINED COATS AND ULSTERS AND FUR OVERCOATS GREATLY REDUCED $47.50 FUR OVERCOATS $31.20 Fine Galloway calf coats, extra well made ; hair guaranteed not to come out; quilted lining; full length; storm collar; very sightly and warm. Clearance Sale Price $31.20 Final Clean-Up of All Party Dresses AT STAY THIS ILK NOTFJ PORTLAND PRKACHKlt Wild, HOI J) SERVICES AT liAlTlST 1'JiritCH IJiTU, SA'ITRDAY. Two Powerful jscmwuw liollveml at buiulay Me-lmK; "The (Jucntion Uod oui't AainW Proves Forco fill lAWtfUi. This is an unparal leled bargain event all the gowns of fered are of this sea son's styles in a per fectly fresh and us able condition. Span gles, sequins and tulle are the trimmings, ef fectively used on ma terials of remarkable beauty, in a great va riety of colorings. To quote the origi nal prices of these gowns would be ridi culous in view of the bargain prices offer ed. As the quantity is limited we urge your early attend ance. During this special event there will be no alterations, no approvals, no ex changes a sale is a sale. Our Art and Drapery Department Offers Exceptionally Low Clearance Sale Prices In order to clear the shelves for the early arrival of our spring stock of cretonnes we offer our beautiful assortment of cretonnes at the following; remarkable re dactions. 75c Value, Clearance Price.. 3c CSc Value. Clearance Price.. 53c 5c Value, Clearance Price.. Sc JSc Value. Clearance Price.. 27c ioc Value, Clearance Price.. 19c Saving reductions on Curtain Serin. Net and Madras. All beautiful up-to-date patterns in etther white, cream or ecru. A chance you certainly can't afford to miss if you will need new cur tains before spring house cleaning. 11.09 Values. Clearance Price 8c 75e Values, Clearance Price.. Sc 60c Values, Clearance Price.. S8o S5e Values. Clearance Price.. t7c I Go Values. Clearance Price., lac DRAPERY SILKS REDUCED. We have Just a few pieces of Drapery Silks left and have decid- mj in nut an extraordinary low price on them and close them out. Lot 1 Regularly J 1.00 per yd., special 59c Lot 8 Regularly 65c Per jr., special S8c These silks make beautiful ki monas and negligees as well as draperies. We have Just a few pair of ready made scrim curtains left; and in order to close them out before in ventory, will put them all out at Vi price. These curtains come in either white or ecru and are beau tifully trimmed, some with lace, some with incertion and others with both. Original prices from $2.00 to 110.00 per pair. Ecru and White Curtain Edges Reduced Just what you need to "dress up" your old curtains a bit 15c Edges, Clearance Price.... 7c 5c Edges, Clearance Price 3c 20 Inch oyster white Linen Crash 500 value. Clearance Price... Sc PILLOW CASES REDUCED. tti- tin.n urslloDed edges. i, ,ii ji ... ...... . regularly 1100 per pair, spec. 79c PIX CUSHION FORMS PRICE Square, round ana nearc snuu pin cushion forms, satin covered in pink, blue or yellow. Original prices 20c, 35c and 40c UMBRELLA SIIADE LAMPS AT A GREAT REDUCTION. Silk or cretonne shades in either dark or light color combinations. Wonderful reading lamps. $5.50 Values, Clearance Price $3.79 $3.75 Values, Clearance Price $2.89 ALL OUR POPULAR EMBROID ERY PACKAGES REDUCED. We have reduced all of our pop ular package outfits, even Infants' dresses and night gowns. Only the finest of materials are used in these packages and we ab solutely guarantee the workman ship to be of the best. The garments come ready made and stamped with most attractive patterns to embroider. The packages Include i... nairUeees middies, emi dren's ami infants' dresses, petti coats and caps and many other useful and beautiful things. Fol lowing is the list of price reduc tions: 25c Packages, Clearance Pr... 19c 50c Packages, Clearance Pr. .. S9c 65c Packages. Clearance Pr... Mc 75c Packages, Clearance Pr... 63c 85c Packaees. Clearance Pr... 7Sc $1.00 Packages. Clearance Pr.. 87c $1.15 Packages, Clearance Pr. 96c $1.35 Packages, Clearance Pr. $1.14 $1.50 Packages, Clearance Pr. $1.29 $1.75 Packages. Clearance Pr. $1.49 If you do not embroider, you can wash out the stamping on the gar ments and edge the neck and sleeves with lace, and you have a much daintier garments than you can purchase ready made for the same price. STAMPED DRESSES SCARPS On finest white or oyster white linen, pretty patterns. $1.00 Values, Clearance Price. flic SOe Values. Clearance Price.. 3c p. WQK tntlMl El! Bps ml tT l prn T.TATTr j-'ivriia All pretty patterns, that don't tnka Innir to wnrlr $2.75 Values, Clearance Price $1.98 $2.00 Values, Clearance Price $1.49 $1.50 Values, Clearance Price. 8c STAMPED TOWELS 83c Values, Clearance Price.. 69c iOc Values, Clearance Price.. S8c Stamned Crrim Gowns, come in pink, blue or white, regular $1.00 special 79c Stamnrd Children's Dresses regularly 85c. $1.00 and $1.15 special 69c 50e TABLE. On this counter you will find a variety of articles worth up to $3.00. Come early and get first choice. 25c TABLE. Articles worth many times the price we are asking for them. Come early, for they may not last ong. (E. R. C.) Doctor Hinson la lo reniuln and preach at the Buuli.H church un to and including Friday night of this week. Tonight he will apeak on "Tin Unpardonable Sin." This is by re quest, coming from the audience, Last nlfcht ho spoke on "The Ques tion God Oin't Answer." Hebrews 2:3. How shall we escape if we nett led so great salvation? There um three things suggested in the l''U. Salvation Is great. We may neglect it. How shall we escape? We must show that salvation is good, lio.l thinks It Is a great salvu- i tion. If 1 saw a runaway horse, I I would risk my life to save some on' who was in peril but I don t think I would risk the lite of my boy. God gave his own son to die for us, the Just for the unjust, to bring us to God. He must have thought it Is a great salvation. Jesus must havo thought it a great salvation for In was willing to die for it. The Holy Spirit must think It is a great salva tion for he irives his life on the earth for it. The angels in heaven think ll a great salvation. The Christian mar. tyrs through all the-e centuries have thought it a great salvation. Gvd'a salvation had a great author. For four thousand years God was doing nothing but prepare the world for nu coming. It does not stand to reason that people would neglect it. A murderer would nut neglect a pardon that was offered. But God's salvation has been neglected. Millions are neglecting it i iivn. Aiq juu in belting . c. q j v I ready to meet your Lord? or are you neglecting your preparation? mere are very very many who are neglect ing. Why do you do it? How shall we escape? Some day you must take a long Journey from time to eternity; from this life to God. It would be common sense to prepare for any Journey. Hefore the Duke of Wellington went Into any battle ho provided for a way of retreat. If I neglect salvation where is my waif out? You can escape from some things by force. But If I neglect salvation and then come face to face with God what good will force do me then. He piled up the great mountains and made the seas. He upholds all things in the universe -by the word of his power. I can't use force against him. Then force has been tried and the. banished angels languish in failure of their force proposition. Can I escape by pleading Ignor ance of his salvation. All nature Is proclaiming Has loft us without ex cuse. The Bible says "Believe on tlvj Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." How shall we escape It Is the un answerable question, for there is no escape. Christ Is on the mercy seat now but one day he will sit on the Judgment throne. What are you going to u about this salvation? I am going to ask him again. Jesus save me. What will you do about It? The girl with a clear skin wins If you, too, are embarrassed by a pimply, blotchy, unsightly com. plexion, just try Rinol Soap regularly for a week and see if it docs not make a blessed difference in your skin. In severe cases a little Rcsinnl Ointment should also be used. Kcsinol Soap helps tn make red, muijh hands and arms soft and white, and to keep the luir healthy and free from dan druff. Contain ! free alk.ili. RcMtiol Snap anil (lipiiicut liral wmiu nd imU lu kiu-erui.uuM ii ujiully li.u iuliiiie iiiuntlf. The "Clansmen," born of a deeper, ate and ready need, went forth bold ly to rescue their white women from the ravages of an unleashed menace and to deliver their loved southland from the hands of the oppressor, but when they became a corrupted band of murderers and revenge seekers a mailed Almighty hand reached out and clutched them from the earth. The great and good man, Abraham Lincoln, met an untimely end at th hands of a cruel assassin, but a swift and Ignominious death soon overtook the latter, while the former lives In tho heart of his countrymen and will ever be glorified In history's choicest pages. And o the great tain unfolds Itself, clear through a national chaos to a perfect peace and a living argu ment of right over might. "The Birth of a Nation" sympnany Orchestra again Is the big feature with this masterpiece. Prices this time will be popular, being but 60.; for adults and 25c for children, for the matinees, and nt night, !5c, EOl 75c, $1.00. Matinees at 2:1"; nights at $.15. Seats on sale at the Delta on Jan nary 17. ? BAD BREATH rh anTcrtnem I .l per pair, spec 79c waists, negligees, - . tl . nr a tpct nFDAPTiVfFiVT QTHPF I I PENDLLl Ul O UALH I LjO I uu.i mv i vi ss i I The Peoples Warehousel t M n i m Tr td a nr tl ra - uruuvu ri ha y. i .j i im.ul, mu a yyiji,ii-i i ' w 9 ; i mgmaS ldWMMI.nini" - - -- " : """"II "" "'" 1 .feat I !i! Wednesday to see to n ...imiu.ilin.il m winter pasture there. f-'J-'-l U NS "TX SSSl?" - .,,31 AXOF.L FACE GIRLS .. .. ,. J WIG POOLS POLICE i- -f A. 1 j --ssv I J " '" t. . A t -a J H III i yr f -liiA i - j ill 1 v.. I r- V - WOMAN IlESri'ES POVIl. PORTLAND, Tan. 15. Mrs Caro line Glevlnske smashed a window and entered the burning residence of F. Secorska and rescued Mrs. Seconka. and three children. She sustained bad cuts. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute 'for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath fiml quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, suirar coaled tablets are taken for bad breatli by all who know them. Dr. jdwards Olive Tablets act ien tlv hut firmlv on the bowels and liver. stimulating them lo natural action, clearing the blood and gently purityinif the entire system, 'ihey (I that which dangerous 'calomel Jixs without any oi tne iau anrr cttects. All the benefits of na?ty, sicknintr, griping cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without urid ine, pain or any disagreeable effects. Dr. V, M. Edwards discovcrcl the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are pure ly a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by theti olive color. Take one or two everi night for a week and note the effect 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. The Habit of Taking Cold. With many people taking cold is a habit but fortunately one that Is eas ily broken. Take a cold sTSonge bath every morning when you first get out of bed not Ice cold, but a tempera nf shnni 90 degree F. Also sleep with your window tip. Do thl and you will seldom take cold When you do take cold take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and get rid of It as quickly as possible. Obtainable every where. Adv. MEACHAM IN GRIP OF IIITEHSE COLD THKJtMOMLTKK TOl'CHKS 83 IK MUCKS KEIXW KKRO YES TKKIMY MOKNLNG. Kaow Is PVr and Jive Feet U"T KvprrwhiTejthe Nws and S ul km 'f Inuwwt A fiatliered bf the t' oreronian Correotit- (Hist Oreonisn Poe.lal.t MFJVCIIAM, Pan. 15. There has b-en no snow fall during the pat wek, the first part of the week being warm enough to permit plenty of thawing, but the latter Part turned colder. Haturday the thermometer registered 20 degrees below and on mm TAKE SUSSTITIHIS PULSION Sunday morning it was 25 degres be low. The snow is still four and five feet deep everywhere. Mrs. H- Warner of Coombs Onyon. came to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barker on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B Darker went to La Grande on Friday to viait their daughter, Mrs Collins Mr and Mrs. Ora Kates went to La Grande on Friday and returned the r,.iinw,ne dav They have been re- I siding out in the country but are mov- I ing Into town. Mrs. F. Hanlen came down to vlait i her mother Mrs. J. Baker, on Hatur I day. Mrs. Baker has been quite ill but Is improving at present. Miss Ruby Hilyard, Miss Jthoda Mangers and James Barker went up to the dance at Karnela Saturday ! night. Ed WeUel, roadmaster, was in town on 'Friday attending to railroad businera and returned to La Grande Saturday, accompanied by Afef Thompson, the extra gang foreman. W. Hart man, the time keeper and about IS men of the fanr who were reeignlnH Earl Oilianders waa In town rrom Pendleton on Saturday attending to business here. John Dockweller returned Monday fr.,m Portland where he had been working for several months. He In tends residing here again. Ben Marlln went to Pendleton Tuosdsy to attend to business. M. B. Rosa went to Telocaaet on Theatrical Spd and Ways Adopted by Lf of Pnm Appearance. NEW YORK, Jan. 13. "Angel Face." a girl of 17 years, whose real 1. x-in. Ferrettl. was held to day unde'r $2,000 bonds in the Wll- liamsburg police court on a cnarxe . burglary. The police allege that the young woman is a skillful burglar. sh. 1. said to employ a wig aim makeup in changing her appearance with th.ntrlral aDeed and accuracy. to avoid arrest. The young woman is of strikingly prim and Innocent ap pearance. "When she leaves a place she has entered," said Detective Dowling. "she puts on the wig. Arter a n to an apartment, she dyes the wig again, uses face powder and in this way prevents an accurate description being sent out for her. Bhe has only been out of the Bedford reformatory three months." Ai-hen and Pains of rheumatism are not permanently, but only temporarily relieves bv external remedies. Why not use an internal remedy- Hood s Sarsaparilla, which corrects the acid Idlty of the blood on which rheuma tism depends and cures the disease Adr. I it' H'"" , V . 1 . i 1. ' ; Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton s pres ent and coming attractions. You may kwp tbls new KiIirod with tin ill mond rIvIim and your rhiWe of 12 rerwfi fur two. I'Bj a tittle dnwo and a little rarh monlli or . Kntertsla lour mi nir iiiTiiriir reroron. WltlTK TOIlAY irmt lll'R NEW HON HOOK No ohllt-ntlnns. WAIUIFN'S MVKIO HOCSE I'cndliton, Oregon, "THK UIRTII OF A XATIOX" UKE4a.N THEAIKH, JAN. 2I-2J Tim Had tri-hK and Uic .hI .Sur vives In Grirnth's Birth of a Katlon. DOROTHY GISH, IN TRIANGLE-FINE ARTS PLAY, "CHILDREN OF THE FEUD." AT THE TKSII1.K TIIKA TWl I.AsT TIME TODAY. Thiu our glorious nation Is found ed on right and justice and will there fore, always endure, to embody to a world the soul and conscience of tho earth, cannot be more forcibly dem onstrated than in IJ. W. Griffith's im mense pictorial reproduction, "Tha Birth of a Nation." In it "Stoneman," the profensed 'ne. gro lover" and father of the carpet bag rule In the south, would wreck and devastate a mighty section, but his wild political schemes mlscarrv and boomerang upon his luckles.! head. Lynch, the mulatto, drunk with wine and sudden power, a trai tor 1oth to his own and to the white rare, dreamed of a black empire and a lily-white empress as h' own, but his devilish ambitions were founded upon stinking mud Instead of solid rock, and a conquering flood deoen.1 ed upon him, Washed them away and snuffed out his wretched wife with them. frlds KOI- tiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi SiiK loom Ri Goods a a a 3 a IIKCF.IVK OIIU HPHCIAfi 5 ATTFNTION, 3 We r at all times equlpp- g ed to supply your needs at a shortest notlee with practical 3 first quality rubber goods. 2 We sell tha famous advsr- 3 ttsed "Kanilerk'' Itnhber 5 ((hmIs and (iiarnnles utmost a sat laf notion and valus, 3 Telephone orders fro, yoo. 5 your nurse nr physician re' 3 eelve our Inatsnt attantlnn 5 Deliveries are prompt and jg correct 3 a Give us a trial. 3 Tollman & Co. j 3 Leading rui(i.li 'iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHNn