F ACS EIGHT . TWELVE PAGE3 )AILY EAST ORFGOVTAN PFNTiT.FTON. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 12, 1917. - i nniATinr IlirimiiO MP M IPtCI li II 5wi,11iiiiiii,i1iiiHUi niuuitiiiimiuiaiuiiiuiHiiiitiiiiHiii iiii.iiinimi j: rnftli I I lit 1Un IUU urtj . HOIdl - S)aka lulil and Semi Weetly t dleioo, oregnd. tiy the IX OUM.uMAN 1TUL1SHINQ CO. City Official Paper. County Official Paper. Member United press Assoclatlon. t rt,e pnetofflf at Peadletoa, -ond Ium mill Blatter. N I.K."NOTHKR CITIES KKr. "ordTOragoo. aoi7ac, I. C-. B" ' HOW, 8cnscnirT"iN tks. UN APYANCKI rlr, n'- hy. n"'1.v; IwHt. Ki awnths. by m li"?! three swaths, hT aity n month, by m( laity! eae vr. hy rsrrler tatty, n . ,5 tally. aa month, by rt'1 1 SO ..5V 2(10 1 25 .50 T Ml . S 75 2 KESPONSF- Oh. the world will be smiling In stead of rude If In passing on your way. To. hold yourself to a gentle mood And toss it a big bouquet. The world may worn prosy. But the sentiment goes; The world will seem rosy If you hand It a rose. Oh. the world will seem cruel and all unjust IT the rose's grace you hide And wield the brier with reck less thrust As you bid men stand aside. It's a circumstance plain. Ju.-t as sure as you're born! It will prick you again If you hand It a thorn. 1 Philander Johnson in the Washington Star. ASTIGMATIC FitfA TOR T.A FOLLETTE f Marion county, tn&X Kplnved recioii that gets nff the state vet re- cently cast a 5000 majority of ita own against an r-asieru al School is "agin" a coyote bounty by the crfot TTo sava covotes are Kftor than iackrabbits and i.ni Via Vrnrl been inform ed that eastern Oregon people had more money invested in raising coyotes than in raising cattle. The stupendous Know UHn of pastern Oregon af fairs possessed by the Hon. Mr. La Toilette is most startl ing yet appears characteristic of the section from which he bails. There are too many people in that region who have the opinion that the state of Oregon is bounded on the -west by the Pacific ocean, on the north by the Columbia, on the east by the Waldo hills and on the south by the rain belt RURAL CREDIT IN BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia plan will be less advantageous, trom mt standpoint of the farmer, than our own federal rural crem; law, as our plan will be able tc insure a lower rate of interest THE MENTALLY SICK TXvERE is something that ijj may cause you to opea your eyes: "Everv vear society is un- iustlv sendinar to Drison huti dreds of insane and feeble-J minded persons who, in the! course of their mental dis turbances, have violated the. nennl laws. This CUlnable nrnrtice nf nunishintr the men-1 .-- r ----- ---- M tally sick should in the course of justice cease. "Society is beintr noorlv nro- rArte wVipn it sends insane! rnd mentally defective indivi-j duals to penal institutions anal then releases them from cus tody uncured, merely because IVtoir contnnea Vinve Pvnired. wiv.il jliih ... lU " r- Yet thLs irrational procedure isj being continuously practiced! bv our courts and boards ofl ... i parole in all states of the unM on." i These two DaraeraDhs arej taken from a Daner read at the last Illinois conference of char- iti and pnrreptions bv Dr. Paul E. Bowers, medical super-l intendent of the lnaiana nos-i pital for insane criminals at Michigan City. Medical ex amination of prisoners at tfce; time of their trial was thei method proposed by Dr. Bow ers to prevent the injustice ae people practice against them, selves and these unfortunates. "When a defective deun rmenr Vms hppn dischareed ar paroled from custody, merely because he has spent a cenam time in prison, he returns to society a more defective and viciously inclined lndiviaaai than he was previous to his in carceration, .ur. isowers ae clared. "It is almost certain that he will return to prison m a now rlinrire. and the same foolish experiment with all its attendant expenses win oe re peated i - s - ill" - v ' ? r " t - V vv ' V A County Library NEWS NOTES HCURS 10:09 to 5:30 NIGHTS 7 to l-'-SBSMW 2 to la rer that they may become ac customed to breathing through km muiks while in strenuous action the Royal Fusiliers In the British trenches in France have taken to playing foot- Skule.' .n .nrolleA at his "Writen and still they come. Mr. Rapheel Ramond, a Canadian, this week filed his Intention to be come a clUxen of the United States with, the clerk of this county. Also Hd Rassell, another of Victoria s . Tn more democratic voters added te the population of this conn- I 28 Years Ago Today A a Twannoror tf tbp loral of il llUllft'- v. w fice for the American Express to. Mr. ranett estaDiisnea i ipniitfltinn that will cause local people to regret his retirement from that office even thouga he has been given a prom tion. There have recently been request at the library for books that will help foreigners in learning the English language. Many others would prob ably use the books If they knew where they could obtain them, if library pa trons should suggest this reading to any new Americans with whom they become acquainted, It will help along the caue of education and Ideals of citizenship. The readers contain in very simple language Information on a variety of subjects necessary In starting life In a new country. These book will be, placed at the loan dek for the next week where all may see them. ini'llsh for vrclcnccs. Fauatlne New readers for evening schools. ptoldKngllsh for new American O'Brien English for foreigners books one and two. Voigt How to become a natural I'pH citizen. Wallach First book of English for fortimiers. Wullueh Second book of English fiir forptamers. TVilson Naturalization laws of the United State shoeing how to lie enmo in American clt'zen. There has heen so much Interest in Pendleton of late In the subject of psychology that students of the sub- Wt will be srlad to know that tne roi lowing books may be found in the county library. Miny of these titles re sneclallv recommended by Prof. Henri Peschamp Psychology. A n gel 1 Psychology. Corlnt Meaning of dreams. rrirwin Exnresslon of the emo tions In man and animals. Dewey How we think. Kills Task of social hygiene, rioddard Kallikak family C.oildnrd School training of (li fer, tive children. Halleck Physchology and psychlo Taking a walk on an empty stoin- 'culture. lach is said to cure Indigestion but . '"l Ka vorv careful wnose ball in them On those occasions when it becomes necessary to wear masks very quick action Is required. Football Is the nearest thing to the kind of action then practiced. ow to know that history often repeats itself. j A man domiciled in a village board, ing house has no use for the local newspaper. A lad boy seldom inherits his bad ness from his father. The old man usually hangs on to all he has. TheBigShow AT The Curio Shop WINDOW is now on display at cur store; all goods reduced ; it's worth a look. WATCH THIS SPACE for the big an nouncement we will make toon. j , 742 Main. Next Door First Nat. Bank i 3 la 1 i a E-3 I 1 S7.--3 nil! nnmumMHmiHK illliiiiHHumii Richards Euthenics. Tltohener Beginner's psychology. The following new fiction were placed in circulation today gn tne seven day shelves. Fiction. Bosher People like that. Brown Prisoner. Brown Two college girls. Buck Pestlny. Bullen Frank Brown, sea appren tice. Burnham Instead of the thorn. CastleThe wind's will. iCoxon Individual. Daviess Over Parldlsa Ridge. . . . Day Blow the man down. Doland 'Rising tide. Dlx -Battle months of Oeorg I'ta ii roll a Duncan Roberta of 'Roseberry Gardens. Fisher Real motive. French Susan Clegg and her lova affairs. Garland They of the high trails. Oogol Taras Bulba (Russian.) Goncharov Oblomvo (Russian). Houah Magnificent adventure ( story of the Lewis and Clark expedi tion.) Jepson Terrible twins. Kerr Love at large. King Pleasant ways of St. Me dard. Lea Chloe Mulone. London John Barleycorn. Lowndes Good Old Anna. Luehrmann Curious case of Ma rie Dupont. Wells Mr Brltllng sees It through. stomach you walk on. -itN viw of our own rural U rredit. legislation, state j ;t !u r.f in. lerest to know the steps taken by other countries in this fie'd. A description of the British Columbia farm loan act is given by the Toronto Mail and is as follows: The British Columbia farm loan art, based uion the New Zealand sy.-,-tero. has h -n in operation f"r a year a.nd a half. ;ir.d re,-ulu are beginnin? ta show, at le:ut on the financial side. The met authorized the borrowing of SlS.S09.e0u to be administered by a rmmlReioii which would Issue gov ernment guaranteed debentures. A lrel)muiarj' loan of 1 1.000.000 waa obtained at C.63 per cent, and is re loaned to farmers ut 6 5 per cent VP to date 4'jfl applications f'r loans have been eivd, and 144 have been tenanted, lin'.lvlng an amount of I34.0 The commission refus'd 14! pplicati ins. and hiw 'he remain der under cuisideritlon. Blmfl the mor'.zs,ges on which money is l.-nt run for li'ng periods, from 10 t" 35 1-2 years, it Is easy tc understand that farmers bothered bt private mortgages wiu!d like to ex- rfunn Into the government svstem But the o'ject of the S' t was not to iTMte a iTdinit bureau tn p it out anoney to rcp'i.ce that lent by private nireaturs It was td enconraee agri rn Rural devclopiuent. and loans are tieln restri',toii far as noss fit.-, to thono who intetid to us the tnon tnr nroducMve purpose'. Tlvt Is the Vu't of the whole svstem the 1n mue of production thr. ueh better finsnc'liig fi.oilitie.4. Atpa'ently the wmmleslon In procefding Jud'clou ly. 1tv9 history of the New Zealand srheme has been a record of mccess r. have been almost negli- attMex Out of 81,000 b ans In 1 yrnrs there were only 3 foreclosures. New Helnd loaned 160 OHO.000 In hi. mv al S rx-r cent. The scheme safe and sound If properly admin. tter4 and though British Colum Wo feu been an Eldorado for the land peculator nd the land grabber con. 4ma In that respect now are such ht only hard, productive work menu, , The foregoing shows th? Thp suffprinsr nublic. dooed at tnn frpnuent intervals with r.ews of Harry Thaw, is likely to be sorry that tne gentleman did not make a better job of his attempted suicide. Despotism, according to the old world definition, consists in an excess of control by sme ration of which the definer is not a citizen or an ally. Captain White's experience as a troop commander on the border should be no handicap to his reinstatement as adju tant general. (From the Daily East uregoninn. Jan. 12. 188. urn. r.ni Wade was assaulted by two larger companions yesterday, de prived of his shoes and stocKing auu robbed of all the trinkets in his pos session, the young highwaymen es caping afterwards with their booty. H. M. Ritner. a brother of Joe I.lt- ... h... in tnwn for the last few days. Heill return Monday to his c",ne does home at spoKane raim. Miss Uena Kunzie is visiting Mrs. C j S. Jaokson at her residence on Webb street. Rev. Goss of Baker City is the guest of Rev. W. E. Potwlne. He wilt con duct the services at the Episcopal church tomorrow morning and even-is?. Billy Ward has made his appearance on the streets again, having recovered from a severe attack of neuralgia. J. B. Wilson, the town surveyor, has moved his office from the Thomp son and Barnhart building to the coart house. Letter boxes have been placed on .t. .1.1. f Walla Walla and free ,11,5 "u l" ' - delivery system established. to t matin noint In the Hunt rail road subsidy has been reached with out meh trouble but there are ", 00 nare to raise. Men are usually more PHte to peo ple they nexer expect to meet aga'n tha.n to those whose good will Is really worth cultivating. Hard Cold People whose blood is pure are not nearly so likely to take hard colds as are others. Hood's Sarsnparllla makes the blood pure; and this great medicine recovers the svstem after a cold as no other medi- Take Hoods. Aflv. an 1 hu- James Habit James Meaning of truth. James Talks on psychology life's Ideals. Kolllcott Rocial direct on of man evolution. King Rational living Latimer Girl and woman Munsterberg The eternal values. Munsterberg Psychology an,l In. dividual efficiency. Munsterberg Psychology and so cial sanity Oppenheim Care of the child In health. APPIJCATIOXS FOR GRAZING PERMITS. Notice is hereby given that all ap plications for permits to graxe oattlo. hnrui and sheen within the UMA TILLA NATIONAL FORE8T during the season 1917, must oe niea in my office at Pendleton, Oregon, on or be- T ...... , .017 Villi InfAPmM.- Hon In regard to the grazing fees to be charged and DianK rorms 10 do used In making appl)catlons will be furnished upon request. W. W. CRTDER. Supervisor. I Y I BETTER AXD SOVTER UGI1T Is assured by the use of some of them beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN 1 1 li Th? next important news from Umatilla will probably recite the fact the men have gone upon a hunger strike. The Swiss want their ship ping protected; wno Knew Switzerland hand any ships? The school board "leak' quiry also fizzled out. s- , e I 39 YEAtRS AGO j a THE ONCE OVER (From the Weekly East Oregonian, January 12. 1878.) Jimniv I'alcv has made his pile and retired from the butcher business, so he informs us. R. N. St-wfleld. D Theodore and r.o Bihop of Umatilla were in town this week and gave us a friendly call ami .iomtt muhut :intiut encouragement. Horn on the 31st ultimate, 1877. to the wife of A. J. Stevenson, a daugh ter weieht 12 pounds. Married, at the residence of Sam uel Johnson, by J E. Kirkpalnd, J. P., anunrv S, 1ST. Mr. Guy Fruit to M'. T,,...ol,ln Wrlaht. all of this county. , I Diphtheria and scarlet fever In Its mal gnant tvpe still rages on Hirch creek. Within the last few Aieks we urn Informed 24 deaths among children have occurred from hesp dleasc within a few miles ot Pilot I'.nrk. viz: Mrs. G'lllsple. four; H. I'.eisley, two; Z. B. Owens, three; Mr. Grooms, one; B. F Ogle, five; J m niiki . wllttam Tionev. one. Mr. Crockett, one; Mr. Alexand er, two. Ed Kothehlld has gone from our midst but will return about the mid dle of March. His girl plneth but we say unto her, "Weep not. He uoeth awav to come back again, If he goes 10,000 miles." Professor P,'U has about 30 schol- Thu best jokes told about a man are these he never heard. Many a would be poker player made , atiatake in his calling. , Wnmea are extremists; they are eitaec better or worse than men. Th. man who Is fond of a savaga dog has no business with a wife. bar aoanle care to be reminded of the little sins they like to commit. nk.. . nerlodlcal drinker begins to get loaded he should "come to a fall st. It oaght to be consoling to the wid- Iffl f' 1 f"V r '""""V f " N i a A I 3 A Durmi IRtRHUNwA jOHOFEDItt PALLAS PICTVRU At the AUa l-Yiday and Satnrdiiy. OT ONLY WILL ALL OUR MERCHANDISE BE NEW, BUT THE LINES WILL BE LARGE AND ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE. EVERYTHING FOR EVERY MAN TO WEAR, THE SHORT, THE LONG, THE SLIM, THE STOUT, THE REGULAR-IT'S JUST AS EASY TO SATISFY THE ONE AS THE OTHER. THE MERCHANDISE WILL BE OF MERIT; THE PRICES LIKE YOU USED TO PAY. THE DISPLAY WILL BE FOR EASY SELECTION, THE SERVICE PROMPT, EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY AT P"W""V 2) 111 fi D 2M D. 1 Pendleton's Leading Clothiers ,H...n.M.H.....l.H.n.Hn...nl.ln.M.nn.n..i...H...H..H....n.Hnl.uml.Hml.l.m inn. .....IliHHmm.Hil.nu..ii.HiuH.iu.nll.l. 1i,n.iHll......,i.l..n..'S