3 PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. 1917. TWELVE PAGES T T't TT 1-1 TT "t 1 in -T"nn rrrrTinTTiTri r "it- nYrmi-fWi 1 1 ITT' r 'TT TTT T7 7, 'J n 1 ... . . ... . . i vi & nn ft npf All VIKinC ADP PLEASE BEAR IN MIND, IN CONNECTION WITH OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE. aAi.t, i hai uuininu '"VtT ,mwcn im GOING UP IN PRICE AND DOWN IN QUALITY. THAT THE GOODS WE ARE OFFERING YOU AT THESE GREATLY REDUCED PRICES WERE BOUGHT 1 BEFORE THE GREAT ADVANCES, AND THAT YOU'LL NOT BE OFFERED ANY SUCH BARGAINS AS WE ARE NOW OFFER. inoagSn ??or a wwminumimLY will be to your interest to buy just as much as you possibly CAN NOW COME JUST AS EARLY AS YOU CAN. TOO. FIRST CHOICE IS ALWAYS BEST AND THE SALE WILL NOT LAST LONG. A Final Clean-Up of All PARTYDRESSES at M 14.9 This is an unparalleled bargain event. All the gown offered are of this season's styles in a perfectly fresh and usable condition. Spangles, sequins and tulle are the trimmings effectively used on ma terials of remarkable beauty, in a great variety of colorings. To quote the original prices of these gowns would be ridiculous in view of the bargain prices offered. As the quantity is limited we urge your early attendance. During this special event there will be no alterations, no ap provals, no exchanges. A sale is a sal e. THESE BARGAINS FROM OUR WAIST DEPARTMENT are worth while opportunities for saving. Many women will sup ply their needs for some time to come from the bargains we list below. WONDERFUL VALUES AT $2.98 The original prices were from $3.98 to $5.00. These waists are made in tailored effects desir able for serviceable wear. The materials are wool challie, tub silk, crepe de chine," Georgette crepe, pongee and messaline in white, flesh pink, navy blue, pur ple, black and assorted colored stripes. There were waists in this lot that sold originally up to $3.00 which we now offer for $2.98 even though they are all this sea son's newest styles. SILK WAISTS IN DARK COLORS Radically Reduced; values up to $6.95 now $3.98 This lot includes a limited as sortment of well made waists of messaline in black and navy blue, also a plaid taffeta, waists in varied patterns. The styles are mostly on tailored lines, many having collars y3 ma i, uc aujuswuie u mcy can uc b worn nign as well as low. EVERY HIGH GRADE WAIST REDUCED 25 Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Laces. If you are in need of a dressy waist, you can buy a very pretty one here during this sale at a sav- $2.99 A Real Sweater Bargain Worth up to $7.50. Right now is when you need a warm cosy sweater, so we therefore offer you these bar gains, made doubly valuable when the advancing price of wool is considered. WHITE SWEATERS GREY SWEATERS Made of heavy all wool yarns in the plain practical style that are always good. Having roll collars that may be fastened high or worn low. ing worth while. Beautiful Geor gette crepe waists in white or flesh color, handsomely trimmed .- with silk embroidering, beads or flat Venice lace. Costume waists of silk lace, these are all perfect beau ties and entirely suited for the most dressy wear, the colors are cream, brown, ecru and purple. Crepe de Chine Waists in white, flesh pink and maize, in both plain tailored or fancy effects that fea ture the large collars, inserted me dallions of lace or silk embroider ing embellished, in some cases with fancy beads. All new up-to-date stvles that have sold from $5.75 to $12.50, for January Clearance Sale reduced one-fourth off original prices. T. P. W. Pure Food Shop ' Dh.. 11 1 Cleanliness Economy Service 3 mj ft FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR SATURDAY'S TRADE. Fancy Hood River Apples Box $1.25 to $1.5. BONE DRY DRAFT IS PRESENTED 10 THE LEGISLATURE PROHIBITION OK TIITO MANl'FAl! TU11H, TltADH OK IMPORTA TION OF LIQUOR Sf AIK ABSOLUTE. , iMHNtwMkm' cJause ! I-eft Uu Committee, CWo Taken Not to In convonkuoo Legitimate l'e of At eoluH lu Measure. Drafts of the bone-dry prohibition law have been presented to the leffU latora at Salem by the committee which prepared it, consisting of ex Governor West, J. P. Newell, da Wallace Unruh and O. B. Bradley Prohibition of the manufacture, trado in or importation of liquor Is made absolute but the "possession clause is left up to the committee. One draft has It In and other omits It. The meat of the law Is contained in the first section, which Is all embrao. Ing In Its prohibition on Intoxicating liquor as affocting the manufacture.-, Individual or common carrier. Provisions for the use and sale ol alcohol follow In logical sequence, with a statement of the law as affect ing the common carrier and the in troduction of liquor Into the state for medicinal, mechanical, scientific or suramental purposes. The bill submitted for the consid eration of the legislative committee! carries an emergency clause, which means that its provisions would be In full force after being signed by the governor. Provision is made for the repeal o' present statutes which conflict wltn the proposed 'aw but in order that I violations of the present prohibition I law may not go unpunished It Is pro. vided that acts now In force shall be continued In force for the purpose of prosecution and punishment. The committee has not seen fit to insert a "possession" clause in this section, but a substitute draft of the section was given to the alcoholic traffic committees with such a pro vision so that the committees would nave both of them. IHwseKShm Section Included. This substitute section Is Identical with the section quoted above ave that the cluuse, "and on and after January 1, 1918, it shall also be un- i lawful for any person to have In hi- ! possession within this state any such J liquor," appears after the first en ! tence. I If the legislature should Insert this provision in the act it would mean that those powesslng stocks of li quor In their homes would have about . 11 months to dispose of It. LOCALS Q, Advtrti ing in Erie! STvYs! Per line first Insertion I'M Per Hud, ildltlonal Insertion . . . . ne Per line, per month 11 00 No lix-ala taken for less thin 26c. '' Count ordinary words to line. Locals will not be tsken over the telephone sicept from Kut Oregon Ian paid-up subscribers. Housekeeping rooms, 400 B. Alta. I haul jour garbage and trash. Phone 653M. 1403 W. Railroad St. Dressmaking taken In. The Ken more, Apt 5. Phone 421. Call Penlund Bros, van to move your household goods. Telephone 83. Also baggage transferring and heavy haul ing. Pendleton Hair Dressing Parlors. Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 45. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phone 284M. Stand, Charles Co., Phoae T. Housekeeper wanted Inquire of Mrs. Peters at Arlington Room. For rent Furnished rooms for gentlemen. S T. this owe. For sale Small roll top deak, It Inches wide, 3 drawers. Inquire Ham ilton Court, Apt i. Prompt automobile taxi service. day and night Funerals to cemetery only 13.50, Phone 610. Hotel St. George. Carney Taxi Co. II. i use for rent, furniture for sale. Inquire "W" this office. Mattress muklng, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for and deliv. ered. city or country. La Dow Bros., 21ft Beauregard. Phone 227J. Rooming house for sale. Main street, In center of business district. Doing good business. Inquire of Peu land Bros. Furnished housekeeping room. One large bedroom for rent. SOt Wa ter street, Board and room with bath In pri vate family. 727 Harden. Phone 314W. For sale Restaurant and rooming house completely furnished, doing good business, In best eastern Cwegon town, which has second largeet pay roll In state. Long lease, terms. A-l proposition for good restaurant man. P. O. Box No. 309, La Grande. Ore. Dried Prune Extra fancy grade, in 10 lb. boxes $1.35 and $1.50 Calif. Glace Fruits In handsome burnt wood boxes, the lb 85 Krausea Celebrated Chocolates Box - 25t to $1.50 Whip Cream Chocolate Fresh to day, pound 60 Fancy Large Gum Drop Assort ed flavors, pound 25? Strictly Fresh Egg -Dozen.... 50? Sweet Apple Cider Clear ana Snarkline. bottle 25 Gal. glass jug ?l-00 g T. P. W. Special Blend, the Best 35 Coffee on earth. T. P. W. Special Tea Packed and imported especially, for us, the pound 60 and 75 Crockery Dept. in our Grocery Basement. . j pendletWs greatest department store The- 1H) . 1 reoDL a es WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE Ware ouse DR. HI N S OH TELLS Of GOSPE For Sale. Restaurant, confectionery and od. parlor, doing a good business. The best corner location In town. Rent reasonable. Fixtures new and one of most attractive on the coast. In tood town of 6000 population near Portland. Apply F. L, East Oregon Ian office. Adv. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between K. L. Cooper and John F Greullch under the name of Alia Theater, has title day been dissolved by mutual consent. said Greullch assuming all indebted ness of the partnership and becoming owner of all the partnership assets. Iat-d January Sth, 1 ! 1 7. V,. h. COOPPR (Adv.) J. F. GREULK'H. L TROTHS I'KKAt llKS I'KOM 2 KAMI' KJi II: AT THK BAPTIST CHI l'H LAST NIGHT. Mertlm: In of Greut Power and Many Stand for rlirlut; Public Is I'rgwl to Attend ftTTkti and CHnn !-rljr for Song Services. Horses. 1,0m or Strayed. Lost or strayed, one bay mare, ace about 10 year.", branded p. II. on righ shoulder and J. W. on left hip; on brown gelding, five years old, weight about 1200 pounds, branded V H. on Hunt shoulder. Will pay rensonab's reward for return or Information lead ing to recovery of above doscribed an imals. R. B. MrEwen, Athens ( Ore gon. Adv. NKW IRRIGATIOX LAW. (Continued from Page 1.) that after an examination and under certain restrictions, bonds of the dis trict will be 'available for Investment by banks, trusts, and insurance com panies and may be deposited as se curity for the performance of any ace at such times as the bonds of any county, city or other municipality may be deposited. The proposed law does Upon a majority vote of the land owners outside of the limits of an In. corporated city or town and upon a majority of the land owners within the limits of the city or town slgnlns a petition for the organization of a district, the city or town may be In cluded In the district. Tke holders of bonds shall, under the new law. have a lien on the irri gation works and other property of the Irrigation district in addition to the lien on the lands In the district; Bonds for an Irrigation district shall bear upon their face a certifi cate of the clerk of the circuit court showing that the procedure for or ganization of the district and the pro. cfdure for the issuance of bonds has bnen confirmed by the courts, pond may be Isfued for the payment or In terest on any Issue of bond for the first five years after their issuance. This feature Is similar to the Idaho statute which has proven very satis factory and has aided the sale jf bond. ' Outstanding bonds may 1e redeem ed by 'he issuance of other bonds with the consent of the bond holders. The board of directors will be au thorised to cancel any unsold out standing bonds. Klmllsvr to California Statute,. The California statute Is followed IVERNIA SUNK BY SUBMARINE, 153 IS MISSING s s. I J not provide for Investment of state schol funds In the bonds. Land owners, under the redraft, may vote at district elections by proxy authorized by power of attorney. A provision is Included that the plans and estimates of the district engineer must be approved by the state engineer before a bnfl election can be held. The necessity of issuing bonds In payment of the value of water or oth. er property rights acquired Is elimi nated by the provision that while ev ery acre In the district shall be re quired to pay the same as every other acre, a corresponding reduction ih thn Hen against an ytract for district Im provements may be made, to cover the property rights acquired by the dis trict. Preent Ivs IsV'k I'nlformlly. The present laws, according to the report made by the committee to the state congress, lack uniformity and have been amended so mueh thut they have become conflicting and cumbersome. The statute Is now con. talned In four separate volumes and the committee deemed further amendment unadvlttlble. The members of the committee working out the new legislation were Percy Cupped, assistant state en gineer chairman; Jay H. Upton, A1 bert E. Klder, O. Laurgaard and Claud C. McColloch. (B. R. C) At the Baptist church last night Dr. Hinson spoke from 2 Samuel, 14:14. "For we must needs die and are as water spilled upon the ground which can not be gathered up again , . . yet doth Ood devise means whereby his banished be not cast from him." This scripture text has a setting faf more interc-tlng than any moving picture. The actors are the king, two princes, one princess, one general And an anonymous woman. Amnon slow the soul of his half sister Tamon and Absalom, her brother, killed him for It. King David banished him from the kingdom. Jacob, the general se. cured this wise woman to go to the king and seek the return of Absalom. She uses the (ext as a means. Now there are soma great facts stated here. We must needs die. Look at the face of your watch. Kvery time the second hand Jerkjs, somebody dies. Every time your pulse beats, somelmdv dies Two DeoDle die every time vnu inhalo and exhale vnur I breath. Notice of Payment of City of Pe1le. ton ImpnoTcment Bonds. ' Notice Is hereby given that City f Pendleton Improvement Bond No. 1. Series J, and No. 1, Series Q. will he paid upon presentation thereof to the undersigned at the American Nation al Bank, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon. Interest on said bonds ceae February 1, 1917. Dated Jan. B, 1917. I,EB MOORHOUSE. Treasurer, City of 1'endleioiu By Wm Mlckelsen. Deputy. GUMP BOY A WRECK FROM THAW'S BEATING Was Forced to KIh Torn, Hand", Oiceks anil Lls of Tormentor After Kwliirlng 8(voro lynshiiur.. KANSAS f'lTY, Jan 12. Dr. W. I''. Kuhn declared Hurry K, Thaw's al leged whippings made Frederick Gump a mental and physical wreck. It Is asserted the boy's back Is welted and bruised. The bov told Kuhn that Thaw use I There is no closed season for I two whips and lashed him for an hour death. Leaves have their time to fall, but death has all times. These are matehmntlcal facts. I marvel to think that I continue to live when l think of this fact.There Is no escaping death. Life Insurance Is not valid against death We know that we must everyone die Tennyson says, "Somewhere the shadow sits and waits for me." We approach It without any stay. The time Is getting nearer all the while. Yet death makes but little Impression upon us. We have been so accustom ed to It that It ceases to impress us Another thing this woman men tioned Is sin. Now we are on famil iar ground. Nobody disputes the facts of death. If. they did We would not think them worth answering. Yet we pay as little attention to sin as wn do death. The state pays no atten tion to sin. No Judge condemns nnv one for sin. Unless sin is connected with crime the law pays no attention to It. Sin is not always crime and crime Is not always sin. All crime Is against the state. All s'n is against Ood. Sin Is a wrong attitude toward Ood, Sin Is the gtiet of nod Sin made Jesus the man of until he finally fell exhausted, plead ing for mercy. Thaw forced him to kneel and kiss his toes, his hands, cheeps and Hps, saying: "I am yotif slave for four years, you are master. I will obey your orders." While berakfastlng Thaw mado flump kneel beside his table, saying: "Thank you, master," continually while eating. Dr. Kuhn alleged that Thaw is the same type as Jack tho Ripper. in the proposed law. In providing for i. ' ... - m ii,.tlnn Aim riot 1 nu"" LONDON", Jan. U,The British: a submarine, with a loss of 12 o. the eerttf.cstlon of Irrigation district , ivernla which formerly Before being taken over by the gov- bonds ty a commission conltln of j crd liner of that name, has ernment the Ivernla waa In the New the atate engineer, attorney general j Jn Meajterranean by i Torlt branch of the Cunard service, and tha superintendent of MM j Districts In Umatilla countv which She made her last trio to New York will be' affected by the new law If It sorrow. In August, 1914. Rince that time her passes are the paradise and Tecl dis- The meeting last nlsrht was one of mm m mnm .nrrfAF tlRV tHefa an,1 n Altrct UVhn whiell 0.111 nOW0r MA.TIV StOOll ttW rtnflu been known only to the military au- ; Is to be organized under the Western Hear htm tonight. Come early and I RELIEF MEASURES ARE AN UTTER FAILURE WAKItlNGTON, Jan. 12. Middle western shippers complaints to th Interstate commerce commission indi. cated the utter failure of all meas ures to alleviate the freight car shortage. war njirora gain s poisrrS NEW YORK, Jan. 12. The entente reply to President Wll- son's note ehaa caused several munitions stock rises. War brides gained two po'nts. Cop- per is nigner. 4 thorltles and the admiralty. ; Land & Irrigation company. hear the song service, Vmmmmm.mm.mmmmm -