East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 10, 1917, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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,hit will match the crovern
expenditures dollar lor
eteti1 I wily snd Send Weekly at Pen
dleton, un'gim. ny inr
!. fill!.'.!
INIAS 11 lil.l.SUlNO CO.
City Official Paper.
County Official Paper.
Member United press
mmumi t the pnstornre at renuieiuu.
ffcta, M second clam man mi
fJSSal Howl News Stand, Portland.
J2E2 nU. Co. Portland, Oregon.
tgo Bnr?a w Secnrltj
TSMbuTirtnn. D. C Bureau. 601 Four-
Htreeu .
My, aoc year, by Ball...-
By. ! m-whs. by mail....
ftaPy, three months, by mall. .
"Py. month, by mall
tly, one year, by carrier.
mfin, an mom, uj '-
1 IS
S 7R
tlty', tstree months." by carrier
mi. ".;"L. .i I ISO
( WwMtW, all months, by mall .T
anst-Weealy, fonr months, by maiu .w
ie has her station past our
9 years ;
An instant seen, then lost
j again;
Sot gives, unbouBht by toil or
Her mercy and her old dis-
To divers men. in many lands,
Her voice has been the voice
of Him
Whose house is builded not with
Who has her of the serap-
The perfect light that is her day,
Ctomes to us broken and dis-
' pearled,
An alien gleam, a shadowed
Whose home is not in any
The saints have eaten of
her food,
The Caesars held her. word .In
poison in the human blood
Tn ntllfr Wftl rls this state has
r.n nrnrvrtunitv to secure road
ork at one half cost, the lo
cation of the roads being virtu
ally under state control. It is
an opportunity we cannot ai-f.-.i
hoo-IppK The lesrisla-
1U1U VV .,ll,v.. -
hire will do right in taking
stens to make sure ot uregon s
ability to secure ieaerai co
PURRED to action by
ahnspa that came xo
i;tf inrino" the uresi-
dential campaign the United
States senate is busy with a
corrupt practices act which it
passed will do considerable to
improve conditions. The act
as proposed win nmn me w
of campaign funds, will pro
hibit any corporation from do-
nating to a presidential cam
paign fund- prohibit election
betting and the puDiicauun ui
nl af inn hots, and (nrobably
most important of all) require
the publication of camTain
contributors names iu uaya m
the advance of a presidential
Such a law will not accom
Dlish everything that will be
hnneA for. There will be ways
of circumventing tne jaw, yet
crnnri tnii result from it never-
ihviu .
theless. It will tend to hold
down the size of national cam
nnio-n funds and brinir the fi
nancial aspect of a campaign
inrn triA onen. The best fea
ture of the proposed law is the
- .a 1 1 A?
provision lor tne puDiicauon
of the contributors' names 10
days in advance of the election
TVirnnch this nroceedine Deo-
pie will be able to learn in a
greater measure than in the
Dast the exact forces benina
ri,,t!.!.in a visit last evening, re-
turning home on this morniim's train.
A Inrse wire h: leen strung on
the electric liK'ht polos and tne lone
of nun is engaged In putting in lamps
for customers.
Although J. H, Turner's 'friends
have been kindly circulating a re
port that he will move to Portland
the public is heieby notified that he
is still on deck in Tendleton.
Lots of bright hopes are exchanged
for gloomy experience.
It is the heartfelt welcome of the
dog's tail that counts.
Women are seldom what they seem
-and we ought to be glad of it.
a weak back doesn't necessarily
Imply that a man is behind the tlmesr.
The estion of precedence in this
untr i merelv a question Of
Altknueh the gas meter never fails
to register it isn t allowed to ote.
Ra Invea hvDocrites because they
serre him best and require no wages.
A married man says the jaws of
death m tint to be compared with
the Jaws of life.
tt la follv to marry a grass widow
for the nurpose of having your grave
kept green.
Hnaia wives, being much taken up
with the rights of women, forget that
their husbands have any.
It is difficult to induce the other
fellow to compromise when he re
allies that he has the best of it.
One seldom realizes how much
worse the world is growing until he
hears two old settlers exchanging
A poison in tne numuu u.u. Fuo wi. . . -
An angers clarion, highland jthe different candidates, there
yODAY the East Oregoni
IrL an carries a story from
Mr. Joseph T. Schuyler
telling of the application of
the federal aid road law to
this state and in another de
TTtmprt of the Daner appears
a news story telling of the in
troduction in the legislature
yesterday of a measure mak
ing it possible for the state to
take advantage of the govern
ment's terms. f
No matter what opinion
may be as to where or how
roads should be constructed
thorp rin he no Question on
the part of sane people as to L
tne aavisaomiy ot sue" a ncjj
by forming-a more intelligent
view as to the merits of the
candidates. .
A woman of 80 has just
taken a degree at Radcliffe
College, Pasadena, California;
here is a real application oi tne
theiry "never too dd to learn."
If congress adopted the
"bone dry" law for the district
of Columbia there will be dan
cpr nf further "leaks" and it
may be possible to give Tom
Lawson a steady jod as detec
Is it necessary to abolish
playground apparatus because
accidents sometime occur to
children on school grounds?
The legislature is now en
paged in w hat may be termed
;ne sinless period : all memoers
ty the state, in onei u gov- t t h rns
,i ; i-L 1
crnmer.t is oiienng winu mc
Rf-xt five years time to expend
over two and a half million
dollars in Oregon, provided the
28 Years Ago Today
8 '
There U one sure, safe way to
mniA i V.lr.rhv ni mntv lc in. A
good or bad complexion comes from
within. If you wantaclear complexion,
a clean skin rosy cheeks and good
healih, your blood must be pure and
ibc poisonous mattermust be carried oS.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
a3Ut nature to remove all poisonous
waste inatter in the system. They act
oa heliver and bowels like calomel yet
hxit no dangerous after-effect i. They
arc reliable safe and cannot harm
are used by women folks everywhere.
Constipation ia nearly always the
caoseoi all ailments of women. Thein
sjMtuies must lie made to do their work
m siature intended in a normal way.
Have color in your cheeks. Take one
sjrtwotabletsnightlyand note the pleaa
iag results. All druf-gista 10cand25c.
(From the Tig :ly East Oregonian,
Jan. li). 1SU9.
Mis? Jocelvn Foulkes of Baker City
is visiting Miss Flornc? Despain at
the hume of Mrs. X. E. Despain on
Court street. j
J. F. Temple bears off the palm as
a crack goose hunter; he shot 10
geese Tuesday on his ranch 10 miles
north of town
H. B. Nelson, the large and sub
stantial brick manufacturer was
among Pendletonians last evening.
The Camas Prairieites have now
received what they have been pray-
iing for. for lo these many days a
Itri-weekly mail service.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Dean have
secured a dwelling in the upper end
of town and gone to housekeeping as
all well regulated folks should.
A lilt'le fracas in which pistols
were drawn took place the other
night over a game of cards in the
Vlilard House, but the quick sepa
ration of the combatants by their
friends prevented damage to either.
I W. T. Cook, the wpII known and
popular druggist, of Centerville paid
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Jan. 18.
State co-operation with the federal
government m road work is provided
in bills introduced concurrently today
oy Barrett In the senate ana Bean in
the house. j
The measures in brief authorize tit
state to issue bonds in sufficient
amounts to meet the federal appro
priations for road work in Oreon dur
ing the next five years, in the event
ihe normal road revenues of the state
are not sufficient.
To Prune. Closely.
Withia a day or so the ways and
means committees ot the house and
.senate wUl begin to delve into the fi
nances of the state government, ac
cordin to Senator Wood, chairman of
ihA ipn&IA .nmmlttAA nnit PonrMpn
tative Kabll, chairman of the house
committee. This delving is exnected
to result in the requests of all state
institutions, boards and commissions
being closely scrutinized and pared to
the quick in every instance.
Would (Tipple, Initiative.
House bill Xo. 3. by Benton Bow
man of Washington, would put the
sk.ds under the initiative, referendum
and recall should it beenacted into
law. It provides that it be unlawful
for any person, society, corporation,
association, organization or company
to recall petitions for hile or com
pensation. It also provides that any
neraon who shall "circulate such peti
tions for hire shall also be guilty of
an unlawful act.
'Hone Iry" Bill.
By Wednesday, if expectations do
not fail, the "bone dry" bill will be
on its way through senate and house.
It m now in course of nrerjaration, and
is being put together by various statu
tory architects. including Oswald
West A. L. veazie. A. M. Churchill, E
a. Raker and B. .. Hicks, each of
whom has contributed his bit to the
entire statute, which Iso be whipped
Into shape and presented simuiian
eousiy In both houses.1
i 1 i I
P? you want the best pipe
tobacco on earth, just
travel around lookirf for it,
then drop into the shop on
the next corner an' ask for
some VELVET. s A
THERE Is No Better Pipe To
baccothan Velvet. We hon
estly believe that Smoker after
smoker has told us so. Before you
agree or disagree, we ask you to
put Velvet to any test that will con
vince you personally.
VelveHs the best Kentucky Burley tobacco
the variety American pipe smokers have
agreed to be the world's finest pipe tobacco
and the natural qualities of this tobacco have
been brought to perfect maturity bv two
years of ageing in wooden hogsheads.
We challenge you to compare Velvet to-day with any
pipe tobacco at any price ?
r vi &misizJm
. 10c Tins J
5c Metal-lined
-: Bags U '
vra-; iai i.v mui, rrrr-
1 l
One Pound
The only NEW
face powder in
the past 50 years
Oh yes, there are many,
many kinds of powders on
the market, but this one is
absolutely different from
any you have ever had.
The price is reasonable,
too -
50 cents
Have It.
Con Dung Low
SreryinlDg clean and up-to-date.
TEA Sc Packasw
Under State
Cor. Webb and CottonwooM Bta.
Phon. H7. Pendleton, Or.
- vs. n, A'
P ii
r . i
VATli-!? la herehv fflven that all
applications for permits to (rraie cat
' tie and horses within the WENAHA
NATIONAL FOUKST during the sea
Ison of 191" must be filed in my office
!at Walla Wulla, Wash., on or before
February 10, 11117, and all appllca
tions for sheep must be filed on or
before March 10, 1917. Full Infor.
...... i,.n i pouurl in th flrrnxlno- fees
to be charged and blank forms to be
used In making applications will be
furnished upon request.
J. M. 8CHM1TZ. supervisor.
i j. 1
5 'H- .'
0 ?. u
American Ambassadors Sp-h at
Trade Banquet liaises Storm of
Protest in Some German yuarver";
Object to Praising of Officials.
of Watches
and Jewehy
THE Jeweler
Scoff's Emulsion
is generously used in
tuberculosis camps is
proof positive that it is
the most energizing prepa
ration in th war Id. It
has power to create power.
It warms and nourishes;
it enriches the blood,
stops loss of flesh ana
builds you up.
l;' ! . :. ftli i'l N.J. I""
Umitimf Tiilts.
nnntni- mmiclr nf Clackamas coun
ty, one of the members who is stand
ing for economy and efficiency in tne
legislature itself, as well as the other
branches of the state government, to
day ut through the senate a resolu
ion providing that no bill shall be in
troduced by any member of the sen
ate after the thirtieth day ot ne ses
sion wihout two-thirds consent of the
The so-called consolidation bills
...n.iH.rt hv th last legislature
were reintroduced in a sold batch to-
k nanatnr Rarrett. the only re
malning senate member of the Joint
-onate r,H house consolidation com
mittee of the 1915 session, president
W. Lair Thompson and Senators I. N.
Day and Isaac Bingham, the otner
m,.,h nf this committee, are not
back at this session.
frnm iHrrlt Hire.
led the fight in
the senate for economy in legislative
clerk hire. Senators Pierce and La
Follette and Smith of Coos and Eddy
joined him In lambaUng tne oia pru
r fiilmir the leelslative commit
tee rooms until President Moser, who
had sought to soft pedal such a pro-te-t
became so fldglty that Garland
remarked about it. .
ni tiif-wtn fhangn.
.....- uhici license will be sold
by each county treasurer, instead of
the secretary of atate ir a nm w. ......
i. rfrafteH hv Attorney Oenera
Drown for Senator Vinton of Yamhill
iMsrFinnAM. Jim. 9. Berlin re-
nnrtfMS that Ttnthless submarining ad
vocates violently denounced Ambassa
dor Gerard's speech at the American
Commerce Trade Association ban.
.quet. Reventlow accused Gerard ot
meddling in Germany's lnterna.1 af
fairs. Other leaders are urging Ge
rard's recall. They objected to Ge
rard praising officials for favoring re.
strlcted submarining.
England is going to regulate the
price of home grown wheat. How
perfectly brutal toward food forestall
ed and others who wish to fatten off
the hunger of their countrymen.
Shnrtnza of natural iras reported
from Pittsburg suggests that stogies
might do as a substitute fuel.
Hong Kong Gafe
Chop Suey
Ontslde Tray Orders a Specialty.
Bcs.es for ladles and gentlemen.
Meal Tickets, 21 Meals for ll.eo
Special Chicken Dinner
54S Main Street
Next to . 0. Bldf. rhone 01
What To Do When
Backache Comes On
Many People Find Quick Re
lief in Foley Kidney Pills
When backache comps on, and It
seems as If you can't stand the pnlu
and pressure in your back and sides,
do not feel that yon niiMt keep ou
KiilTorltig till it weiirs itself out. It
is more apt to wear you out and
seriously iifi'ert-juiir ifciicriil health.
Oet a bottle of Foley Kidney I'illn
and start taking thein at once. They
usually help from the very first doos.
For backache Is one of nature's danger
iiit-nals that vour ItHnevs are not in
a sound and healthy state, that they
are wrong; and when your kidneys
are wrong, you may be sure you faca
a serious condition.
Foley Kidney Mils have a dlreet
snd beneficial action on the kidneys,
blidder and urinary organs. Their
effect Is gulckly felt In Improved kid
ney and bladder action, -and In the
passing away of those painful and
alarming symptoms. No more bark
nehe, wearlncxH and drapgmg pains.
No more painful, sleepless nights,
having to rise time afier lime. It will
pay you to try Foley Kidney rills
promptly, us did Mr. J. W. Ktrls, R. 2,
Cleveland, Oa.. who wrltei I suf
fered with a terrible backache. Every
time I would lean or stoop over to one
side, I'd have a paiiuul catch In my
v.T.if n-ei- t-v V'rliir-M'. Jtl'-t. Mie
box ot Foley Kinney Fills entirely re
Amttm s-iiiina
Mr. J. W. Etrls.
lleved my backache. It has been some
time since I took them, and I have
not felt any of the symptoms since."
Foley Kidney Mils are sold every
where In 6llc and $100 slses. The
1 1. Oil size Is the more economical buy,
as It contains 2 'A times as many as
the 50c size.
TAI.LMA ' ft CO.
ATTENTION to the detailt of our
customers' need is a pleasure
to the officers of this institution.
We are prepared to complete trans
actions in any part of the world... For.
eign remittances are promptly execut
ed by mail, cable or wireless.
Travelers cheques.
Resource Three and a Half Millions
hoconies a law.