PAGE NINE TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY fi, 1917. Resolve and Act Resolve this year, among other things, to save and have. Then act with persist ence and determination in carrying out this resolution. We invite savings accounts of $1.00 or more and pay 4 interest. jMinuiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii!! RECEIVE OCR SPECIAL s E ATTENTION. SSB 5 Wt are at all time tquipp- 2 3 ed to supply your needs at S 3 shortest notice with practical s E first quality rubber goods. s E W wll ths famous edTsr- 3 ttnd "Kantleek Robber g E Good and guarantee utmo E E satisfaction and Talus, s m E Telephone orders fros you, 5 E your DUrsa or physician rs- S 3 selvs our lDttant attention, g E Deliveries are prompt and 3 E Otve us a trial. g mm mm B Tallman & Co. f mm mm E Leadof DrugioU E g leRMtmimmiiiiiniiiinitititiiiiiiiiiiiHssI i Room Kuti Goods yiimuiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i I CORN OATS I by the ton or carload, see S H. G. BLYDENSTEIN I 117 E. Court St. - Phone 35 niiniHiiuinimiiniiiinMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT KM Samel to conjure with GREAT SALT LAKE t .2 . H HW PS! pi mm mm California is dcliKht(ul the 'Vf 'round NVw you may Ro via the SALT LAKE ROLTE, returning from Los Angeles, as you wish, by palatial steamer or limited train, or vice versa. Call upon, or write the representative of UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM named below, and 1 -. IWJt a. . L mi "r;"V " WML MIKIJ OF MOXKCTS CI4MI1S. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Like food, white puper and shoe prices, the cost of monkeys has gone up. and It wiu disclosed today that pathological ex perlmenta being conducted by the public health service are in danger of being seriously hampered by the scarcity of available simians. Ilecently the service needed a dor en monkeys to be Inoculated with dis ease germs In Its hygenlc laboratory, but could only get six and had to pay 118 each, although a little more than a year ago they were plentiful at 8 a head. South American monkeys are used. Officials attribute the scarcity to the closing by the war of the world's principal wild animal market at Hamburg, Germany. CATARRH LEADS TO CONSUMPTION Catarrh is as much a blood dis ease as scrofula or rheumatism. Jt may be relieved, but it cannot be removed by simply local treatment. It breaks down the penend health, weakens the lunp tifsues, and leads to consumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla is so suc cessful in the treatment of catarrh that it is known as the best remedy fur this disease. It 'purifies the blood. ' Ask your druppist for it BETTER ANT) SOFTER LIGHT Is assured by the use of some of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN erm. - "WMOnTOUrJf the rest will be done for you. mm irwt m 0- m. r a 13 BTuVjTfl T. F. O'BIUFN, Agent lViUlleton, Oregon. LIT -iv A '.,-M S it COLLAR HE IS BROKEN BY FALL J0O1IO IAIMMIKU I.NJI KK1 WH1.N MOTOIl TKlt'K SKIIS AND TllltOUH 1UM OFF. Claud hloun (jetting ilctUT ltapliily, W. II. Cry JlcappoliiUd flty Ite- cordcr; A. I Warwick 1 Marshal. (East Oregonlun Special.) KCHO, Jan. S. Wm. Doagun, a la borer working for the Furnish Ditch Co., had his collar bone broken last night while returning from work. Mi. Ooagun was sitting on a seat in the rear end of a motor truck and In crowing a bridge about a mile hIidvj Echo, the car skidded. and he was thrown out on his head with the re sult of a broken collar bone. Claude 8oan, who was badly froz en while pinned under his automo bile last Sunday nlRht, is doing fin;. The frozen parts of his body are now regaining their sensation of touch and Dr. Dorn, the attending physl. cian, reports that amputation will not be necessary. At the meeting of the city counc'l on Wednesday night the following new city officials were sworn In: A. B. Thomson, mayor; George II. Cop pinger, K. K. Lewis and Frank Spike, councllmen and It. B. Stanfieln treasurer. The councllmen who still hold of fice from last year are C. J. Gulll ford, Tom Deweese and BUI Oliver. W. II. Crary was reappointed city recorder and A. U ' Warnock, city marshal. No other appointment were made. A pleasant social evening was spent on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mm Wm. Wilder when a number of their friends came in. Dancing anil muslo was the program until a late hour. Miss Clcphane Gulliford visited in Pendleton several days this week. Charles o. Young returned to Sa lem the first of the week to resume his studies- after spending "the holi days with his parents here- Torn Pcweese returned Tuesday from a trip to Portland. O. D. Teel, George Coppinger. Zoeth Houser and A. B. Thomson left her- Thursday for Portland where they arc attending the Irrigation congress. J. H. Mlchenburg of the Alberta country is here visiting his sister. Un Mary E. Dodge. WILL ORGANIZE BRANCH OF NAVAL SCOUTS HERE STgeant young ai Charge of Pendlo. Un Rocriiitinx orricc. Will Head Slmement; Is National Hoys' Asmi cjation. Sergeant Matthew J. Young, In charge of the Pendleton recruiting office of the U. S. marine corps, has been requested to organize a local branch of the American Naval and Marine Scouts which has recently been organized with Ailmirul George Dewey as chief scout. Sergeant Young will make an effort to Interest the boys of Pendleton in this move ment. The American Naval and Marine Scouts Is a national boys' association which has for its object "to promote, teach and inculcate in the youth throughout the I'nlted States a spirit of loyplty and obedience to his par ents and to his superiors by affording him an opportunity for mental, mor al and phyiBcal training." tA MARRIED MAY fJET $1000 EXEMPTION' ALSO WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Treasury dtpHrtment officials ruled today that $4000 exemption from the income tax lr.w granted to heads of families np plles not only to married persons, but to others maintaining dependents over whom they exercise "family control." The original income tax law named as beneficiaries of the $4rtnn exemp tion married men living with their wives and married women living with their hushands. The act of last Sep tnmber. chancing the rates of taxation named "heads of families." "For this purpose." rends the de partment's ruling, "a head of a fam ily is held to be a person who actually support? and maintains one or more ii.dividunls who are rloscly connected with them by blond relationship. Catarrh means inflammation. Inflammation is the stagnation of blood the gorginc of the circulation with impure blood. Of course you can't be well under this condition. It means, headaches, indigestion, kidney trouble, coughs, colds, etc. Ppriififl B sisn a- VX. U11U nutrition In creases ihc circulation, Invigorates the system, removes ihc waste matter and brightens you up. Over 44 Years Of service to the isiblic eolitlcs it to a place with you. It Makes Good The renins Couifany Columbus, Ohio You can get Pcruna la tablet form for convenience. mmm SERBIAN V T-f r , fir- yy'fA) J' Suit ''. rJjA f - ........ V.-.V W COIN'S INTO ACTIOK. Here is a Serbian howitzer going 1 injo action. The Serbian army, after Its disastrous retreat from Ferbia, WARRING NATIONS SHOULD MAKEOWN PEACE SAYS LODGE (J. P. Yoder.) WASHINGTON". Jan. 4. Declaring that the people fighting the war ought to make their own peace, and correcting slight remarks anent the Ternstorff speech yesterday Lodge cpentd the fight against the passage of the Hitchcock resolution endors ing President Wilson's note this after noon. He said: "The endorsement of the note, with the idea of a world guar anty would Involve such an entangle ment and contravention of the tradi t onal American policy of aloofness. ! When we abandon our traditional pol icy of separation we are taking a long step and ought to know where we are going. "I thing the people who are fight ing ought to make their own peace. Neutrals are specifically excluded In Germany's reply." Immediately as Lodse concluded Lewis assumed the fight for the ad ministration. He contended the Hitchcock resolution of endorsement does not ask approval of the contents of the note but merely approves the action of the president in sending the note. Lewis says he approves the contents. He dodged the querry as to whether he is willing to accept an amendment to the resolution. He de clared Wilson's secret diplomacy was rreferahle to Roosevelt's diplomacy In the seizure of Panama with a bltidg on. 9 JUST THE GIST PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 5 Crushed in the w-reckage when the automobile they were driving was struck by an Estacada train at Linneman Junction, DAUGHTER pF NAVAL OFFICER SEEKING STAGE HONORS I .- - i Miss Katherine Ktish, another Amoriean girl, has lnvadfd th difficult field of Frviuh drama by bocontin a member of the. Theatre Fransais company in New York, an organization which rttay make a tour of the country in the near futtrsc. She is the danphter of Captain William li. Hush, U. 8. N., who is stationed at the Hoston Navy Yard, and acquind her mastery of the Jiviu-h lanntiaoa while living abrtwd with her parents. She was educated in 1 r.tnea and Ucrmany, and sjieaks Italiau and German us fluently as h 4ou Fruock. HOWITZER GOING INTO 4 was reorsaniMd by the English and French and equipped with many of these guns, which are especially use- jful In the sort of mountain fighting Miss Lillian Lusher, 18 years old, was instantly killed and her sister, Rosalie, 20 years old, was seriously Injured. ABERDEEN, Wash., Jan. 5 Li quor valued at 11500 was burned en a vacant corner opposite the city hall this afternoon In the presence of a crowd of several hundred persona ST. LOUIS, Mo., Jan. 5. Tranr plantlng of human organs soon may be a reality. Wealthy men befsre long will be able to take mortgages on the healthy organs of their less fortunate brothers and have them transplanted in place of bad ones, ac. cording to Dr. William Sadler of Ch!. cago. ASTORIA, Or., Jan. S. The feder al naval commission arrived in Asto- ia late this afternoon aboard the tor pedo boat destroyer Truxton, Captain J. M. Ware, commander. The guests were met at the Port of Astoria docks by the local committee from the chamber of commerce and taken to the Weinhard hotel where dinner was served, LEAVENWORTH. Kan., Jan. 6- "Tex" Pchapper, editor of "Square Deal," the prison organ at the state penitentiary here and one of 17 con-vi-t miroled for Christmas, reported from Fort Worth. Texas, today that he was on his way back to prison. Hecause of being 36 hours late he will lo?e his honor standing. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Jan. 5 Joseph Lyharger. arrested on complaint of Alva Day of Hood River, deputy state iame warden, charged with relstin? an officer for refusing to permit the game 'warden to inspect his hunting hag. was found guilty and a fine of J50 was assessed and his hunting li cense revoked for the year. The fine was remitted during good behavior. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 One hun dred and twenty-eight thousand dol lars has been alloted to Oregon for federal aid to road building for the .s.l,l 1'hotucnuib N. 1. 11. r ACTION which was necessary In the recent of fensive by which the Serbs recap tured the big Serbian city of Monas tic next fiscal year, a slight increase over the present year. A detailed survey for the Sluslaw river improvement has been ordered by the chief of the army engineers on a favorable report of the district offi cer. PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 5 Jo Jo. the big monkey at the Washington Park Zoo, was the melodramatic he ro yesterda in a fire that threatened for a time to destro the monkey house and all its Inmates and possibly a big part of the aoo. Jo Jo discovered the blaze in Its incipiency, sounded a wild alarm and saved the day after not more than $5 damage had been done. THE DAILY FASHION HINT 4 Ssiv NAVAL TRAINING R lO.MMI t'lVlUANS IN 1917 PLANA Kit Scheme Incliuloti Ise of 12 Battlo hii, Ooa-t Camps and crgauiza tion of Motor Buai Squah-on. WASHIUTOX, Jan. 4 An oppor tunity for 10,000 civilians to receive naval training next year will be of fered under navy department plans now completed contemplating the ue of 12 reserve battleships for a sum mer training cruise, the establish ment of cou.--t training camps at fr'an Francisco, Chicago, Norfolk, New port and probably Pensacola and the organization of motor-boat squadron-', made up-f owners of pr.vate motor craft. A tentative schedule drawn up by the department provides for the open ing of the camps and the star of the cruise on July 2, the training course in each instance to extend until Aug. 4. Mobilization of motor-boat squad rons for maneuvers would take place early in September. A winter train ing course prel miliary to the sum mer cruise would be provided for those applying on board designated battleships al Philadelphia and New York Chicago's four egg kings cannot well stand one is advised by an unreten eratp Sttul agiiinst the consumer's royal flush of indignation. Get a Good Start RESOLVE To make the New Year more healthful by k-tti Uie stom ach and bowel sstive with the aid of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Q - 536.52 ii s Willi u records Ys, yno mat haor, this new ".. f . rnmm -win, th dlsmond stylus- sitrl jour rliMt f ra rwords. for .W H. Y.,u my piy I hi nnwn inn iitiip nrn ni. mi, w-. Try the Nfw EilisuB In ruir homi- befnr jmi a.ia .a K I. t..,M.,kln mnm f 1 1. 1. rt WBITK TOOAT KH OI'B NltW IT SON BOHK. No oMIirsNons WARREN'S MUSIC H0US2 DON'T SCOLD, MOTHER! THE CROSS CHILD IS FEVERISH LOOK AT TOXOI E! IE ttOATrSV CUlAXlJTnjS STOMACH,. LIVER, BOWKIJi. Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See If tongue is coated; thla t a sure sign its little stomach, liver aadi bowels are clogged with sour wasta. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, bad breath, throat sra doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally. has atomachache, indigwtion, diar rhea, give a teaspoonful of "Califor nia Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul waste, the sour hll and fermenting food p-wsacs ou of the bowels and you have a well ami playful child again. Children Uw this harmless "fruit laxative." and mothers can rest easy after glrlns; . be'ause It never fails to mwJte thrtr little "insides" clean and sweet Keep it handy, mother! A tlttSa given today saves a sick child tomor row, but get the genuine. Ask yw druggist for a BO-cent bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of Figs," which haa di rections for habiest children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly, n the bottle. Remember 4her ar counterfeits sold here, so surely loo and see that yours Is made by the. "California Fig Syrup Company. " Hand hack with contempt any other fig syrup. REALTY TRANSFERS Warranty peed John R. Rathke, to F. B. Fishen, ' 12000, E- 12 SE 1-4 NW 1-4 aacUoaj, 32, township ( north, Srange 19. Maxwell Land A Irrigation Co, t Anna Sapper, JS..13 33, 5 acres in sec tion Si, township S north, range I. French socialists are for eontinn Ing the fighting, which proves that socialism is not nearly as cut and. dried as It thought k was. Itched and Had to Scratch. Came Off in Scales. Kept From Sleep ing. Hair Fell Out in Handfuls. Coticura Completely Healed. "I liad a very severe spell of sickness which caused my scalp to be r .mplctely covered with line pimples. They were very aisax'reeaoie, nett ing all tlie time and 1 had to scratch. They came off in scales and were very .mnoying and pain ful and kept me from sleepin?. Nothing dx) me good, and my hair fell out in handfuls. "1 happened to seeCutictira Soap am dintnient advertised so I got them. I Ix-fan to improve and now I am com pletelv ".ealed." (Sit'ncd) Mrs. M. J. H itterfield. 4"0 S. Kuwrn Ave., Los) Amrcles, Cal., Ausf. 21, 1916. W hy not prevent thee distressing troubles hv mat;i:iif Cuticura your e-.ery d.iv t- ilct and nursery soap aided by tmu'ltcs of Ointment as needed ? For Free, Sample Each by Return Mail add-,- p -t-taH: "Cuticora, Dept. K. Boston." Sild evcrywlicrc. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES cs.;r HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON GARilE MPAMSlI STY IK LUNCHES COFFEE Sverythlng clean and up-to-date. FIRST CLASS SEUVICB TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor WebD sod Cottonwood ma Phone H7. Pen lleton, Ors. 's Painful Pimples Covered Scalp