EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1917. PAGE SEVEN ii r S " No guess work You can knoio You will get good results , and have heathful, whole some foods by using IIC Baking Powder Ask your grocer he knows Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES cSu HOT TAUALES CHILLI m GASfflE SPANISH fifTTUi LUNCHES COFFEE ""rverytnlng cImo and up-to-date. FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. WebD and Cottonwood Bta, Phono 1(7. Pendleton, Or. ARMAND'S The only NEW face powder in the past 50 yean Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is absolutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reasonable, too 50 cents KOEPPEN'S Have It ill OUnOALOIVS BUILT AT RIETi I). W. JACKSON AND It. A. BEN- NKTT WHJj OCt'l PY TIIKM ; MISS PERKY BACK AT SC'HOOU New style of Van issued u Rallrbud Employee and Families for 117; 4. M. HarrlMm purrbax-g line New Delivery Wagou. (East Oregonlan Special.) RIETH, Jan. 4. Mr. and Mrs. II. A, Rudd have returned from a short holiday visit at Eugene, Oregon. Mrs. R. J. English returned Sun day from a S weeks sojourn In Cali fornia visiting friends and relatives at Fresno and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Powell are the proud parents of an 8-pound daughter, born December 28th, at the Pendleton hospital. Mother and babe are doing well while daddy steps high. Mr. Deo. R. Roberts made a busl- nans trip to the west end of the coun. ty last week, reluming home Tues day evening. Mr. Cash. E. Powell and familv spent the holidays in Idaho visiting at Nam pa, Boise and Pocatollo, ar riving home on Sunday, Mr Powell resumed work as assistant yardmast- er January J. Miss Jennie Perry Is axaln on dutj as assistant teacher in our school aft er an absence of nearly two months on account of serious illness that kept her in the hospital for a short time. We are glad to see her back amongst us again. Mr. Grtgxby of Barnhart is a daily visitor to Pendleton at present, being a member of the grand Jury now in session at the county seat. j Percy Folson of Barnhart passcl through Rteth Wednesday en route to Pendleton, returning home the same evening. Operator c. A. Barry of the local telegraph office is enjoying a visit from his father and mother who came In from Payette, Idaho Sunday mom. ing. Yardmaster O. J. McKee spent Wednesday and Thursday in La- Grande and Baker combining busi ness with pleasure in making the trip. Contractor T. H Ford is building a 4-room bungalow for D. W. Jack son and will soon have It ready for occupancy. It is rumored several en glnemen of the west end will rent this bungalow for sleeping rooms. Mr. J. M. Harrison, our local butcher, has purchased and put Into service a brand new delivery wagon which will enable him to give prompt and efficient service at all times. The employes and their families have been supplied with a new style of pas for the year 1917, same heing what Is called a term pass, 'and s only good for three months and for 6n rides and no slips to be filled out bj the passenger for delivery to the con ductor. Mr. R R. Bennett, a fireman be tween Rleth and Portland, has ship ped in his lumber for the erection of a bungalow next to the Jackson bun galow, but active building operations have not been gotten under way as yet. Order Your Coal NOW i lie Greatest ot Ail; Puppy Love SEieThi.iiS " Si A 1 8i I L . ' . - in - ilia Z3 JACK PICKFORO AND LOUISE HUFF, FAMOUS PLAYERS STARS IN PARAMOUNT PICTURES. The happiest days of any man's life :v low, doff his hat and kiss the hand -rried the other fellow, but the days . upite that fact. were those of long ago, when he could of the girl he loved. In most case ah of "puppy love" were best and dearest TELLS OF PLIGHT OF POLISH CHILDREN It's a keep warm insurance against the cold weather. The cold days this winter will tell you whether the C o a 1, with which you're filling your bins, will give the comfort and satisfaction you ex pected. To escape re grets it's wise to re member that it's the heat producing qualitiea in coal that count. You can get LONGEST BURNING, GREATEST HEAT-GIVING by ordering your coal from us. Inactivity Causes constipation. Lack of exercise in the winter is a frequent cause of constipation. You feel heavy, dull and listless, your com plexlon Is sallow and pimply, and en ergy at low ebb. Clean up this con dition at once with Dr. King's New Life Pills, a mild laxative that relieves the coigeeted Intestines without grip ping. A dose before retiring will as sure you a full and easy movement In the morning. !5c at your drug gist. Adv. NEW YORK, Jan. J. Miss Zofla Nalmska of No. 50 Morningside Drive returned recently from a five months investigation into the needs of Po land. Mrs. Herbert L Satterlee, Mrs. Samuel Thome and Mrs. Hartley Winslow of California are co-operating with her In rasling funds to build homes for children in Poland. Mrs. Satterlee is treasurer and checks may be sent to her at her home, No. 3 East Thirty-sixth Street. In the appeal of the Polish women It Is announced that because of the lack of food the death rate of chil- ' dren In Poland since the war began has increased 61 per cent, and epi demics have flourished unchecked. "A child can be saved and well cared for at the cost of J"0 a year. Outside of Warsaw I saw children liv ing in barrels." said Miss Nalmska. I "Others had made their homes in trenches which had been dug by their parents for the storage of po tatoes. A great many of the children have been injured by bombs, while hundreds have had their nerves shat tered by their frightful experiences." Whole populations. Miss Nalmska found, have been wiped out by typhus "During the evacuation of Eastern Poland last year," Miss Naimska went on. "many babies could not stand the weary traveling and died from weak ness, while others were crushed to death in the crowds." Why go elsewhere? See us for ROCK COAL LUMP OR NUT. Good dry fir, yellow and black pine. Dry Slabwood that is dry. AH wood comes either four foot or sawed. B. L. BURROUGHS Telephone 5 DEMAND SHOWN FOB CATTLE PORTLAND, Jan. 5. All lines of livestock are showing continued strength in the North Portland yards. During the day there was not only an improvement in the demand for ordi. nary quallt cattle, but advances of at least 1 to 15c were showh In values. No price changes were Indicated for the better class of cattle, but strength waa Indicated There is a very good demand for feeder cattle of all kinds with good steers around J6.75W6.60 and cows hitting J5j6 for similar quality. Feeder bulls are quoted up to 16. General cattle market range: Best beef steers $8.26S60 Good beef steers 7.608,0i) Best beef cows 7.00 7. 2T Best heifers 7.007.25 Ordinary to good cows... 6.00 6.60 Heavy bulls 4.50 6.60 Heavy- bulls 4 5005.00 Light bulls 3.60C(?4.2ri Calves 5.00 7.00 SJocker-fi-eder steers 5.75(?6.'50 Stocker-feeder cows 5.00 6.0(1 Good Itun of Ilog. Quite good run of hogs was shown In the North Portland market over night. Trend of the trade remains very favorable with all prices firm and Don't Neglect our stomach. Keep it strong well. When food disa vows with it, strengthen it with ! 9, ".: .I." of AllT Med;, me Wcrit .-uryw-here. In boxvs. 10c. 2V generally maintained at the recent high average. General hog range: Teavy packing $10 20'S 10.25 Heavy butchers 10.15 10.25 Heavy butchers 10.15 10.25 Light 8.50 10.00 Rough, heavy 8.25 Pigs 8.50 9.00 Stockers 8.00 8.23 No Sheep Arrivals. No arrivals at all were shown In tha sheep and lamb division of the North Portland yards overnight. Situation all through this division is remarkably firm, with all previous ex. treme prices well maintained. General mutton and lamb market: Best east mountain lambs 11.00 Best valley lambs 10.50 Wethers 9.00 9.21 Ewes 8.00 9.25 Coats 4.25 Thursday livestock shippers. ' Hogs McMahnn & Frum. Halsey, 1 load; Harry Matthews, Buhl, Ida ho, 1 load; Clark & Snodgrass, Le trnnon. 2 loads; I. D. Carter, Condon, 1 load. Cattle John Mozart, Woodland, Wash., 1 load; Walla Walla Meat Co., Lowden, Wash.; 2 loads; c. R. Mitch, ell. Oaiolle, Cal., 5 loads. Cattle and calves C. C Clark, Cor vallis, 2 loads. Mixed stuff C. W. Edward, Mon roe, 1 load cattle and hogs; L. A. Thomas, West Solo, 1 load cattle and hogs. Warranty Deeds. T. D. Talor, sheriff, to B. K. Mc rherson, 305, SB 1-4 NE 1-4 NW 1-4 section 33, township 5 north, range 29. It K. McPherson. to Willis Watson, IT.OO. SE 1-4 NE 1-4, NW 1-4, sec. S3, township 5 north, range 29. F, Gorrard, to Joe Parkhurst, $t, mete and bound description in town of rmntllla. IVMa Wright, to A. P. Fletcher, .M ox. Jl .00. lot 9. block 1S3. Reserva tion addition to Pendleton. CONVICT GOES STRAIGHT THROUGH LOVE OF WIFE CHICAGO, Jan. 4 Regener- ated through love of his wife, an ex'-convict, seasoned crook and safe blower, at his wife's re- 4 quest today returned a fifteen thousand dollar pearl necklace to Mrs. Charles Hutchinson, wife ) of the vice president of the corn exchange bank. The convict found the Jewels and planned a new start with the stake which meant riches to him. "No,;' his wife pleaded. "Ton promised to go straight" He returned the jewels, receiving a hundred dollars reward. Keeps Her Children In Perfect Health UK. t IJ)UI3aS SYIUT PKTMN THE FAMILY LAXATIVE 1XK MANY YEAH. Mrs Aug. Doellefeld of Carlyle. Ill , recently wrote to It. Caldwel, at Momlceio, 111., that she has uwed Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in her home for a number of years, , and would net be without it, as she has been able to keep her four children in perfect health. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that acts on the bowels in an easy, natural way, and regulates the action of this moet Im portant function. Nearly all the sick ness to which children are subject is traceable to bowel Inaction, and a mild, dependable laxative, such as Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup Pepsin should have a place in every family mediclnJ chest. It is ileasant to the ta'te and children like it, and take It readily. while it s equally effective lor adults Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sod In drug stores everywhere for fifty cents a bottle. To avoid imitations and ineffective substitutes be sure you get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. SeO that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's als nature and his portrait appar On in yellow carton In which the bott! as packed. A trial bottle free ef charsre), can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 455 Washington St., Mo ticello, Illinois. be given In the morning and one In I the afternoon. B this arrangement ; ii is hoped to give all of the examlna- J tlons In two days, leaving Thursday I for the teachers to straighten out re- ports. Rest spoils many a man who' willing to work. Mrs. Alysc LRoe-CIIcJirtst PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ELOCUTION. Hotel Pendleton. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS St If the faculty plans materialize, high school examinations will begin on Tuesday of next week and the term end on Friday. This is early for the term ending but as the ending of the school year will come somewhat earlier this year than usual, the ar rangement made was thought best. By the plan two examinations will CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CON DITION AT THE CLOSE OF BUSI NESS DECEMBER 27, 1916, As made to The Comptroller of the Currency. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $2,524,791.25 U. S. Bonds 260,000.00 Other Bonds, Securities, etc... 13,744.34 Stock, Federal Reserve Bank 15,000.00 Banking House '. 10,000.00 Cash and Exchange 731,378.90 $3,554,914.49 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 250,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 335,626.58 Circulation 245,695.00 Due to Banks 9,707.28 Individual Deposits 2,713,885.63 $3,554,914.49 THE fliiST ilHM 6M PENDLETON SECURITY (0X301 n IODOE IOE30I I0E31 (ML STORE FOR SALE How's This? I We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward i tor any rase of Catarrh tbat rsnnot ke cured bj Hall's Catarrh Care. Hall s Catarrh Cere bas bee taken by catarrn snrrerere lor tne past tuirtr-nre years, snd has become known as tne most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Ball's Ca tarrh On re acts thro tbe Blood on the Mo rona surfaces, expelling the Poison fross the Illood and healing -ae diseased portions. After yon have taken Hail's Catarrb Care for a short time yon will see a great Im provement in yoor general bealth. Start taking Ball's Catarrh Core at once and get rid of tatarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A iO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drtnqrists, 75c Ball's Family Pills for constipation. Owner wants to retire and will seU good paying business cheap. Lo cated in good stock raising section, close to Pendleton. Whole thing goes; store bnilding. 8 room dwelling, i lots, stock runs about 34008, Price (or all 36OO0.00. Cash or bankable notes. Must be sold at one. a o 8 o MATLCSX-LAATZ KiYESTKENT CO. IXSTRANCE 112 East Court St. REAL ESTATE LOANS E30C loeaoi loxaoc IODOE 0 onoS iriinni!nimnniiiiiiiiiHiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii;iimi HOPPLES, CHOP SUEY, CHlfiA DISHES 1 fiOFYS KWONG HONG LOW I 5 VVW A W 116 Wett.Alta St., Uprtin. Phone 433 1 Niimiminnv.niuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiirW CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY IXSI RANCE AND LAND BUSINESS BENTLEY & MONTGOMERY", REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. ArCTIOVFERS. COL W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTION eer. makes a' spcinlty of farmers stuck and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money." Lave orders at East Oregonlnn office. SF.COND HAND DKAI.KHS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hund goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street Phone 27 1W. AKCHlTrXT. ATTORNEYS. JOHN W. HUFF. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 6, American Nation al Bank building. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Of.'ice In Smith-Crawford building. a A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In De ft A LET & RALEY. ATTORFv'Ys' ATj8Pala building. law. Office in American National Pank Building. GEORGE W. COITTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortftaires and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17 Schmidt block. FVXEKAL niKKCTOIW. FEE & FEE. ATTOREXTS AT LAW Office in Deepain building. J. T. BROWN'S Fl'RMTt ltE tTORa Funeral director and licensed m balmer. M'st modern funerii) par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Cals) respondej to day or nlxht Comer I Main and Water streets, Ti ll j hoae 63. CARTER & 8MYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Offioe In rear of American Xatlonal Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORXKW AT law. Office over Taylor HarJware company. JOHN S. BAKER, Fl'NKRAL DI rector and licensed emlialiner. Op posite postoffke. Funerul larlor. I two funor.ll curs. Calls responded to 'day or nlKht. Phone 7 5. i RAYMOND W. HATCH. ARCH1- tect. Despaln Building. Phone j 768. Pendleton. Oreson. DOCTORS. PR. S. A. ROE PRACTICE LIM tted to the ee enr noe and throi! Honrs to 12 an ! 2 to 6. un.l by ap pointment. Suite 21, Judd Bldg. rrrrFRsoN a bishop, .ttor- nevs at law: rooms 3 and 4. Sulth Crnwford building. MOXTXXA Fltl l iVHS. (HH'lU.AS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will pra.-tir In n and federal courts. Rooms. 7, 8 an-' rnaU"ti write IVsp.'iin buikl'.nx. NORTHERN PACIfIC RAITWAT Lands In eusti rn Morit.init at 13 5 to i) tier arre. SultnMe for farming or gr.n tot. Easy terms. For Infor- r aee W E. II 'It. il:.f ji'lty. Montana,