EIGHT PAGES r AGE TWO DAILY EAST O REG ONI AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5. 1917. I T ' T't "T -, -T -,T -j t TV nn i-n-;T--T-rr:niTit -h-y t-t f it r-r t ITT T"T ""''! M ATTEHD BIG CI DUE AT UKIA C-i C .!. I LtJe OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OPENED THIS MORNING AND AS WE HAD ANTICIPATED THE BUYING HAS BEEN HEAVY, WHICH SHOWS THAT THE PEOPLE OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY REALIZE THAT THIS SALE IS OFFERING VALUES AND PRICES THAT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE LATER ON. EVERYONE WHO READS AT ALL KNOWS BEYOND THE POSSIBLE SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT WHOLE SALE PRICES OF ALL KINDS OF APPAREL ARE ADVANCING BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS, AND IT DOES NOT TAKE A WISE PERSON TO SEE THAT THIS SALE IS A OASIS IN THE DESERT OF HIGH PRICES. DON'T WAIT, COME AT YOUR FIRST OPPORTUNITY, AS THIS SALE WILL NOT RUN LONG. Our January Clearance Sale of Ready-to-wear Garments offers unparalleled bargainsright now when uour present subblii of winter garments 1 begins to look the worse for wear, we offer vou new up-to-date styles in desirable merchandise at prices FAR LESS THAN THEIR REAL VALVE Buy Your Separate SKIRT at O o THESE BARGAINS FROM OUR WAIST DEPARTMENT are worth while opportunities for saving. Many women will sup ply their needs for some time to come from the bargains we list below. WONDERFUL VALUES AT $2.98 The original prices were from $3.98 to $5.00. These waists are made in tailored effects desir able for serviceable wear. The materials are wool challie, tub silk, crepe de chine,. Georgette crepe, pongee and messaline in white, flesh pink, navy blue, pur ple, black and assorted colored stripes. There were waists in this lot that sold originally up to $5.00 which we now offer for $2.98 even though they are all this sea son's newest styles. SILK WAISTS IN DARK COLORS Radically Reduced; value up to $6.95 now ?3.98 This lot includes & limited as sortment of well made waists of messaline in black and navy blue, also a plaid taffeta, waists in varied patterns. The styles are mostly on tailored lines, many having collars that are adjustable so they can be worn high as well as low. EVERY HIGH GRADE WAIST REDUCED 25 Georgette, Crepe de Chines, Laces. If 'you are in need of a dressy waist, you can buy a very pretty one here during this sale at a sav ing worth while. Beautiful Geor gette crepe waists in white or flesh color, handsomely trimmed with silk embroidering, beads or flat Venice lace. Costume waists of silk lace, these are all perfect beau ties and entirely suited for the most dressy wear, the colors are cream, brown, ecru and purple. Crepe de Chine Waists in white, flesh pink and maize, in both plain tailored or fancy effects that fea ture the large collars, inserted me dallions of lace or silk embroider ing embellished, in some cases with fancy beads. All new up-to-date styles that have sold from $5.75 to $12.50, for January Clearance Sale reduced one-fourth off original prices. REMARKABLE CLEARANCE SALE OF CLOTH AND SILK DRESSES, REDUCED AND i3 FROM ORIGINAL PRICES. These dresses are 'a masterstroke in bargain giving. New styles, good qualities in most wanted materials at prices that afford the ut most economy. Wool Dresses are of serge or wool jersey, some combined with plain or fancy silk. Many are trimmed with beads or yarn embroidery with white broadcloth large collars and cuffs. They are made in styles conservative as well as the new "Billie Burke" straight line effect. These dresses that were formerly priced from $12.50 to $27.50 are now reduced to $7.95 to 322.50. The Silk Dresses are of taffeta, charmeuse, crepe meteor, velvet and combinations of these materials with Georgette crepe used in some dresses in the bodice only and in others in the waist and sleeves. The styles in some cases are suitable for street wear, while others are more suited for formal afternoon wear. All desirable colors with prettiest of trimmings combine to make these garments the most attractive prices originally from $17.50 to bargains we have ever offered, es- $45.00 have been reduced fronr i pecially when you consider that $9.93 to $30.00. 3 Jc? 1 BEACON BLANKET BATH ROBES AT A SAVING OF V'3 OFF REGULAR PRICES Ranging From $3.95 to $12.50. These are all new clean stock in desirable patterns in both light or dark shades. Some are bound with silk and are decidedly dainty, while others are intended for hard, servi ceable wear and the comfort of the housewife. There are sizes for children and misses' too. BROKEN LOTS IN CORSETS AT HALF PRICE Gossard, Royal Worcester, Bon-Ton These are not soiled, old style cor sets but every one this season's mod els in perfect condition, broken lines that are bound to accumulate after a season of busy selling. These corsets that sold regularly from $1.50 to $8.50, during our January Clearance Sale exactly one half. Get yours before the size is gone. ALL FUR NECKWEAR REDUCED 14 OFF The Regular Prices. This sale of stylish fur neck pieces will afford you the opportu nity of securing a piece to match the muff you already have or to se cure the separate scarf you long have coveted. Handsome Red Fox skins are ex tremely fashionable. In addition there are collars of Hudson Seal, Japanese mink, Russian wolf, Sable fox, black and brown Coney, grey fox and Uppossum. The regular prices range from $5.00 to $45.00 and all are offered at l4 off the regular prices. $4 Save from two to four dollars. During our January Clearance Sale we offer all navy blue or black serge skirts at this remarkable sav ing. They are all this season's styles made in plain tailored as well as sport effects, featuring pockets, belts, etc. The regular prices were from $6.75 to $8.95. January Clearance Price $4.98 FANCY SKIRTS OF PLAIDS AND BROADCLOTHS REDUCED TO $7.95 Original Prices to $12.50. These skirts are of strictly high grade plaids of wool velour and broadcloth of finest quality in black, brown or navy blue. The plaid skirts are in newst sport effects. The broadcloths are distinctly dressy and worn with a pretty waist make a most pleasing costume. Fancy Silk and Satin Skirts at re duced prices. OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS SPECIALLY PJRICED 79c AND 98c Good weight, practical winter ?owns of good quality, opening down the front with long sleeves and high neck and cut full length and width. ' $2.99 A Real Sweater Bargain Worth up to $7.50. Right now is when you need a warm cosy sweater, so we therefore offer you these bar gains, made doubly valuable when the advancing price of wool is considered. WHITE SWEATERS GREY SWEATERS Made of heavy all wool yarns in the plain practical style that are always good. Having rail collars that may be fastened high or worn low. itiiiMimimiiiiwiuiiiimiiiiMiiwmiiiuiiiiiiimiiim Clearance Sale of Women's Shoes Women's Cloth Top Patent Button, reeular $5.00 ; Clearance Price $2.95 Women's Cloth Top Patent, Lace, Regular $5.00 ; Clearance Price $2.95 Women's Kid Top Patent, Button, Regular $5.00; Clearance Price $2.95 Women's Kid Top Patent, Button, Regular $4.00; Clearance Price $2.65 Women's Kid Top Patent, Lace, Regular $4.00; Clearance Price $2.65 Women's Cloth Top Patent, Button, Regular $4.00; Clearance Price $2.65 Women's Gun Metal Calf, Cloth Top, Lace Regular $4.00; Clearance Price $2.65 Women's Gun Metal, Lace, Regular $3.50; and Slippers' Clearance Price $2.4o Women's all Kid, Button, Regular $3.50; Clearance Price $2.45 Women's Felt' Comfy Slippers, Regular $1.50; Clearance Price $1.20 Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, Regular $1.00; Clearance Price 80e Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, Regular 75c; Clearance Price 60? Women's Felt Ribbon Trimmed Juliett, Regular $1.50; Clearance Price $1.20 Women's Felt Fur Trimmed Juliet, Regular $1.25; Clearance Price 95 Women's Felt Toilet Leather Sole Slippers, Regular $1.00; Clearance Price 85 PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE The Peoples W arehouse t-i . ,1mavJww.vCTrvrr WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE NEW TEAK'S IS MARKED 1Y t'EIi- EBRATION IX THE CHAM BEM4AIX GARAGE. Dr. DeVaul Returns Home From Port- laud Much Improved in Health; Ora Arbogsst end Bride Visit Over night In Vklah; Other Xewy Notes. (East Oregonian Special.) UKIAH. Jan. 5. A New Year's dance was given Monday night by Frank Chamberlain, In the Chamber- lin garage which wa crowded to its utmost capacity, making It difficult for the dancers to have room to dance aa all wanted to dance at once. Good music was furnished by Lou Casteel. violinist, and Miss Edith Prlngle. piano. An excellent lunch was served in tlte hall by Mrs. Chamberlln which consisted of sandwiches, cake, pie. salad, pickles and coffee. Those attending the dance from Alba were William Pick snd family, Edgar Dick and wife, Clarence Dick and wife, Will Mclaughlin, wife and son, Chris Sturm and wife, Mrs. Rtnehart and family Ruth and Ma rie Durn. Gladis Ellis, Sarah Cun ningham. Miss Scrogglns and Arthur Linville. Fred Grooms wife and son of Dale came over for the New Year's dance and were accompanied home by Silas Reeves and family of Idaho, who will visit them for two or three weeks. Mrs. Reeves Is a sister of Mr. GroomsH Dr. DeVaul arrived In t'kiah Fri day evening, after spending three weeks in Portland with his family. The Dr. has fully recovered from his recent illness and Is glad to get back to a dry climate. Ora Arbogast and bride were guests at the Peterson hotel Sunday night, enroute to Rltter to visit relatives and friends. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Granville Plant near Dale. Dec. 29th. a daugh ter. The little one passed away at 'birth. Miss Mossie Mettle who Is teaching school at La Grande and Miss Agnes Mettle who Is attending St. Joseph's Academy In Pendleton, visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Met tle during the holidays Mllford Martin who has been living In town since early last June, moved his family back to the homestead last Thursday. Winnie Casteel of Hldaway was In town Friday and reports two feet of snow at their home near Hldaway. Mrs. Cox of Rltter passed through town Thursday enroute to Pendleton on business. J. D. Kirk left for Pendleton Thurs day on business, Clair Sturdlvant who has been vis iting In Portland for the last three weeks, returned on Friday's stage. Mrs. Dora Barrett of the Sturdlvant Eros, ranch is on the sick list. Lowell Ganger, wife and son were In town Thursday trading. Dave Hvnd of Heppner, came in Friday to visit his brother Charley and family for a few days, when he with his brother Charley will leave for Salt Lake to attend the wool growers association, to be held there. Charley Dennis and wife of Rltter were In town Wednesday on land business. Miss Anna Lowe of Cecil who Is vis iting with her uncle Charley Hynd and family was visiting in Uklah Fri day. . ' Arthur Gilllland who has been at Grace hospital since the last of Octo ber left for his father's home at Our dane. Just before Christmas. Stplla Mills of Hldaway was In town Friday. The Mettle brothers have Just fin ished putting up 25 tons of Ice for the creamery. Harley Kirk ha been busy the last week putting up Ice for his father J. D. Kirk, who will use the Ice at the new pastime next summer. The Ice is a good quality and is 14 Inches thick. Mossie and Agnes Mettle were In town Friday shopping. Jinks Howard of Alba was In town the first of the week. Sunday, Dec. 31. the Sunday school elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Superintendent, J. R. Laurance, assistant superintendent Frankle Sturdlvant; secretary and treasurer Mrs. Jennie Chamberlln. Mrs. Linner left for Pilot Rock Monday morning on a visit to her mother. Mrs. Maggie Walker of Dale passed through Uklah Sunday enroute to Pendleton. Frank Hale and bride of Rltter were guests at the hotel Saturday night and were treated to a charivari. Glp Huston, wife and daughter were Sunday visitors at the Hynd ranch D. G. Smith left for Pendleton on Monday's stage on business. Lon Case of Dnle passed through town Raturday enroute to Pendleton, Dr. DeVaul was the New Year's guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Quant of Alba. Albert Peterson. Virgil Peterson. Louis Mettle, Archie McCampbell and Ray Martin attended the Albaellter ary Faturday night William Raker and wife were Uklah visitors on Saturdny night on their return from Pendleton. Honor roll fur the month of Dec. Is as follows: First Grade Madalene Martin. Russell Moore. Second Grade Ida Ingram. Third Grade Ruth Moore, Vulaha Moore, Clarence Smith, Grace Peterson. Fifth Grade Geneva Huston. Tres. sa Glbhs. Tla Sturdlvant. teacher. t Pth Grade Carl Lnren. Seventh Grade Vlri'll Peterson Cnroline Loren. Willie RlrK'Hr. Fl-hth Grade Clara McKcnulc. Jchn Tvorenz. Professor GhMderfl. teru-hor. . . The weather hns tiirnd warm, nnd snow Is molt In"- M'rrtin. ?W ln--h"" of n"W nor-' f"" Mrm'"' nl' lit ni;i!- Vlolets, Carnations. Roses, Flowering Plants and Ferns. HOOKER'S 0en Evenings and Sunday. 2S Main Ft., Depot Block. Phone (22. Free Delivery. EA OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR, SOFT, TOY, WAVY 25-l'KST IIOTTLK DESTROYS DAN DIU'EE AND 1KH-BLKK 111 ".AC TY OF Torn HAIlt. Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Dandurlne you 'van not fftid a single trace of dandruff or falling hnlr and yuur scalp will not itch, but what will pease you most will be aft er a few weeks' ue, when you se new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Dunderine Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect Is amai. Ing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance ot abundance; an Incomparable luatre, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toi let counter, and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or injured by care less treatment that's ail you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It If you will Just try a little Danderine. Grande Saturday and Agnes returned to Pendleton Tuesday. Among those reported ill with a severe attack of grip are Hugo Lens, wife and children, Abe Martin and sun Cecil and Mrs. Bandford Chilson. BEST RESULTS FROM GOOD KIDNEY PREPARATION Within the past four years I have had two severe attacks of bladder trouble, causing me more or lees both er from my work, and at night. Mv trouble was brought on by drinking bad water. On each attack. I used from two to three bottles of Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and was entirely cured. I have recomended Swamp- Root to several of my friends who have been benefited by It. I am well-known In E Oakland, having lived here for 4S years. Very truly yours, JACKSON ALONZO SWEET, 1820 East 12th Stree'. Oct. 25, 1915. Eajst Oakland, Calif. Personally appeared before me this 25th day of October, 1915, Jack. son Alonzo Sweet, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same I" true In substance and In fact. B. S. Mc ARTHUR. Notary public LeUcr to Dr. Kflmor Co., Blnghamtoi N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Wll D For you. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Blnghamton. N. Y., for a sample alee bottla It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valu able Information, telling about the1 kjdneya and badder. When writing, be sure and mention the Pendeton Daily East Oregon Ian. Regular fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Sick Room i Rubber Goods 1 v RECEIVE ont 8PFC1AJ ATTENTION. We are at all times equipp ed to supply your needs at shortest notice with practical first quality rubber goods. We sell the famous adver tised ) "Kantleek" Rubber Goods and guarantee utmost satisfaction and value. Telephone orders fror: you, your nurse or physician re ceive our Instant attention. Deliveries are prompt and correot. Give us a trial i Tallman & Co. 1 Led;i.g D.-ucgLu In" about 1 in'ties at T" hri. 3 Mosnle Mettle returned to La ' Ti II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 till 1 1 1 1 1 1 III ISIlkT