PAGK SEVEN EIGHT PAGES - DAILY EAST OP.EGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1917. MmmilHHIillllllllllHIIIIIIIimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIINHIiniltnH sc gv H jiiwiiiwiii M J I KEEP 7t you: EYES ON BOND BROS. Something doing every minute from now on. i The finet stock of good dependable merchandise ever brought to Pendleton is bow being unpacked and marked. Just think of it! Every article in our store will be new and up-to-date. Not an old article in stock. When our doors open you can buy here with your eyes shut and get nothing but the newest and best. Our stock represents the regular Bond quality, yet on a far greater scale. We bought our lines months ago at the old prices and can sell at the old prices. WAIT UNTIL WE OPEN, FOR YOU CAN DO BETTER AT Bond Bros. Pendleton's Leading Clothiers H mm CREACERY IS F0RL1ALLY OPEIEED MAVOIS-Kl.rXT G. 1. lUJiM.U. t. L. kHAMMKK AND i. W. KYI.E GIVE AMMIKHKES. tnmiiiiitiifiniiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiitiniiiiHuuiiiiiiiiiniifnnM nmrnroi thhtee UIILUUI1 IB FRIDAY Jan .5 "His Whole Life Work Had Become Centered in the Re clamation of the Kings Basin Desert" L. C. YEOMANS Offers THE DRAMATIZATION BY MARK SWAN, OF THE WESTERN CLASSIC By Harold Bell Wright iaiara U 19 2 S Ohd With VIRGINIA HARDY A Strong Cast of Well Known Players. A Beautiful Scenic Production. See the Sand Storm in the Desert. NOTE This is the Only Company in the United States or Canada playing this play, hence the Original Company. PRICES Lower floor $1.50, $1.00; Boxes $1.50; Bal - cony 75c; Gallery 50c. Reserved Seat Sale Opens Thursday at the Delta. REALTY TRANSFERS Warranty Dcedi. B. Haneline, et ux, to H. A Friok. tl, lots 4 and 5, block 6, Newport's addition to Hermiston. Herman Muller, et ux, to R. H. Irvln, $2000, SW 1-4 NW l'-4 SE 1-4, Sec. 33, Twp 4 north, range 29. Olive Salisbury, et al, to Luella Stott, $1300, 3-4 interest In 155 acred In section 15, township 3 north, range 3. NO SYMPATHY FOR THIEF WHO ROBBED NEWSBOYS SEATTLE, Jan. 3. "The man who steals pennies from news boys does not deserve any sym pathy," declared Judge Dyke man following the sentencing of Henry House to one year Jail and a thousand dollar fine. He was convicted of robbing news boys' stands. Masquerade Hall on New Years NiKbt Given by the Yemca In Hu h En joyed; Mils JUu'liel llatf-a and BUI O'Siillivan tiire I'rlzru. ( Kast Oregonian Special.) KTA-VFIELU, Jan. 4. The formal opening of the new cheese factory antf creamery was held Wednesday. Mayor-elect Frank Sloan made the welcoming address, a. L. Dunning spoke in behalf of the dairymen, 0. L. K rammer represented the Mutual Creamery Company James M. Kyle gave a very Interesting address en the welcoming of the newcomers He urged that they be extended the han.l of welcome and advised that lew knocking be done. Mr. Sahll spoke in behalf ef tho creamery and cheese business of Ktanfleld. Over two hundred people were present A bounteone lunch was served. Among other good things was a liberal allowance ef Swks cheese. Mrs. A. Sahli and children return ed Wednesday morning from a ten days' visit in Washington. W. I.. Robbing and wife left Wed nesday fir their new home at Weston Mrs. Tharles Hoggard la visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones at Kufus. James G. Kidwell of Portland is here, looking after the welfare of hi cattle on the Sunrise ranch. D. C. Clark a cattleman of Port land, was here this week. Wm. H. Daughtry of Portland at tended the opening of the cheese fac tory Wayne Coe returned Wednesday from Portland where he was the guest of his father, Dr. Henry W. Coe. ' Miss Lela Riches returned to her home at Silverton after spending sev eral days here visiting ber brother, Lloyd Riches. A. A. Wood ana L B uaaa of Weston, were in town lor a couple of days this week. R, M. Straw of Hermlstea was in town Tuesday. Mrs. T. O. Yates spent several days in Pendleton the guest of her mother, Mrs. Hutchinson. T. A. Brassfleld of Hermiston was seen on our streets Monday. W. P. Phillips spent New Tears with his family in Portland. Miss Jessie Brierley returned to Athena Monday. The masquerade halt given by the Yeomen New Year's night was well attended. Miss Rachel Hasen cap tured the first prize for the best sus tained character. She represented a small child. Bill O'Sullivan was awarded the gents' first prise. He rep resented a hobo. Mrs. Herlick was given a prize for being the best dress, ed lady. E. R. Jones and family of Hermls ton has moved in rooms in the Hed ding block. Mrs. Rose Hawley returned Tues day from a two weeks' visit in Portland. Like A Boy at 50 Bubbling Over With Vitality-Taking Iron Didjt IKKtor Sn Nutated Iron l (,nntN rn.xT the Strt rua h and r.n Folks 200 Per font In T NKW YoFlK, N. Y. Not Ionic airo . man came to me who was nearly half a century old and asked me t g:ve him a preliminary examination for life insurance I was astonished to find him with the blood pressure of a boy of 20 and as fun or vigor, vim and vitality as a young man; in fatt a young man he really was not withstanding his age. The secret he said was taking iron nuxated iron had filled him with renewed life. At 30 he was In bad health; at 46 care worn and nearly all in. Now at 50 miracle of vitality and his face beam ing with the buoyancy of youth. A I have aid a hundred time over, Iron u the greatest of all strength builders. If people would only throw away patent medicines and nauseous concoctions and take simple nuxated iron,, I am convinced that the lives o.' thousands of persons might be saved, who now die every year fom pneu monia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver and heart trouble, etc. The real and true cause which started the'r diseases was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of Iron In the blood. Iron is absolutely nece-ssary to enable your blood to change food into living tis sue, w ithout it, no matter now much or what you eat, your food merely pasties through you without doing you any good. You don't get the strength out of it and as a conse quence you become weak, pale and e-ickiy looking Just like a plant trying to grow In a soil deficient In iron. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk with becoming tired, Next take two five-grain tab lets of ordinary nuxated Iron three time per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who were t of All simnpli HiitA-i" oftrn ha. durance of IHd'rnte, .t-roii wo W '' Time. ailing all the while, double their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of ail symptoms of dyspepsia, liver troubles In from ten to tourteea days time mmply by taking iron la the proper form. And this after the had in some cases been doctoring fo months without obtaining any bene fit But don't take the old forme ot reduced iron. Iron acetate or liti'ture of iron simply to save a few cent You niu t take 'rn in a form th-U tan be easily absorbed mid assimilat ed like nuxated iron If you want It to do you any good, otherwise it ma prove worse than usebsn. Many aa athlete or prize fighter has won tho day simply because he knew tho se cret of great strength and endnnvnca and filled his blood with Iron befors he went into the affray, while nian another. has gone down to Inglorious defeat simply for the lai'k of Iron. E. Sauer, M. D. NOTE Nuxated Iron, recommend ed above by Dr. Sauer, is not a patent medicine nor secret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists and whose iron constituents are widely prescribed by eminent physicians everywhere. Unlike the older Inor ganic Iron products, It is easily assim ilated, does not Injure the teeth, mak them black, nor upset the stomachy on the contrary. It is a most potent remedy. In nearly all forma of indi gestion, as well as for nervous, run down condition The manufactur ers have such great confidence h Nuxated Iron that they offer to for feit S100 00 to any charitable Irwtita tion if they cannot take any man cr woman under 60 who lacks Iron an increase their strength 200 per cent, or over in four weeks' time, provided) , they have no serious organic troiiWa, , They also offer to refund your money If It does not at least double your strength and endurance in ten days time. It is dispensed in this city by A. C. Koeppen & Bros, and all other good druggists. on the question of raising the tventy fiVe million dollars purchaao price of the Danish West Indies. Stone vol unteered that peace was not discuss ed. He refused to listen to pUftr questions, Blessed cause they are the need so peacemakers, be much patience. CDWS SELL HIGH: MUCH STRENGTH iff " I !. Resolve and Act Resolve this year, among other things, to save and have. Then act with persist ence and determination in carrying out this resolution. We invite savings accounts of $1.00 or more and pay 4 interest. mm -1 an is 1 1 iii i iiiism i i iii 1 SnTiliirl In 1 1 MsMi r '11 it - PORTLAND, Jan. 4. General trade conditions in the livestock mar ket at North Portland continue ex tremely favorable Cattle run was again light; in fact a mere handful came forward to the yards over night Cows sold as high as 17.10, which is an advance of a dime, and the entire market killer and feeders alike 1s very firm. General cattle market range: Best beef steers 18. 25 S" 8.50 Good beef steers 7.7608.00 Beet beef cows 7.00 7. 25 l"X SHAKEN TESTIMONY. Time Is the test of truth. And Doan's Kidney Pills have stood the test In Pendleton. No Pendleton res ident who suffers backache, or an noying urinary Ills can remain uncon vinced by this twice-told testimony. William MncGregor, blacksmith. 711 l.illcth St., Pendleton, Bays; "Kid ney complaint came on me suddenly and I couldn't bend my back to get under a horse. The kidney secretatlons wefe filled with sedimejit snd painful in Tassn.Re. I had no strength at all and my back was lame and sore all over. After a short use of Doan's Kidney Pills, all these troubles disappeared: and I could work all day without stopping. My health Is excellent now and my back is good and strong." (Statement given No vember 25, 1912 ) On May 15, 1916, Mr. MacOregor said; "What I have said in my for mer statement regarding my experi ence with Doan's Kidney Pills still holds good. I am strong for this old reliable kidney medicine." 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Mllhurn Co.. Mfgrs, Buffalo, N. Y. Best heifers 7.006 7.25 Ordinary to good cows . . . 6.00tt6.50 Bulls 3 50 &5.00 Calves 6.00 7.00 Stocker-feeder steers .... 6-0006.50 ftoeker-feeder cows 5 00ig'6.00 Hog Market Is Steady. There was a fair run of hogs in the North Portland yards over night. Trend of the trade remains very fa vorable, with little if any change in conditions or prices from the pre vious day. General hog range: Heavy packing .... 310.75 8 10-25 Heavy butchers 10 00j-10.25 Light 9.91 Hough, heavy 8-50 iitockera S-0" IiOmbs strike $11. With the sale of east of the moun tain lambs at Jll at North Portland during the day, the general market wa-i 25c higher- Both sheep anil lambs continued firm on the North Portland market for the day. Receipts were somewhat betti-r. but the bulk of the arrivals continue to come direct to killer, and do not enter the general market General mutton and lamb market: Best east mountain lambst 11.00 Best valley lambs 10.50 Wethers 9.00ST 9.25 Ewes O0WS.SR Wednesday Livestock SliipjvrH Hogs W. B. Wing, Eugene, 1 load; C. P, Membree, Monmouth. 1 load. Cattle F. C. Daly, Brush Prairie, Wash., 1 load. Sheep L. B. Miller, Lyle, Wash., ! loads Mixed stuff J. E. Pnrrish, Jeffer son. 1 load hogs and sheep; M. L. Forrester, Tangent 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep; S. I Brown. Pecabo, Ida ho, l load cattle and hogs; E. Gur lish, Brooklyn, 1 load cattle hogs and sheep; Frank Wunn. Mount Angel, 1 load rattle, calves and hogs. Hny Buying price, new crop; Wil lamette valley timothy, fancy. 317; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timet hv, 121; nlfnlfa, 31SW20; valley vetch. U li 14 51); cheat, 114 914.5"; clov er, 314 00. LANSING AND STONE HOLD A CONFERENCE Refuse to Reveal Details But Deris re They Discmved Raisins; Purcbsse Price of Danish West Indies. WASHINGTON, Jan. J Secretary lnsing went to the capitol for a half hour conference with Chairman Stone He refused to discuss the meeting. Ho said he talked with Stone, however, How's This? We offer One Hnndred Dollars Revtrd for any rue of Catarrh that cannot be cored By flairs ratsrrn run Hall'i Catarrh Core has beea taken b catanb sufferers for the past thlrtjflTf rears, and has become known as the moat reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Ca tarrb Cnre seta thro the Itlood on the Mo cons snrfaeee, expelling the Poison from the Wood and healltur .ae dtseafted portions After yon have taken Hall's Catarrh Can for a snort time you win aee a great im prorement In yoor general health. Start taking Ball's Catarrh Core at once and tei rid of catarrh. Mend lor testimonials, im F. J. CHENKT ft 0., Toledo, Ohio. SolS by all DrnOTista, 75c Hall's Family Mlla for constipation. CHICHESTER S PILLS LasJiMl Ah jomr Vrmmrtm fee ; IMIIaia K4 trxi UolJ Rirtliic Tk tlWr. Ituy f p V yean known ss Best. Safest. Always RHahla SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EYR1MR --afc'sv IS tf A. V Dreaded an Operation More Than Anything TRIED FRrlTOIiA AND TRAIO AND HAS NEVER SINCE BEEN TROUBLED W ITH GALL, STONES. Mrs. Mary E. Franse, whose address, la West Point, Nebr., Box 411, has. written to the Pmus laboratories a very strong endorsement of FTuitola and Traxo. "About ten years ago 1 was about to undergo an operation for gall stones when I heard of your -medicine. Dreading an operation . above everything. I determined to try FTuitola and Traxo and have ne ed been eorry I did so, as I have nev er been troubled with gall stones, since." Fruitola and Traxo are compound-, ed from the original FMsall formulas, at the Pmus laboratories In Montlcel lo, 111., and can be purchased In Pen dleton of Tallman ft Co., (23 Main street; a doctor's prescription Is not necessary. FTuitola is a pure fruit oil that acts as an intestinal lubricant and disintegrates the hardened particles that cause so much suffering, discharging the accumulated waste to the sufferer's intense relief. One dose Is usually sufficient to Indicate its efficacy. Traxo Is a tonic-alterative that is most effective to rebuild an restore the weakened, rundown system. A booklet of special Interest to those who suffer from stomach tros ble can be obtained by writing to th e Plnus Laboratories, Monticello, Illinois. MR MARY E. FRANSE 1 ' I J.-S T, i ! J.1 , v ir - Your Bath Room Warm and Comfy With One of Our with 12 records Yes. yon may keep this new FMIonn with the diamond stylus and your choice of 1! records, for $;!IH. Yon may pay a llttl rtown and a little each month or week Try the New KdUon lu your home before yot deiide to buy It. KntiTtaln your friend! with tour favorite records. wk'itk today for our new bdi SON ISOOK No obligation. WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE l'KNW.ETON. DKKGON. Mrs. Alyse Roe-GilGhrist PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ELOCUTION. Hotel Pendleton. trom $3.00 up Once used you wonder how you ever got along without it. Pacific Power & light Company PHONE 40 si ' in ml it1 llirTTKU AMI SUIT r'.ll ijc.iit is assured by the iiw of some of the.e beautiful futures of ours. They give a Hicht that Illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not tx pen sive considering thWr ejtra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least ee them? J. L. VAUGHAN