EIGHT PAGr3 VATLY EAST OREGOMAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917. PACE TT0 GOVERNORS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING Con Dong Low S ' ... , . t Y t W rHAT makes the f lirtl TaSiSmitt Id'tl How to Select Your Corset DECIDE first that your figure is individual that you need a corset designed for you. Then look at the 9 Ideal Figure Types and choose yours. Next, come to us and let us show you the many Gossards we have in stock in your size, designed for your ideal figure type. Then your selection is reduced to the amount you want to pay, from 325.00 down to 2.50. This is the Thirty-first Announcement and Proclamation of Gossard Corset Styles for Fall and Winter, 1916-17 In addition to comfort, wearing service and great value, , you obtain authentic style in Gossards. Gossards wear longer because of their materials. They are in style longer because of the advanced style information of their de signers, which is reflected in the corsets., Selecting your Gossard here insures intelligent service Be fitted today. A model for every figure at a price any woman can well afford. An expert corsetiere will be pleased.to fit you without obligation. Priced horn $2.50 to $12.50 ft ........ ji illwlllfi t. .'" ' '."" '" " 1.7 ltrtl Itrtl lU i t i 4 BABY FLANNELS Keep the little baby warm with our flannels. A brand new stock just in, of the best quality in plain cloths and em broidered. Full width and the right weight. The yard 50 to $2.00 HAIR RIBBONS Lots of pretty new hair ribons now for your selections of plain stripes and flowered, all colors and combinations. The yard 25. 35? SILKS FOR WAISTS A big selection of high grade silks es pecially for waists. A showing of plaids stripes and printed warp taffetas in all colors, for street and evening wear. Al- vH ,1 WA hhi IKn it. i htt! w 1 firm 1 I t H 'A J m i Chif- FA !-'&tvf vtfv' fey-1 OWL a good smoke? Hand work mnnship and thut mil lion dollar reserve sup ply of mellowing leaf! Isn't that a good deal to find in a nickel cigar? The Million Dollar Cisfar M.AOUNSTftCO. INCORPORATED SBinti'fflV!tfliT(T!TOTOm,i 'WATCH' PARTY 18 GIVEF1 AT HELIX MISS rilllJJS ril'EB KNTKlt TAIN'S IXMITY OV 11 Kit YOl N l'lUHM4i SVNDAY MillT. Itev. R. U Goiiuill of Pendloton, 1Tih'Iu, Bawalureto smuon lu the ihrWian t"hun-h Sunday- School lVsnu YontcrUay. (1) Charles S. Whitmun. N. Y.: (2) John B. Kendriek, Wyoming; (3 H. C Stuart, Va.; (4) Richard I. Manning, S. C.; (5) Keith Neville. Neb.; (6) Charles Henderson, Ala.; (I) Edward F. Dunne. 111.; (8) Ar thur Capper, Kan.; (9) Emerson C Harrington, Md.; (10) Samuel W. McCall, Mass.; (11) Carl R Millik Me; (12) J. Franklin Fort. N. J.; J.; (13) Frank M. Byrne. S. D-; (14) Rolland H. Spalding, N. H.; (15) Wil liam Spry. Utah; (16) David I. Walsh. .Mass.; (17) Marcus H. Holcomb I Conn.; (IS) James P. Goodrich, Ind Governors, ex-governors and gover. ' norselect of American states held their ! annual meeting in Washington and I one of the most Important things they I did was to have their photographs ta j ken all together. They stood on tho White House grounds and posed. Some of them have Deen in tnis an nual photograph for years but there are many new face showing how many men have risen to power. CHOP SUEY NOODLES-0"?;." HOT TAfMES CHILLI GQI1 GABI1E SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE BYerythlng clean and up-to-data. FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Bta. Phone S(T. Pendleton, Ore, GIRLS! Ml WM, GLOSSY ill FREE FROM DANDRUFF Daily Chats With the Housewife so Georgette Crepe and Paisley fons. LADIES' UNION SUITS $1.25 This is a special garment made for us with unusual care as to quality, finish and fit. Shown in three styles: high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, low neck, no sleeve, ankle length, and Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle length. The garment $1.25 BOUDOIR CAPS A big selection of Boudoir Caps, shown in all colors, made of silk and lace neatly trimmed with ribbon and lace edging. Some new models you have not seen before. Each 35 to $2.50 "T. P. W. Pure Food Shop" 3 Phooes, AH IS. Cleanline Economy Service PRE-I N VENTORY SALE GROCERIES NOW ON. Clean Eay Soap, 6 bars 25 The best Naptha soap on the mar ket today. Bob White Soap, 6 bare 25 15c Can Ripe Olives, can 10 Dozen cans $1.10 60c Jar Queen Olive, jar 40 Herahey. Cocoa, 4 pound can.... 20f 1 pound can 35 5 pound can $1.50 Tomato CaUup, 18 oz. bottle, best quality catsup 20 Dozen bottles $2.25 5 pound lots, the pound 25f 50c Japan Tea, pound 30 Apples, several good varieties, the box 75 to $2.25 Shrimp, 2 cans - 25 Dozen cans $1.40 Minced Clams, 2 cans 25 Dozen cans $1.45 35c Preserves, 16 oz. jar 25 T. P. W. Toilet Soap, Peroxide and Rose Glycerine. 12 bar to box, the box $1.00 T. P. W. Cider Vinegar, a pure apple juice product, bottle 10 Dr. Prices Extracts and Food Color ings, the best in America. Exclus ive Pendleton selling agency. T. P. W. Syrupi Cane and maple blend, qt. can 45; Va Kal- 851 1 gal. $1.50. Fancy Table Syrup, V2 gal- 605 1 gal $1.10 Pure Sorghum, 12 65 ; 1 gal. $1.25. Molasses, the extra fancy quality, 12 gal. 65; 1 gal $1.25 Pancake Syrup V2 gal. 35; 1 gal. 65. T. P. W. Coffees T. P. W. Twobit blend, a good one at 25 T. P. W. Special Blend, the best 35 Coffee on earth. T. P. W. Xtragrade, truly the best drinking coffee in Pendleton, the pound - 40 T. P. W. Tea "A good Tea to tie to." Pound 60 and 75 PENDLETON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. A i 2 5 SK1KTS TO BE LONGER. The edict has gone forth, having been recently decided upon by the De. signers' Association of Women's Clothes in session at . Chicago, that skirts are to be muih longer. More over, it is said that fne whole motir In dressing is to be different artistry in design and long flowing lines be ing emphasized. INDIAN MOTH'S MICH VSK1). The Indian motif is an important consideration in the fashion world just now. Beautiful designs in bead work or embroiders' are used on one- piece frocks ana arternoon suns. Mohawk, Cherokee, and Indian reds are prominent in these motifs. KMUIIOIDKHKI) ARM HOT.ES. In some of the choicest gowns seen in the shops, the armholes are em broidered in curiously formed lines. Instead of following the line of the sleeve, an embroidered inset is placed at both front and back, entirely breaking the line of the armhole. WEI-SH RABBIT. One pound of cheese (medium), 2 tablespoons butter, yolks of 4 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 1-4 teasponnful salt. 1-S teaspoon pepper. 1-4 teaspoon mustard and a few drops tabasco or Worcestershire sauce. Melt the cheese in a chafinn dish, add the salt, pepper, mustard, mixed together, then the yolks of eggs and the milk beaten together. When It thickens, add th tabasco or Worcestershire sauce, and serve on toasted crackers. ounce crushed tapioca In a little boil ing water, and add to the soup; boil a few minutes, and add 1 pint of warm milk, after which the soup must no. boil.' SAVORY CAU.irLOWER. Koil the cauliflower in the usual way, drain It, and break It in pieces. , Lay the pieces in a buttered pie dish. 1 pour over a white sauce, sprinkle with pepper and sale; then grate a layer ot cheese, and a good covering of breadcrumbs on top of the cheese. : Put a few lumps of butter on the top and bake in a hot oven for about 15 minutes, or until crumbs are a golden j brown. UN (i-H A N DI.K1 TOASTI NG FORKS. For those who like to toast marsh mallows In front of the fireplace, or cook sausages In the blaze of the out door fire, a special fork has been de Figned, with a handle something over a yard long. It la of aluminum an.1 has three capable prongs. The toas- (East Oregonian Special.) HBLIX, Ore.. Jan. 3. Miss Phlllls Piper entertained about 40 of her young friends at her home Sunday evening with a watch party. Rev. Gornall of Pendleton, preach ed the baccalaureate sermon in tho Christian church Sunday at 11 o'clock to a good audience. School began Tuesday. Samuel Howard of Pullman, Wash. manual training teacher, will teach here the remainder of the term. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Peterson Are visiting their parent, Mr. and Mr. John Peterson. F. L, has purchased a section of wheat land near Wash I tucna. Wash., where he will tak possession in the early spring. I A social dance was enjoyed at thu Jens Olson home Friday night. Als one at the home of Newt Newtson Saturday night. , B. F. Stanton of Walla Walla, is visiting his mother,- Mrs. Catherine Stanton. Ed Rush of Spokane was a Satur day visitor. i Frances Beebe, teaching at L'ma ' pine, was a Sunday visitor with friendi here. j Arthur Lewis of St. Anthony, Ida., i was in town Friday. I Miss Opal Rice has returned from spending the holidays at Joseph, Ore. Miss Ruth Furrows of Portland, ijt spending a few weeks with her after, Mrs. J, S. AndeTson. ! N. D. Guuovson was a Sunday vis itor from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Piper of Sand Hollow entertained at dinner Friday. Mrs. O. Piper and daughters, Phlllls and Gladys, Misses Anna Taylor and Daisy Morrison of Helix. Miss Edna Potts Is home from a visit to Milton. Miss Iva McKinney has returned from a weeks' visit at the Fuson home, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Schafer of Wal la Walla, left Sunday for their home from a week's visit here with rela tives and friends. Mrs. J. Z. Gains of Free water, who has been visiting her daughters, Mr. ! Alford Sondow and Mrs. H. H. Hicks, SAVE YOl n 1IA1U! IMH'RIjE ITS BEAI TY IN A FEW MO MKNTS THY THIS! If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and Is radiant with life; has an Incomparable soft ness and Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlnc. Just one application doubles thit beauty of your hair, besides It imme diately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nlc, heavy, healthy hair If you have dan druff. This destructive scurf robs ths hair of its lustre. Its strength and Itt very life, and If not overcome It pro duces a feverishnew and Itching- of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos en and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected end Is thin, fnded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a !5-cent bottle of Knowlton'a Oanderine at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little as directed and ten minutes after you will say this was the best Investment you erer made. ' We sincerely llleve, regardless of everything else advertised, that If you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of It no dandruff no Itch ing scalp and no more falling halr you must use Knowlton's Dandfdne. If eventually why not now? YOl XC. SOLDIERS IHR. EL PASO, Dec. S. The double fu noral was held today of Corporal Wedderburn and Private Ramley of the Thirty-Third Michigan, who died of pneumonia. Both were nineteen yenrs old. Whnt dew is to the words are to the heart. flower kind ter mav sit at a respectful distance i len lor nome jnonoay. from the fire, and avoid being toast-1 Bev. W. R. Storms of Wallula, wait cd himself, while browning marsh- j In town Sunday. mallows, apples, chops, or bread to a Mr. and Mrs. J. W. King are home turn. 1 from a visit to Freewater. I Miss Eunice Stnlth, one of Helix's FROZEN FK11T SALAD. ' teachers, Is home from spending the Cut In medium pieces 1 pineapple. ', holidays In Idaho. 1 grapefruit. 4 oranges, 1 cup of white I Mrs. J. G. Bryan returned Monday cherries and 1-2 cud of red preserved from a trip to Walla Walla and RICE A IiA PASCO. Prepare a highly seasoned tomato sauce in the blazer of the chafing dish, with 2 cups of strained tomato Juice, 4 tablespoons of butter and 2 of flour, 1-2 teaspoon Bait, 1-4 teaspoon pepper. Melt the butter, stir in the flour, add the tomato Juice and sea son highly. Add to this 2 cups of cooked rice (Chinese style) 1-2 cup of cooked mushrooms, 1-2 pimento Bnd 1-2 green pepper, sliced. Serve from the chafing dish with grated Parmesan cheese. MILK VEGETABLE SOUP. Two quarts of boiling water, 4 or 5 potatoes, 2 leeks, 2 sprigs celery, 2 turnips, 2 ounces butter, small piece of mace. Boil these to a pulp, add 1 tfaspoon sale and 1-4 teaspoon pep per, and a teaspoonful of white su gar. Pass through a sieve. Soak 1 cherries, and put in an enamel colan der to drain. When drained, mix with a plain gelatine; Just before It begins to congeal, put in a mold and rack in Ice and aalt. When frozen, serve In slices on lettuce, with may onnaise. Be sure to cover the mold with oiled paper before fitting on the cover. Touchet. Mrs. J, C. Prendergast of Juniper, was a Monday visitor. Mr. and Mr Victor Mason, return ed Monday from a ten days' visit in Frosser and other Washington cities. John Molstrom of Adams was In town Monday, BACK BROKEN, LIVED 10 YR8. HER 105TH BIRTHDAY FEAST. of. Mrs. Bennett Entertains Three Gen eraUons for the Holidays. A CLEAR COMPLEM Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes Most Women Can Have v , Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Knowa Ohio Physician Dr. F. M. Edwards for 17 year treated scores of women for liver and bowel ailments. During these years he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredi ents mixed with olive oil, namiiiR them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, you will know them by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cause a nor mal action, carrying off the waste and poisonous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women as well as men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the successful substitute for calomel now and then Just to keep in the pink of con dition. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Congress If) Asked to Par Bills Former Federal Employe. CHICAGO, Jan. 3. Oscar Samnel-I NEW YORK, Jan. 3. Mrs. Alice son, who lived with a broken back Bennett, who celebrated the hundred at a north side hospital for more and fifth anniversary of her birth in than ten years, died recently. Wheth er the government should pay him fo the injury is pending In congress. "Ramuelson was hurt while work ing for the federal reclamation ser vice, near Cody. Wyo., and was brought here for treatment. As he was without funds Congress man Fred D. Brltton introduced a bill asking the government to bear the expenses. her home, No. 152 Webster Avenue, Brooklyn, Sunday night, was some what tired yesterday but not so much that she did not celebrate Christmas She carried out her dally routine of life, and then had dinner with her son and daughter, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. All ex cent her daughter live out of town, and are her guests in Brooklyn over the holidays. illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllB i Room Rubbe Goods 4U v 1 , -4 ' V 1 Freddie Crabbe, Salt Lake grappl er, who Is to wrestle Frank McCarroll In Pendleton on January 10 Crabbo la here shown forcing his opponent t o the mat with a deadly body sc.san rs. RECEIVE OCR SPECIAL ATTENTION. We are at all times equlpp. ed to supply your needs at shortest notice with practical first quality rubber foods. We sell the famous adver tised "Kantleek Rnboer Goods and guarantee utmost satisfaction and value. Telephone orders frors you, your nurse or physician re ceive our Instant attention. Deliveries are prompt and correct Give us a trial. I Tollman & Co. LeadinC Dniffntt IIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllinillia