DAILY EAST CZTCIkW, rrTTUTTOtf. CT2Ca. FT.IDAY, DSCESir 2J, 111. PA! 3ni!!!l!ll!!!lll!IHl!IIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIII!ll!l!IlIIII!1II!I!ni!!!!inil!lllIl!!!!I!llll!IIIIU i pacs norrr Oil! Were Von Cold Hits ftig? Well, you can buy good warm Gown, Bath Robes, Pajamas, Knit Petticoats or Men's Mackinaw, Flannel Shirts, Mittens, etc., in fact any article suitable for this cold weather at temptingly low prices at The Golden Rule Store. American Exprew Money Order for Sale Here r. u imcc .A Mince Pie are fine this cold weather. a pound in your next order. Include SPECIAL Mince Meat, one pound, full weight 15c Dill Pickles, Heinz, 2 for 5c Stuffed Green Pepper, each 5c Celery Relish, pint 15c Country Butter, roll 75c Ranch Ege, dozen 50c Large Oranges dozen 40c Japanese Oranges, dozen 20c Table Raisins, 5 lb. box $1.25 Table Raisins, 1 lb. box 25c Cooking Apples, box 50c GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phone, 28 823 Main St I t. it I 1 8! i t. 5 Son to Jeweit, A son was born In Portland yester. day to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley O. Jew ett of thto city. Mr. Jewett Is with the biological survey and expects to return to Pendleton soon after the first of the year. Paying Cfelenratlon lulls. Bills ot expense for the municipal Christmas celebration are being pai now and the committee believe it will have enough money to cancel all debts. All bills should ba presented to R. Alexander, chairman, within the next few days. direction of Mr. Averill and the stock men will ask that the state appropria tion be turned over to the biological survey. The stockmen of Oregon ex pect to make a similar request of the Oregon legislature. t n. Adonis rassos Away. Word has been received by friend of the death of C. B. Adams, former, ly a resident of this city. He died a TA week ago Saturday in an jowa uo K ' pital where he had been ill for some. : time. Deceased lived here with his , wife for several yars. Big Mortgage Foreclosed. A mortgage for JSSOO. Interest and f 300 attorneys fees against property near Hermiston Is ordered foreclosed and the property sold in a decree for the plaintiff signed today in the case i oi J. J. VYarner vs. Mary league A iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu 'A S K I et. al. WRIGHT NOW SECRETARY OF SERVICE COMMISSION Announcement onnuw from Salem That Change Will Soon He Made In Staff. SALEM, Ore., Pec. 23. Changes In the staff of the public service commis sion are soon to be made when Ed ward Ostrander, who is now secre tary, becomes examiner and Edward Wright, county clerk of I'nlon county, who was Commissioner Corey's oppo nent at the recent election, becomes secretary. The position of secretary i. worth $2000 a year but the matter of final decision has not yet been made, yend'n? the action of the legislature which may decide to trim the appro priations to some extent. LOST STEAM Kit S.U'K. BOSTON, Dec. :'. Coast guards received word at noon that the lost Clyde steamer Ozutmi. Portland to New York was safe in Hlock Islano harbor, Infants' Shoos c Infants' SImnm, stiff soles 4C ot 8o Children's Slioeti 90, ll.l.V $1.25, tl.4S Ulrte Shore $1.49. $1.S9, $1.9 Hoys' Shoes $1.39, $1.49. $1.79. $1.98, $3.49 Misses' Shoos $l-9, $3.49 $2.9 ladles' Shoo. $2.49. $2.9S. $S.M, $.1.98 Men s llnw Shoes $2.49, $2.98, $3.50, $3.98 Children's Kubhers 49o Indira' llul)l)ors c ' YOU CAN 1)0 BETTER AT JC Penney Co Mc J jzzns mull i Cotton Blankets 49c, $9c Woolnap Blankets $2.1& (ilrls' Wool Villon SiiIih 69c, 79o, 98o Hoys' Wool Villon Salts 98o 1 jullett' Fleeced I'nlon Suits 49o, 9 So ladles' Wool I'nlon Suits... $l.9, $1.98, $2.98 Men's Cotton I'nlon Suits 98o Men's Wool I'nlon Suits $1.98 Men's Wool Sra-lut 12 l-Je, Site, S9o Men's Heavy Canvas (iloves, 2 wirs aso WE LEAD, OTHEllS FOLLOW I "Mill., i i Last Sweep Tomorrow Saturday Dec. 30 1916 One Day Only Any Suit 87.95 Any Coat 84.95 ANY SKIRT HALF PRICE None on Approval No Phone Orders Filled No Exchanges No Refunds. No Alterations. Your Last Chance for 1916. STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY. Weather Hear and Odd. Today has been clear but the sun has not been warm enough to thaw the snow. The air has had an icy bite to it aod there has been a light nor therly breeie. The minimum tem perature last night was 12 above and the maximum today 22. Lien Is Foreclosed. Woodaege & Ardrey, local plumb ers, have been given a default Judg ment for $87.32 against DeLoss Belti and wife and H. H. Nolen and wife, and a lien against lot 9. block 2 of SwiUer's addition to Pendleton Is or. dered foreclosed and the property sold to satisfy the Judgment. Halfway Wants Help. An appeal for aid in fighting the rabid coyotes In Baker county came from Halfway this morning to the of fice of the biological survey. The writer of the letter declared that the Coyotes were becoming a menace not only to livestock but to human life as well. The epidemic of rabies has caused more trouble in Baker than any other county of the state. Train 36 rfonrs Ijate. Westbound No. 5 of Dec. 27 arrived in Pendleton shortly before noon to day, 36 hours late as a result of the blizzards which have been sweeping Wyoming. Four other delayed trains are scheduled to reach the city be tween 10 and 11 tonlnht thoueh there is a probability that they will lie even inter. A stub of No. 19, the mail train, made up at Salt Lake reached Pendle ton at C this morning. One-IifRSod Indian Drunk. George Tolucky, a one-legged In dian, was arrested last evening by Officer James Hall for being too full of bootlegger booze. In police court today he declared he had only beer, drinking a little beer but had smoked a cigar which made him sick. How1 ever the police produced a bottle ot colored alcohol which had been ta ken from him and he was given the regulation J 10 or 5 days sentence. He declared he secured the liquor from a Mexican. DRY VIRGINIA WET BY TRICK OF STORM Open Gullets on WUIuughby Spit Hide Joy Juice Flotsam From Powhatan. NORFOLK, Dec. 29. Even the ill wind that caused the storm that caused the Merchants' and Miners' steamer Powhatan to be rammed and sunk by the British steamer Telena near Thimble Shoals Light brought joy to many dry persons. The Powhatan has a hole in her side about fifty feet long. Through this considerable freight drifted out into the Chesapeake Hay. most of it cast upon the beach at Wlllougby spit. In the freight were several bar rels of whisky, and in Virginia, with the state dry just two weeks, whis key is received with open arms and tpen mouths. The authorities have been unable to find any whiskey that floated ashore, because th'se that found it did not permit it to remain long on the beach, They also have failed to find anybody who found It. The whiskey was loaded on the Powhatan at Baltimore, consigned to parties In Boston. building and poperty by the German Savings & Loan company of San Fran cisco will be foreclosed and In all probability this San Francisco com pany wil ltake It over and operate it under reorganisation. LOCALS Sb Advertising in Briet IVr Itn. first iimertlnn lot Per Hue, additional luaertlon. . . . Oe t'r line, per month SI OH No kTala taken for lest thaa 23c. Count 6 ordinary wor.la to line. Locala will not be taken oier tb telephone except from Kaat Oregoo tan paid-up aubscrltors. 9 JUST THE GIST J ii'llllllllilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliigl mmm J To Attend (ira'n Conference. An effort is being made to secure a representative delegation of farm ers from this county to attend th? fir-t annual grain conference to he held at Oorvallia January 3, 4 and o. At the conference the handling of b-jlk grain will be one of the chieC topics of discussion and it will be pre sented both from the farmers' and marketer's standpoint. Among the speakers on the program are W. W. Harrah and R. O. Earnhart, local far mers, and Walter pierce and E. K Kiddle of Union county. Your Own Pattern There is a distinct sense of plea sure and pride in having one pat tern of silver that is characteristic of your home. The CHATHAM is a charming pattern to identify with your table. Its pure outline never tires one and the delicate mouldings fit smoothly into the hand. You do not need to purchase the entire pattern at one time. If you accumulate it piece by piece, it will mean even more to you. Royal M. Sawtcllc Since '87 Pendleton, Oregon StilillMltlllllllllllllMIMIIllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly Alleged leed Was Forged. Alleging that Walter Harr hi. forged a deed to land belonging to her, Lulu Behrman today brought suit again- him to restrain him from claim.ng any Interest in the property. She allee3 she received bonafide. deeds to the property from W'illiam E Larsoa and wife and Allie C. Craw ford and chargeH that Harr filed for record a deed purporting to have been executed by Crawford who took up the land originally as a desert claim. Eg3j!Hink!e & Warner of Hermiston are Es-jl: attorney f"r the plaintiff. Si AutoiiHh1ot in collision. 'Hi' The automobiles of Tom Thompson and Dr. F. B. Boyden met last even ing at o'clock in a collision at the interaction of Main 'and Water streets. One fender was torn off the Boyhn car but otherwise the ma chine" were not much damaged. Mr. Thoinp on came into Main from be hind the Hotel Pendleton j'Jst as Dr. Hoyden was coining off the bridge. Tlie blind corner prevented them from see ng each other until very i.io.'-e and the hoow made it impoH-i-ble to .-top the lars suddenly. This I one of the mot dangerous corners in the city for traffic. CHEHALIS, Wash, Dee. 29. Dep. uty Sheriff Berry arrested Leo Brab ski on a charge of receiving a ship ment of liquor from California label ed "honey.' He was fined 50 and costs TLX'SO.V, Ariz., Dec. 29. B. M. Clements, 79, cousin of Mark Twain and his comrade in steamboating on the Mississippi, died today at a hos pital. SAX FRA.VCISCO, Dec. 29. The police here today found Guy Oliver Ward of Bellingham, Wash., who about November 21 sent letters tell ing of his suicide to his wife and an insurance company; tied his clothe to a railroad trestle and disappeared. according to detectives, who found him very mu h alive. AL'BUItN, Cal, Dec. 29. N. U Wiliey, .econd governor of Idaho, now lie.n in a lonely tot In the 1'lacer county hospital in this city, where he was brought, destitute, from a dis tant mining claim in the Blue Canyon ' district. SALEM, ore., Dec. 29. Why all this fuss and worry about the li per cent tax limitation, so far as state af fairs Is concerned? It is needless and useless. In effect that Is the question and the answer presented by Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott in a statement is. susued by him today. HAKE It, ore., Dec. 29. What is believed to be a rich copper strike ha-. been reported from the Blue Jacket and Oueen mine at Landere, Idaho. just aeoss the Snake river from Ba ker county, John C. ltogers. of Hunt ington, who has a lease on the mine, is said to have uncovered a chute of high-grade ore. PASADENA, Cal , Dec. 29. The Tournament of Hoses Association an nounced last night the East-West football game to be pfayed following the annual Tournament of roses has been Insured against rain by Lloyd's. In the event of a rain a quarter of an h at Pasadena between Sunday, 9 m., and Monday. 3 P- m., Lloyd's l to pay 23,00O. y.:u- in Wa-h ngton under th Stockmen to Ak Aid. The stockmen of Washington wi'l ask the Washington legislature to appropriate a um equal to the amount mient by the federal govern ment in that state In the warfare agaln't coyotes, according to Et. F. Averill who returned yesterday from I North Taklma where he hada confer I ence with stockmen and with H. T. I Oraves, acting commissioner of agrl- culture, and I.rr. Donohoe. The gov. ernment In now spending about 115 Furnished aptm'a, 717 Lilleth. For rent 3-room house. Phons It'iFiW. For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. 114 Stonewall Jackson. Furnished and unfurnished houses for rent See G. W. Coutts. Second hand doors and windows for sale. Joe Murphy, 213 W. Alta. Wm. Goedecke auto for hire. Phone 1S9M. Stangier Cigar Store. Tel. 461. I haul your garbage and trash. Phone 553M. 141)3 W. Railroad st. For rent Furnished rooms for gentlemen. S. T. this offtas. Call Penland Bros, van to move your household goods. Telephone 339. Also basgage transferring and heavy haul ing. Books audited, office work and correspondence handled by hour or day, reasonable. Phone 208W. For sale Furnture, four room house not modern, cheap rent. Phone 690. Pendleton Hair Dressing Parlors, Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 46. For rent Two furnished house keeping rooma 124 Jfff Davla street. D. B. Waffle auto for hire. Phons 284 M. Stand, Charles Co., Phone 7. If your chimney or furnace needs cleaning call I. C. Snyder. Phone 381M. For sale Eight-room house, hot water heat. Inquire Buford Butler at Otto Hohbach's Bakery. For fale Set of bob sled runners, suitable for hack or buggy. Phone 446. Wanted Good girl for housework. Phone 352J or Jane street. Furnished housekeeping One large bedroom for rent. ter street. For sale Emerson piano, used short time but good as new. A fins Xmas present. Can be bought verj reasonable. Paker Furniture Store. Anyone having a 24-lneh case steel separator In good gonditlon to sell please address or call Brown Bros, Pendleton, Oregon. Wanted To rent or buy, small rooming house furnished. Apply li this office. Rooming house for sale. Main street, in center of business district. Doing good business. Inquire of Pn land Bros. Prompt automobile taxi service, day and night Funerals to cemetery only $3.50, Phone 880. Hotel St. George. Carney Taxi Co. Mattress making, furniture repair ing, upholstering, called for and dellv ered. city or country. La Dow Bros., 219 Beauregard. Phone 227J. Barley too high for feed. Bee Bly denstein, 117 E. Court. Phone 35 for oats by car lota. Young man with several years of fice and sales experience wishes po sition with local firm. Address "X" this office. For aale) Five room house, east Court street Desirable location, close to school. A genuine bargain. Foi particular address R. C. Jory, Man pin. Ore. For sale About 600 tons of al falfa hay, 2000 sacks of barley, feed lots and mangers, ready to feed beef cattle C. P. Bowman. Echo. Ore. 0 lane Low interest Rates Liberal Repayment Privileges Hartman Abstract Co. Comer Main and Court Sta. Pendleton, Ore. general call 71.'.' rooms. 502 Wa- J. S. LAXDKIIS PHOI'KUTY JX)Il SALE. The house Is considered one of the most desirable from the stand point i f comfort, appearance, arrangement and location in the city The following are some of its featuies Situated on elevated corner, 100x100 feet, racing south-east. Ex terior concrete blocks, shinxle gables and roof, stone foundation. Two full stories and attic. (Attic makes upBtalrs cool In summer). Full baement with fruit room or cellar. Large front porch commanding fine view. Screened-in back porch. Seven large, airy rooms (4 up stairs, 3 besides reception hall down-stairs). Plastered and calcimlned throughout. Bath room, modern fixtures and good plumbing. Large linen closet. Four clothts closets, cedar-lined. House cool In sum mer, warm in winter. Exceptionally well lighted and ventilated. Hot air furnace, registers In every room. Solid oak and tile fireplace In living room. Out-door sleeping porch or balcony. Kitchen, white en amel woodwork, built-in cupboardi and tables. Wood and food eleva tors. Wood-shed under front porch, coal bin In basement. Both lota under cultivation, splendid soil. Trees, shrubbery, vines, roses, eta Cement sidewalks and Vaved street. 6 blocks from Main fit. Bridge (Cor. Jackson & Lincoln Sts.) 3 blockg from Matlock Ht. Bridge and Itound-l'p Park. 2 blocks from Lincoln School. Oood Neighborhood. Price $5,500. Sec K. T. WADE. CORN By the sack, ton or carload. See H. G. BLYDENSTEIN S Phone 35 f OATS Whole or steamrolled, carlots. 117 E. Court BKN'D, Ore., Ikc, 2!). The first step to fight the quo warranto pro ceedings brought by Gus Stadlg of Lower Bridge against the members of the county court of the new Deschutes county were begun Wednesday by District Attorney H H. DeArmond and V. A. Forbes of Bend when they appeared before Judge T. E. J. Duf fy with a motion to quash service of the proceeding. ; SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 29. The fate of the Hotel Spokane, a land mark, and for many year the finest hostelry In eastern Washington, will ;'ie scaled In January. The receivership will be terminat ed, the 1200.000 mortgage held on the ! LOOK! I Try Lynda Bros. Pure apple cider, gallon lots, 25c; dressed chickens and California cel ery. Good goods and quick service Phone 334. Adv. A u to Btage. For Adams, Athena and Weston eaves Henning' Cigar Store at 10 a m. and 1:10 P m. each day. Adv. Homo Cooking, at the Golden Rule Cafe. All whit help. Regular meals 25 cents. Ad Notice to the Publki. There will be no deliveries from the stores on Monday, January 1st. PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER. (Adv.) I The Last Call ONLY TWO MORE DAYS IN WHICH TO OTA and save money When better cars are built, BUICK will build them, and when it costs more for material to build BUICK as it should be built, then BUICK will raise the price and not cheapen the car. Buick Will Raise on January lt, 1917. Place your order before January 1st and get a Buick for 1175. OREGON MOTOR GARAGE Incorporated. 117. 119, ttl, 123 Wait Court St. Telephone 468