PAGE FIVE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1916. w J LSv) L JUi A if W m r..-. A-;. ry- ' -v; & - 16 - V2r. TODAY and SATURDAY William Fox Presents viska Sura tt In a iriini o LHLVUuI V 6 Acts 6 ? i jpr 1' : i. f - . A" DIRECTION WILLIAM rQX "Hell Hath no Fury Like a Woman's Scorn." A beautiful woman wrecks her own home; she tries to bring un happiness to others, be cause she married a man she does not love. But she only succeeds in de stroying the peace and quiet of her own heart. MUTT & JEFF In cartoon comedy. George Ovey in Laugh able comedy. The Home of the $5000 Photo Player Pipe Organ. Adults. 15c Children 5c Come Afternoons if Possible. mm hcture im What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. jp -Tzzi r .Icalon-y W rwln Jlai'iiinc of llmiie ill New Hx I'll 111; Vulku hiirracl I'layrt Hrtle Moiiiuu. A woman who marrie a man does nrt Jove, then fjiyierts him tor another, and i f,nally taught at hi r own game In the charai ter played lv ValeHka Surratt in her newest picture for William Fox, "Jealousy." Minn Surratt haa a role peculiarly fitted to her style of acting, and hhe goes through the part in a nal.mic emo tionul manner. j The photoplay, which will open at the Pastime theater for a two days' run today tells how Anne Martin turns from her hueoand (Walter Law) to a former lover Kland i'arney (Curtla Benton). In her attempts to lure him to herself she meets with ruin, and only succeeds In pulling him down to poverty ami du-gTace. Martin, who has learned of his wife'j ileceit. leaves her. Will 8. Davis directed this picture for Mr. Fox. In addition to the above will b shown a Mutt and Jeff cartoon com edy und a clever GeorKe Ovey com edy making a big double show espe cially selected by Manager Matlock for your holiday entertainment. th; Cash Shouts Here! CONROY'S Prices Have Them Going Carnation Milk, still 10 Peacock Buckwheat, still 25 Centenial Pancake Flour 25 New Italian Prunes, 3 lbs 25 Evaporated Apricots, pound 15 Loose Muscatell Raisins, 2 lbs 25 Package Raisins 11 Hersheys Cocoa Vi lb. 20; 1 lb. 35 Ghiraradellis Ground Chocolate 1 lb. 30 ; 3 lbs. 80. Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for 25 Palm Olive, Glycerine and Tar Soap, 3 for 25 Beans, Pinks and Mexican Reds, lb 10 Small White Beans, 2 pounds 25 Best Head Rice, 3 pounds 25 Standard Tomatoes Standard Peas Standard Beans Standard Corn Can 10c Try Our Shasta Coffee, 1 lb. 35; 3 lbs. $1.00; 5 lbs. $1.50; best coffee for the money on earth. NO. 1 FIRST GRADE SPUDS, 100 lbs. $2.2o Best 10c Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 for 25 65c Broom 50; 75c Broom 60r Matches, 6 boxes i-, ?n Pickles, gal. glass jars, sweets $1.10 Sours and Dills Ht Blue Karo Syrup V gal. 30; gal. 60 LOG CABIN SYRUP, quart 42; Vt gal. 70; 1 gal. $1.35. Why pay more. Strained Honey, quart Folgers Golden Gate Baking Powder, 1 lb. 40, 2 Vi lbs. 90; 6 lbs. $1.75; 10 lbs. $3.25 CHIME CAT SFD JY "WIT' IUaH'K R ansa 11 Grt Lkior Arrows Street in KannaA City, Mo. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec. 29. The "wettest" block in Kansas City. Mo., was blamed today by court officials for most of the crime committed Juit across the street in Kansas City, Kan. A series of case in which whisky pur chased on the Missouri side of State Line avenue played a part reached climax today in the conviction of Da vid Coffman for kllllne his mother. In-law. Mrs. Mary J. Barnes. "I would like to sentence the bar keeper that sold him the drink," de clared Judge A. J. Herrod. when the verdict of guilty was returned. "In the few das that I have been nn the bench I have found that virtually ev. pry cae brought before me was calls, ed by the 'wet block.' " Ixiiiine orllilnKtn Players at Alia Friday and Saturday. Manager Cooper of the Ata theater, has secured the Loul.e Worthingtun Flayers to play an engagement at the Alta commencing Friday and Satur day. The play for Friday and Satur day will be a three act comedy, Marriage a Failure?' This play ran over nine months in New York city, and over 20 nights in Chicago, and it is a big laugh from start to finish. We ran guarantee our patrons a pro duction such as is seen in any of the larger cities on the coast at popular prices. Adults, 25c, children 10c. :ha m . -. '-v v !'i AT THE ALTA. Fit & Sal The Louise Worthington Players Present "IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE" IN THREE ACTS. A big laugh from tart to finish. Come early; one show a night; open 6:30; curtain 8:15. Admittion, Adult 25c; Children 10c DANIEL FROHMAN PRESENTS THE CHARMING ANN PENNINGTON in "The BOW Princess ! A fascinating photoplay of circus life, by Shannon Fife. A Paramount Picture produced by the Famous Players Film Co., Adolph Zuker, Pres. WAR MKES KRAYLESS MtXE. PARIS. Dec. 29. The brayless mule is one of the scientific developments of the war. Large numbers of mules have been Imported from America for use at the front, but their habit of braying at Inconvenient moments had to be remedied before they coula be used to the best advantage. The veterinary expert were called in and after a little experiment thef discovered that a alight operation o the nostril had the desired effect. An the mules sent to the front axe nom made mute by this process. Itaiadway's Famous Litilo Star "Ann Pennington,' at the Alta Friday ' and Saturday. One of the most decided hits made on Broadway this season was the Hula Hula dance which Ann Penning ton contributes to the "Ziegfeld Fol lies.' This pictureque Hawaiian dance has been incorporated in the Famous Players-Paramount picture, The Rainbow princess" in which Miss Pennington is starred. In order to make the scene as reallttc as posible, a Hawaiian village was erected which accompanies Miss Pennington on the stage was engaged to play for her during the filming of the dance for the screen. The mere fact that this Is the most expensive Hawaiian or chestra In this country did not deter the producers from using the musi cians, because it was felt that Miss Pennington would be more at home with the same accompaniment which she had had all season. j K i 5 " rfrf-' "1 if v- 3 . , f A J ,' '.n ,. "P. . a i (...-, .. : 1 ,1 CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG JThe RiJ?oJiuan A VORL riCTURC lXm't Full o See flara Khnball Young at the Temple Tonight. What Is the big distinction between members of royal families and those of more humble birth? After all Is there any real difference? Given the opportunity, cannot the son or daugh. ! ter of a poor man acquire sufficient "polish" and bearing to enable them to hold their own with their so-called superiors? Take StiRan for an example. Phe comes from very poor but respectabje parentage yet as a model in the mosi exclusive establishment In New Tork city, she causes many society leaders to pattern after her carriage. Also. Susan's parents for three gen erations at lea?t, were all Americans. Tet society went mad over the coun tess who appeared at Mrs Luckett'f. hall no other than Susan of the mo diste's obliging Mrs. T,uckett by mas querading to replace the absent coun tess. The play will furnish you more laughs and dramatic thrills than you have had in many a day. The title is "The Rise of SuTin," and It is th attraction at the Temple theater for the last time tonight. World pictures are pleased to an nounce th's Clara Kimgull Young sub ject as their tiiH recent release. In addition to this big feature there wil lbe two acts of vaudeville. WE SET THE PACE FRIDAY FRIDAY "THE RIGHT TO BE HAPPY" A beautiful screen version of Charles Dickens' immortal classic A Christmas Carol ALSO A GOOD COMEDY IF ITS GOOD YOU WILL SEE IT AT THE COSY ii At die Temple Ian time tonight in conjunction with two acts of vaudeville. Mr. Lloyd George is a magnetic per son, doubtless because of the iron in his blood. WE SET THE PACE Saturday COSY Saturday A BIG COMEDY PROGRAM CHARLIE CHAPLIN "DOUBLE CROSSING THE DEAN" A Big 2 reel comedy Fun with the College Students A SCREAM FROM START TO FINISH IF ITSfGOOD YOU WILL SEE IT AT THE COSY i f jLIII 111 TUT! 1 I - - U ; 1 - f . ,at j- -y y. j- v if . - ' . f., Jrtf i v.' ' U 4 - -: , . 1 1 j- i- u .' Sf SUNDAY 'PAS Special Music on the Pipe Org on Beautiful Music of the Land Be low the Mason-Dixon Line. GREATER VITAGRAPH PRESENTS miw Rose of tiie South The Home of the Beau tiful $5000.00 Photo Player Pipe Organ. PEGGY HYLAND and ANTONIO MORENO) In 6 ACTS 6 Rose was a Southern Lassie Drfrt'm frA fkrtA You're from the North he said, rCg9y fly iaUQ QUll But if you love her dearly, then a . m You and my lass shall wed. AntOIllO mOTCnO A BEAUTIFUL SPECTACULAR SCENIC MARVEL PICTURE OF THE SOUTH 6 ACTS 6 Magic Isle," a thing of beau ty, is also oo the program. "ROSE OF THE SOUTH" FOR THE KIDDIES Katzenjamer Kids, Hans and Fritz, in "The C.ptau. Goes a Swimming. S College Scene Taken at One of America's Largest Institutions are a Factor in This Picture. Beautiful Costunr Pretty Girls and Throughout All Predominates the f leasing Air ol tne soutn. ' " ' . I. l : i 1 i ADULTS 15c PLEASE COME AFTERNOONS IF POSSIBLE CHILDREN 5c I, ' ? PECOY HYLAND and ANTONIO MORENO it ROSE OF THE SOUTH'