East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 27, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Jil!l!l!IIIHIIII!UI!liSUIIII!lll!!l!llll!lllli;!U!l!lll!!:i!l!l!IIIIIIIIii!!l!lllllllllli:i!; $
American Expret Money Order for Sale Here
1 5
a 1
9 nuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinin
by the Car Load
From our own Orchard at Imbler,
Oregon. We guarantee every box.
Winter Bananas, C Grade, box $1.25
Winter Bananas, Fancy, box $1.40
Winter Bananas, Extra Fancy, box $1.50
Rome Beauty, C Grade, box $1.15
Rome Beauty, Fancy, box $1-25
Rome Beauty, Extra Fancy, box ., $1.40
Good Cooking Apples, box 50c
Two Phones, 23
823 Main St
Out They Go!
An? Si $9.95
VALUES UP TO $40.00.
Any Coat $7.95
Pendleton's Quality Store
Convert the check which you
received for your Xmas into a
piece of jewelry.
This will give you a perma
nent gift and of your own
Royal M. Sawtclle
Audits Kuond-l'p IHHks. (While high single game score was
C. K. Cranston has compiotea ni ! maae oy hod vt neeier. wno scorea i m
audit of the books of the Round-up
directors and found them in perfect
condition with the exception of two
minor inaccuracies.
Ada How Round-l'p Does It
The Cowboys' Reunion Association
of East Las Vegas, N. M., has wrUten
to the Pendleton Commercial associa
tion asking for Information as to how
in the first game. The following are
the scores rolled by the two teams:
Hook, 584, Eugers 614. Butler 424,
Baum 639, McMonles 646. total 2609;
McDevitt 660, Xewqulst 483, Wheeler
567, Hanavan 432, Hoover 542, total
t'lmrgrd With noutli-irKluK.
Jap Gulliford has been arrested by
he Round-l'p raises the money which, the police on a charge of bootlegging.
it gives as cash priaes each year.
Minor Knight Quite 111.
Elmer Knight, son of John KniKlU.
is reported quite ill at his home. 1100
last Court street.
Cost Him $.r0.
It con Jap Gulliford 150 to carry
liquor into a public place. He pleaded
guilty yesterday afternoon and that
was the amount of the fine. He was
arrested on a charge of bootlegging
but lack of evidence caused a change
in the charge made against him.
Do you need good warm Blankets, Comforters, Underwear, Shoe, Cap, Boot,
Suit, Mitten, etc.? We offer you good eonable merchandise at the lowest possible
Wool Blanket $2.8
Cotton Blankets HO
Wooluap Blankets, fancy plaids I2.2S
Cotton BlanketN for S-l B1h 4o, 89c
Infants 'Cashmere Hose l'i l-2o
Corsets (back laiv) . .tWe. 9Sc, tl.ltt. f I.8H. 29t
Corsets (front laoo) 8e. tl 9, $1.98, $2.98
Sateen IVttUtwts i9i; 69e, 9(k
Liwlies' Knit Skirts I9, 60c 9He, $1.25,
lnl'nnts' Oiitlns naniiel Skirts. 1 to 6 yrs.
, S5e
JC Penney Co he J
Hoys' Cotton Sock 5o
Boys' Shoes 11.49, I1.A9. l.g
Boys' OveralU 49c, 9o
Boys' Caps .'. 25c 9o
Buys' Wool Cnloii Suits 98a
Boys' Fleeced Villon Suits 49c, 9o
Boys' llolled Edge Rubbers 59c, 69c, 7 So
Ijulies' Itulilx-rs 49c, R9a
Clilltlivn's Overshoe, 'one buckle K9o
ClilldrjMi's Overshoes, two buckle 98c
Buys Two Quarters.
For a consideration given at lit -00,
Mrs. Marie Anna Eggers has pur
chased two quarter sections of farm
land between Ai'hena and Helix from
John Witt One section lies Just north
of the other. The deed of transfer
was filed yesterday.
Ten Above Last Xlstlit.
The mercury sank to ten uboe zero i Ii
K'.st ii Ik Ut and has never been above -
23 all day today. For a short while
li;st evening there was a flurry of
snow. Indications point to a colder
n;ght tonight.
Wants List of Industries.
H. B. Miller, dean of the school ot
Industrial and commercial Bervice o(
the University of Oregon, has wrltte
the Commercial association for a list
of the industries and resources of
Umatilla county for inclusion In a
survey of Oregon which the depart
ment will publish.
To See Big Game,
Carl B. Engdahl, manager of the
Farmers' Union Grain Agency at He
lix, left today for Portland and ex
pects lo go on down to Pasadena for
the big football game on New Tears'
day between Oregon and Pennsylva
nia. He will be gone about two week.
Gets New Wheel Chair.
Thanks to eight of his friends, Jim
my Carden, whose crippled condition
makes It necessary for him to get
about in a wheel chair, received a
new chair for Christmas. His old on?
had been used so long that it was al
most worn out. The new one ha
pneumatic tires and is of the same
general design as the old.
T Ship Carload of Paper.
The local W. C. T. U. Is preparing a
carload of old papers and magazines
for shipment (to Portland and expects
to derive a profit for the organization
from the shipment. It is anticipated
that the car will be ready by the la
of January. Anyone having old pa
pers is asked to notify the organization.
Decrees Are Entered.
Decrees of divorce for the plaintiffs
In the following cases: Lillian V.
Waddle, Willis J. Hillman vs. Martha
Hillman, and Mary Elizabeth Stock
too wj. James Lee Arthur Stockton,
were signed today by Judge Phelps.
Decrees were also entered in the cases
of Louis Scholl vs. J. W. Swezen,
Maxwell Land & Irrigation Co., v
Modley Hough and Maxwell Land 4
Irrigation Co. vs. F. B. Roscoe.
Attends Manager's Meeting.
F. J. Armstrong, manager of the
Pendleton Fruit Co., left this morning
for Portland to attend the annual
get-toeether meeting of all the branch
managers together with the officers
of the parent company, the Oregon
Fruit Co. Besides the reports of th"
branch managers and a review of the
years business, plans for the exten
sion of the Growers Marketing Agen
cy, that is operated in connection
w ith the Oregon Fruit Co. will come
up for general discussion.
Pocket Cleared of Doadwood.
Circuit Judge Phelps. Clerk Frank
Ruling and the attorneys of the local
bar have been putting In the day
clearing the docket of deadwood. More
than a hundred cases had accumulat
ed in the past five or six years which
have ben left by the attorneys with
out either action lor dismissal or
prosecution. Inasmuch as Clerk Sar-
Ing leaves office at the end or this
week it was deemed advisable to get
these cases out of the way. Nearly
all of them were dismissed.
Wants PeJeeates Appointed.
The privilege of having two dele
ga,es at the annual Commonwealth
Conference which is to be held at
Portland January 3 and 4 has been
extended to the Commercial associa
tion of Pendleton by Dean F. O.
Young of the department of econom
ics and commonwealth service of the
University of Oregon. Dean Youns
is the father of F. H". Young of the
Pendleton high school faculty. He
writes that one of the principal works
of the conference this year Is to draw
up a modern highway code for sub
mission to the legislature.
Owner Reaps Handsome Profit From
Material ou Line Thirty-Eight
Miles Long.
NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Bought as
"junk" the Chicago. A mimosa &
Northern, otherwise known as the
"Can" road, has been resold and will
be torn up and with its rolling stock
shipped to England and relaid, ac
cording to its president. Herman Son
ker, attending the quarterly session
here of the National Association of
Waste Material Dealers.
The price of old rails and iron has
reached such heights. Sonker said,
that the sale of the "Can" road real
ized a very handsome profit. The
road is 38 miles long.
There have been extraordinary in
creases in the price of waste materi
als during the last year, it was an
nounced. Used Sunday 5-cent news
Papers are now worth 1 cent; old
black stockings bring 1 cent a pair
and woolen rags are worth 16 cents
a pound to dealers.
ed about him. James I. White, city
smoke inspector, was rescued only b.J
accident today, after he went to the
roof of the Soo building to Inspect the
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. Dist
rict Attorney Preston's office bellevea
the famous Bopp case will be to the
Jury January 1.
Home Cooking,
at the Golden Rule Cafe. All white
help. Regular meals 25 cents. Adv
POKTI-AXD. li'c. 27. Daviil
Shaner, father of William Shaner,
who was killed by Martin H. McCall
In the Morgan building barber shop
Christmas morning, carried a revolver
In his peket when he attended the In
quest over the killing of his son, last
night at the public morgue, En-t third
near Hawthorne.
BAKEK. Ore., lec. 27. The State
Horse and Cattle Growers' Associf.
tion ot Oregon yesterday paid 1500
in rewards and for assistance In
prosecution of horse and cattb
thieves, according to S. O. Correll,
secretary of the association, who says
that the checks were mailed today.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 27.
Enough marriage licenses were is
sued here late Saturday evening to
break the previous record of 25, which
was made on July 3. 1915. In all, 26
couples were licensed here Saturday,
and Couni'y Auditor May R. Haack
found herself obliged to go to the of
fice as late as 1 o'clock to accommo
date two couples. One license was is
sued yesterday,
RAKER, Ore, Dec, 87. Baker'
coldest weather of "the winter was
experienced yesterday when the ther
mometer registered I above zero at 6
o'clock In the morning.
Optometrist and Optician
Glasses ground
and fitted. Lenses
American Nationul Bank Building,
Well be with you
9.. ' W
Wrdl'ng Bt I'O'tiKnicd Week.
The wrestling match between Frank
McCarroll and Fre,j C. crabbe, set for
January 3, has been postponed until
January 10, a telegram coming till
morning from crabbe and sratlni
that he could not ge. here before that
date as he had other bouts already
srhedued. Meanwh'le McCarrolI will
continue his workouts at the Jost
gymnasium. The Pllnf: Rock Commer.
rial Club has engaged the McCarrolI
brothers to put on an exhibition bout
In Pilot Rock on January 9 and
sometime before that date they will
give an exhibition before the Ln
Orande Elks.
Book Team Beats McIVvltt's.
In a match bowling game at
SEATTLE, Dec. 27. Sergeant Put
nam late this afternoon sent his dry
squad after gamblers, 65 of whom
were bagged in a resort at 518 Sixth
avenue. Those arrested included five
Chinese and 60 white men.
THE DALLES, Dec,' 27. The coun
ty court met today in the court house
and adopted the budget without op
position. The new budget calls for
a levy of 10 mills for state and county
purposes and 3 mills for roads.
PARIS, Dec. 27 Madame de The
bes, famous astroluglst and clairvoy
ant, died Sunday at her country resi
dence In Meung-8ur-Lalre, aged 72
years. The real name of Mme de
Thebes was Anna Victorine Savlgny.
PHOENIX, Ariz., Dec. 27. One
thousand gallons of contraband liquor
taken from bootleggers since Arizon i
went dry, will be poured into a larg?
motor sprinkler and used to flush thr
streets of Phoenix.
LEWISTON. Idaho. Dec. 27. More
than $150,000 cash has been paid this
year to the Indians of the Ncz Perce
Indian reservation for rentals of land
belonging to members of the tribe
who are incompetent to handle their
own afralrs. The prices range from
3 to $7.50 an acre per year.
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 27. Trapped
for two hours on top of a 22 story
building while a 35 mile blizzard rag-
There is one lure, safe way to
avoid a blotchy, pimply ikm. A
good or bad complexion comes from
within. If you want a clear complexion,
clean skin rosy cheeks and good
health, your blood must be pure and
the poisonous matter must be carried off.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
assist nature to remove all poisonous
waste matter in the system. They set
on the liver and bowels like calomel yet
hare no dangerous after-effects. They
srs reliable safe snd cannot harm
axe used by women folks everywhere.
Constipation is neatly slways the
causeof all ailments of women. The in
testines must be made to do their work
as nature intended in s normal way.
Have color in your cheeks. Take one
or two tableiinightlyand note the pleat
ing results. All druggists lOcand 25c.
of Watches
and Jewehy
THE Jeweler
j j
No Red Tape
No Bonus No Delay
Low Interest
Liberal Repayment Privileges
Han Abstract Co.
Corner Main and Court Ste. Pendleton, Ore,
i m
in our new store room, one of
the most modern and conveni
ent in the Northwest.
SERVICE will be our watch
word. Workingmen, business
men and swell dressers will all
find just what they want here,
when they want it.
Our stock will be absolutely
all new. Our prices the same
as of old.
You are
proud of
Brothers as we are
having your trade
going to be as
trading at Bond
glad of
Bond Brothers
Pendleton's Leading Clothiers
The house is considered one of the inofct deelrable from the stand
point of comfort, appearance, arrangement and location in the city
The following are gome of lt featuies.
Situated on elevated corner, 100x100 feet, facing aouth-eaiit. Ex
terior concrete blocks, shinnle xables und roof, stone foundation. Two
full Morten and attic. (Attic make upstairs -cool in mimmer). Full
basement with fruit room or cellar. Large front porch commanding
fine view. Scrcened-ln back porch. Beven larne, airy rooms (4 up
otairg, 3 besides reception hall down-stairs), Plastered and calciinlned
throughout. Bath room, modern fixtures and good plumbing. Large
linen closet. Four clothes cloHcts, cedar-lined. House cool in sum
mer, warm in winter. Exceptionally well lighted and ventilated. Hot
air furnnce, registers In every room. Solid onk and tile fireplace In
living room. Out-door sleeping porch or balcony. Kitchen, while en
amel woodwork, built-in cupboards and tables. Wood and food eleva
' tors. Wood-shed under front porch, coal bin In bnwment, Iloth lots
under cultivation, splendid soli. Trees, shrubbery, vines, roses, etc.
Cement sidewalks and paved street. 6 blocks from Main St. Ilridgs
Cor. Jackson & Lincoln Sts.) 3 blocks from Matlock St. ftridge and
Ilound-Up Park. 2 blocks from Lincoln School, tiood Neighborhood.
Price $0,600. Roe R T. WADE.
Factory mechanic in charge of our re
pair shop and a complete stock of FORD
parts, enables us to fix your FORD better,
quicker and cheaper.
Oils and Lubricants. Gas
Air and Water.
812 Garden Street
Bungalow pool hall last evening the
tram captained by Fred Book defeat
ed the Pat McDevitt team 2B09 to
25SC Book made high score of