PAGE SEVEN EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1916. HE ELL IS HE ARSHED III PENDLETON UNDER OWN POWER V Name to conjure with GREAT -SALT LAKE Los As..f i Ks.RBPt . Kivrtims FASAMNA.SAJ. lUAViMU,b M. biAt-H nt n Tt5St-!W 1 Is I ir',, . ' t?V . -Y'V-M ....fcil Minimi- F, .''If-' - s Get Your Piano or Player-Piano Direct from these Great Factories rE ARE direct factory representatives of the count.-y's grcatist (ir,. a:iiz:tti( n fr.r t'.r We T7I m i m f ! i i r i , i - .... . i . V V mg ana marKCting oi nign class pianos and piaycr-rniinos I ru House ut i:-aiawir. can not only supply you with an instrument at tin- price you w is.h to (;..y but we Kuur antee that every instrument ve sell is the bet value that can f obuim-ii. Tin output oi th factories is so great that the cost of producing a hiyh-grade in? truun nt is n-diia J to the io,vr;c figure ever known. Our line includes the latest styles in the folloa-i.ig 'taiit'ard iristrarnerus: The Baldwin Piano Crandi and Upright! Acknowledged the world's best at the universal expo sition. The only Anurii an I'iano ever awarded t)' Grand Prix. The Ellington iik-s of r"--''e-t im-n. Re- The fjvoriie for musical h nurkabte lor tun..l q:i..:r The Hamilton Fiano Grant and Vprighti Sold the world over. Famous for its durability, reasonably priced. The Hcyard Fi L'pritfhll Thlry yearn ago thin month J.f I "I have taken no little Interest In Kll, local councilman, started buni-1 helping to build up this little burg nem In Pendleton and the annlveW I from about 1000 to about 9000 pop nary made him remlnescent of early ulatlon at present. I was elected chief days; of the local fire department seven "I arrived In Pendleton in April. ! time and three terms a councilman. 18S3, and the town certainly looked j Have served eleven years in the good to nte," he says. "Hut I eouici council and will have one year mon- I not have looked good to renaiemn o serve, .r me reroru win im, i 'as my footwear showed evidence that have helped to pave five streets witii I I d d not have the luxury o t ravel- hard surface. It I with great pleaj. ! ing by ox team. But after all travel- ure that I look back and see th9 j ing that way Is not so bad, as a tel. : amount of Improvements that have low has no excess baggage I had to been made in a few years. Miles of paddle my canoe from the start, and cement walks and paved s-reets. new commenced business In December, gravity water system and I 18S6, Just thirty year., ago this monta city hail, an up-to date fire depart in fact it will be thlrtytwo years ment and alarm system, federal ,f..v k worked for another man i buildings, stone churches, St. An- the nrecedlng two years.. And In all thonys hospital this time I had what I may call one real vacation, and that was In the fall I of 1895 when I whs down sick with and I did no get Very The mo4 in"i nsiv gcis! made. Sur.ti-m quality (u instrument that can tci !jw d .,icc. be the, tvuhoid fever, and I did no to fee my place of business for nearly I three months. i -i ordered my first bill of goous new library, nata o- rlum, new depot, parks, eemeery im provement, woolen mills, sewer sys tem, levee Improvements. R'ewet: Harvester plant, O.-W. H N. ter minal at Rieih. railroad to Pilot Rock, seven steel bridges across the Uma--iHa river In and adjoining the citv. The MANUALO 77i Play mr-Piano that u AU Bvt Human The Inttmmtnt You Were Bom to Play The most fascinating, satisfactory and dependable player-piano the world affiwd ;. Gives you all the pleasure of playing the piano. Built at four diift-rent prices varying according to the grade of the piano. Com in, betr and trj in; tl thett superb instruments. Liberal tllowtnre for pianet tsxtn ia etchings. Delerred pafmenU WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE 814 Main Street Telephone 524 In December, 186. When I ordere.t I flouring mills, n'new, two wneai .k.. i rnmiwlliii in have somelvators, state hospital, and las, b" one help me. as I wn then unahle to master the new. unac.cus'omed lan- I piiage. a my early college training ! con-iste l of :wo years In a tannery. I which betian at the age of fittecn i years. i "' -"r " not h ast, the world's greatest Round up. "I have often Vongra'ubited myself on mv good fortune In locating in I'endle'on. the biggest town of Its rIzc APE CASTLE'S AID IN HIS BAR AT FRONT T"e? JIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIItllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIL i Room Goods RFXEIVE om SPBOAIi ATTENTION. We s re at all times equipp ed to supply your needs at shortest notice with practical first quality rubber goods. We sell the famous adver tised "KanUeek" Itaober Goods and guarantee utmost satisfaction and valus. Telephone orders from you, your nurse of phyalciaa re ceive our Instant attention. Deliveries are prompt anl eorrect dive us a trial i Tollman & Co. 1 Lesdinf Drugf ists finiiiiiiiniiiiiiiNiiiiiiimiiiiiiimtmwti. III XTINK (OYOTKn BV Al'TO WA lAItKt) CHEAT SlXlUT COlXHtADO SPRINGS Colo.. Dec 25. More than 100 coyote pelts have In en brought to this city in the last week by hunters who have adopted the new-fashioned method of chasing the animals over the prairie in auto mobiles. This sMjrt Is said to be more thril- PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells IIow To Open Clogged Nos trils sad End Uead-Colds. You feel fine In a few moments. Tour cold in head or catarrh will be gone Tour clogged nostrils open. The sir passages of y ior head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous dtvharg es or dryness; no struggling for breath a night. Tel your druggist you w.vit a small bottle ef Ely's Cream Palm. Apply a little of this fragrant, anti septic cream In your nostrils, let H penetrate through every air pussare of the held; soothe and heal tie' swol len, Inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes Instantly. It la Just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs. Don't siaj stuffed-tip and miserable. ling than fox hunting with hounds, and men who have bevn chasing the coyote for years say that it is the only successful means of killing the flet f'Oted pests. In some instances the animals have been chased across coin try for ten miles before being brouuhi down. The sport was originated by t.'iny Wolf, an automobile man and sports man of this city. Every Sunday 'par ties are organized for the chase. Kx tenslve hunts have been arranged for Christmas and New Year's day and a score or more of auto psrtles will be out. Aviat.r, m Da wit, Plans to Scrv, AmcTM-an Dr'nks, Hut Not publicity. wii-xox crvKs si.soo moke. 'PARIS. Dec. 23. Vernon Castle ha opened a private American bar, with the latest New York cocktails and ap pe; users, at the Rr.tish front, anl he says he is going to teach a mon key he has just bought as a mascot to do his bit as a bartender. ("as le, once dancer, now hi a lieu- : tenant in the Royal British Flying i Corps, and is in Paris to obtain a fast j French flying machine. He has Jus. , been promoted to operating a singl? i seated aeroplane on defensive patrol work, after destroying a German ma ! chine last week. i "This Is my firs: vacation since last ' May," said Castle. "I have been pi ; luting machines for all departments I from photographers, bombers, artll. j lery fire regulators and every thing ' Brussels is the longest flight I've Helps Make fiood Deficit of Demo, i made.-1 mule t umtmlim Committee. WASHINGTON, Dec. 25. Presi dent Wilson is the latest notable enn- "l(tributor to the fund being raised bv popular subscription to pay off the deficit Incurred by the democratic na tional committee in the recent cam paign. Wilbur W. Marsh, treasurer of the committee, has received from the president ttie following letter: "I do not waut to be left out in the work of paying the deficit In the cam laign funds which you and your as sociates are working so unselfishly to make ood. I therefore beg that you will let me contribute, and take plea sure in Inclosing my check for two thousand five hundred dollars ($2. 500. This Is the president's second con tribution to the fund, he having sent a check for a like amount six weeks before the election. Order Your Coal NOW . K ' It's a keep warm insurance against the cold weather. The cold "days this winter will tell you whether the Coal, with which you're filling your bins, will give the comfort and satisfaction you ex pected. To escape re grets it's wise to re member that it's the heat producing qualities in coal that count. You can get LONGEST BURNING, GREATEST HEAT-GIVING by ordering your coal from us. i Si MM. N'J The first clear day Castle says he is going to drive his new machine back to the front with the monkey as a passenger He wanted to have a Hon cub, like most of the other American aviators, as his mascot, but lion cubs are hard to find in Paris. "But the monkey will help In my bar," he said. "Get the wet gnodi sent from home and ice from Saint Omer. Now. don't write any hero stuff about me." DI KE WHO WOKKFD WAV BACK TO WAR TO VKI AMERICAN WOMAN. Im Dead at St ape Door. NEW YORK, Dec. 22. Just as the curtain went up last night at the Ful ton theai'er on "The Master." Robert M. Rogers, fifty-three, an actor, fell In the snow at the stage door. He had visited the theater to see actor friends. His wife, formerly Louise Macln o.h. called pedestrians to help her lift him. Thev found he was dead. (letting up to see the sunrise is slimr. Douglas of Polyclinic hospital, very well from an aesthetic point of j ,Hid death was due to heart failure, view, hut thee cold mornings ore -1 The body was taken into the theater, reriences mote satisfartion In ge'tii gl Mr. Rogers, who played mostly Ir up to gaze reverently on a pile of Frohman and Relasco productions, in mviking flapjacks ' j sisted for eight years on Joint engage- j ments for himself 'and his wife. They Europe is huving nil kinds of trou. ; have been rehearsing wi!h Julia Ar ble except guerrilla fighting. j thur's company. t ft I - -1. 4y I - V- X f f Z ' ' J - - Vf ; . ,V-jSi v , ' 'T I . . ; Sak-PETEI? MAPTIW NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Friends here are interested today jn the reported engagement of Mrs. Lily Martin, widow of Peter A. Martin and daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oelrichs, to Duke Henry Borwin xu Mecklen burg, a nephew of the reigning Duke of Mecklenburg. I , Ti tat ntBrt-gowC 9M 4. fttiftftf imMf Ca!:fr-r.ia isdelighiful the 7?"'$?" you may go via the SALi LAKE ROLTE, r-turnnigJrom LosArgcles,asyou wish, by palatial steamer or limited train, or r""V ' ' , Ca'.l upon, or write the representative of IjfllOfl PACIFIC SYSTEM mm Ik .1 til 9 aiatd below, and the rest win be done for you. T. F. O BFtlEX, .tsent Iend!et.jn. Oregon. i VI , - tar - s - i v 4" a .J3 three months, has leased the barber shop of Bert Mullins on Bridge street and will take charge of the business on January 1. 1917. Mr. Mullins will soon go to Midvale, Idaho, where he has a farm which he expects to tilL Chas. Cameron has moved to the Twig Teel place on the Meadows. His children have Just returned from a five months visit to their grand mother who lives at Harrington Wash., and will start to school in Echo after the holidays. J. O. McCoy has sold his entire herd of stock cattle to a dealer from Bend. Ore. Wm. Futter of Ia Crosse, Wash., has purchased a number of work horses for his farm work from the Meadow farmers. John Brooks and family have fust arrived from Tacoma and taken charge of the t'nthank farm on the Mea dows, Mr. Brooks brought a carload of choice Holstein cows and Intends to run a dairy. Charles 0. Young is home from the Willamette University to spend th holidays with his parents. WHEAT CROP SECOND LARGEST of 740,000 to 4,214,000 acres. IU con dition, 'oo. Is below average. The poor condition of wheat and rye la ascribed mainly to laite planting. SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast ECHO XfilAS TREE IS SUCCESS AS PIN WALL SUES FOR DIVORCE vs. Why go elsewhere? See us for ROCK SK COM. LUMP OR NUT. Good dry fir, yellow and black pine. Dry SLabwood that it dry. All wood comes either four foot or sawed. B. L. BURROUGHS Telephone S r y-'tv 'f. .' ', ..m3.,Ta.V' v - r, JMjeS ELIZABETH ASPINVAMV. KENi.i, IV. 22.--The colony of sened with a summons issued by the easterner!, here today learned that i p' Jer!,ey cour's In a suit he brings Lloyd Asplnwall. of a New Torn family prominent socially, has caused his W'fe, Eltaabe h Asplnwall, to be lor divorce on grounds of Infidelity. He name, a wealthy New York busi ness man, married, and the futher of two children, as corevpondent. FIVE HUNDRED PEOPLE ATTEND EXERCISES IN THE CITY H ALL. BarlHTstmp Under New Management; Other News and Social Notes of In terest to the Community, (East Oregonian Special.) ECHO, Dec. 25. The municipal Christmas tree held in Echo's new city hall Saturday night was attend ed by about five hundred people. A treat was given to every child present. C. G. Mann formerly of Portland who has been in Echo for the past To feel as fine as the provei ; fiddle, we must keep the liver vash e ('ean, almost every momiaj. t . prevent iu sponge-like pores from clnrging, with indiges ible maieritiV sour bile and poisonous toxins, says 4 noted physician. If you get headaches, it's your fiver. , If you catch cold easily, it's your 11- j er. If you waketup, with a bad taste. I! Prospects, furrej tongue, nasty breath or stom ach becomes rancid, It's your lira". Sallow skin, muddy complexion, wa tery eyes all denote liver unclean!!- -ness. Tour liver is the mst import- -ant. also the most abused and neglect ed organ of the body. Few know- its. i ' CHICAGO, Dec. that the heavy European demand for grain will continue have led Amen can farmers this fall to plant the sec ond largest acreage of wheat In the nation's history, according to the es timate of the department of agricul ture announced itoday. poor weath?r i function or how to release the dro- conditions. however, have sent the med-un bodv waste, bile end toxirac crop into winter dormancy J per cent below Its condition a year ago and 4 5 per cent below the ten year average. The total wheat acreage reported Is 40,090,000, an increase of 887,000 acres over the fall of 1915. In 1914 the record acreage of 40.452 was planted. The increase lri niinois acreage this year was S per cent The rye acreage shows an increase Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tbej cannot reach the seat of the disease. C tarrh Is local disease, greatly Influence by constitutional conditions, and lo order tr rnre It yon most take an Internal remedy Halls Catarrh Cnre Is taken Interns 1 1) and acts thro the blood on the ra neons sor faces of the system. Halt's Catarrh t'nr was prescribed by one of the best physlcl ans In this country for years. It Is com posed of some of the best tonlos known combined with some of the bM bloof pnrlflers. The perfect combination of th Ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Cure Is wha' produces such wonderful results In catarrhs conditions. Send for testimooials. free F. 1. CHENKY A CO., Props., Toledo, O All Druggists, Tr. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Most folks resort to violent calomel, which Is a dangerous, sallvat'n; chemical which can only be used ov casionally because it accumulate tab the tissues, also attacks the bone. Even- man and woman, sick o well, should drink each morning he, fore breakfast, a glass of hot wat-r with a teaspoonful of limestone) phosphate in it to wash from the liv er and bowels the previous day's In digestible material, the poisons. soj bilo and toc'-s: thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the en'Ire alimentary cannl before putting more) food Into the Jtomnch. Limestone phosphate does not re f'ict the diet like calomo', became) .t can not salivate, for it Is harmless and you can eat anything s fterward"!. It is inexpensie and almost tasteless., and any pharmacist will sell you s quarter pound, which is su.'flclent for a demonstration of how hot water end limestone phospha'e cleans, stim ulates and freshens the liver, keep ing; you feeling fit day in and da out. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY INSURANCE AND LAND BUSIXES.- BENTLEY & MONTGOMERY. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. AUCTIONEERS. COL W. F. YPHNKA, AUCTION eer, makes a spcialty of farmers shirk and machinery sales, "The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonian office. SECOND HAND DEALERS. v7 ST It 0 RLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices, 219 E. Court street Phone 271W. ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH, ARCHI tect. Despaln " Building. Phone 768. Pendleton. Oregon. DOCTORS. DR. S. A. ROE PRACTICE Un ited to the eye. ear, nose and throat. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 6, and by ap pointment. Suite 11, Judd Bldg. ATTORNEYS. JOHN W. HUFF. ATTORN EY-AT-Law. Room S, American Nation al Bank building. FREDERICK ney at law. ford building. STEIWER. ATTOR Offlce In Smith-Craw- RALEY 4 RALEY. ATTORENYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at Uaw. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and eoatracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. FEE & FEE, ATTORENYS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER 4 SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PBRRT. ATTORN BW AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON ft BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILBT. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms, 7, an.l 9, Dee pain building. a A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY ANO counsellor at law. Office In De spaln building. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. T. FROWN'S FURNITURE STOHR Funeral director and licensed eio balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. fVu responded to day or ninht Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone) S. JOHN S. BAKER. FI NER L Dl rector and licensed embalrner. Op posite postofflce, Funerul parlor, two funeral cars. Culls responded to day or night Phone 75. MONTANA FARM LAMlH. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAITWA Lands In eastern Montana at !!.( to 18 per acre. Suitable for farmlns) or graslng. Easy terms. For Inform nation write or see W. E. Huh, Ulleo City, Montana.