East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 26, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I llvjiE
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tin fit liifi
World's Foremost Artist in the Supreme Art Attainment of Motion Pictures.
There will be a clev
er Cartoon Comedy
for the Kiddies
Special music on the Pastime's
$5000.00 Photo Player Pipe Organ.
A fitting testimonial of the appre
ciation Pendleton picture lovers
have for this beautiful organ is an
increase of about 1-3 in attendance
since its installation.
A picturesque story of modern
India, in which Miss Pickford as a
little English castaw ay has develop
ed a brand new characterization of
intense power, mellowed by all the
sweet and adorable qualities which
have given her such a tremendous
and devoted following among the
atre i,roers.
" Less Than the Du&t" has been
given the stamp of approval by Pen
dleton Family Film Day Committee.
Youth's Haling Charms
Mary Miles
Minter in
Also Helen Holmes in Sensational play
"Lass of the Lumberlands"
Motion Picture News!
W bill (be Picture Theaters Have,
to Tell Too.
Mary IMckford In "Ie Than
Uut" at Uio Pastime Today.
Mary pickfurd promises a surprise
when her newest llay, "Le-s Than
l he Dut." Is presented today at the
Pastime. She will lie revealed in a
Character which rives full nln fnr
all the magnetism of personality and
anility as an actress which have made
ner iaunrui ronowing countless, du.
she will be seen In a spectacular
frame entirely foreign to her previous
efforts and one that will not suffer
by comparison with any of the ambi
tious multiple-reelers thai have been
produced In the last few years.
Imagine Mary pickford In a char
acter pathetic, exhuberant, heroic.
That is the opportunity given In "Le9
Than the Duai." She will he sur
rounded by a cast of nearly f :fty prin
cipal players and hundreds of extras
were used In the stirring battle en
smbeles. And yet In all this spec.
tads it is said, Mary Pickford never
lose her grip on the main theme
which, ad'er all, is the presentation
of this popular star as her legions of
admirers want to fee her. So "Less
Than the Dust" Is typically Mary
Pickford and yet goes even farther
than that in yielding to the popular
demand for tremendous effects. Thus
does Mary Pickford keep abreast of
the times.
"Les. Than the Dust" entirely apart
from the new field which the star
invades, offers another interestlnii
point fr discussion. Hector Turnlml
credits his Inspiration for the plot to
I-aurence Hope's poem which is In
cluded in nix "India's Love Lyrics."
A cartoon comic for the kiddies Is
also on the program and Mary pick
ford has seen 'o It that ea' h chil 1
coming to see her picture will get a
Christmas rememhrance. Admission
Adults 15c. chldren fc.
"Less Than the Dust'' has been ap
proved by the Family Film Day com-mi'tee.
Sb Advertising in Brie!
Per line first Insertion 10
per Hue, additional uuertlua.... M
lVr line, per mouth 11.00
No lwl Uk'u for leu tbta Ibc
Count ordinary wunli to line.
Ih-hIh will not be taken over the
trleph'me eirent from teat Oregon
lac paid up ubscrlbvn.
Furnished aptm's. 717 Lllleth.
For rent Furnished hou.seJieepln
rooms. 114 Stonewall Jackson.
Second hand doors and windows
for sale. Joe Murphy, 213 W. Alia.
Wm. (Joedecke auto for hire. Phone
!89M. Mangier Cigar Store. Tel. 464.
I haul your garbage and trash.
Phono r,53M. 1403 W. Itallioad st.
por rent Furnished rooms for
gentlemen. 8 T. this oftoe.
Famished and uiifnmb hed houses
for rent Bee O. W. Coutts.
Books audited, office work and
correspondence handled by hour or
day, reasonable. Phone 208W.
For sale Furnture, four room
house not modern, cheap rent. Phono
Wanted Competent girl for gen
eral housework. Call mornings, ill
Jefferson or phone 66S.
Woman wanted as waitress. For In
formation write or phone Hotel Her
mlston, Ilermiston, Ore.
Pendleton Hair Dressing Parlors,
Pendleton Hotel building. Phone 45.
Bnrley too high for feed. See Bly
denfteln, 117 R. Court Phone JB for
oats by car lots.
If your chimney or furnace needs
cleaning call I. C. Snyder. Phone
For sale Eight-room house, hot
water heat. Inquire Huford Butler
at Otto Hohharh's Bakery.
I). B. Waffle auto for hire. Phona
2MM. Stand. Charles Co.. Phone 7.
Call I'enland Bros, van to move your
household goods. Telephone 339. Also
j baggage transferring and heavy haul
For sale About 600 tons of al
falfa hay, 2000 sacks of barley, fee.)
lots and mangers, ready to feed beef
cattle C. P. Bowman. Echo, Ore.
Mattress making, furniture repair
ing, upholstering, called for and deliv
ered, city or country. La Dow Bros.,
219 Beauregard. Phone 22" J.
Prnnint automobile taxi service.
day Hiid night Funerals to cemetery
only 13. GO, Phone 6S0. Hotel M
George. Carney Taxi Co.
For sale Emerson piano, used
short time but good as new. A fln
Xmaa present. Can be bought very
reasonable. Raker Furniture Store.
Rooming house for sale. Main
street. In center of business district.
Doing good business. Inquire of Pen
land Bros.
For sale Five room house, east
Court street Desirable location, clos
to school. A genuine bargain. Foi
particulars address R. C Jory, Mail,
pin. Ore.
Call i s
for the best Rock Springs Lump Coal.
Oregon Lumber Yard. Adv.
Autc nag,
For Adams. Athena and Weston
eaves Hennlng'i Cigar Store at 10 a
n. and 3:30 p m. each day. Adv.
We are now getting a supply of the
best Rok Springs Lump Coal. We
have also Slab Wood. Fir and Tam
arack cord wood. Call Oregon Lum
ber Yard Adv.
Wheat farm for Sale.
710 a res good whea,' land in Uma
tilla county. J25 per acre If sold soon
Address p. o. Box 132. Manfleld. Ore.
Home Conking.
at the Golden Rule Cafe. All white
help. Regular meals 25 cents. Adv
.1ut lleeolved.
Shipment of the best Lignite Lnmr
Coal which we are Belling at 18.63
per ton. Oregon Lumber Yard.
Christmas is Over
but still we must live
If Santa tapped jour pnrkptlMMtk pretty In!. Ue priecH
will look pod to you.
Conroy's of Course
( ItANItliltltll'.K. 2 quarts ir
I, K.ST ORANGES, largo nlwi do. 3.V, extra large doi. 4c
SpiltlH. 100 IKHIIIllH -5
llalsltis, package 'c
Currant. 2 packages ;Vc
Kenllivw Sultana ltalslim. 3 pounds "'
I'vaiMiraKd Apricots. Minnils
Pink nnil Hod Mexican Beans, pound '
Heud III". 3 isiunds
(standard Tomatoes IVan and Beans, ran le
Pork and Beans, No. 1 -ans, 2 for
Pork and Beans. No. 2 cans, each
Centennial lnneako Hour 2!Vc
Olympic Pancake Hour J00
Peacock Buckwheat
Carnation Milk, can tll) 'I
Krlnklo Corn Hakes, 3 for
Bert KhrlmW, 2 for
UM CABIN RYRl'P, qnnrt 43c; ft gal, 70r; 1 gal. fl.35
Can yon beat It?
I'VIs Nnptlia Koa. always o
Bob W liKfl SoJip, 6 for 1
finytlen. Catsup a5! a fo'
(.lUlon Hrkles. sweet
Msx-ennnil and SMMthettl, S pound box 40"
Mwwronl and H)glie4tl, 5 11). box
AtteniJon Moowe.
All memliers and uninitiated candi
dates will note that on Wednesday
evening next, December 27 at 7:30
o'clock a class will be Initiated. Pos
itively no waj'ing for candidates. Fol
lowing the Initiation a leap year danc
will be given and feed by Gibson's
t"am for ail Moose families or ladv
friends. Signed. COMMITTER
Try Kvrele Bros.
Pure apple cider, gallon l'!s, 25c:
dressed chickens and California cel
ery. Good goods and quick service
Phone 334 Adv.
In the ni"rt-t Ornrl of the T'n!tod
State for the District of Oregon.
In the Matter of John P. Redmond.
Margaret P. Redmond. Bankrupt'
To the Creditors of John P. Red
mond and Marearet P. Redmond
of Pendleton, in the County ot
Cmatllla and District Aforesaid.
Notice Is hereby given that on the
23rd day of November. A. D. 1916,
the s:ild John P. Redmond, and Mar
garet Redmond, were duly adjudicat
ed bankrupts, and that the first nice
Ing of their creditors will be held at
the office of the undersigned referee
In Bankruptcy, nt Pendle on, Pmatll
la County, (iregnn. on January', the
Sth, A. D. 1917. at 10 o'clock a. m. o'
said day. at which time and place the
Cred 'tors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a Trustee, examine
he Bankrupts and transact such oth
er business as may properly come be
fore the said meeting.
Pone and dated at Pendleton. Ore
gon, this 23rd day, of December, A
D. 1!1.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
MTA Tbbijh
Spendthrifts and all others will be
interested in seeing the
Peerless Mme. PETROVA
A Metro wonderplay of supreme power in 5 wonderful acts
ROBERT & ROBERT, Man and His Dog in a Dandy Sketch "A TRUE FRIEND.
Are You Hxtratagaut'.' Take Warn
ing; from Sow Petruva Picture.
Are you extravagant? Are your
expenses greater than your income?
they are, what will become of you anJ
the loved ones in the future?
All of he.se questions are .strikingly
answered in the gnat Metro-ropular
Plays and Players production, "Ex
travagance,' with Mme .Petrova as
the star, which will be seen here at
the Alia Theater on Tuesday and
The play deals wi:h a fa her and
1i:b daughter who fetter themselves
by their own extravagance. The fath
er commits forgery. The daughter
suitor, an estimable man, is dragged
Into the maelstrom of financial ruin.
From beginning to end the play is
a powerful lesson, and It is filled with
dramatic situations.
Probably no other tar could have
thrown Into the part of Norma Rus
sell, the daughter, more realism than
has Mme. Pe'rova. who held a high
social position in England and there
was enable d to observe the extrava
gance of many titled folk. In Amer
ica, too, she encountered extrava
gance among society people, whos
real wealth probably could nof oe
reckoned in more than four figure..
Yet these social spendthrifts were
struggling desjtera'.ely to maintain
what they considered a "position of
prominence"' among multi-million
"Extravagance-' is one of the ma-t
powerful motion picture dramas of
the season. Does the le-'son found in
It apply to you? e it and give your
ow n answer.
li" n ill I HrllnJ
A beautiful story of love and hate, featuring THE BURNING OF AN ENTIRE DOCK
AND A BIG SHIP Showing the big harbor boat s. work.
In Onions There is Strength
tion which will be seen at the Cosy
theater on Tuesday and Wednesday,
is the burning of a whole dock and
ship that belong to John Bradley. Jt
ril.MIXO I1I1K rX!
measure Just to make the Mm a sue
Just how George attained the effeo:
is a mystery, as he refuses to dlvlge
the secret, but the fact remains that
he has produced one of the most real
istic fire scenes on record. He secure,
real dock and at night in some way
managed to have lights arranged so
that they seem to glare with all the
ghastly reality of a real fire. The fire
boars are there and the crowds and.
in short, there has been nothing omit
ted to carry' out the effect in all its
gruesome detail.
Take ldtlto Tip frUm bo Pinl, the
Ktilnvl. the pni and the
WASHINGTON nee. 26. The nub.
llf Vientlh Krvln. which has been
gathering statistics on nervous dis
eases and other tendencle to Morten
life, today issued a bulletin against
worrying. Says the government bulletin:
So far as is known, no bird ever
tried to build more nests than Its
neighbor. No fox ever fretted be
cause he had only one hole in which
to hide No squirrel ever died of anx
ie'y let he should not lay up enough
nuts for two winters instead or one,
unit nn rioir ever Ictfft anv sleen OVCT
the fact that he did not have enough
bones laid aside Tor his declining
No self-respecting man cares to
make love to a girl who makes love
to a pug dog.
The climax of "The Heritage of
Hate.'' a Red Feather feature produc
ts the culmination of the ruin that
has been planned so carefully by his
illegitimate child and it breaks him
entirely. Director Burton George de
serves a great deal of credit for th
way that he has handled this very
difficult scene. He could not get a
picture of an actual fire, as thers
would nut be enough light to photo
graph the conflagration with the de
sired effect. Besides, no one was
kind enough to bum up a ship or v
and a few docks thrown in for good
A Iiig Western Drama at. the Templv
Today and Tomorrow.
Two Triangle favorites are co-starred
in "Jim Grimsby's Boy." which
will be feen at the Temple theaur to-
I day and tomorrow. They are Frank
I Keenan and Enid Markey. The play
j is said to be one of the most unique
: and interesting that the Triangle
I Kay Eee studios have turned out.
Keenan has the part of a rough, rag
j ged gold miner who wants a son
I and wha-e wife dies in giving him a'
daughter. Enraged at face's trick, he,
tries to raise the girl as a boy,, but :
'girls is girls." as father has to learn
before the picture is over. Robert
McKim has a prominent role in the!
play. There is also a good Keysrone
comedy which will manufacture'
Frank McOuruIl, Pendleton Man, anof
Fred Crabue of Sitlt Lake W ill
Fight at Oregon Theater.
','.-r I WW
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fa ViattthtoaslasMMiBlrflifjtggWg
CHICAGO. Dec. 26 A fifty cent a
ton advance in coal set Special Assist
ant Attorney General Chilis in charge i
of the fe-deral coal inquiry' busy nunc
moning dealers to his office to explain
the cause of th advances.
Tendleton'a sport calendar of 1911
is to be opened with a high euia,
wresling match on January 3, betweea
Frank JlcCarroll of thia city, who be
sides being a topnotcb wrestler and ,
boxer, is the champion bulldossw of
the world, and Fred Crabbe, of Suit
Lake, reputed to be one of the be-l
grapplers of his weight in the coun
try. The winner is to have the privil
ege of meeting Yokel, the. Peunsyl.
vnia whirlwind.
The match is to be staged in th
Oregon theater under the directioa
of Ray JlcCarroll, brother of Frank.
iioCarroll has been training hard foe -several
weeks and is in prime condi
tion. He will weigh in at 15.
Crabbe's weight is between 158 and.
165. crabbe recently wreetied Yokel,
lor four hours and 2S minutes with
out either getting a fall. Yokel is now
at Beaver Falls, Penn., training for
his bout with the winner of the match
McCarroil will work out every even,
ing between 7 and 9 at the Jost gym
nasium and will be glad to meet any
local wrestlers. Anyone is welcome i
watch his workouts.
If time is money that of some men
must be lead nickels.
Occasionally a man on the down
ward path is traveling in the opp isit
Jas. B. Welch, Mgr
Tuesday and Wednesday
Mary Pickford, who s"red the hisses t lilt of her remarkable ener in
"Ia'ss Than the Dust,1' at the slinie yeu-rdiiy. Toilay Is her fnnl
Do you like a gripping story about roujfh
and rugged raountiiinet'rs? A thrilling
tale of life in a gold country'.
Seldom has there been a story so thor
oughly interesting so well told and so well
acted. You'll enjoy every minute of it.
Adult15c Children 5c